Talk:The TattleMaster

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Emmigration Messages

Err... that's been around for years? --Tom 23:24, 20 January 2008 (CET)

Well, that's what happens when a new island is being hyped: people start paying attention to what is written under the "emigrate" action and notice things they've never noticed before :). Medium 23:32, 20 January 2008 (CET)
I could swear the only thing I saw before was the ammount of players and average gold. I could swear! :O -Chénier 03:42, 21 January 2008 (CET)


I always thought it'd be the SEI. SWI is, after all, the only donor-only island, SEI the island where all the troubles were, and closing the SEI would be the easiest way to bring hundred of war-hungry people onto Dwilight... -Chénier 17:16, 13 December 2007 (CET)

Perhaps Tom thought that since the SEI is an island full of war-hungry people, it's good that they are in fact on a war island like SEI, and since Sandalak is overruling SWI, there's no more war there. An easy choice, I think. Medium 21:09, 13 December 2007 (CET)
Non-sense. I would have thought that, exactly because SEI is filled with war-hungry people, he'd sink that one. So that, you know, Dwilight gets a good start and isn't prone to the EC's fate? A little push for a good start since there won't be any invasions to prevent stagnation. -Chénier 21:26, 13 December 2007 (CET)
Actually, SWI's war was going strong until this announcement. Ikalak was making continuing gains against a Sandalak whose two cities are separated from each other by quite a few rogue regions. I find it a fun place to play, but I also guess that freeing up donor characters for Dwilight may have a good influence upon it. Elenar 00:02, 14 December 2007 (CET)
I think there are a couple very good reasons for closing SWI:
  • SWI was being used as a huge gold-farm by donators. I heard many times that people remarked on going to SWI to "reload their family gold" and other such things. (Yes, SEI was also used for this, but SWI is where the real money was.)
  • Donators get other perks beside a special donor-only island. Like an extra character, and fancy Sir/Lady titles.
  • If the only war island is a donor-only island, then non-donors don't get the option of having access to a war island. This means that donation actually gets you a tangible return for your money, some actual part of the game that you can only get by donating. The other benefits of donation are just game-wide recognition of donor status and getting more BattleMaster than non-donators, as opposed to a different Battlemaster. As far as I understand the donation program, that's not what donation is supposed to be.
Given all that, I'm not surprised that the SWI was chosen. Oh, and I don't think you'll find Dwilight locked into the EC's fate. EC ended up in political gridlock for a lot of reasons that just won't exist on Dwilight. Among them, the chief contributor is size. One superpower, or even two in close proximity, will not be able to lock up the entire island into gridlock like happened on EC. There is enough distance and separation on that monster island that one realm will have much less influence on overall island politics. --Indirik 15:32, 14 December 2007 (CET)
I think that if SWI is gonna replace DWI then Tom should get a free passage to DWI those who are on SWI.. also why is emigrating costing you gold on SWI now? It shouldnt cost as it is not voluntarily. I loved SWI. And btw you cant add gold to your family from war islands like SWI. Yes it is new.--M2rt 15:48, 16 December 2007 (CET)
I seriously resent the claim that the SWI was used solely for "donators" to hoard large amounts of gold for their families. In fact, the ability to send gold home to your family has actually been disabled on the SWI for a few months now. True, some may have done that in the past, but truthfully from what I can see, and from I can say for myself personally, the SWI was a fun island that was very evenly matched. Sandalak may have been bigger, but Ikalak was fighting back hard, and had even managed to split it down the middle with rogue regions before the announcement. It was probably one of my favourite islands, and I was very disappointed and annoyed by the announcement it was going to be closed. But, I suppose it is up to Tom, and I will just have to have my character deal with it :( --Bob 8:46pm 17 December 2007 (AEST)
You can resent anything you want, but you should resent what I actually said, and not what you think I said. What I did not say was that SWI used for the sole purpose of hoarding family gold. I imagine that the majority of the people on the island did not use the war islands to restock family gold. However, the fact remains that they were used for that purpose by a LOT of people. You may not be one of them. Yes, the war island gold-transfer ability was removed. (FYI - I wrote about it here within hours of it happening.) But the very fact that Tom was forced to do it only points out how extensive the problem was on *both* islands. (I personally believe it was much worse on SWI, based on comments I have heard from various donators who were on the island.) But in any case, I did not provide that list as a conclusive indictment of why the war islands in general should be closed. I provided it as my personal list of reasons why SWI may have been chosen to close over SEI. With the recent news of SEI closing also, it becomes a moot point. --Indirik 15:50, 17 December 2007 (CET)

Talk Archives

/December 17, 2007

South Island

It was a joke ;P

Ceorl 19:27, 1 April 2008 (CEST)

Well, of course it was. But there's a lot of people that read the wiki and not the DList. I had to help sucker them into it, too! :D --Indirik 21:28, 1 April 2008 (CEST)

That's too bad. I'd consider moving a character there. Even if the turns per day really wasn't every two hours but was more like every 6-8 hours or so. --Jdsiii 00:04, 2 April 2008 (CEST)

bounty pots

i think it was possible to put 10 and 9 into the monster/undead pots before.. I thought tom doubled it with the fix?

I can't put more than 10 right now, though indeed he did say he doubled it... I was pretty sure I could have 9 gold before, though. A pain that I have to click per 5 gold each shot and that it doesn't even bring me back to the bounty page, though. -Chénier 05:13, 18 November 2008 (CET)