D'Hara/Estate Incentive Program (EIP)

From BattleMaster Wiki

Estate Incentive Program (EIP)

This is a voluntary program that Lords and Dukes may or may not wish to incorporate into their regions. It is suggested that you at least consider it or something similar.
The idea and the program are very simple. It is designed to reward a regions knights for increasing, and maintaining their estates.
It works by setting a base Oath percentage that all receive. Then upon showing proof of increased estate and the proper setting of that estate the oath goes up accordingly.


Start Oaths at 5% for small estates increase oath to 6% for medium estates, and then jump to 7% for large estates.
(Set the base percentage to fit your region. As well as the raises for each step up.)
This system does work.

Why use it?

The Larger the estates of your knights, the easier to maintain the region. And a well maintained region will ensure the best taxes and therefore more gold in your pocket.
And the easier it is to maintain when your region is attacked by monsters.
Extremely high estates will make it much harder for a enemy TO to be successful. If a TO is started, simply move the majority of the estates to Authority.
As you can see the condition of your estates is of vital importance.
Knights that have invested their own gold to increase their estate are less likely to leave you.
Knights that are paid well will also remain.