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=== Assault on Domus failed? ===
Well, it's true. Itorunt has finally suffered a a major defeat at the walls of Domus. When the General of Yssaria, Abishur, was struck down by a bolt from the blue, this apparently demoralized Yssarians, causing them not to move and we lost many troops in the assault.
Another factor was that I must confess to having been asleep when the walls were built up to their stronghold level. Hence, the army did not plan on this extra barrier.
However, Caligus took a severe hit. They were provoked into proving themselves to be the monsters they truly are by threatening the life of our former lord (who then managed to escape anyway before the assault) and are still reeling from this blow. They will face more assaults, better planned than this in future; and if I have my way, it will be the military minds of Itorunt (who have never been lightning bolted) who decide on the strategies for next time.
=== War with Caligus! Early? ===
=== War with Caligus! Early? ===
What in the nine hells of Baator? Something has seriously provoked the wrath of Itorunt now. Here is the official statement:
What in the nine hells of Baator? Something has seriously provoked the wrath of Itorunt now. Here is the official statement:

Revision as of 09:11, 22 July 2006

The empre strikes back...
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Alex Exiled, Thray Walsh, and Ichigo Kurosaki.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! July Edition


Assault on Domus failed?

Well, it's true. Itorunt has finally suffered a a major defeat at the walls of Domus. When the General of Yssaria, Abishur, was struck down by a bolt from the blue, this apparently demoralized Yssarians, causing them not to move and we lost many troops in the assault.

Another factor was that I must confess to having been asleep when the walls were built up to their stronghold level. Hence, the army did not plan on this extra barrier.

However, Caligus took a severe hit. They were provoked into proving themselves to be the monsters they truly are by threatening the life of our former lord (who then managed to escape anyway before the assault) and are still reeling from this blow. They will face more assaults, better planned than this in future; and if I have my way, it will be the military minds of Itorunt (who have never been lightning bolted) who decide on the strategies for next time.


War with Caligus! Early?

What in the nine hells of Baator? Something has seriously provoked the wrath of Itorunt now. Here is the official statement:

Vlad accuses us of hiding behind peace. He threatens the life of our former lord Celeste. He denounces our honour.

Here's his honour. If he seeks war, he shall get it. We will sweep through his capital with Yssaria and crush what is left of his realm, the government of which he rebelled against not because of a sincere and noble desire to reform and improve his realm, but to cowardly save his own skin.

Our war against them will be swift and just.

Sir Lucian King of Itorunt

More information coming up, ASAP! --Alex

Tournament in Castle Ubent? And some people can't read or do maths?

Well, it's just been announced, by Zog Returns.

Tournament announced Sir Zog Returns, Prime Minister of Ubent has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Castle Ubent 9 days from now. There will be a charge of 20 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 400 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 100 gold for the second best. All troop leaders of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

The odd thing is what the Rampant Lion has to say on the issue:

"Sir Zog Returns has announced a tournament of joust and swordfight to be held in Castle ubent. There will be a charge of 20 gold par participant, and 400 for the 1st overall, 200 for the second overall"

As you can see... even in their paper, where they reportedthe correct figure, he somehow believe that the Ubentians will raise their second place prize two-fold.

"Now, If there was 100 tls who went to the tournament, that is a profit of 2000 gold."

Apparently the meaning of the word profit has escaped this poor new editor. Priofit means what you make after expenses; and tournaments aren't free. This Editor would predict that this tournent cost in the region of 1200 gold or over.

"We could even scale that number down! If 50 TLs go to the tournament, Zog will still make 400 gold. Where is it going?"

50 times 20... 1000 ... not quite getting you here, sorry. Certainly after prizes... for one event... assuming your mistaken beliefs that the prizes are 400 and 200, it may make sense, but that is still just one event. Also, it is wrong.

Itorunts view on the tournament is still uncertain, buit those who have spoken out seem to prefer to follow their current orders rather than visit the lands where they last invaded.


Here we go again...

The first division of Itrounts Army, mobilisied with all possible force and haste, is currently marching through Yssarian lands en route to Domus, where the forces of Itorunt shall have their mettle tested in the good fight that is upcoming.

Led by yours truly, there is some speculation as to whether the king, Lucian Vincent, is trying to make a point to the Caligans by sending the Division under the command of two of the editors of the paper. As to whether this is the case, the king has been rather silent, leading this writer to hope that whatever the big idea is, it will benefit Itorunt and her image.

So far there have been skirmishes with monsters, effectively dealt with by Itorunts nobles. With PMW's raids, there has been a weakened militia presensce in the area, that has allowed groups of monster to arise and threaten the populacee of Yssarias southern regions. They have now been neutralised or are about to be.

Rumours reach the ears of the newspaper about a well planned covert war going on against the Caligans already. There have been rumours of assassinations against King Vlad Nosferatus of Caligus, and recently the Arch Priest of Caligus was removed from the position by healers. These rumours are unconfirmed, but it is likely that unless Caligus catches some of the shades responsible, it will remain so. Of course, to catch these rumoured troops, the Caligan armyfaces a dilemma, as to whether to assign a police force and neglect the defense of their walls, or face the harassment while still regaining combat efficiency.

It is expected that by next week, Caligus will be an effectively dead realm. Watch this space. --Alex

Catching Up

With the bulk of the Perdanese army preoccupied with its northern border, the armies of the south have proceeded to attack Perdan's souther border virtually unchallenged. Itorunt managed to take land as far as the region of Lorient before proceeding to assist the Ibladeshians in clearing out the large militia force in Woolton, the staging point of nearly every Perdanese attack on Ibladesh. This is a timely effort, as the northern armies are begining to look somewhat depleted and the threat of a reprisal from Perdan is now becoming more likely. There was some confusion regarding orders on the eve of the attack that resulted in only half of Itorunt's available units actually participating in the battle and increased casualties for the attackers. The assault was successful nonetheless and Ibladesh has since completed a takeover of the region. This will add much-needed food reserves to the hungry realm's storehouses.

Despite the largely positive result of the battle itself, insurgents in Clermont took advantage of the momentary confusion to kick out the Itoruntian officials and declare themselves rogue. The second division, tasked with holding the border regions, was in the process of a refit and thus unable to take the region back quickly. The success of the Clermont rebellion inspired similar elements in Lorient and Ar Mosul to take control of those regions as well. The majority of the second division is now working to free the people of Clermont from these opportunistic local warlords with Lorient soon to follow. Ibladesh is certain to see to Ar Mosul before long as well. Fortunately, matters are proceeding far more smoothly with the other recently liberated regions. Control in the western regions is slowly begining to take on a semblance of stability.

On the Caligan front, there had been some speculation on what might result from Vlad's ouster of Gwynyth Kazan in a bid to establish peace with Yssaria. That has apparently been decided after a series of battles saw hostilities between the two old enemies resumed. Negotiations apparently failed because Yssaria, due to a well-founded hatred and mistrust of Caligus, ultimately decided they would not accept anything less than the keys to Domus as their prize. As we all know, surrender under those terms would leave Caligus just as doomed as if they chose to fight it out, so the decision fight on can't have been a hard one. Caligus benefited from the talks in one way at least, they were given time to bolster their Capitol's defenses sufficiently to withstand the last Yssarian attack. Itorunt has been tapped to assist in the next push against Caligus and the first division is currently preparing itself to support Yssaria's efforts. -- Thray

A speech from the High Marshal

Noble warriors of Itorunt,

We have received requests from our federation ally, Yssaira. Their latest assult on the Caligus capital of Domus failed due to problems with one third of their army not mobilizing fast enough on the field of battle. Many of Yssarian nobles were wounded and it looks like they will need assistance to bring low the kingdom of Caligus.

Itorunt has stood as a bastion of honor and decency in the south and been the anchor for our allies throughout East Continent. Without us, Ibladesh would have fallen to Perdan. Yssaria has fought a tough war and looks to be winning. I say we assist the other part of our Federation and help smash the kingdom of Caligus. Once their city of Domus falls, they will have no other cities available to them. It will be just a short amount of time until all of Caligus is defeated in the way that Oligarch and Avanmar before it.

Division I is to head towards Yssaria when they receive orders from their Division Leaders and Division II is to guard our gains to the north against Perdan. Defending all that we have gained from our enemy will be a tricky and trying affair. We need to retake Clermont and prevent our other lands from revolting in the same fashion. The spectre of Perdan's army might show up to cause problems as well. I hope we can look towards our allies in Ibladesh if anything major happens on your front, but if not, there is still much work to be done. We need to hang traitors and do civil work to improve the new lands of Itorunt. All will have been for naught if Division I returns to have lost all of our gains.

Itorunt is no longer simply supporting in their defensive camapign our brave federation allies in a defensive campaign against Perdan. We are on the march to smash our enemies and scatter them before us. The rock of Itorunt will be the foundation for the new peace on East Continent.

High Marshal of Itorunt, Count of Zamor

Battles in Domus

Recently there have been some battles in Domus, between the red star weilding Yssarian troops and the Caligan knaves hiding in their city. Although coming very close to victory, due to the laziness of some nobles, the Caligans managed to survive the assault, thoguh only barely.

An odd occurence happened in the second battle of Domus. The confused heralds ran off with the tales of both the death, and the capture of Yerli, Marshal of Isadril. We're not sure if this is because of the dimness of the heralds, or because some of them report as much rubbish as some newspapers.

However; if he is dead, we offer our condolences. If he is merely captured, we hope that the heralds are shot for spreading lies and worrying Yerli's family.

More news is forthcoming on planned assaults on Domus.

The empire of Itorunt?

As some of you bright sparks in the southern federation and northern alliance may have picked up on, Itorunt has been referred to as "The empire of Itorunt". What causes this change in terminology? Here are the words from the king himself:

The power of Ubent, our oldest enemy, has been forever broken and our demands have ensured that they will not rise again. The agreements that they have made will be implemented before a fortnight is out. Never again will the south fear a resurgent Ubent, the realm which once had Itorunt and her allies cowering under its heel, defecting or fighting to the last in our desperate attempts to survive.

Why was Itorunt referred to as an Empire in our treaty?

Itorunt has, since before the longest serving nobles of our realm joined us, sought to become the preeminent Empire of the south. This ideal was denied us through conflict and our geographical position. However, this is a new time. The lands have shifted; and our realm has never been larger or stronger; equalling the great realms of ours and former ages. At last we have overcome, that we may become to the world the great Southern Empire that we always knew we were.

These are great days for Itorunt.

Sir Lucian King of Itorunt


Armistice with Ubent finally signed and sealed

Today, the lands of Ubent have finally surrendered to the forces of the southern federation. Although some people feel that this is not the right decision, it has been passed. Therse are the fully polished terms:

Instrument of Armistice between the Republic of Ubent and the Southern Federation

Being necessary to ensure the survival of the Republic of Ubent, the aforementioned agrees to the following terms:

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Winkamus to Federation member the Kingdom of Yssaria, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist.

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Mines of Isadril to Federation member the Theocracy of Ibladesh, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist.

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Moyale to Federation member the Empire of Itorunt, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist. As the Itorunt Empire currently shares no border with the Ubent Republic, the region will be surrendered to Ibladesh in trust until a further arrangement between Itorunt and Ibladesh is made.

The Republic of Ubent will limit its military forces to that force necessary only to defend against monsters, undead and other minor aggressors. This is considered as 6,000 Combat Strength. This value may be varied on situation and appeal to the Federation.

The Republic of Ubent will renounce its alliances with the Kingdoms of Perdan and Caligus. In return, the Federation will accept overtures of peace from Ubent, and guarantee no incursions on Ubent's borders unless any item of this instrument is broken by Ubent.

The Republic of Ubent agrees to deny safe harbour or passage to any former member of the Kingdoms of Perdan, Caligus or Kalmar sufficiently experienced to know the ways of their former realms.

These terms will be supported by the Republic of Ubent and the members of the Southern Federation. Should any party lapse in their duty, the remaining parties will agree on suitable chastisement.


Zog Returns

Prime Minister of the Republic of Ubent


King of the Kingdom of Yssaria


Pontifex of the Theocracy of Ibladesh


King of the Empire of Itorunt


Takeover in Clermont judged Slow by Itorunt Standards

Well, Itorunt has some very sad news to report. Very sad indeed. After setting a new record for number of TO's completed in a 7 day period (i.e. one week), with three TOs as mentioned in the last issue, the Itorunt army was delayed in taking control of Clermont, taking a full 5 days to complete due to the lack of looting policy that was kept by the army of Itorunt. This show of honour will hopefully cause Perdan to see an example of the honour that they espouse, in action. --Alex

New layout for July!

Well folks, the II has come out tops this time, with the long rumoured new layout finally being released in the July issue! With colours based around the crest of Itorunt,and news based on the unashamed bias of the editors, we expect to have fresh news, first! Watch this space! --Alex

Comments for this month

Alex's comments

"Itorunt's expansion into Perdan with great speed is a sign of things to come."

"The day of ultimate defeat is approaching Perdan with ever increasing speed, and the Empire will be there to claim its due."

"When bad men combine (the HRA), the good must associate (Yssaria and Itorunt); else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

"The individual is smart, but the crowd is dumb" (Mentioned by Dal)

Ichigo's comments

"Great things are coming to our great realm."

Thray's comments

"Itorunt and her allies have fought the good fight and soon we will be rewarded for our faithfulness."