Patel Family

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 13:44, 18 October 2005 by Mcsporran (talk | contribs) (Removed Guild Cat - this is a family page)

Sir X202

Also known as the Sir Xiso, the eldest but not pure-blood royal - was adopted, hence lives life by the "handbook of nobility".

"The Hero!"

Sir Yeller

He was the born after let's say a lot of trouble... which reflected in his early sheltered life. He always chose the trodden path - but soon boredom set in and he chose a bit of an adventure. He decided to move to the New World (now, Belluaterra) at the fag-end of the first monster invasion... where he stuck on and is enjoying life even after surviving the second monster invasion... he surely has come a long way!

"The Buerocrat!"

Lady Gheros

She was born on a cool autumn day and bieng the youngest her life remain unchecked for most of her formitive years - hence her independent attitude.

Sir Qazel

"The one who fell prey to the dark side."

Related Information

Patel Family Intro

Patel Family Stats

Xiso Qazel Feud