Ironsides Family/Bowie

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Lord Bowie Ironsides
Status: Living
Regard: Demoniac
Continent: Dwilight
Titles: "Prince and Overlord, Demon of Dwilight, Fugitive of Fissoa, Outcast of Madina, Pariah of D'Hara, Badmouther of the Raivanlands, Temple Builder of Qubel, Champion of the Duchess of Diamonds and Lecher of Sallowtown!."
Aliases: "Amilcare, Daedalus, Black Bowie, the Dark Count."

Black Bowie's Coat of Arms.

Demon of Dwilight

Chapter One: From Fissoa to Exile

Chapter Two:

The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

Prince Bowie was overthrown by the Sallowsian people after they discovered he impregnated one the their tribes young princesses. The Exiled Prince returned to D'Hara with a ban on his head from the city Elders. In one covert weekend, Lord Bowie infiltrated Sallowtown and removed the heads of all the city chiefs effectively changing the minds of the successors. Though still unable to return to the city on fear of another uprising, this act has at least given the Demon of Dwilight's newest offspring a position in Sallowsian royalty. In the Spring of Dwilight, 6 YD, Winter Ironsides was born. His father was notified by a Sallowsian messenger while in a cantina in Port Raviel.

To no one's surprise, Lord Bowie is making his way through life much the same way as his lecherous father Jagur did. Sowing wild oats is in his nature and in his blood.