
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 17:03, 11 December 2006 by Loren (talk | contribs) (Massive fame update)
Loren Schmidt
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I'm one of the oldest BM players. In fact if you look closely you'll see that the lowest ID number is Stuart's which is 10, I'm in there at 34 I believe, one before Tom. Those 1-9 player ID's were from when the game was paused before it was started again, and I'm almost positive I had one of them. Well I rejoined the game after it was started up again, I can't remember if it was GreyMouser, GreyCloakk, or even James Marshall who told me the game started again, but I came back. Since then I've played through changes that have literally redefined the game. I could tell you stories about how archers once were the best and only way to win. Or perhaps you'd love to be regaled with a tale of how Perdan and Oligarch were the bitterest of enemies, and Fontan and Sirion were at eachothers throat. Ubent, Ibladesh, and Itrount destroying Isadril (reborn as Yssaria). I've been on every continent at least once, and could point to several realms which I've Ruled over except two (colonies, and the souths). So yeah, I've got a long time in the game. I've lately decided to take a back-seat and let other people fight. Mostly due to time constraints of my own. Trust me it is probably for the better, seeing as how I have a pattern of completely changing my mind about something and warring old friends in the blink of an eye. For a personal history of my characters check out my family page Relak Family.


I can be reached at, often times I will reply, but generally unless I know you I doubt I'll even open your email. A better bet is to contact one of my characters in game.


In my attempts to find out where all my fame points have come from, I'll be going through the confirmed ones first. Offices - 12

  • Ruler - 6 (earned all)
  • General/Banker/Judge - 3 (earned all)
  • Lord - 3 (earned all)

Events - 11

  • Founded Guild - 2 (Vault Keepers Compact)
  • Family Investment - 1
  • Tournament Host - 1 (I've held several sucessful tournaments, in fact the highest prize was over 5k gold at one point)
  • Moved/Built Palace - 1
  • Mentor - 1 (~3 books written)
  • Executed Member - 1
  • Wealth - 2 (finally broke 5k)
  • Hero death - 1 (I honestly can't remember how many I got, but it was quite a bit, no more than four though. NOTE: I have only had one hero die so from what Tom has said this means it was only one, Lelnor possibly was 'legendary', but as the first to die, we'll never know.)
  • Killed A Man - 1 (Norel of ASI, killed Richard of Abington in a duel to the death)

Attributes - 9

  • Individual - 3 (Lelnor alone at the time of his death was in the high 50's possibly low 60's)
  • Family - 3 (at that time Gregor and Lelnor combined had the required 100 points)
  • Skills - 1 - 50% in two skills, with same character (Serko, Infiltraition 65%, and Sword 55%)
  • Hated - 1 - Serko's huge bounty from over 4 different characters each placing roughly 250+ gold on his head.
  • Entrepeanuer - 1 - Gregor's days as a trader made the family quite a bit of money.

Total: 32 accounted for of 33.

Speculation: Basic premise of fame. It does not rely on figures other than those already used somewhere else (or some easily kept record). For instance, total lifetime profits of a trader would could be used (and it would be an interesting fame point to track).

Theory behind what makes you famous. 1) It must be something others would be impressed with. A duel to the death for instance, where you risk your life. Impressive skills or set of skills which combined make you a formidable opponent, etc. 2) Others

Future plans: There are 6 fame (tournament/hero) points that are known that I do not have, which would put the Relak family at 39 points, leaving 12 points unknown and one of them earned. The skills fame point which I'm almost certain that I have, the trader profits (almost certain Gregor collected it at some point), and the bounty on Serko's head all can account for the 33 points I currently have, and if the Relak's have earned the other guild point (some believe it doesn't exist) that accounts for 33.


All contributions listed below are primarily my creation. Some of the formating I've borrowed, I've generally left intact the references wherever possible. Minor edits I'm leaving out.