
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 20:43, 5 August 2009 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (→‎Caerwyn Region Pages: new section)

Please please PLEASE use the preview button before putting changes up, and when you do, mark them as minor changes. You're spamming the recent changes page for no reason, -Capet 11:34, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Sorry about that. I only do wiki stuff here and am still learning. Didn't know about marking the page as minor edits and forgot about the preview. -Robert 13:40, 29 June 2009 (CST)

FWIW - I went to Special:Preferences and set my preferences to mark all my changes as "minor" by default. Then if I make a change that I consider a major change, I can uncheck the box. That way I don't ever have to worry about all my little edits being recorded as a big edit. --Indirik 18:46, 29 June 2009 (UTC)
Thank you for the advice. I have now set mine for minor edits, so I should at least have this issue resolved from now on.- Robert 13:53, 29 June 2009 (CST)

Regional Templates

Part of the idea of moving to a new regional infobox template is to try and consolidate the templates and create a single template, or possibly a very limited number of templates, that can serve all the functions that a user wants. That way every realm or user won't feel the need to construct their own version of a template, and we can have some consistency amongst the various region pages. If there is something that Template:RegionBox doesn't do that you are trying to implement in Template:RegionBox2, perhaps we can discuss it, and see if we can add it into Template:RegionBox. --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 17:51, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

That makes sense. I just wanted to see about adding an option to include the realms banner above the image and since I am still very new to this and didn't want to test my skills out on the live template I created the new one. You can see what I was trying to accomplish on the Demyansk page. Of course, the way I have means that there has to be a manual entry made for the realm banner, so it is not nearly as good as the way Template:RegionBoxworks. Would there be a way to make it so that the page would pull the banner information automatically or that if the banner field is not entered it can be hidden? - Robert 13:01, 15 July 2009 (CST)
The need to manually specify the banner name means that you really can't use a banner in a regional infobox. The inclusion of the external data feed is supposed to remove the need to make changes to the page when the region changes realms. It's possible that you could use a conditional test to see if a particular banner exists, and display it if it does. For example, if the realm name is "Keplerville", you could put in a conditional test to see if a page named "Image:Keplerville_RegionBanner.pnf" exists. If it does, then you display the image. If not, then you skip that table row. However, you'd have to upload your banner to a specific location on the wiki to make it work. Also, you'd have to have some guidelines on the specifics of the banner. For example, file format, size, etc. The banner you have placed on the page for Denyansk, for example, is way too big. It overwhelms the entire page. Most people that go to that page will see almost all Caerwyn banner, and not much Demyansk detail. (After all, they're on the Demyansk page, so they most likely want info on Demyansk, and not Caerwyn. If you want to try and help work out some way to display a banner if the user want's one, then head over to the talk page for Template:RegionBox, and add your ideas. Then we can work out the specifics. --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 19:20, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

Caerwyn Region Pages

Regarding the Caerwyn region pages: I am going to remove the use of Template:RegionBox2 on these pages. The way you are using the Caerwyn banner is not appropriate for a regional page. The pages are supposed to focus on the region, and not the realm. The use of a massive Caerwyn banner above the region infobox detracts from the regional nature of the page. It also shoves the regional information off the bottom of the screen. Also, region pages should not need to be edited when a region changes ownership. The need to manually specify which banner is shown on the page is not desirable. If you desire to have a Caerwyn banner displayed on the region pages, please refer to Template:RegionBox. I have added the ability to automatically display a realm banner at the bottom of the region infobox. It is completely automated and will always show the correct realm's banner, so long as the graphic is available. Please note that you must upload an appropriately sized graphic using a specific file name, as described in the instructions. --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 20:43, 5 August 2009 (UTC)