Arn Family/Valeria Trueblade

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Valeria Trueblade never truly considered herself a member of the House of Arn. She seeks honest justice, compassionate mercy, hearty companionship, noble truths, easy laughter, and other values totally meaningless to the other Arns. After a final, bitter dispute with her uncaring father she cast her fate to the winds, and fled to the shores of the South-East Island and the realm of Toren. She briefly served in the Black Knights of Toren Army, but was swiftly disillusioned by the realm's brutality and merciless government. Trusting the fates to guide her path, she travelled far and wide, eventually finding herself in the democratic nation of Ashborn on the island of Beluaterra. Quickly appreciating the mercy and wisdom of Mentism, Valeria had found her home. She briefly led the nation's armies as the Minister of Defense and laboured to save her beloved adopted nation from absolute destruction at the hands of the villainous Sint. She is now Marshal of the 1st Ashborn Republican Army and the Countess of Dald where she spends most days working on improving the lives of her adoring people.

She sleeps well, and dreams of glory, beauty, and chivalrous combat.

She also has a surprisingly decent mezzo-soprano singing voice.