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(if 4 out of 5 dentists are dead, guess the 5th has to agree with you)
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==Liberation and joy==
==Liberation and joy==
The complete state of drug-induced delusion under which the peasant who writes this paper lives allows him to believe that killing 80% of the people in the city and terrifying the few survivors into submission constitutes liberation and joy on the part of the survivors. This paper is not even useful as comedy. --Duke Dabug [[User:Habap|Habap]] 05:36, 9 September 2007 (CEST)
The complete state of drug-induced delusion under which the peasant who writes this paper lives allows him to believe that killing 80% of the people in the city and terrifying the few survivors into submission constitutes liberation and joy on the part of the survivors. This paper is not even useful as comedy. --Duke Dabug [[User:Habap|Habap]] 05:36, 9 September 2007 (CEST)
*But it does make for some nice outhouse paper! -Ceowfyr the Brave [[User:Andrasta|Andrasta]] 06:31, 9 September 2007 (CEST)

Revision as of 04:31, 9 September 2007

We had a bloody agreement and treaty with your Realm...I am not completely surprised with RedSpan breaking an agreement with us, they are notoriously known for throwing diplomacy/treaties out the window at a whim...but Tara? Tara has never broken an agreement with ASI, and this is even that much more dissapointing. I always thought that Tara's own setup was much like CE's since you two are so close, and the Republic's leaders told me clearly on numerous accounts that "Diplomacy was serious business in CE, and an alliance means everything" back when we agreed to improve relations with the Republic. I am dissapointed that our well earned peace agreement--which was going to more than likely become an alliance after your problems with Falasan were squared away--meant so little to your people because it meant a hell of a lot to us. But since war has not yet been declared, anything can still happen. I hope to not see the Tarans invading our lands...I thought that part of our history was buried and laid to rest...and that it wouldn't be ressurected. Some things are better left in the past, if the future looks bright. Doc's Revenge

Ha! If RedSpan can't handle the pressure maybe they shouldn't have declared war on ASI in the first place. ---Hyral

Oh boy -_- Why is it that when it comes to Tara, they have to rely on what Jonothan says? Sure he may be the Tyrant, but does everyone know exactly what his playbook is? was a good thing I left, otherwise I think I would've driven myself to the far outskirts of insanity ; D -- Bakos

Ch, in regards to the "False Alarm" section, I think is despicable that RS would knowingly take ASI's army away from a suffering Falasan, a realm they had been allied with, just to satisfy their own greed, and use Falasan's hardships as a way to get ASI to give them what they want. No honor in the goats. ---Hyral

order switch

I hope you don't mind if I took the liberty of re-arranging the order of the minor articles on the right hand side. Thought it odd that the older article was displayed first ;) --RubyDragon 18:20, 20 March 2007 (CET)

Attack on Skalk

Go Abington! Give them hell! Norland is cheering for you! And to Vengence: Enjoy your just desserts. Bon appetit. -Ceowfyr the Brave Andrasta

Ah, the tangled webs we weave, when we first practice to deceive. How fascinating that Norland, Eston's federated ally, to whom Tara is also allied to, is cheering on Abington's assault in the Cagilan Empire, who is Tara's ally. --Reilwin Merytis 20:00, 25 May 2007 (CEST)
It's not so complicated. Anyone who fights the Cagilans is a friend of Norland. I bet Vengence, in his infinite arrogance, wasn't expecting this... which makes it so much more amusing. -Ceowfyr the Brave Andrasta 22:48, 25 May 2007 (CEST)
Ah, but yet, the Tarans, friends of the Cagilan Empire, fight in the side of Eston, who are friends of Norland. Yet Norland opposes the Cagilan Empire. --Reilwin Merytis 19:47, 26 May 2007 (CEST)
Minor correction, it is CE who opposes Norland. They oppose pretty much everyone who doesn't fall in line whenever they snap their fingers. As for Tara end Eston, we do not interfere in their war. We have our own battles to fight. Tara and Eston have been staunch allies since before the days of the Northern Federation. It should come as no surprise that they fight Falasan together. Ceowfyr the Brave Andrasta 20:18, 26 May 2007 (CEST)

Meldeen Annexed

What? Peacefully? Humanitarian crisis? You started a Brutal TO! That sounds peaceful does it not. And it is yours and your allies actions that has caused this situation. You are just land hungry greedy Son of a B* couldnt even be bothered to fight, you just take the land like vultures! ScottSabin 10:48, 21 June 2007 (CEST)

Wow Tony. You dare to call another realm a set of vultures? Have you not forgotten your little invasion of Rogeshore. Where you first entered the region without a war declaration and then began a TO whilst the Ashlantean armies were fighting in defence of Belegmon. You're just as greedy and just as bad as your old friend there. - Revan 13:46, 21 June 2007 (CEST)
Slight difference in the cirumstances...Yes ASI was away...But they do not have 4 realms attacking them. Tara has not even made a reason to to take the region apart from Assisting CE. Jonathon has not even spoke about it. There are very big differences of the two situations. ScottSabin 14:07, 21 June 2007 (CEST)
So ASI's defence of Falasan had nothing to do with it, eh? By attacking ASI, you left Falasan defending against 4 other realms: Darka, Tara, BoM and Eston. Let's see you get a taste of your own medicine this time...see how long you last. --Rathkanouros Kalantis 05:33, 22 June 2007 (CEST)
Nothing about Carelia taking Atblane? I suppose a Friendly TO by your great ally makes their argument better. --Aldous 12:45, 22 June 2007 (CEST)
I'm a Carelian. From a leaders/propoganda point of view, what are you going to write in your newspaper? That your realm is doomed? Somehow i don't think so. Its just trying to be real, looking on the bright side and keep up their hope - surely? Newspapers were meant to show what the rulers wanted, not what the enemies wanted. If your realm is losing, you shouldn't just give up, because then you have already lost. (This is really about most of the comments on this page) --Crazylozda 02:28, 5 July 2007 (CEST)


I find it amusing how a city can be "liberated" through the medium of brutality. Maybe it's a Tyranny thing, but it seems to me that if a region has upset your TO attempts what? 3...4 times that they're perfectly happy where they are. I also find it amusing that Tara is so ready to fight alongside of Carelia against Redspan when less than three months ago, the Redspan-Tara alliance was the only thing keeping Carelia from attacking Tara with the intent of wiping them off the map. Perhaps Jonathon forgot the message I sent him warning him about a certain neighbor who would hang a different banner over Foda. -- Filador

It is liberation. Once Stargard flies the Taran Banner, peace and security will prevail. The peasants can go back to their lives toiling for the nobility. As for the Redspan-Tara Alliance, virtually everyone in Tara was against it except Jonathon. It did not help that Redspan attacked ASI so dishonorably. Tara almost had an uprising over it. Frankly, Redspan just has too many enemies. --Aldous 9:17, 5 July 2007 (CEST)
Liberation? Ha! Do you even manage to fool your own comrades with this biased garbage? Because you don't fool anyone else. You and your allies are conquerors, but you call yourselves "liberators" - why? Because the truth doesn't raise the morale of your troops enough? Facts are just not as flattering? Stargard is loyal to Redspan, but you invent stories of Stargard peasants throwing flowers on your soldiers - why? Because in Tara, only lies will suffice? Only pretty stories can paint you in a good light? You do your realm a disservice by publishing such pathetic propaganda, and you insult those whom you kill by attempting to bury the truth as well as the bodies. House Olik 19:03, 12 July 2007 (CEST)
Is that why Tara was poised to take Aja when Redspan had her sights on Rogeshore? As I recall, the only reason Tara doesn't hold Tichi and Aja right now is because Vengence wouldn't let Jonathon declare war on ASI and maintain Federation with CE. And the fact still remains that if it weren't for Redspan putting stop to Carelia's desires, there would be a very good chance that Tara would be gone by now, or at least significantly smaller. We've seen what the former southern federation could do to CE/Tara when Darka wasn't there to save you. I remember Skalk falling to Carelia, and Tara down to two regions with a large enemy army sitting in Meldeen. And that was at a time that Redspan was working on minimal income because we didn't have Sullenport. (of course, Falasan pulling out also helped Tara a good ammount). So whether or not the majority of Tarans liked the alliance with Redspan (probably no more than most Redspaniards liked the alliance with Tara), they should owe Redspan a debt of gratitude.
And no, plundering, pillaging, ransacking, despoiling, devastating, ravaging, maurading, killing, raping, defiling, adulterating, desecrating and otherwise victimizing innocent peasants is in no way, shape, or form liberation. That good sir is called oppression and persecution. If you would like numbers, I have recorded 5433 peasants that have either been killed or fled from the Taran oppression in Stargard alone. And yet, realm loyalty is still at 100%, and morale at last count was 91%. These people that you devastate are as Redspaniard as I am, and I think you will find that it is incredibly difficult to liberate someone from themselves. If you go the religious route, I saw a report yesterday that showed less than three of every thousand are believers of "The Order." Religious tactics will not benefit you any time soon. --Filador
Damn right. The story in the paper simply boggles the mind. Was there not peace and security before the ignominious invasion of RedSpaniard land? Was there not peace and security before Tarans, Carelians, Cagilans, Talerians, et al. came to destroy the very peace, security, and liberty that you seem to always tout as your moral high horse? Face it, Tara is only in this to expand and exterminate. You have no altruistic motives nor have you ever entertained sincere thoughts of them, because if you did, we would not be having this war. It is pathetic that you would try to weasel around like this, Taran dogs. Elenar 07:33, 5 July 2007 (CEST)
Ahem... You people seem to forget that little raid Darka did. Maybe having both your cities and every region looted happens to you everyday but it doesn't to most people. That is what you get when you go about stabbing people AND it would have happened again. Tara is simply saving Redspan from itself. Also, Stargard would have fallen by now if Shamus, that Duchess AND those Goat Priests haven't been sabotaging our efforts. Your King's efforts have only increased the suffering of your people. I hope you can talk to Shamus and convince him what's best for Stargard is Tara's oversight.
That's right, blame the King, the Duchess, and the priests for wanting to save our Kingdom. Such a crime it is. Everything is better with Taran oversight. My my, if Atamara would be so much with Tara ruling over it, then gee, I wonder what reason could possibly have put Tara among the smallest and weakest realms on the entire Continent.
It's laughable that you think you understand how the mind of an average RedSpaniard works. Sorry boyo but there are some things greater than the next city to rape and steal.Elenar 07:58, 5 July 2007 (CEST)
No, I don't forget anything. Darka was gaining retribution for a crime committed against them. Granted they didn't act until they could have Talerium back their little excursion up. We survived then, the colony attempt failed miserably, because the people still liked us, and no regions fell below about 80% morale. Tara on the other hand has absolutely no reasonable grievance against Redspan. Let's see...before this attack, we had a nice alliance...we traded actively...Redspan protected Tara from other allies, and made no effort to stop Tara from taking lands from Falasan even before alliance, then chose to overlook the seizing of allied lands with an offer to work together to gain the Duchy of Aja (once again, you have Vengence to thank for that not happening). Redspaniard priests did not preach in Taran knives stuck in bodies, no black market trading, no secret plots leading to Tara's demise. Yep, I'd say we were damn good neighbors, and you decided to attack us. And it is still 100% impossible to save a person from himself. (Oh yeah, and I hope you have another TO unit ready, 'cause Urpo's going to be out of it for a little while). -- Filador

Independence in BoM

Minor correction, Uforth declared independence from Norland, not BoM -Andrasta

Oh, ok. Correcting now. -Aldous

Meldeen goes rogue

Your powers of deduction are quite amazing, Jose. I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would have connected Meldeen's independence with the fact that they hate RedSpan and welcome you scavengers as liberators. Truly, your powers are wasted on a mere newspaper. You should start up a travelling psychic show. The world would be a better place, and I'm not just saying that because I wouldn't have to read your filth ever again if you did. But it sure helps. -Ceowfyr the Brave Andrasta 11:07, 19 July 2007 (CEST)

Perhaps the people were disgusted that Tara offered the peerage of Meldeen for sale. Treat the people like mere chattel and they are unlikely to appreciate your presence at all. --Dabug Habap 18:35, 19 July 2007 (CEST)


Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles. -- or reality. House Olik 09:02, 9 August 2007 (CEST)


I thought it was Aquitane, not Aquilane. --OOC Habap 16:16, 31 August 2007 (CEST)

The Dead don't care how their name is spelled. --Aldous 05:37, 1 September 2007
It was Aquitane and I am not at all surprised at the complete disregard for accuracy exhibited by the Times. You can't even bother to get the simple things correct. Ignorance and arrogance match well. -- Dabug Habap 22:18, 4 September 2007 (CEST)
When Stargard falls, I will change all from Redspan to Deadpan. Aldous 07:45, 5 September 2007

Liberation and joy

The complete state of drug-induced delusion under which the peasant who writes this paper lives allows him to believe that killing 80% of the people in the city and terrifying the few survivors into submission constitutes liberation and joy on the part of the survivors. This paper is not even useful as comedy. --Duke Dabug Habap 05:36, 9 September 2007 (CEST)

  • But it does make for some nice outhouse paper! -Ceowfyr the Brave Andrasta 06:31, 9 September 2007 (CEST)