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The continent of Dwilight, both in the west and east, has seen a recent surge in colonisation as realms all round took further territories and expanded their control. Indeed, in the past two days, some 5 regions have been taken, and two lost to rebels, as the conscientious colonising Nobility marched forth into the unknown. The most notable of all these takeovers has been the reclamation of Ygg d'Razhuul by the fierce Everguardians to the north, their embarrassment at the hands of some fiesty peasants, quickly and decisively rectified.
The continent of Dwilight, both in the west and east, has seen a recent surge in colonisation as realms all round took further territories and expanded their control. Indeed, in the past two days, some 5 regions have been taken, and two lost to rebels, as the conscientious colonising Nobility marched forth into the unknown. The most notable of all these takeovers has been the reclamation of Ygg d'Razhuul by the fierce Everguardians to the north, their embarrassment at the hands of some fiesty peasants, quickly and decisively rectified.

In other news, the city of Chateau Saffalore successfully resisted the on-going control of the Melodian nobility, who relocated their capital and focus to the Port of Raviel in the central islands.
In other news, the city of Chateau Saffalore successfully resisted the on-going control of some Madinan colonisers, who relocated their capital and focus to the Port of Raviel in the central islands.

''New Supreme Arbitrator appointed.''
''New Supreme Arbitrator appointed.''

Revision as of 02:25, 21 April 2008

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Caerwynian Chronicle
The True Colonists Digest!

Disclaimer (and for those who have had a little trouble with our writing): The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Caerwynian Government.
Chief of Staff: Teniel Dell, Dame of Golden Farrow

Reporter: TBA

Battle Reporter: TBA

Interviewer: TBA

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
April 20, 2008

More realms for Dwilight!

The realm of Shadovar has been formed through secession in the central islands, with its capital in the Port of Nebel. Little is known of this small realm apart from the fact that it is currently the only Tyranny on Dwilight. Its nobles appear to be primarily formed from the fierce and noble warriors of the South-Western island, displaced by the sudden destruction of their homeland. The Chronicle wishes them well in their efforts to tame the barren islands.

A speight of Takeovers.

The continent of Dwilight, both in the west and east, has seen a recent surge in colonisation as realms all round took further territories and expanded their control. Indeed, in the past two days, some 5 regions have been taken, and two lost to rebels, as the conscientious colonising Nobility marched forth into the unknown. The most notable of all these takeovers has been the reclamation of Ygg d'Razhuul by the fierce Everguardians to the north, their embarrassment at the hands of some fiesty peasants, quickly and decisively rectified.

In other news, the city of Chateau Saffalore successfully resisted the on-going control of some Madinan colonisers, who relocated their capital and focus to the Port of Raviel in the central islands.

New Supreme Arbitrator appointed.

With the surprise resignation of Sir Rothat as the enforcer of justice in Caerwynian, the Lady Delia, Prime Minister of Caerwyn quickly appointed yours truly as the new Supreme Arbitrator of the land.

Farrowfield is ours!

After a difficult struggle against the ravening hordes of undead that roam the countryside, and only a surprisingly short takeover of 3 days, the townslands of Farrowfield have finally been converted to Caerwynian control. A great day for the realm as we have taken our first steps towards the colonisation of these rugged, untamed lands.

Shortly after its capture, and with brief ceremony, the Prime Minister Lady Delia appointed Sir Tsuboh as the new Marquis of Farrowfield, who immediately set about the regions restoration. Good luck Sir Tsuboh!

April 18, 2008

Supreme Arbitrator resigns.

In a surprise announcement, Sir Rothat, the only recently elected Supreme Arbitrator has resigned from his post sighting health issues as his primary reason. With his resignation, the post for the role of the enforcer of justice in Caerwyn has once again become open to the nobility as candidates begin to place their names forth for consideration.

Takeover in Farrowfield.

Following the successful attack upon the undead creatures and their monster counterparts, the troops in Farrowfield under the leadership of Sir Lucian, Marshal of the Golden Army, have begun a friendly takeover of the area. The takeover, intiated by Sir Kanuni, and now in its 2 day of progress, will result in the acquisition of an important townsland region, and permit for the future inclusion of border regions, Demyansk, Mech Derris and Mozyr, all valuable rural regions. Let us hope that the takeover concludes soon, so that the spread of the Caerwynian nobility can continue!

April 16, 2008

Victory in Farrowfield!

Nearly a week after the original incursion upon the undead in Farrowfield, a newly invigorated and refitted Caerwynian army smashed the vile creatures during a tense battle just inside the borders. Led by Sir Lucian, Marshal of the Golden Army, the forces of Caerwyn were ambushed by the Undead on the march, as they headed toward the last known place of sighting. In a cruel twist, it seems as though the undead and the monsters by some foul pact have begun to join forces in battle, giving twice the trouble to the valiant colonists of Caerwyn. Nevertheless we were victorious, with Sir Kanuni beginning a friendly takeover the region shortly after victory.

Council, reinstated.

After nearly 6 days without a Prime Minister, and after 2 without a Finance Minister, the Nobility of Caerwyn have finally been given a chance to re-elect their leadership, with the former ruler Lady Delia elected practically un-contested, with Sir Kanuni's withdrawal from the contest. Upon election, Lady Delia promptly re-instated Lady Lyse to the role of the Finance Minister, a position she also lost to the machinations of the vile undead who struck her down in bloody battle.

The Juggernaut continues...

The realm of Pian En Luries, widely believed to be the largest and most powerful colonial realm on the continent, eastern or western half, has now added a further two regions to its holdings in quick succession. At over 110,000 peasants under its command, its power is only rivaled by the Empire of Springdale in the north, also a power of its own. Which must indeed worry lesser realms caught in the middle...

Everguard in trouble?

News has reached the Chronicle here that the realm of Everguard has recently lost the fiefdoms of Ygg d'Razhuul to rebels in the area who goaded the populace into doing the unthinkable. What is more remarkable however is that this region is but one away from their very Capital of Valkyja itself, thus splitting the fledgling realm in two. The Chronicle is very supportive of the future Everguardian attempts to quash the rebellion and put down those uppity peasants for good, such actions against the nobility must not be tolerated.

April 14, 2008

Finance Minister struck down!

Lady Lyse Chenier, Minister of Finances for Caerwyn, was seriously wounded late on the 13th, during a closely contested duel with the now banished Sir Serko. This has now left Caerwynians two council members short, with elections for the rulership still days away from completion, and the post of Finance Minister based upon appointment by the holder of that very office.

The duel itself took place on the outskirts of the city of Golden Farrow and resulted in a light wounding for Sir Serko himself, and who continues to remain at large after being whisked away by those in his retinue loyal to him. An extensive search throughout the woods that surround Golden Farrow is underway, but it is unlikely that Sir Serko will be captured.

In other news, the realm's military continues to build from the early Pyrrhic defeats suffered at the hands of the swarming undead creatures that continue to plague our borders and the outlying regions surrounding the Capital. Whilst we bide our time and build up our strength, the populace of Farrowfield are ravaged by undead hordes counting over 3,000 CS. It is unlikely however, that Caerwynian forces will move until a new Prime Minister has been selected.

April 13, 2008

Prime Minister lost to the enemy!

Tragedy has struck the realm of Caerwyn with the capture of our incumbent Prime Minister, the Lady Delia, by the foul undead who seek our destruction, during a fierce battle for control of the townslands of Farrowfield.

In an attempt to drive the undead back from our claimed lands and begin the expansion of our holdings, the Golden Army, under the command of Sir Lucian marched forth from the city to engage the foul beasts that terrorised the populace. Unfortunately, the enemy received unexpected assistance from another band of undead that had previously been sighted in Mozyr. Despite victory, casualties were high, and in the thick of the fighting Lady Delia was pulled down from her mount and dragged off into the seething mass.

Though we are confident that she continues to be kept in relative good health, her capture has sparked a snap election that will determine who the next Prime Minister will be until the new elections next month. There have been several candidates to place their names into contention, however by far the most prominent have been Sir Serko (prior to his banishment), and Sir Kanuni who has widespread support throughout the realm.

Elections are not for another 5 days however, and there is always the possibility that Lady Delia will escape capture to stand again.

Controversy in Caerwyn!

The past few days have perhaps been some of the most tumultuous in the short lifetime of our valiant attempt to bring civilisation to the uncharted lands of this strange island. Despite a desperate need to begin the expansion of Caerwynian holdings to provide for the growth of the city of Golden Farrow, the realm has been mired in a bitter argument surrounding two primary protagonists in Sir Serko, of the renowned Relak family, and the Duke of the city, Sir Borreas.

From discussion in realm it seems the dispute was originally spawned from a rejection of an oath of fealty by the Duke of the city. But has quickly spiraled down into accusations of ignobility on both sides, and now finally resulting in the expulsion of Sir Serko from the lands of Caerwyn, after revelations of threats against the families of the Supreme Arbitrator and the Duke of Golden Farrow, by members of House Relak.

However, there have been several challenges thrown down, and there are duels to be resolved, as all involved attempt to retain their integrity and honour. It seems as though only through the spillage of noble blood can a resolution be found.

April 10, 2008

A new Beginning

Please enjoy the first edition of the Caerwynian Chronicle! The first stories will be out as soon as the offices in Golden Farrow can be properly upholstered.

April 20, 2008

A new season: The season has turned and it is now Autumn.

April 19, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Cadier have revolted and declared independence from Pian en Luries!

Region Takeover: Morek has taken control of Huanghai , a former rogue region

April 18, 2008

Region Takeover: Melodia has taken control of Port Raviel , a former rogue region

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Farrowfield , a former rogue region

Region Takeover: Pian en Luries has taken control of Lupa Lapu , a former rogue region

Region Takeover: Everguard has taken control of Ygg d'Razhuul , a former rogue region

Region Revolts: The people of Chateau Saffalore have revolted and declared independence from Melodia!

Region Takeover: Morek has taken control of Nimh , a former rogue region

April 16, 2008

Region Takeover: Pian en Luries has taken control of Grodno , a former rogue region.

April 15, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Ygg d'Razhuul have revolted and declared independence from Everguard!

April 13, 2008

Region Takeover: Pian en Luries has taken control of Ciarin Tut , a former rogue region.

April 11, 2008

Region Takeover: Madina has taken control of Chateau Saffalore , a former rogue region, and established a colony there.

April 9, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Eidulb have revolted and declared independence from Caerwyn!

Region Revolts: The people of Panamana have revolted and declared independence from Madina!

Victory in Farrowfield!

The understrength but determined armed forces of the Golden Army of the City defeated 26 Undead fiends in the neighbouring townslands of Farrowfield, laying clear the road for our first acquisition and the dawning of a new era on the western half of the uncharted lands of Dwilight.

Extras: Insert further editions here.