Perdan (Realm)/PSF

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PSF Praetorian


Salus populi suprema lex

The safety of the people is the supreme law.

Welcome to the chronicles of the Praetorian! Here lies the known history of the Praetorian, the Perdan Strike Force.

The Praetorian emerged during a rather uneventful time in Perdan. The war for Oligarch's survival was raging, but peace remained in the south with Ibladesh. Caligus was fighting for its life in the east against Fontan, Coimbra, and Yassiria, and its hopes for survival were grim. Before the idea of the Perdan Strike Force came into being, Perdan's army was heavily intangled with that of Oligarch. Perdan had one massive army that was lumped together with that of Oligarch. I would not be the least surprised if this battlegroup was the largest the world has seen. Wariors from both nations fought bravely, but such a large force was difficult to manage, and the flow of information was enormous, even for the average troop leader. The council of Perdan decided that something must be done to deal with this problem and enable Perdan forces to fight independently and effectively, and this force needed to be capable of dealing with any threat Perdan faced. A council was held to deal with Perdan's need for an elite, independent army, comprised of the most loyal of nobles who were willing to fight for the people of Perdan and her allies. The Perdan Strike Force was born from this council. Lead by Blackknight, this unit became known as the Praetorian, the members of this battlegroup moved swiftly to accomplish whatever mission the council required of it, and a new mission quickly rose out of Akesh Temple.

In the east Caligus was fighting for its life, and Coimbra/Fontan forces had moved into the sacred Akesh Temple to establish a forward base of operations. From there devastating attacks could be made into Caligus, and it also opened a wide door into Perdan's fertile farm lands. It was on these grounds high in the mountains where the air is thin and the walls high that the Praetorian would prove themselves worthy of any foe. Blackknight and the Praetorian emerged on the steps of the great fortress just before dawn, prepared for the fight of their lives and they were not dissappointed. The Praetorian outnumbered there foes by but a little and faced high walls, but these odds only managed to boost the deterimation of the men. The cavalry were sent to the rear and orders quickly given for the infantry to charge the gates and raise their ladders with seige equipment only a few steps behind. Despite a storm of arrows coming from the skies, the Praetorian quickly moved to the walls and breached into the inner grounds of the great temple. Once inside a great fight began that shook the very foundation of the mountains. The enemy fought hard and brave, but in the end the Praetorian could not be stopped, and after hours of grueling combat the temple was ours! From there the Praetorian quickly moved to support Caligus and chase Coimbra and Fontan back to their homelands.

As the war raged on more and more nobles joined the ranks of the Praetorian and it quickly became the main fighting force of Perdan. As time went on its commander, Blackknight, slipped away into the rolling plains of southern Perdan to escape the horrors of war and a new commander took his place.....during the ensuing years the Praetorian accomplished much but its history is sketchy at best as new battlegroups were formed to serve Perdan and past allies became new enemies the needs of Perdan changed, as did the function of the Praetorian.

After many years and many commanders, the name Praetorian slowly faded from the ranks of the Perdan Strike Force, as did its nobles. Soon Perdan founds itself facing a new threat from both sides. Ibladesh and Itorunt, unable to deal with the great Perdan army, called for Sirion assitance to help slow their destruction. Sirion answered the call, and soon a large Elivish army was approaching Bescanon, and for the first time in decades, northern alliance forces stepped foot on Perdan soil. Despite the initial surprise, the great King Nightmare quickly reacted to the attack and the Perdan army prepared to launch an attack into Bescanon from the regions of Brive and Perdan City. The Sirion hordes quickly realized they had strayed too far from home to even hope for a victory and quickly retreated to the north. Meanwhile in the south, the old king and former Praetorian commander Blackknight emerged from the grasslands near Aix in the region of Dimwood, and once again offered Perdan his sword, and his life. In the ensuing days, as Perdan's armies marched south to again battle Ibladesh and Itorunt the very capable commander of the Perdan Strike Force, Sinebrychoff, was forced to step down for personal reasons. Blackknight soon found himself command the Praetorian once again, and as the battles in the south rage with an uncertain northern battleground, the Praetorian stand ready and eager to face the enemies of Perdan.....

Editor: Blackknight