The Fontan Democrat/October '08

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Fontan Democrat Header.png
October '08

Printed in Krimml, Karbala, and Fontan City Free

Fontan News
October Recap
By, Alise Athins
I apologize for the lack of articles, but the war has kept me busy, and well there hasn't been much to report. Little of note happened this month, or really at all since the loss of Avamar. We managed to take Bruck and lose it, and Sirion managed to take Montijo, but we took it back. The Fontan Assembly gave Chancellor Mikhail authority to entertain peace talks with our enemies, but it ended just as we suspected, and all of them were in this war out of sheer greed, and didn't want peace until they had gained the territory they wanted. The only other thing of note was the brief imprisonment of Minister of Defense Malfurion, during which I took his place. Besides these items, life in Fontan has been traveling from one front to another, fighting a battle, and pushing our enemies out

of our lands, with little rest.

Ahh I almost forgot, there was the wedding of Sir Jon Paule and Lady Katalynfae. Though I believe it did occur in September, better late than never. The Democrat would like to congratulate the happy couple. Along the same lines festivals have been held in An Najaf by Lord Armstrong and in Braga by Lady Aewyn. Both were well attended, and if I remember correctly it was during the An Najaf festival that the wedding occurred. Though some such as myself still want to know how we have time for festivals while we have five enemies attacking us, it is still good to know that the Fontanese know how to have a good time.

World News
The South
By, Alise Athins
While things have almost reached a stalemate in the north since the fall of Avamar, the war in the south has been quite eventful. Since our allies Ibladesh have rejoined our allies of Tuchanon V in their war against Itorunt the two have made huge advancements. The Tuchans have been revitalized, having been besieged in the city of Isadril for some time, the aid of Ibladesh has made it possible for them to retake Igno, Tota and Enubec (which has since gone rogue). Ibladesh has also made great strides taking the regions of Leibo, Betholm, and Itor Boss. We hope our allies can keep up their victories.