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Welcome to the kingdom of Carelia.


Government System: Monarchy
Capital: Strombran
Current Ruler: Kronos
Current General: Child Of Bodom
Current Judge: aramil
Current Banker: George

the monarchy of Carelia

Carelia is a monarchy located on the southern side of Atamara. it is surrounded by the realms of Redspan, Cagilan Empire and Abbington. it is a realm with highly involved troop leaders.

Carelian nobles spend their days preparing for their next battle or singing the songs of victory over their last. Brave and wise nobles in Carelia will prosper, while the weak and cowardly will not.

Loyal service to the realm and honor in battle are the only ways to claim one of the seats of power. Newer troops leaders will receive the finest tutelage from our mentors, and fresh faces ready to spill blood in the name of Carelia are always welcome.

Realm Hierarchy:

The King:The King is in charge of Diplomatic relations. So if he gives orders that involves Diplomatic relations then his go above anyone elses.
The Arch Priest:The Arch Priest is responsible for maintaining Order in the realm and he will do the Trials. When the Arch Priest orders a Troopleader to do realm maintance or anything else involving Justice then his orders are more important than those of anyone else.
The High Marshal:The High Marshal is responsible for the efficientcy of our military. So every order of movements and linesettings will come from him. If he gets disabled then the Marshals will take over. If they get disabled then the King will.
The Royal Treasurer:The Royal Treasurer is responsible for the food distribution. Any orders given involving food distribution are more important than anyone elses as well.

Nobles of Carlia

The soldiers of Carelia:The soldier of Carelia are the fighting force of the realm, they are responsible for destroying the enemy on the battlefield
The buro's of Carelia: The buro's of Carelia are the ones who are keeping the realm in top shape and make sure that Carelia is ready to fight the enemy
The daggers of Carelia: The daggers of Carelia are the elite infiltration force of the realm, they stand ready at all times to cut someone's throat, steal some tax gold or to harm the enemie in any other way you can think of

Arch Priest of Carelia, Duke of Strombran