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Template:Infobox Regions

The Northern Plains

The Horse Clans roam throughout most of Lantzas' northern plains and hills. Although they have now been brought under the authority of the local lord, travelers are advised to be careful. For many years the horsemen have practiced banditry; now they are learning more lawful arts, but that does not mean that some do not have the urge to return to their wicked ways.

The Eastern River

The river, and the roads that cross Lantzas, give the region a certain degree of trading importance. Remton, Akanos and Lasop would have difficulty finding alternate routes to the rich western cities. Many small market towns have sprung up, living off whatever falls off the cart on the way to more profitable locations.

Notable Locations

  • Castle Lantze - more of a fortified manor than a castle, Lantze is the Baron of Lantzas' seat of power.
  • Hall of Records and Healing - a well established healer hall with a well stocked library, containing records of practically every noble family in the Far East.


Lantzas was ruled by Rhathar Frostnova as part of Greater Aenilia. In the conflict that followed with Ethiala, Rhathar defected after becoming disgruntled with Aenilia's lack of effort to defend the region. After him came Elmindra Sands, who eventually, dissapointed with Ethiala's lack of effort to develop the region, defected to Lasanar. Ethiala swiftly reclaimed the region and put it under the care of Dren Kandurell, who shortly followed his Duke, Dieter de Blanc, to defect from Ethiala and form the realm of Kamador. A brief rebellion then reinstated Elmindra before Dren was once again made Baron. The peasants once more threw Dren out (who was far too honourable for a Lantzian) but accepted the appointment of his cousin, Euran Yetisbane who was raucous and devious in the truest traditions of the region. He promptly defected to Arcaea.
