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Revision as of 18:50, 13 August 2008 by Indirik (talk | contribs)

Fortifications give a defensive bonus to the defender side of a battle, and can be the deciding factor between victory and defeat. They can be overcome and damaged by enemy siege equipment. They can also be damaged by enemy troops occupying a region using the raze fortifications command, and conversely repaired by region lords.

There are several levels of fortifications, each with progressively stronger defenses and more expensive to construct:

  • Level 1: Palisades
  • Level 2: Motte and Bailey (Can only be built in townsland, city, and stronghold regions.)
  • Level 3: Keep (Level 3 and stronger fortifications are available in city and stronghold regions only.)
  • Level 4: Stronghold
  • Level 5: Fortress
  • Level 6: Citadel (Can no longer be built in cities, possible to maintain already existing ones. These can still be built in strongholds.)

A fortification can be reduced in level through sufficient damage. It is possible to reduce one fortification level in a large battle.

Note: It used to be possible to build Level 1 and 2 fortifications in rural and badlands regions also, so some of these regions may have existing fortifications that were built under old rules. Existing fortifications in these areas will remain, but new fortifications may no longer be built, and existing fortifications cannot be improved. If a rural or badlands region has existing fortifications, they are permanently lost if destroyed.