Stefanovic Family

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The Slayers

The Slayer Family hails from Lamia, a part of the Barony of Makar on Atamara

Family Tree

"Hettie"       "Duke"       "Father"
   |+"Max"        | +"Shara"   |+"Mother"
   |              |            |
Crostin        Retravic        |
(dead)                         |
                          |         |
                        Hang      Capone

General Information

The Slayer Family is a family consisting entirely (with the exception of Max) of vikings of the Barony, the family's homeland. The family are all loyal to a religion known as The Way, of which nothing else is known at this time.

Father is the current head of the family, and it is an honor in the family to have his respect. Father is also thought to be the religious leader of The Way.


Crostin was the son of Hettie, a viking born in the family mansion, and Max, a warrior who answered the question of where he was from with "far away." He was the first of the family to leave the mansion to see what the world held. He traveled to the South-East Island where he found a land in constant war, and being a good viking, stayed to fight as a hero. After Taselak's victory over Ikalak, the God's spoke out to all the peoples of the island, and said that now the long wars had reached their end, it was time to leave. Crostin returned home to the Barony, where for several months he fought alongside his brothers, leading his men with what he had learned during his time in the South-East Island. After some time, Crostin fell to the sword of an Estonite, his luck finally running out. Crostin is remembered in the family as a hero, and revered for being the first to venture out.


Barony of Makar





Republic of Fwuvoghor

  • Grand Justiciar

Read more about Retravic.


Capone is a soldier in the armies of Minas Ithil, a realm only somewhat south and east of the Barony. Capone's loyalties are to Minas Ithil and the Family alone. The only notable event in his life was a strange request he received one evening from Father, but so far only he knows what it said...

Minas Ithil


Hang is a viking to the very core of his being. His weapon of choice is a set of smallish throwing axes with blunted blades - "If they don't go in, I didn't throw them hard enough!" He has never left the Barony for adventure, but instead fights in the place of his idol, Crostin. Hang has had many things sneak up on him, such as suddenly being appointed as the Count of Tellwood one day, and shortly after that Sordnaz surprised him by appointing him as banker of the Barony. Hang is still getting the hang (pun intended) of using a pen in place of his axe, but he is getting there.

Barony of Makar

  • Count of Tellwood
  • Banker of Barony of Makar


Family Page
BM Family Page
The Way