Melhed/History/Age of Reason/Four Kingdoms

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Revision as of 15:27, 1 November 2006 by Omar the Scribe (talk | contribs) (formating mostly)

The Four Kingdoms

And the rulers
Republic of Melhed - Aldo Unti
Kingdom of Old Grehk - Vagabond Cheung, Xeth'ranis Leung, Pholtus, Lorgan
Kingdom of Thalmarkin - Lemon Tree, Julma Jaune Cosula
Kingdom of Valentia - Kokomaro Rogala

The Idea
The 4 kingdoms treaty is a pact of brotherhood and friendship against the hardships of the world. It was built upon the foundations of cooperation, trust, and mutual benefit. Each of our four kingdoms agreed to stand back to back as equals against the trials we might face knowing that no matter the danger others were there to offer aid.

The Result
melhed-icon.png Four Kingdoms Treaty

Unofficial Results
Open Boarders - all members of the 4 kingdoms may move freely between each others nations