Navaar Family/Lucius

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Lucius Navaar
Titles: Vestarch of Tol Goldora
Earl of Demyansk
Vice-Marshal of the Golden Host
Former Titles: Marshal of the Golden Host
Height: 6'0"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Weapon: Twin Swords - Dawn and Twilight
Religion (Highest Rank): Church of the Tidemother - Child of the Sea
Guilds (Highest Rank): Order of the Gylden Sword - #3 Gylden Duelist
Gylded Bank - Member
Unique Items: Ruby Blanket - Accessory (Cloak)
Government Positions Held: Vestarch of Tol Goldora
Lordships Held: Earl of Demyansk

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Character Description
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Lucius Navaar


A man with shining green eyes and a grin on his face as if he's always in on a joke. He has a tendency to appear slightly disheveled from his constant wandering and comes off as improper among nobility. He's tall and light on his feet which often lead to him being found in strange places growing up.

Unique Skills

Scale - Poor - Decent - Average - Proficient - Advanced - Expert - Master

  • Diplomacy - Average
  • Judicial - Proficient
  • Rogue Biology - Proficient
  • Daimonology - Proficient
  • Strategist - Proficient
  • Sailing - Expert
  • Uneven Terrain Combat - Expert
  • Drunken Combat - Advanced
  • Archery - Decent
  • Sword and Shield (Daimon Slayer Style) - Advanced
  • Twin Sword (Twin Fang Style) - Advanced
  • Twin Daggers (Striking Shadow Style) - Advanced

Core Beliefs

  • Obligated - Takes on responsibilities regardless of his own preferences
  • Svari First - Puts the fate of another before himself
  • Chosen Family - Gets by with the help of a few specific people in his life

Core Oppositions

  • Heir to the past - Inherited the will of the Calanar Family, and the last nobles of Asylon
  • Child Soldier - Was raised to fight rogue creatures
  • Survivor's Guilt - Does not think highly of himself. Does not believe he deserves the good he has. Works himself to exhaustion
  • Drunk - Has a drinking problem

Unknown Influences

  • Galecalling - Is a potential Galecaller for the Church of the Tidemother
  • No beliefs - Has a hard time accepting religion for what it is


  • Erik Ironsward - Blacksmith that Lucius took from Farrowfield to be his exclusive smith.
  • Emma Ironsward - Wife of Erik, servant around the Demyansk Estate
  • Emily (Ember) Ironsward - Daughter of Erik and Emily, acts as a squire to Lucius when he's home, and is reluctantly training to inherit her father's smithy. Lucius calls her Ember because of her bright red hair. Idolizes Svari Storme.
  • Grimwold - Former captain to Lucius' unit. Lost in combat during a bad sea landing in Mimiravair
  • Liebwin - Current captain to Lucius' unit.


As Lucius would tell the story, he didn't want to raise the next generation of Navaars on Beluaterra to send them to a Daimon slaughter. From there he would spend a year on a trading vessel assisting in the sailing, and acting as a mercenary guard when they docked before finally deciding to land in Tol Goldora to make his living.


Lucius spent about six years with the Blue Tower in Ren Madragas. During that time he was trained as an assassin, a spell caster, and to lead raiding parties. His specialty for a long time was monsters and the undead, but as the challenges grew easy, Lucius was asked to do more violent things such as going into Daimon Worshiping villages and making sure there were no survivors.

The first time he refused, Lucius' team were allowed to beat him into submission, covering his arms and legs with a myriad of scars that he still carries. By his third village, he had gone numb to what it was like to kill harmless women and children. It was here though, a child got a lucky chance and stabbed an arrow into his side. Lucius tries not to remember what he did to that child. Punishment for this failure was a one on one fight with an undead champion. Lucius was given no weapons. The creature got his back and left deep scars on him before Lucius realized what danger he was in.

In order to deal with his rebellious tendencies, the Blue Tower took it upon themselves to condition Lucius to respond to a title - Shadow Dancer - that would immediately trigger his assassin skills.

A year passed, more bodies piled up, and Lucius knew he was still killing. During a home visit, Lucius ran into an elderly pair of his uncles, Locke and Velden. The two of them had been conversing, and figured out a way to get Lucius out of the tower. If anyone could be saved, it was the one that still had a conscience. Soren was too deeply entrenched in their training, and Cayden had been missing for two years at this point. Unbeknownst to Lucius, Velden Calanar quietly passed on his Blessing of the Wind to Lucius, and Locke gave him a pair of short swords that belonged to his grandfather Ziode Calanar. That night, Locke created a disturbance using years of his grandfather's knowledge as a healer, and poisoned the Blue Tower guards around the Navaar estate.

Velden simply sent him to a ship, and told him to trust the wind and get away.

Riding the river current, Lucius used what little he knew of sailing to keep the boat steady, and let the wind carry him down to Jatto where he met up with a merchant crew, and signed on as an escort. Over the next year, he slowly blocked out the years before, replacing it with a more normal childhood and became a full member of the crew, traveling from place to place until he finally decided to set down roots in a realm called Tol Goldora.

Tol Goldora

Due to his carefree nature, and fear of being a responsible noble, he had a tendency to drink away his first few nights in his new home, wanting to push people away. From there, he would meet the Navarch, Solomon Greybrook and that set him on a bit more sober path. A local feast set him on a different path with Svari Storme, and Edelyn Luitolf.

Lucius seemed to befriend Svari out of sheer stubbornness, and that she took an interest in him, protective of him at first, treating him like a kid she needed to look out for. He demonstrated some knowledge of tactics after that first night they'd met, and he took a position on the Stratarch's (at the time her) council. They spent a few nights drinking and talking, and as she was protective of him, Lucius became fiercely protective of her as well. Her injury in their first raid of the war against Astrum triggered his behavior from his old killing days, and he drew Locke's short swords for the first time, permanently changing his fighting style.

During the aftermath, Lucius was swiftly made a Vice-Marshal, and as a Lordship position opened up, he became Earl of Demyansk, quickly rising in rank for a new noble. Attempting to repair his rough start with Edelyn, Lucius began asking his first questions about her faith while he learned the finer touches of leading the army at home. Meeitng with Edelyn, she confronted him on his knack for the wind, pressing his more than passing interest in the Galecallers of her faith. He tried to deny it, and the conversation was left to hang there. The rapid period of changes culminated in Tol Goldora's Election Night in which a bit of drinking and stubbornness resulted in a romantic relationship with Svari.

A letter to his brother brought three agents of the Blue Tower to Tol Goldora to bring him home.

The Astrum War

A sparring match gone wrong left Lucius forced to confront his past for the first time in over a year, filling in the gaps in his stories since coming to Tol Goldora. A lot felt like it went wrong in a short period afterwards. A love declaration not reciprocated, landing into a slaughter, watching the woman he loved think she should be hated by him. When a battle was lost and the realm escape plan left most of the army wounded, including Svari, something started to fray, and sent Lucius towards the Church of the Tidemother where he could study being a Galecaller. He needed something to believe in, something he lost hope in a long time ago.

The next months continued to be a blur of battle, drinking, and maintaining a growing love for Svari (who did return his feelings). Their lives together intertwined more and more, forcing each other to grow. Being a Marshal was starting to wear on Lucius, depriving him of needed sleep, something only alcohol and Svari seemed to grant him as memories of driving others to their deaths haunted his dreams when left alone. When he wasn't in battle, it was clear that Lucius was trying to find faith in the Tidemother, spending hours studying texts and prayers. He had the makings of a Galecaller if he could only convince himself to believe. Beyond the denial was a looming lack of faith in higher powers. Edelyn was working with him, but there was a definite resistance to her guidance, though after a rocky start they did become real friends by this point.

Dizeddo was the main foothold of Tol Goldora in their attempts at conquering Libidizedd. It was in defense of this region that Lucius was first injured enough to take him completely out of the fight, and it was here that Svari asked him to marry her (and abandon military life).

Navaar and Storme Family

The Blue Tower

Lucius' Destiny?

According to The Blue Tower, Lucius has a destiny to fulfill as one of their best anti-daimon agents. They are willing to do whatever they can to remind him of who he is, and bring him back into their fold.

Blue Tower NPCs

  • Grim - An infiltrator looking to bring Lucius back to the Blue Tower. Goes by several names, Greg being his common name. Infiltrated Lucius' home in Demyansk as a servant. Was killed by Velden Calanar. Specialty: Stealth/Infiltration
  • Hare - A hunter looking to bring Lucius back to the Blue Tower. Specialty: Archery, Trap Making
  • Hound - A warrior looking to bring Lucius back to the Blue Tower. Specialty: Combat (Sword/Spear)