The Oligarchian Observer/Edition:1

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Oli1.JPG The Oligarchian Observer
Free Our opinions, our views, our news Issue: First of many to come!
Honourary Editor: Lysander
Assistant Editors: Sakima, Count of Poitiers and Paul, Banker of Oligarch
Observer Up And Running!
Oligarch City - A new newspaper is causing quite a stir up here in the northern plains of the East Island! The government of Oligarch has issued its first paper. Citing discrepencies in other northern newspapers, (the Fontan Digest, for example) the Dictator Lysander had this to say:

"It is time the people of Oligarch had a chance to express their views. We have long suffered the words of other realms without responding, but I am happy to say that time is over. Now people from all over the continent will be informed of our realm's doings."

Whether or not this newspaper will be able to make it in the competitive world of journalism, we will have to wait and see. Stay with us as we bring you the details. - Paul

We need writers (and helpers)!
The Oligarchian has been launched, but we need correspondents. We accept anybody, but we especially need more Oligarchian nobles to step up and become - A Reporter!

(Plus, I really don't want to have to interview myself.)

Also, as you can see, the articles aren't lining up the way I/you think they should. I don't know if it's even possible, but we also need some codepeople who know what they're doing in order to make it look good. -Paul (This part has been fixed now! Thanks go out to Gsklee for giving me some good ideas)

Bloody Battle in Oberndorf
Oligarch City - The Oligarchian Army was attacked by an overwhelming force of Sirionites in Oberndorf several days ago. From what we at the Observer can determine, it seems that the Sirionite Army was able to conceal itself from Oligarch's scouts. The Army of Sirion was then able to use its concealment in order to launch a surprise attack on the Oligarch Army attempting to takeover the rogue region there.

However, the battle did not go as well as the inital attack. It seems that either the Sirionite Army was set up wrong, or the Oligarch Army was able to counter the attack - regardless of the Sirionite battle plan. In the opinion of this reporter, (who was the lone Marshal in the battle) there wasn't time for formal battlelines, advances and counter attacks. It was a realitivly chaotic battle and both armies paid the price for it.

Outnumbered almost two to one, the Oligarch Army was able to hold off the intital waves of Sirionite attackers. The first hours of battle where some of the deadiest to Sirion, but once it was obvious that Oligarch would put up a fight, there was no other option but to use overwhelming force. Sirion's main casualities came in the first three hours of the battle, while Oligarch's main casualities came later in the battle, after Sirion's warriors formed up into strict lines and advanced.

In a later interview with the Oligarchian General, Sir Arnuad would only say this:

"We've been beaten this time, but we have managed to keep at lest some of our units intact and alive. We will learn from this battle and get stronger with time."

Comments from Sirionite nobles ranged from the solemn to the shocked. One unnamed Sirionite noble, when presented with the after-action status of his unit, was heard to say:

"Six dead and six wounded out of fourty men."

The statistics aside, the battle was won by the Sirionite forces and have since reinforced themselves in Oberndorf with fresh troops from Sirion Castle. With the sobering sight of the Sirionite Army outside its walls, the nobles of Oligarch will have to wait and see what Sirion intends to do with Oberndorf. - Paul