Republic of Giblot

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Embossed Giblot Emblem.png
Realm Motto: Fortune Favours the Bold
Capital Giblot
Prime Minister
Grand Justiciar
Minister of Offence
Minister of Finances
Thanatos Reaver
Lisa Yip
Sera Osha
Who's Perfect
Population 60,700 (2nd)
Nobles 40+

The Republic of Giblot was a realm situated in the north eastern corner of the Colonies. Founded in it's republican form when the first explorers from the other continents arrived for wealth and glory, it had a long and chequered history. Although at first the republic sought peace and stronger ties with it's immediate neighbours, in particular the realm of Outer Tilog it was not long until the two realms found themselves at war after the memoranda of understanding between them was disputed. In particular the desire for Rollsovar was a cause of the war to come.

At first the republic suffered greatly in the war with Outer Tilog and was often having to fend off Tilogian forces in it's core regions, such as Wirkfyr and Briarull. The army of Giblot was simply no match for the more powerful, organised and expansive Outer Tilog. However this all began to change after Thanatos Reaver organised an informal coup for power in Giblot. After successfully getting himself elected as Prime Minister without even announcing a campaign he immediately set to work. Within days the man had a stranglehold on Giblot, even elevating a newly arrived ally from a far away continent directly to Dukeship. Although his methods were heavily criticised, and most of Giblots oldest nobles either fled to other continents or indeed other realms in the Colonies after their attempts to protest Thanatos or indeed vote him out of office failed (it is rumoured that Thanatos made a pact with demons to maintain his status), Thanatos rise to power began to see a turn around in Giblot's fortunes.

Not long after Thanatos had finally become comfortable in his position as Prime Minister (a position he remained in for almost an unbroken year) Giblot began winning battles again and soon they could challenge Outer Tilog for Rollsovar. However it must be mentioned that Thanatos also forged an alliance with Lukon at this time which saw Giblot's bitter enemy facing a war on two fronts. Regardless of the successful assault on Rollsovar however, it was still a long time before Steepglades was brought under the republics wing, and when it was the republic was at the very pinnacle of it's power. Holding the most regions of any realm in the continent and finally building up a fortified line that prevent Outer Tilog from ever entering the republics lands with ease again.

After the capture of Steepglades and a short break from things with the grand Headball Tournament, the republic used a recently discovered land bridge to reach Outer Tilog's most vulnerable regions and began a long campaign of looting and razings there and in the surrounding area coinciding with another assault by Lukon on the other side of Outer Tilog. Combined the allies managed to reduce Outer Tilog to one region. In preparation for a final assault which would see Giblot take the city of Outer Tilog as it's prize. Events did not turn out quite like that however.

Mere days before the final assault on Outer Tilog was scheduled to happen, Sera Osha called for an uprising against the Republican goverment (The Giblot Civil War), citing it's tryannical nature and the social closure of it's leaders who did nothing but promote friends and allies in the Giblot hierarchy. Although many supported the republic, just as many supported Sera against Thanatos showing the scale of discontent with the workings of the republic. After two days heavy fighting and clashes in the capital, the Rebel forces managed to bludgeon their way into the Royal Palace and overthrow the Republican regime. After that the Republics most prominent members went into exile, a Democracy was installed in it's place, and a new era in Giblot began. The Republic of Giblot was no more.