Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/May

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1st May

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Isabella Pavus

Upon her steed, an unconscious Isabella trotted into the city of Giask. As she came through the gates, there was a cheer, waking her up. However, the masses were confused by her lacking unit. Nonetheless, the rough looking warrior rode through to the barracks. She equipped herself with a new unit, 25 mixed infantry soldiers. They had no captain, he had died. She would make do. Fortunately, the lot were capable enough. And she was sure that they would not desert. And if they did, she would surely have their heads. After a quick moment to bathe, she rubs her eyes and rides off, the unit in tow.

Sevastian Schwarzherzig

Sevastian noticed a fresh new unit marching from the recruitment depot, headed in the same direction his captain had his men marching at present. Sevastian rode slowly behind, observing for a moment. Mixed infantry, he mused. He spied their commander and grinned, spurring his horse on, and reigned in beside Isabella. He gave a practiced bow from the saddle, guiding his horse with his knees.

"Lady Isabella I presume?"

Isabella Pavus

Isabella perks up her head, looking to Sevastian. "Given your manner and your admiration, my list is not narrowed down much," she grins, "But I should think Sir Sevastian. The journey from Moon Bay was much longer, much more arduous than the maps led me to believe. I think next winter, I will take up courtiership and stay indoors. Or, at least, not travel around all too much. I was not even attacked and my unit massacred. They deserted, even the captain. I have heard talk of them discussing my lack of funds in the taverns. I had hoped to trample on their corpses. Luria will need all she can get, and my justice will wait. Nonetheless, I have talked quite enough. How are you?" she smiles.

Sevastian Schwarzherzig

"Quite well, working on a composition for the University. It is my ardent desire to see the institution restored to its former glory." Sevastian remarked casually, adjusting his feathered cap.

"Nasty business, desertion. Fickle soldiers! The very privilege of Imperial service should be pay enough, but the ingrates couldn't even appreciate having such a beautiful commander?" Sevastian said, taking her hand and kissing it. "The common folk are always crying about bread. But what of adventure! Of honor, and glory! Surely there is more to life than a full belly." Sevastian said, shaking his head.

"If the men of the Ultima Ratio Regum catch wind of your deserters, rest assured, they will dance their final dance. Nothing quite as stirring as the gallows jig."

Emyhr le Craint

It had been a while since Emyhr had returned to the north and especially near Askileon, he found himself filled with excitement and a warming to be near home. The Vanguard camped in a clearing in a forest between Cairn Tut and Askileon Purlieus, sat around a make shift table made from gathered wood from the local area. The crisp chill of the winter air was felt among the camp, with the majority of the Vanguard huddled around the fire keeping the fire as warm as possible.

Emyhr along with Captain Gustaf were pondering a map of the north, preparing for the journey for the next couple of days. Crude marks along this map representing known Lurian combatants, they prepared their placement for the foreseeable future.

"Sir Emyhr, I fear that it may be a while before we see the sights of Poryatu again and I know the men grow restless, would you allow the men to relax and find entertainment within Askileon? I worry about the moral among some of the men."

Honest concern for the men was showing on his face as he said this, but also a need for relaxation himself. There was an element of anxiety after the combat they have faced in recent times.

"Captain Gustaf, I too feel the strain of this and miss the comforts of the estate back in Poryatu. However, we have orders to protect the realm and the positioning in Cairn Tut provides us with ample coverage of the rouge states. I do agree with you though, while I have needs to attend to when we arrive in Askileon, I trust that you will show the men a good time and allow them to recuperate."

Emyhr now looked upon the face of the man and could see the tired expressions he was making. Emyhr walked over to the tent set up for supplies and came out with two mugs of ale and headed back to the table.

"This journey may be a long one, but I promise you that once we reach Askileon, you shall get your well deserved rest. I cannot afford to let my captain get too tired, I need your experience."

Handing the mug to the captain, they both took a deep swig of ale and slammed the cups down on the table. With this, Emyhr turned to his men who was now looking over at the commotion on the table.

"Men of the Vanguard, I know you are tired and restless. However, it shall not be long before we make it to Askileon. Once we arrive, I will provide Captain Gustaf here with ample funding to enable you all to rest and recuperate. I look forward to seeing the men that can keep up with the captain here"

With a slap on the back of the captain, the men looked upon the two of them. Their previously tired and shivering faces now filled with excitement, many of them began recalling memories they have of times within Askileon. The captain now had a mix of an embarrassed and cheery look upon him as he returned to the table.

"Now Sir Emyhr, I believe we should discuss the matter of the state of the equipment." The Captain said with a cheeky grin on his face as his pointed towards the pile of damaged swords and armor that could be seen from within a tent.

Isabella Pavus

"The university is quite brilliant. I myself submitted a piece, honouring both the realm and my late brother. As well as a stanza implying that Chance Harte as no heart, and Dodger has no... pene. I find myself privileged to serve. I gave my loyalty and my choice in marriage to the Emperor, to better the Lurian Hegemony. It is where my life and loyalty is, no matter the reward. My family has always been ambitious like this. Touches every single Pavus. It is why my cousin is a judge with higher aspirations, why I served as General in weeks past, and why my brother had bold aspirations, to say the least. There is little I would not give in service of the realm. Yet these soldiers and more mercenary than anything. A mistake that will not be made again. I must say, I think highly of the adventuring commoners. Useful assets to any realm."

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Myr Arnickles Renodin

"Fly, you fools!" - shouted marshal Stoneandrags. His voice thundering at his rocky minions.

"No! Stay put!" - he yelled, turning left and right within split second, drawing snickers and giggles from the children gathered around.

"March out! Left!" - he ordered and turned right instead. Kids released a volly of laughter, one of them shouting - "Monsters, marshal Stoneandrags, there be monsters!"

"What? Where?!" - he cried out in terror, hiding behind one of his rocky soldiers. He postured up, coughing theatrically - "Ah! Worry not, I have superior tactic!"

He puffed himself up with pride and elucidated his grand plan: "We will all turn around and advance with our backs turned on the enemy! The enemy will think we're reatreating and not attacking! Ha!" - the marshal turned around, his raggy arms flailing from the impetus of the motion and children were laughing uncontrollably.

Myr kneeled down, his arm reaching out to the children, the ragdoll in his hand. Returning the toy to the gathered kids he flicked one silver coin in the air. It spinned mid-air, showing the face of Emperor Aldrakar or Giask for a split-second with each turn, the tallest of the children jumped up, catching the offering.

"Thank you sir knight!" - kids shouted after him.

William Fitz Roberts

William was bent over his desk in the he had hired to ferry him from Giask to Askileon. He had spent the entire journey locked in his cabin, poring over maps, charts and old traveller’s reports. He had several different histories of Dwilight books scattered around the room, the majority of which he had so far simply skimmed. At last, he pulled out his dagger and jammed it hard into the wood of the desk, its point over a city to the western half of the map.

‘Here’, he muttered to himself, ‘It shall be here’.

He turned as he heard the door slowly open, ready to bark angrily at whomever had dared disturb him. He softened immediately when he saw it was, for Anne was standing in the threshold in her travelling cloak, whose collar was turned upwards to protect her from the cold sea winds.

‘Husband, you have been here all day. I have hardly seen you since we rode from Fox Hall. Have you grown tired of me?’, Anne spoke in a mocking tone, putting on an obviously false pout. William reached out his arm to her, beckoning her into his embrace.

‘I have been deep in my own thoughts, come and see’

Her curiosity clearly peaked, Anne came quickly into William’s arms where they shared a long kiss, before she broke it off and stared down at the map William had pierced with his dagger

‘So this is what has kept you from my side, hmm?’ Anne said in a low voice, her interest clearly growing, ‘tell me, what is at this Goldenfarrow?’

‘Quite simply, my dear, our future. The city of Goldenfarrow was once one of the richest, if not the richest cities in all of Dwilight. However, when the monsters came and humanity were forced to abandon the West, it appears much of the wealth was abandoned. Think about it, a city filled with gold, unclaimed by any realm on Dwilight, ripe for the taking if we can defeat the monsters that plague those lands. To think, if it can be settled once more it will be a wealthy kingdom to add to the glorious Hegemony of Luria. If it cannot, think of the wealth that might be stripped from its buildings. I intend to find volunteers to go with me there one day. Maybe not this month, maybe not this year, but one day Golden Farrow will be stripped of its wealth and our family shall be as kings!!!’

Anne looked at the map for a long time. At last she spoke,

‘this would takes months of planning and is fraught with risk, but we might just pull this off’ She looked up at her husband, excitement and greed flashing in her emerald eyes

William sat back down in his chair, ‘Aye, but now we must focus on the task at hand. The Realm must always come before the will of the individual

Anne looked disappointed, but at last nodded her agreement. ‘You are right of course. Are you looking forward to seeing our homeland again? You have not been back for so long I will be surprised if your mother can even recognise you’

William laughed at that, ‘in all honesty, I am more worried about your father being able to recognise me’

It was Anne’s turn to laugh, ‘It has been eight years, do you really think he still hates you for eloping with me?’

‘You know I do, and what is more you know I am right. The man terrifies me’

‘How can you be scared of him, you have a solid two feet on him?’

‘It is simple: everyone tells me that you take after him’

Anne’s laughter echoed across the smooth twilit waters of the Euschean Sea

2nd May

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Zhou Tai Bluelake

Drake sneaked around the streets of Askileon. He knew his uncle had told him to behave better while in the city, and he had, especially at the horse market where they looked at the new mares from that southern shipment. He had been courteous and polite, his dark blue eyes shining with interest, and he hadn't even laughed at the crass jokes of the horse dealers. Zhou Tai must have been proud of him. But now, he was on an undercover mission... His uncle was finishing his business before they headed back home, and Drake had taken the chance. A few coppers got him a peasant child's clothing to toss on top of his regular garb, and he looked messy enough not to seem of noble blood.

He navigated the huge market with a bit of trouble, but finally, the 8 year old reached the cart he was looking for. The milk merchant! As he walked up to the man, muttering to himself the words to make sure he got every one of them right, he wondered how many sheets of parchment with Sir Leif's latest works would that grant him. He was looking forward to share them with his cousins at home. Stopping before the bulky milkman, he got a suspicious stare. Before he lost heart, Drake said, rather loudly "Dai mne moloko gaspodin!" and blinked intensely thrice.

Leif Wilkins

The waves were crashing along the hull of the ship. Leif shuddered in his fur-lined coat - that of an arctic bear, rubbing his hands together as the penetrating wind pierced his bones. A resilient man, Leif highly disliked boats and open water. He could rarely see what was beyond the rail of the boat, and had a fear of falling into the water after an incident as a young lad in which he almost drowned.

He couldn't sleep as he has woken up to return the food he had back to surface due to the inconsistent and wobbly motions of the ship. "Arse pebbles..." he thought "I can handle most of life's abuse... Even meeting sunrise in bed with what looks like a troll but seemed like a favourable lady upon moonlight after a few tankards of ale... But this.. This darn struggle with sea travel is pathetic."

As the thought passed, Leif could see the spires of Askelion on the horizon. Finally

3rd May

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Myr Arnickles Renodin

Myr did some calculations in his head:

170 gold coins per week. Three weeks per season makes 510 gold coins per season. Four seasons per year makes 2040 gold coins per year. It would take me... 25 years to gather 50 000 gold coins!

He took a quill and waved off the scribe.

"I'll write this one myself."