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Kingdom of D’Hara DHara crest.jpg
Capital Port Raviel Realm-D%27Hara.jpg
Government Monarchy
*King/Queen *Katayanna Ogren
*Confessor *Katrina Dragul
*General *Cenarious Stormrage
*Royal Fiduciary *Katayanna Ogren
Population ca. 6789
Nobles ca. 26
Port Raviel - Raviel - Port Nebel - Nebel - Qubel - Quebel Lighthouse - Paisly
"D’Hara is a realm that seceded from the realm of Shadovar and then waged a reunification war against Shadovar to reunite the isle under new leadership.

Located on two small islands in the center of Dwilight. It has 2 cities, 2 Townslands, 1 rural region and 1 fortress. All but a few shipping lanes pass through D'Hara. Recently D'Hara has expanded to the western continent, establishing a presence in the port city of Paisly


When the Judge of Shadovar, Sir Valdrix, refused to uphold the feudal rights of Duchess Katayanna Ogren, and instead issued a ban on a Duchess for claiming her feudal rights, Duchess Katayanna seceded her Duchy creating D’hara. Soon after the Ruler of Shadovar disgusted by the actions of Judge Valdrix stepped down, but not before fighting a duel to the death with Judge Valdrix in which they were both seriously injured, causing Valdrix to loose his position. Before the Duel, Valdrix further showed he was a traitor by lifting the ban on the previous dictator of Shadovar. The new judge of Shadovar promptly banned Valdrix and 3 others for the actions.

Emperor Mathias then stepped down from Ruler of Shadovar and joined D’Hara. As did the Duke of Nebel, and many other nobles. Leaving Shadovar an empty husk of its former self. D’Hara then declared War on Shadovar to reunite the 2 Duchies under a new banner, and a new Ruler. The war with Shadovar officially ended with Marquis Naracan of Nebel switched the allegiance of his county to the new Queendom of D'Hara, ending Shadovar and reunifying the former duchies together.

And then started the War of Expansion. . .

Dragon Rebellion of D'Hara

The rhetoric of this rebellion was the result of a division created in the D’Haran nobility. For several reasons unmentioned here, it was decided by the Dragon Queen Katayanna to abdicate from the throne and lead a colony effort to the mainland past Paisly. At the same time a growing lack of confidence in the sanity of the Dragon Queen, and severe mistrust in her behaviour, led to opposition among the nobles who would remain in D’Hara. After a breakdown in meaningful communication, General Cenarious maneuvered a group of disillusioned nobles into a rebellion to overthrow the Queen. The rebels stated that because the Queen was stealing gold from the realm to found the colony, enough to destroy parent realm of D'Hara, and because of the Queen's recent behaviour against a Duke of renown, they were no longer able to accept her rule. The colonists were not involved in the rebellion and were supported even after the Dragon Queen was overthrown and banned. King Cenarious took the throne of D’Hara and began ordering realm-wide repairs.

Crusade for Sallowtown

The infamous Demon of Dwilight, Lord Bowie Ironsides, has successfully launched a Crusade for the city of Sallowtown in the name of the Great Dragon Sallow. He was given the Mandate of Sallowtown by the Great Dragon himself and charged with reviving the Sallowsian culture and prominence on the continent. By bringing civilization back to the suffering Sallowsians, and performing the necessary rituals, he has been named their Prince. With the blessings of the ancestors, he shall bring back the glory and power Sallowtown once wielded. The D’Haran Crusaders who have participated in this noble cause deserve their due recognition. They are: Duke Hexic Jeckyl, Marquis Rathan Himoura, Dame Sorsha McDowell, Sir Gislher Ehrenstein, and Sir Carlos Francisco Torres de los Reyes. The Sallowsian Sir Kratos Wolff participated with honours. The Prophet Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith also deserves mention for preaching the faith in the city to prepare them for their deliverance.

TO of Port Nebel.jpg

Realm Links

Laws of D'hara
Estate incentives
The Way of the Dragons
Knights of Fafnir
Treaties of D'Hara
Phase 1 expansion effort - this could change in time. But should be updated when it does.