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==Ethiala and Justice==
==Ethiala and Justice==
Previously, King Thrasymaque, due to increasing lapse in activity stepped down in order for his mentor and former King of Ethiala, Osric ascend the throne once more. Unfortunately, King Osric had been the Arch-Priest of Ethiala and, with his election to the Throne, a new Arch-Priest had to be found. There were many candidates, however 3 stood out as the most eager for the roles and began their campaigns in earnest and passion. These main competitors were Aethelwulf, the Count of Treror and Marshal of Talex, Luyten, the Baron of Arempos and Marshal of Topenah and Jeselek, a member of the Ethialan Senate. All competitors believed in a fair competition and did not resort to beration of their other candidates, this led to a very positive and cheerful election campaign for all. The votes were cast and Lord Aethelwilf was elected the new Arch-Priest of Ethiala. Aethelwulf, universally respected and loved, stepped into his office with ease and has not looked back, since that time he has governed with zeal and honour and the Justice System has only grown stronger under his management. Unfortunate family matters required his attention and he stepped down as Arch-Priest. Kitiara, Duchess of Talex and Royal Banker was elected as the new Arch-Priestess.  
Previously, King Thrasymaque, due to increasing lapse in activity stepped down in order for his mentor and former King of Ethiala, Osric ascend the throne once more. Unfortunately, King Osric had been the Arch-Priest of Ethiala and, with his election to the Throne, a new Arch-Priest had to be found. There were many candidates, however 3 stood out as the most eager for the roles and began their campaigns in earnest and passion. These main competitors were Aethelwulf, the Count of Treror and Marshal of Talex, Luyten, the Baron of Arempos and Marshal of Topenah and Jeselek, a member of the Ethialan Senate. All competitors believed in a fair competition and did not resort to beration of their other candidates, this led to a very positive and cheerful election campaign for all. The votes were cast and Lord Aethelwilf was elected the new Arch-Priest of Ethiala. Aethelwulf, universally respected and loved, stepped into his office with ease and has not looked back, since that time he has governed with zeal and honour and the Justice System has only grown stronger under his management. Unfortunate family matters required his attention and he stepped down as Arch-Priest. Kitiara, Duchess of Talex and Royal Banker was elected as the new Arch-Priestess.  
==Ethiala Juditial Agreements/Edicts==
Between Ethiala and Antoza Commonwealth proposed on 5-15-07-not yet ratified
1. No troopleader of either realm will be held for longer than 2 days (4 turns), the troop leader will therefore be released at the end of the 4th turn at the very latest.
2. Troopleaders of either realm will not be tortured or have their gold stolen during their time held captive.
3. By Troopleaders we mean any Soldier, Cavalier, Mentor, Bureaucrat, Trader or Hero.
4. Traders who are caught on the Black Market shall be considered an exception to clause 1 and clause 2; however, they shall still not be tortured.
5. Infiltrators of either realm shall not be tortured on their first two capures..
6. No troopleader, can be banned and executed, and Infiltrators may be banned on their second capture and be deported on their third capture, if the judge wishes it.
7. Troopleaders, that have been banned before this agreement are not to be executed, but can be deported.

[[Category: Far East]]
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Revision as of 22:37, 15 May 2007


The Realm of Ethiala boasts a proud tradition of both peace and war. The only Constitutional Monarchy of the Far East, and traditionally a realm of Traders, Ethialan involvement in world politics, as a result of its geographic position on the continent, has reached its highest level yet, due to the continuous conflicts which sweep across the Far East. Completely surrounded by many realms of all sizes and histories, Ethiala holds the position as the only realm to be completely landlocked. Thus, she relies upon excellent leadership and, as a result of her loyalties and honourable dealings with the realms around her, she has formed strong alliances which have also been integral to her survival. The Ethialan Nobles, devoted to their leadership and committed to ensuring peace among the great nations of the Far East have worked tirelessly to assist in the negotiation, as well as mediation between warring realms and will continue to uphold their proud tradition of honour and loyalty above all else.

The Lands and Lords of Ethiala

The Duchies, their Lords and their Vassal Regions

Sir Mediastre - Marshal of the army of Topenah Duke of Topenah

Jacqueline - Countess of Hupar

Guilliam - Royal Treasurer of Ethiala, Baron of Arempos

Rhathar - Baron of Lantzas

• (not yet appointed) - Count/ess of Larmebsi

Kitiara - Arch Priestess, Duchess of Talex

• (not yet appointed) - Count/ess of Pesol

Ryft - Count of Treror, Marshal of the army of Talex

not appointed - Duke of Lasop

Brief History of Ethiala

More to Come!

Current History of Ethiala


Constitutional Monarchy of Ethiala

Noble's Contract

1. The Far East island is a pure role-playing island, so all nobles are expected to role-play on a regular basis. If you do not, you will first be warned by the King. If your roleplay does not increase to a satisfactory level, you will be banned from the realm. 2. Empty accusations, pointless attacks and other undue messages with no other apparent purpose than to cause unrest are dealt with severity in Ethiala. As a land of harmony, we tolerate no troublemakers.

Political Contract

1. Ethiala is a constitutional Monarchy. If two thirds of all troop leaders explicitly express their disagreement about any governmental action, the ruling class must comply. 2. The ruling class and the landed aristocracy are expected to be the best and most active troop leaders of Ethiala. They may not take their positions for granted. It is the right of any noble to contest the authority of an ineffective government member. This right is to be used with caution because, if the opposing noble finds no support in his comrades, he may be punished by the Arch Priest. 3. Electoral campaigns may “invite” nobles to vote for specific nobles but no harder terms may be used to incite a vote caster. Ethiala is a land of liberty; vote with you own conscience.

Military Contract

1. The High Marshal The General of Ethiala is the only one with the right to give any military order at any time. He can void the power of any Marshal by not recognizing him as a second-in-command. The King has the unique right to appointed him. If the King and the Arch Priest agree that his overall level of activity has dropped too low, a High Marshal may be ordered to step down. 2. The Marshals At any turn when the High Marshal has given no orders nor explicitly mentioned his last ones are still valid for the actual turn, the Marshals can give orders three hours after the turn change. The first Marshal to provide orders has authority for that turn; only the High Marshal can reverse his orders but it should be avoided as it causes contradictory actions. The right to choose the Marshals belongs to the Dukes alone.

Magna Carte

The King's word is law, but if 2/3 of the nobles of Ethiala choose to overrule him, he must abide by thier ruling. This applies to many things, including the removal of him from his position.

If the Senate makes a descision, it may also be overturned by a vote of 2/3 of the nobles. The senate may also cast votes as part of the nobility of Ethiala however.

The King's descision may also be overturned by the senate, in the case of a simple majority vote. However, in this case, it is the kings perogative to vote on his own behalf as a general member of the senate. If there is a stalemate, the king's descision stands.

A High Council's decision, may only be overturned with a unanimous vote by all other members of the senate, or by a 4/5 vote by the realm.

In the case of those who are aligned to a Lord, and unable to vote, (OOC: do not log on in the time set to vote) their lord may vote for them. If a Lord is unable to vote, his Duke casts his vote for him, as well as any who serve that Lord and are unable to vote.

If an Unaligned Noble is unable to vote, the king may cast his vote for whichever side he chooses.

The High Council is sent the individual votes in private, and they are tallied by all four members individually. If they have discrepancies, then the members who are in question will be contacted privately. In the case that the High Council's descision is in question, the votes will be tallied as an entire realm. In the case of a vote that is tallied as a realm, the votes are obviously not kept secret as with other forms of voting.

Ethiala and Diplomacy

As previously mentioned, due to the geographic position Ethiala finds herself, she has had her fair share of political intrigue and diplomatic fallout and success. Over the many months and years since Ethiala was formed under Cerbre and then expanded with the acquisition of Topenah, Ethiala has had many alliances form, and just as many dissolve. However throughout her history, Ethiala's strongest and most stable relationship has been with the large realm of Lasanar, with which she shares her entire western border. They have recently signed a Federation Agreement, and continue to hold each other in high regard.

During a turbulent period at the end of Daran of Lasanar's rule, Ethiala found a new alliance in Sartania, and soon after with Arcachon. Ethiala signed an agreement towards Federation with all three realms, making up the largest, and most powerful entity on all of Far East Island. Ethiala is at peace with all other realms of the Far East, and lately Ethiala has begun a process whereby Nobles are sent to the various realms of the Far East to build relations and act as spokepersons for the realm.

Currently, a new-found tension has been sparked in the southern and northern realms, this has been attributed to the all-out war which is occurring down in the southern realms of the Far East. Ethiala's proximity to both north and south has put her in a questionable and undesirable position. However through perseverence and deep thought, as well as steadfast loyalty to the Ethialan cause and honourable conduct of the Nobles. Ethiala will surely grow stronger and continue to assist her neighbours in finding a peaceful solution to the oncoming tide of conflict.

Ethiala and the Military

Whilst the leadership of Ethiala, under the guidance and influence of her Nobles, always strive to find a diplomatic avenue through which to resolve conflict, the defense of the realm is of paramount importance. Thus the Ethialan Military, whilst small, is one of the finest and well trained in the Far East. Under the command of the High Marshal of Ethiala and his subordinates, the Marshals of the Army of Topenah and Talex, the Nobles of Ethiala maintain a professional army. This army is at constant alert and ready to move immediately to any region which requires defence from invasion or incursion.

Ethiala and Finance

Under the guidance of the Royal Treasurer of Ethiala, the economy of Ethiala has grown far stronger than ever before. Food is in sufficient supply and commoner and Noble alike are able to live in comfort. The region of Treror has begun the creation of a harvest of the finest crops Ethiala has ever produced. In addition, to combat the tense diplomatic situation, several protocols, including the promotion of Bureaucrats to perform additional region maintenance so that the tax system may be altered, the creation of a Royal Bank and Treasury in the Capital to ensure a large quantity of gold be stored for desperate situations and trading missions to the furthest realms of the Far East to collect larger amounts of food for stores in Talex and Topenah have been instituted to further strengthen the Ethialan economy and financial situation. With the Nobles more devoted to the the maintenance and protection of the economy than ever before, Ethiala's financial situation will only continue to improve as the realm strives forward in leaps and bounds towards the future.

Ethiala and Justice

Previously, King Thrasymaque, due to increasing lapse in activity stepped down in order for his mentor and former King of Ethiala, Osric ascend the throne once more. Unfortunately, King Osric had been the Arch-Priest of Ethiala and, with his election to the Throne, a new Arch-Priest had to be found. There were many candidates, however 3 stood out as the most eager for the roles and began their campaigns in earnest and passion. These main competitors were Aethelwulf, the Count of Treror and Marshal of Talex, Luyten, the Baron of Arempos and Marshal of Topenah and Jeselek, a member of the Ethialan Senate. All competitors believed in a fair competition and did not resort to beration of their other candidates, this led to a very positive and cheerful election campaign for all. The votes were cast and Lord Aethelwilf was elected the new Arch-Priest of Ethiala. Aethelwulf, universally respected and loved, stepped into his office with ease and has not looked back, since that time he has governed with zeal and honour and the Justice System has only grown stronger under his management. Unfortunate family matters required his attention and he stepped down as Arch-Priest. Kitiara, Duchess of Talex and Royal Banker was elected as the new Arch-Priestess.

Ethiala Juditial Agreements/Edicts

Between Ethiala and Antoza Commonwealth proposed on 5-15-07-not yet ratified

1. No troopleader of either realm will be held for longer than 2 days (4 turns), the troop leader will therefore be released at the end of the 4th turn at the very latest.

2. Troopleaders of either realm will not be tortured or have their gold stolen during their time held captive.

3. By Troopleaders we mean any Soldier, Cavalier, Mentor, Bureaucrat, Trader or Hero.

4. Traders who are caught on the Black Market shall be considered an exception to clause 1 and clause 2; however, they shall still not be tortured.

5. Infiltrators of either realm shall not be tortured on their first two capures..

6. No troopleader, can be banned and executed, and Infiltrators may be banned on their second capture and be deported on their third capture, if the judge wishes it.

7. Troopleaders, that have been banned before this agreement are not to be executed, but can be deported.

Ethiala.jpg Ethiala.jpg
(Flag) ([[1]])
Location of Ethiala
Continent / Island Far East
Capital Topenah
Largest City Topenah
Government System Monarchy


Region Numbers 9
Population 79599
Food Production 871 bushels