Ironsides Family/Hades/Mission Rotherthorpe

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Mission to Rotherthorpe

A chronicle of the conversion of the people of Rotherthorpe to the faith of the Way of the Warrior Saints, as recorded by Archon Minor Hades Ironsides.

Early autumn (the 14th of September), Priest Hades Ironsides departed his home region of Menedor to begin the Mission to Rotherthorpe. After news that Viscount Relkin was receptive to the Way of the Warrior Saints, Hades journeyed through Minas Ithil to begin converting the peasants.

Hades passed through Windham and Cantervern before arriving in Rotherthorpe to begin his mission. When he arrived he described the region as such, “Rotherthorpe is a chilly region, with light but frequent rainfall. While flat, the ground is rocky and the abundance of rocks is the source of the low rock walls that line the roads throughout the region. The main road from York to Leohampton sees heavy traffic but the rest of the region is fairly quiet.” He was enchanted by the region immediately, and parts of it reminded him of Menedor.

The major faith of Rotherthorpe at the time was Magna Serpaensism. Hades was determined to change that. To begin Hades arranged for private sermons with the Viscount. It became apparent that because Hades was not an elder of the faith, he would be unable to convert the Viscount properly, so they decided to take a pilgrimage to the temple of Menedor to induct Viscount Relkin. It was a fine ceremony, reverent and holy.

Before they departed from Rotherthorpe, our Priest was attacked in the night by a treacherous swine. Assassination was the word of the day, as Hades was not the only Warrior Saint priest targeted.

The pilgrimage began after Viscount Relkin finished his business and rallied in Shanandoah, then departed for Menedor. Priest Hades travelled through Dunstoke, Cheltebourne and Lyton before he arrived in his home region. Briefly visiting these regions, he found them all to be well tended to and lush, though dominated by Magna Serpaensism.

This is what transpired when they both arrived in Menedor on the 24th of September:

Roleplay from Hades Ironsides

Hades entered the temple of Menedor with reverence and awe. It had been a while since he was home, and his absence caused him great longing. Finally, he returned from his mission to Minas Ithil, but only for the moment.

At the point of his departure from Rotherthorpe, he had left the region still at the tip of conversion, with only six percent of the population following the way. It was tough the last few days, most of the people were ignoring him because of his over enthusiasm. Perhaps the trip was good for everyone.

Hades began to make the necessary preparations for Viscount Relkin. Soon he would be here and a formal ceremony would convert him to our faith. What a joyous success for the faith. There was still much to do, and the mission in Rotherthorpe was not complete.

What a joy the faith of the Warrior Saints brings to one who follows it.

Hades Ironsides (Priest of The Way of the Warrior Saints)

Roleplay from Relkin Sypher

Viscount Relkin enters the temple in Menedor. Despite its small size, the temple was impressive on the inside. Asking for the Priest Hades, Relkin waits patiently.

Relkin Sypher

Viscount of Rotherthorpe

Roleplay from Hades Ironsides

Priest Hades began the ceremony to initiate Viscount Relkin into the faith.

He detailed the beginning stories of the faith, the Holy Cataclysm, the creation of the Warrior Saints, Man's Order and Kingship, then warned of the Second Awakening.

He then explained the tenants and the ways to follow the Saints in our lives to ensure we maintain Order.

Relkin had agreed to all that was asked, and participated in the rituals and rights of the faith. The congregation then welcomed him as a brother.

Hades made his final statement,

"Viscount Relkin of Rotherthorpe, it is a great pleasure and an honour to receive you into the faith. May your path to spiritual fulfillment, and to obeying the requirements of the Saints give you a place in safety the day the Sleeping Father awakes and obliterates all of creation. Welcome my friend."

Hades Ironsides (Priest of The Way of the Warrior Saints)

Both men returned to Rotherthorpe, one to continue his mission, the other carrying with him a newfound faith. The Viscount’s conversion was the highest success of the Mission so far, with more great achievements to come.

A week after the conversion on the first of October, in his grace and piety, Viscount Relkin constructed the first temple of the Way of the Warrior Saints in Rotherthorpe. It was a celebrated occasion, and solidified the work of the mission.

Not long after, Hades began to find Rotherthorpe his home, and though he was a loyal proud knight of Count Ronan of Menedor, he accepted the offer of Viscount Relkin to become his vassal. Along with the move, Hades was promoted to Archon Minor in the hierarchy of his faith.

Sine then, Hades has been dedicated in converting the peasants of Rotherthorpe, and at last check (the 31st of October) 1870 people were followers of the true Way, putting the faith at 34% of the population.

How blessed Archon Minor Hades is for his accomplishments, and all glory and favour of the Saints are due to Viscount Relkin and his unhindered faith.

May the Saints lend you favour dear readers,