
From BattleMaster Wiki
Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type City
Geographic Area South Forest
Population 1
Economy N/A
Realm (rogue)

Emblem of Rettleville.

Rettleville is the capital of Barca

Geographical placement

Rettleville is a city almost completely surrounded by the woods of Rettlewood. The eastern part of the city borders a rocky outcrop and is otherwise inaccessible - it faces the inner seas of Dwilight in the distance where a warm breeze wafts through providing an otherwise stiffling atmosphere commonly found in dense woods. The air is thick and exotic and the people here have never experienced the chilling winds from the outer seas of Dwilight.

The only way in to the city is a clearing from its south-western walls which eases in like the poisonous snakes that drape the branches of the woods. The inhabitants have grown accustomed to the hardships of civilization in the dense canopy where food is scarce and must be sourced from beyond its borders. A small patch of fertile soil just north-west of the city provides the only sustenance of barley and wheat.

Visitors to the city have often wondered at the strange attire and habits of the inhabitants who display some trappings of civilization but also a tinge of savage passion for the environment as one would expect from those who not only live within nature but are at one with the spirits of the woods.




First the region was controlled by monsters and ugly creatures. Peasants were terrified by the horrors they had to live with every day.


Ordenstaat conquered the city and build up the basic defenses to survive. They established during a time in the city and things started to work well until some political problems happened and the realm crushed down,


After Ordenstaat lost control the darkness covered the city. Lots of people died during this period. It wasn't safe to be on the streets so everyone tried to hide and survive how they could.


With the inestimable help of Terran and D'Hara, Barca had the possibility to establish in the city and proclaim it as the new capital of the republic. The city was the safe and well protected and was clearly the safest place of the republic. With lots of work and efforts, the capital began to grow and it was possible to see new families arriving with the hope of establishing a new home.


  • Mixed Infantry Center - Rettleville Mortars
  • Infantry Center - Rettleville Steel
  • Weapon/Armour Smith
  • Traders Supplies


  • Cedric Pelgart {Steward}
  • Julius Galvez
  • Shalk Morlork
  • Alyssa Chambers


Local Lord's Faith:

  • Verdis Elementum


  • a small temple of Elrism

Major Faiths:

  • Verdis Elementum