Ketchum Family/May/Roleplay May 2012/Priestess May visit at Abaka region: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:04, 3 May 2012

Seeking balance and peace within own self is a lifelong struggle for me. Perhaps defining a better concept of Path of Chivalry will be the next step to do this. This can go a long way to promote the religion and gain more followers.

Redefining Path of Chivalry will require a major overhaul of the existing religion structure and organization. In the past, Path of Chivalry stands out against the evil priests realms of Alebad and Alowca. The dangerous preaching and land conversion wars which contribute toward the founding of the Path. How times have changed since then. We have to adapt to the change.

Suddenly a young mum holding his baby boy tugs at Priestess May, jolting her from her thought. "Priestess, can you give blessing for my child? It is a new born."

Priestess May says smilingly "Ah, I much have been deep in thought" as she blesses the child. The young mum thanks her profusely. She enters the Path temple inner chamber for a meditation soon afterward.