New Westmoor

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Revision as of 22:37, 9 December 2011 by Mathros (talk | contribs) (Regional News)
New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
9 December 1011

Battle in Gadlock Westmoor vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory!

8 December 1011

New Recruitment Center
A new Infantry center has been constructed in Dulbin.

7 December 1011

Secession Rumours You hear about some rumours that a city has seceded from the rule of Ibladesh.

A New Ambassador Sir Jor Tanos, King of Westmoor, Ambassador of Westmoor has promoted Rhakanvar Schumacher, Ambassador of Westmoor to ambassador of the realm.

Region Revolts The people of Juazeiro have revolted and declared independence from Nivemus!

6 December 1011

Family Investment Hergoervik Draekarne, Count of Hagley has initiated an investment of 200 gold in the region of Hagley. Production soars to 198 %.

Realm Name Changed Sir Jor Tanos, King of Westmoor, Ambassador of Westmoor has changed your realm's full name to "Kingdom of Westmoor".

Region Revolts The people of Enubec have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!

5 December 1011

Ruler Elected The realm of Perdan has elected ][osferatu Reapers as its King. He received 56% of the valid votes cast.

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Aulus Severus of the Scipii as its Chancellor. He received 37% of the valid votes cast.

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Ilias Thunthorn as its Prime Minister. He received 35% of the valid votes cast.

4 December 1011

Apologies for the mistakes in yesterday’s paper. Sir Benedictus Tanos was apparently wounded by Ibladeshi cultists (not flow cultists as we’d originally said). Also the right of the King to appoint the realm’s judge dates back to after the coup against Queen Micna and is therefore not as ancient as we’d described.

3 December 1011

New Knight A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Chaki RiverWind is starting his career today. He originates from Troyes. He comes from a new noble family.

2 December 1011

Temple Constructed You hear reports of a new temple of Church of Humanity that has been erected in Westmoor.

New local lord appointed Sir Maedros Iltaran, Duke of Westmoor has appointed Thomas as the new Count of Poitiers.

Local lord stepped down Benedictus has stepped down from his command position in Poitiers. He has given the following reason: As my kinsman is now King of this realm, I am abdicating my seat as Count of Poitiers. Know this hurts me, more than most will know. It is my home, it is the home of my King, it is the home of my ancestors. Long live the King! Long live Westmoor!

Region Revolts The people of Betholm have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!

Noble Absent Sir Benedictus Tanos, Count of Poitiers has been absent from his position(s) for a long time. If he does not return soon, his title(s) will be assigned to someone else.

Battle in Bruck (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 190 men The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Gregor Relak (Duke), were led into battle by Marshal Ravier Nebehn.

Defender Victory!

1 December 1011

Battle in Bruck (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory!

New local lord appointed Your ruler, Jor, has appointed Maedros as the new Duke of Westmoor.

Region Revolts The people of Pedrera have revolted and declared independence from Sultanate of Asena!

Region Revolts The people of Al Aquabah have revolted and declared independence from Perdan!

Duke paused Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor has been absent from his position(s) for too long a time. His title(s) have been recognized as unoccupied and are available for someone else now (to be appointed or elected, as appropriate). Westmoor is now without a lord.

 Royal Guard of Westmoor Founded! 7 December 1011

The Royal Guard was founded today by no less than the king himself in conjunction with the Lord General. It’s a new army with a new leader but apparently it will consist of only the bravest and most battle hardened warriors of Westmoor. Its symbol is a bright yellow cross on a white background to distinguish it from the Westmoorian Collumn.

The RG is a welcome addition to Westmoor’s military force and should be able to pull off complicated manoeuvres too dangerous or unnecessary to be taken by the main army. It will be a reliable army consisting of high combat strength and versatile movement. Below is a list of the first members to be conscripted:

Count Edward Anthony,as Marshal of the Guard.
Sir Harding
Sir George
Count Armstrong
Dame Cassandra
,as Vice Marshal

Eponllyn created in Semall

The Realm of Eponllyn was created today out of the duchy of Semall. The realm currently consists of the two ceded regions of Zamor and Jariedma. King Dobrimir of Caligus also echoed to all rulers of the East continent Perdan’s message from yesterday, that they would not be allowing the Church of Ibladesh to continue in either Ibladesh or any new realms in the south.

The new realm is led by the newly appointed first queen Siana Deytheur formerly (and presently) duchess of Semall.

 Interview with Perdan's new king: ][osferatu Reapers 6 December 1011

Much alike our interview with his highness king Talius back at the end of October getting a journalist into Perdan’s capitol on coronation day proved exceedingly difficult. Partora was extremely busy with government officials working overtime to both organise the front and the necessary paperwork for their new head of state.

Nevertheless, when our group finally convinced the guards that we were not spies from Ibladesh and got inside the building, Perdan’s new king in a brief meeting assured us he’d send New Westmoor some answers to our nagging questions and here they are today!

1: Ibladesh is apparently going to form a new realm out of the duchy of Semall. Will you recognise this new realm’s sovereignty or will you see it as part of Ibladesh?

As long as they don't follow the Church of Ibladesh and are friendly towards us they have nothing to fear from Perdan. The south needs new realms.

2: Does Ibladesh itself have a future?

That depends on them and what sacrifices they are willing to make in order to survive. They have harmed Perdan to a great extent this time - especially the Duchy of Aix and this won't go unpunished. Time is running out for them though and is only working against them as I will not hold back my armies until they make up their minds. If their death comes before their senses then so be it.

3: King Nightmare is well we trust and departed the throne on good terms?

He is in excelent condition. He just wanted to take life easier, away from politics. All of us in Perdan respect his choice as we respect everything he has done for our realm. He stepped down on the best of terms and notified us in time so that there will not be a gap in the realm's leadership during the election period. He remains a close friend and a trusty advisor.

4: What, if anything, will you be doing differently from your predecessor?

As I said, Nightmare is a dear friend of mine throughout the years. Our opinions and view on EC's politics do not differ much so don't expect any big changes in diplomacy. Maybe a harsher stance towards Ibladesh - the word "peace" cannot be mentioned before they pay for what they did. Other than that, relations with the other realms remain as they are and in some cases they may even improve.

5: Caligus and Perdan have enjoyed a good healthy alliance throughout this war. Have there been any discussions regarding territories (i.e. do you see it as being straightforward who gets what regions when this all comes to an end?)

There's nothing official yet, some talks have started and this is only my 2nd day as King. The discussions are going well though. Perdan is not interested in expanding and taking regions that were never ours. We will reclaim our lost lands - and there aren't so many of them left - and that will be all. We'll see with King Dobromir what will become with the rest.

6: Do you have any preferred candidates for your former position (judge)?

Sir Mikial who has also served as Perdan's General in the past is the only candidate and he also has my full support.

 Government reshuffle 3 December 1011

Over the last few days a couple of positions in Westmoor’s government have changed. There is firstly the slight change to the Lord Justice that you may or not have remembered noticing in regional news back during the king’s coronation. This being roughly: should the supreme justice be removed from his position (for whatever reason the gods provide) his successor will be chosen by a vote amongst the nobility of the land; waving the king’s long standing right to choose the head of the courts himself.

More important than this is the recent change in both the Count of Poitiers and the Dukeship of our capitol city Westmoor. This all began sometime round last week when both then Count of Poitiers, Benedictus Tanos and Duke Gregor Relak went missing. We didn’t report it at the time as we’d had no idea what had happened (or in fact that it had happened at all).

What seems to have transpired was that Benedictus was attacked by angry Flow worshippers during a sermon in Eldoret and wounded. Then Duke Gregor was wounded in similarly mysterious circumstances by an unknown assassin suspected to be from the dying realm of Asena (currently down to the final region of Pucallpa) in Westmoor city.

During the duke’s absence King Jor replaced Duke Gregor with the former king Maedros Iltaran who now holds control over the city. Benedictus upon recovering from his wounds decided to step down from his position over Poitiers to allow his elder brother (King Jor) to pass the position down to Thomas Foxglove the current Lord General.


