Taselak (SEI)/Tribune/8th Edition

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Revision as of 18:52, 27 June 2007 by Habap (talk | contribs) (new article)
Taselak Tribune:
News from Glorious Taselak!
Price: Free for Taselakians,
5 coppers for everyone else
Editors: Dennis, Jet, Lynsey and others from Taselak! Issue Number: 8
Troops pile up along our borders, but we stand firm in the face of such might

Other Editions of the Taselak Tribune:
Special Editions:

April Toren Rebellion:

Tides shifting
27 June 2007 (Endelee) by Lynsey Habap
It appears that pressure on Taselak has eased as Ikalak appears to have tired of its half-witted ally, Toren. One expects that a long stand will be made in Toren Stronghold, but that they won't even have a shot at "finishing second". Must have been the ingenious moves made by Toren leaders earlier this month that turned their allies against them. Apparently, Ikalak tires of war and sees Toren as the main culprit - with plans on dispatching them promptly.
So much for the amended treaty
17 June 2007 (Taselak) by Lynsey Habap
As Eledrir was just taken by Ikalak from Toren, it would that either their leaders have come up with an even more ingenious path to victory or Ikalak has decided that the amendment didn't give them enough territory. One wonders if they plan on handing Eledrir back over to Toren once Taselak is forced to submit. It makes one wonder if Toren will, in fact, outlast Taselak. Maybe finishing third will now be the goal of the Toren brain-trust.
Toren lap dogs declare themselves ingenious
15 June 2007 (Endelee) by Lynsey Habap
In discussing the treaty amendment between Toren and Ikalak, the Toren Herald declared that giving Ikalak the right to take over Taselakian regions proves the resilience and ingenuity of Toren and her leadership.

According to the treaty, Ikalak is allowed to control 20 regions and Toren is assigned 22 regions. In the terms of the amended treaty, Ikalak can take over any region which Toren approves. Thus far, they have approved Ikalak taking 6 regions (one of which they ceded immediately to Toren in what Taselakian barristers refer to as a "highly irreguler manner"). Toren holds 12 regions, Ikalak 25. What genius!

Only a Yak would find such an imbalance to be fair. Though, to be honest, since Toren was never able to hold any regions before Ikalak started taking them for them, who can blame them? After all, it ensures that Toren reaches it's stated goal of finishing second all the quicker.

Guerilla war against Toren
9 June 2007 (Taselak) by Sennianus the Mad
Taselakian warriors continue to wage a guerilla-style war against the Torenites trying to take over Endelee and Seggelin. After Taselak City was occupied by Ikalakian troops, the Taselakian soldiers, unable to expel the occupying forces, ventured out of the city to prevent Toren from coming too close to the city, and with success. The takeover of Endelee was broken, and as this article is being written, the heroes of Taselak are harassing the takeover forces in Seggelin. Many Taselakian soldiers lay dead, many troop leaders are wounded or imprisoned, yet the Taselakians continue their fight.

The times are grim, but there is not one Taselakian willing to surrender just yet. All are united, determined to fight to the death if needed.