Sarwell Family

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The Sarwell Family traces its roots to the woodland region of Braga on the East Continent. Most of the family remained on the continent, but one member ultimately left for the wild lands of Dwilight, making his home in the north Maroccidens.

Prominent Members of the family

Rosnan Sarwell - A vagrant infiltrator with tremendously poor luck.

Alna Sarwell - The cavalier general of Phantaria.

Lesser Members


Julian is the youngest Sarwell of his generation who is currently active in his career. He began working in Strombran on Atamara. An eager warrior, Julian soon traveled north to rendezvous with the Golden Talons of Strombran far from the realm itself, despite not even being assigned to the army yet. After returning home and waiting a very long time for diplomatic issues to sort themselves out, he embarked on the long journey north again, where once more his retinue was decimated and he returned home to refit again.

During his second period at home, it surfaced that the realm's Supreme Chancellor intended to reform the realm as a monarchy, with himself, naturally, as monarch. Julian loudly expressed his disapproval for the proposed change of government, and helped prompt a last-minute referendum on the subject. However, his grievances were for naught, since the referendum past anyway and the Supreme Chancellor went about installing his officially (though not to Julian) legitimate monarchy. Adding insult to injury, Julian's lord soon raised the lord share of the region's taxes without any warning or explanation, leaving Julian with insufficient income to support his retinue were he to remain in Strombran. Julian, figuring he would not be missed anyway, traveled to the much-larger Cagilan Empire, which preserved its republican system, and took an estate in Eaglin.


Entam was a commoner in Nivemus, believed to be the illegitimate son of one of the eastern Sarwells. He was an aspiring social climber despite his unfortunate circumstances, and took up the sword against the local monsters to find fame and fortune. He became, for an adventurer, relatively wealthy and successful, though the only unique treasure he ever obtained was soon lost to the undead hordes. After being imprisoned when he left his homeland, Entam ultimately met his end at the clammy hands of an undead champion.