Aristoi Atamarism

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Aristoi Atamarism was founded in Washford on February 2nd, 2007 by Prophet Aeryn, Countess of Washford, Marshal of the Army of Suville. The followers of Aristoi Atamarism are referred to as the Aristoi, and their numbers grew quickly in their first few weeks. Many temples dedicated to Aristoi Atamarism were constructed in Abington in a very short period of time, most especially in the duchies of Suville and Narville. The temple in Suville was itself enlarged several times and has become the main temple of the Aristoi. New temples are being constructed regularly, and the priests of Aristoi Atamarism are welcomed throughout the realm of Abington.

Ecclesiastical Polity

Like most religions, Aristoi Atamarism has a rigid structure, however, the difference between each rank is not necessarilly a difference of authority, but rather of purpose. The only authority currently in practice is that of a Coregency between the Prophet and the High Priestess.

  • Elder Ranks
    • Prophet - Only the founder of Aristoi Atamarism can be the Prophet, and she serves as one of the two Regents.
    • High Priest(ess) - Only one person can be the High Priestess, and she serves as the other Regent, equal to the Prophet.
    • Elder - Any number of nobles can be an Elder, and they collective serve as the Advisory Council to the Coregency.
  • Member Ranks
    • Priest - Exclusive to all and only priest-class members.
    • Senior Temple Patron - Similar to the Temple Patron rank, except they have both built a temple and donated 300 gold.
    • Temple Patron - Similar to the Patron rank, except Temple Patrons have either built a temple or donated 300 gold to the treasury.
    • Senior Patron - Similar to the Patron rank, except Senior Patrons have donated at least 50 gold in addition to the monthly fee.
    • Patron - Assist the Aristoi by donating to the treasuries through a small monthly fee, called a tithe.
  • Aspirant Ranks
    • Follower - For those who believe in Aristoi Atamarism, but do not wish to contribute to its cause.

Religious Text

Aristoi Atamarism
Continent Atamara
Founder Aeryn Arete
Main Temple Suville, Abington
Temples 9
Followers ca. 40900 commoners
Noble Followers 21 nobles
Priests 4
Shrines 5
The Meter on display in the main Temple of the Aristoi, located in the heart of Suville.

The religious text of Aristoi Atamarism is ό Μέτριος (which translates into modern Abingtonian as "The Meter"), and it contains all the teachings of Aristoi Atamarism. While The Meter is a very esoteric text, all of the Aristoi agree that their number one priority is the general good and welfare of Abington and its people. In this, Aristoi Atamarism is unique, or at least a rarity, among the religions of the world, for they value their realm more than they do their own religion. Where most religions preach loyalty and obedience to their faith, the Aristoi preach loyalty and obedience to Abington. Another unique feature is that the Aristoi believe that all the nobles of Abington, regardless of their religious affiliation, are "chosen", whereas most other religions believe that only their own followers are. However, that does not mean the the Aristoi believe that Abington is the only realm of merit. Any realm that is allied with Abington is also valued by the Aristoi. On the other hand, any official state religion of a realm at war with Abington will automatically be considered evil by the Aristoi.


The Meter is divided into two testaments, each of which are further divided into four books (the last three books have not been translated yet). When the messiah comes, a third and final testament will be revealed.

  • The First Testament
    • The Book of Genesis - Introduces the four "gods", and accounts for the creation of the world.
    • The Book of Exodus - Continues the creation of the world, and accounts for the greatness of Abington.
    • The Gospel of Pragma - The knowledge given to the Abingtonians by Pragma, including the Commandment of Justice.
    • The Gospel of Kalos - The knowledge given to the Abingtonians by Kalos, including the Commandment of Harmony.
  • The Middle Testament
  • The Last Testament
    • The Last Testament is prophecized to be inspired by the gods upon the arrival of the Messiah. Since the Messiah has not presented herself yet, what is revealed in the Last Testament is still unknown.


The following nobles have written interpretations of The Meter. (Click on their names to view their interpretations.)

Aristoi Academy

Aristoi Academy, located on the coast of Suville, near the main temple of the Aristoi.

Aristoi Academy was begun by the Arylon brothers, Taran and Fisc, with the support and assistance of the Arete sisters, Aeryn and Averyll. Before becoming the Pontifex of Toren, Averyll was a successful mentor, many of whose students also rose to positions of prominance in her realm. Independent of anything her sister had done, Aeryn founded Aristoi Atamarism in Abington. Aeryn and the Aristoi believe that everyone, not just the Aristoi, have the potential for greatness, but that their potential can only be realized through proper education and experience. Later, Fisc followed in Averyll's footsteps and became a mentor in Toren, while Taran followed in Aeryn's footsteps and became a priest of Aristoi Atamarism. Together, Fisc and Taran realized that if they combined Aeryn's philosophy with Averyll's curriculum, they would have an extremely effective and efficient education system. Thus, Aristoi Academy was born. It's central facility is located in Suville, near the main temple of the Aristoi, but it's mentors can be found in many parts of the world.


  • Military Studies
    • Unit Management
    • Military Heirarchy
    • Unit Settings
    • Basic Combat Tactics
  • Fuedal Studies
    • Region Management
    • Realm Heirarchy
    • Taxes and Trade
    • Oaths and Allegience


While many mentors use the curriculum advocated by Aristoi Academy, the following mentors are part of its official faculty.