Beluaterra/Third Invasion

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< Beluaterra
Revision as of 17:46, 17 July 2007 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (subpaging info)
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The Necromancer's Servants

Recently on Beluaterra, a group of commoners have appeared calling themselves the Necromancer's Servants. Little is known about them as yet aside from their names, and their patently absurd claims and ridiculous demands...

Monster Swarm

Like the Necromancer's Servants, the Monster Swarm has also sent an invasion force to Beluaterra searching for legendary artifacts of power.

The Netherworld

The daimonic forces of the Netherworld appeared on Beluaterra some time around June 24th, 2007. They speak an unintelligible language, and have attacked everyone they can find. They seem to have an affinity for mountainous regions, and have attempted takeovers of several of them.