The Church of Qyrvagg/Fidelis Praesul

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Fidelis Praesul

The Fidelis Praesul are the clerical castes of the Church of Qyrvagg, the ranks and hierarchy. This term also refers to the actual memebrs of the Church.


  • Prophet- To lead and guide the overral progress and actions of the Church of Qyrvagg.
    • Council of Visions- To advise and aid the Prophet.
  • High Priest- To lead and guide the overral management and shepherding of the Church of Qyrvagg in any given area and to aid in senior decision making.
    • Ecuminical Council- To advise the High Priest of their area and the elders.
  • Master of the Holy Hosts- To courageously lead and head up the armies of Qyrvagg, and to organize the military planning and strategy of QYrvaggian troops, and provide spiritual guidance and mentorship.
    • Eshen-Hosral Disciple- To advise the Master of the Holy Hosts and other Elders.
  • Grand Priest- To judge the finer points of the Doctrine and Laws of the Church of Qyrvagg, in relation to the Visions, under the guidance of the Prophet, but also to administrate day-to-day affairs.
    • Adjudicators- To advise the Grand Priest and other Elders.
  • Treasurer- To keep track of and handle the finances of the Church of Qyrvagg.
  • Missionary Primus- To carry established doctrine and belief to foreign lands, far, far away.
  • Arch-Priest- To guide and lead the Temple in their district and aid in senior decision making.
    • Priests- To spread the word of Qyrvagg and represent it wholeheartedly.
  • Acolyte- To follow loyally in the ways of the Church of Qyrvagg.


  • Hireshmont Vellos, Missionary Primus, Original Prophet of Qyrvagg
  • Baiko Hyral, Master of the Holy Hosts
  • Hridrion Vellos, Second Prophet of Qyrvagg, Deceased
  • Amekal Amekanun, Third Prophet of Qyrvagg
  • Amgar Vellos, Acolyte-from-Afar, Missing
  • Keiichi Hyral, Acolyte-from-Afar
  • Araia Hyral, Acolyte-from-Afar
  • Hanajan Vellos, Acolyte-from-afar, Believed to be Deceased
  • Marc, "Temple Guardian", High Priest of the Diocese of Irombro
  • Bethany, Grand Priestess
  • Herkan, Master of the Holy Hosts
  • Gwinny, Treasurer
  • Ralph, High Priest of Fwuvoghor
  • Neocron, High Priest of Athol Margos
  • Krager, Arch Priest of Bolkenia
  • Ascenscia, Arch Priest of Ajitmon
  • Arch Enemy, Arch Priest of Ardmore
  • Haroldin, Arch Priest of Pahk
  • Krillin, Ecuminical Councilor
  • Aideen, Priest First Caste
  • Darkness, Priest First Caste
  • Mat, Priest 3rd Caste
  • Movlat, Priest 3rd Caste
  • Carlo, Priest 3rd Caste
  • Slomcha, Sworn Acolyte
  • Elaine, Priest 2nd Caste
  • Gwinivere, Priest 3rd Caste
  • Shani, Sworn Acolyte
  • Sendan, Sworn Acolyte
  • Zellion, Sworn Acolyte
  • Trapper, Sworn Acolyte
  • Darzxor, Acolyte
  • Johnny, Called by Qyrvagg
  • Kagurati, Called by Qyrvagg
  • More members welcome!
  • Currently recorded by Amekal, Third Prophet

Important Teachers, Prophets, and Leaders

  • Amekal Vellos- Spoke often of the metaphysical aspects of Qyrvaggism, a great Prophet, third Prophet
  • Bethany- A grand priest and great preacher who converted many, helped define many doctrinal points, legal founder
  • Baiko Hyral- Longest-standing believer, great leader in the faith
  • Marc Keithson- A fervent believer and long-time supporter
  • Hireshmont Vellos- First prophet, converted Baiko, 1st missionary Primuswas excommunicated for heresy
  • Hridrion Vellos- Second prophet, short lived
  • Renal Enstance- Second Missionary Primus, great teacher and preacher

The Church of Qyrvagg