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Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type City
Geographic Area North Shore
Population 1
Economy N/A
Realm (rogue)

Emblem of Nifelheim. "Veneratio, Iunctum, Veritas" .


Nifelheim is a city in the northeast corner of Dwilight. It is a proud and independent city with a long and illustrious history. It is known as "The Jewel of the North" for its many architectural wonders.The city is a vast fortified citadel, completely surrounded by the townsland region of Nifel, and is situated close to the Black River, allowing for easy trade with other realms.


In Pre-historical times Nifelheim was the site of a great kingdom occupying most of the Nifel Penninsula. Few facts are known about this kingdom. We know it only as the Nifel Kingdom, and its destruction is a matter of conjecture.


In modern Dwilight, the Kingdom of Springdale spread west to take Nifel townsland and to the very gates of Nifelheim; but the city itself was never occupied.

The first modern occupation of the city was as the capital of the lost Kingdom of Summerdale, which was founded on February 21, 2009, as a colony effort by the Raivan Empire. Joash Hamarson, Duke of Nifelheim, was the First King of Summerdale. The realm of Virovene immediately declared war on the new colony. Summerdale prevailed and Virovene passed from history. Most of Virovene's lands were absorbed by Summerdale. It was during the Summerdale period that the city acquired its vast fortifications and modern institutions. Even with the passing of Summerdale, the natives of the city call themselves "Dalians".

Morek Empire

Around april 2013, Summerdale declared war on the Libero Empire. In order to preserve their ally, the Morek Empire declared war on Summerdale. In the resulting war, Summerdale was wiped out. Some of its regions defected to nearby Astrum, while others were taken by Libero and Morek. Nifelheim passed into the hands of Morek.

The Dukes of Morek have been careful to respect the Dalian culture inherited from Summerdale. To show this respect they have retained the Ducal Emblem and Motto of the city from Summerdale times. The Emblem is a Griffon and Star, over the Bloodstars. The Motto of the city is"Veneratio, Iunctum, Veritas", meaning "Honour, Unity, Truth".