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Khaludh sipped his wine again. He was still not sure about the company and was afraid he had said too much. He should've save such things when he had time to talk with Lady Ilya really, but he couldn't take back his words now.
Khaludh sipped his wine again. He was still not sure about the company and was afraid he had said too much. He should've save such things when he had time to talk with Lady Ilya really, but he couldn't take back his words now.
===Ilya waits===
Ilya had been telling Gavin and Alice about her dream, discretely paying attention to the other guests. Willem and Johann were certainly talking about the Way of the Warrior Saints, not only because of Willem's studies, but also because of her. Chi and Marcus seemed to be getting along, and Khaludh seemed somewhat misplaced. Maybe Ilya should sit by his side when the children went to bed.
Then, Chi turned to him again. The King's wife just hoped Khaludh wouldn't be too bothered by her friend's animosity. She couldn't tell if he was, or not. Alice was fascinated by that conversation, and Ilya also wanted to hear more from Chi. At some point she would have to mention wedding and such to her in private, but right now she wanted to hear what the Marchioness thought would take to make the Empire an example of Honour.

Revision as of 17:26, 14 September 2009

Small occasion dinner that took place in the royal palace of Barad Gardor in august of 2009. A few characters attended: King Willem Tinsley of Falasan, his wife Queen Ilya Bluelake, their long time friend Marchioness Chi Motosuwa, their children, Alice and Gavin, cousin Marcus Bluelake, Priest Johann de Bardt and as a pleasant surprise, Lord Khaludh Telrunya.

Setting it up

Of how letters were exchanged to organize the meeting in the City of Barad Gardor, Capital of Falasan as of the year of 2009.

After the meeting with the priest

It was almost time. The children were fed, though they would join the adults before dinner was served, and now they were playing cheerfully on the floor. It was a very small meeting, just family, an old friend, a priest. With not much to do in the last weeks, besides caring for Gavin and training her men, Ilya was looking forward for some distraction. Not that the words of the priest hadn't been some distraction already... Or the fact that Lord Telrunya was in Barad Gardor... Well, she could invite him for lunch the next day. Right now her focus should be on destinies and matchmaking.

Going back to the guest room where Johann was, they engaged again a conversation about the Warrior Saints. Willem, Marcus and Chi should arrive soon.

A new guest

As the sun set in Barad Gardor, Khaludh decided to return to the room he had hired for his stay here. He had wandered around the City for the entire day, contemplating and thinking about many things, something he was doing an awful lot lately.

As he entered his room, he was greeted by his Scribe:

"Welcome back, My Lord. As you were away the King of Falasan has send you a letter regarding your presence."

Confused that the gender of the Ruler of Falasan had changed, Khaludh figured Queen Ilya was no longer Queen Ilya and read the letter his Scribe had handed over. He saw that Willem Tinsley was King now and for a second a faint smile appeared on Khaludh's face, a rarity these days:

"I see. Please send a reply to everyone within Barad Gardor with the following:

King of Falasan,

My thanks for your welcome. I'm afraid I'm no Ambassador, but just an old Hero that has no battle to fight at the moment. The reason I've returned to your City is to honour a promise I've made a long time ago to Royal Ilya Bluelake to have dinner with her (As friends of course). Sadly, with the War, Negotiations and other things getting in the way, I have not yet been able to fulfil that promise. Hence why I'm here right now with the hope that the both of us have time now.

I hope all is well with you and Falasan.

Signed, Khaludh Telrunya

Please send that out right away. I'll be going to the Palace to see if Lady Ilya has time."

The Scribe nodded and went to work. Khaludh left his room again and walked towards the Palace. All around the people were busy closing their shops and getting ready for the night. They did not pay much attention to Khaludh and, frankly, he did not pay much attention to them either.

Once arrived at the Palace, Khaludh was stopped by the Guards at the entrance, weary about his presence. It was not surprising, seeing as he was from the Cagilan Empire. He had expected this and informed them that he was a friend of Royal Ilya Bluelake, that he requested to see her and that she would knew who he was.

Once he had done his story, Khaludh waited patiently at the entrance, while one Guard went into the Palace to inform Lady Ilya about his arrival. The other Guards continued their duty, not leaving Khaludh out of their sight for even one second.

The guests arrive

One by one, they arrive to the Royal Palace.

Lady Chi's arrival

It seemed that yet another day was drawing to a close in the now peaceful city of Barad Gardor. With the war now at a close, it seemed that the people here could now sleep a little more peaceful at night “At least for now”. The lives of many have changed over the past few months and fate would have it that even more would be changed in the coming days. Tonight was going to be a special night for Chi, even if she did not know it at the time. This night was the beginning of something she herself would never have dreamed of. A night that started with, Queen Ilya inviting Chi to join her family for dinner at her manor located in the capitol.

Before Dinner In front of the Royal Manor in Barad Gardor, a small but elegant carriage arrived and stationed its self before its gates. Peering through the gates as they were being opened by the palace guards, Chi could see the servants through the windows, preparing tonight’s dinner. From what she could speculate from the size of their carts, tonight’s dinner would be no large feast. Maybe a course or two with desert following. It would have seemed that tonight’s main goal was merely to talk about recent events and talks between old friends.

As Chi turned her gaze away from the manors winders, the carriage slowly made its way through the gates and stopped alongside two other carriages. Chi thought to herself before stepping out of the carriage that they must belong to the priest and Ilya’s cousin that were also invited to dine with them tonight. After stepping out of the carriage before the driver could open her door, Chi made her way into the main hall where she was greeted by the servants and lead to her usual guest room. Chi was pleased to know that Ilya still left the room opened to her whenever she visited the Manor. She could remember that being invited to dinner here wasn’t a big event because of the fact that she would frequently be dine with Ilya and her family. The only thing that bothered her was that every time she had dinner here there were only the children, Willem and Ilya never any other guests.

Lord Khaludh is at the door

Ilya was wondering if Warrior Saint's priests could drink wine or not, when she was interrupted by a servant.

- Milady, a visitor arrived... - Oh, thank you, Fran, I was just informed that Lady Chi was brought to her usual quarters. - No, no, milady, it's a nobleman. - My cousin Marcus? - Looked nothing like you, milady, and his accent... he didn't seem to be from around here, milady. He said he was your friend and asked to see you, but I didn't catch his name, I'm terribly sorry. - she blushed strongly. - Oh, no, it's fine. I'm certain you'll pay more attention next time. Please, bring him in, and notify the people in the kitchen that we'll have one more guest for tonight. - Yes, milady.

The young woman hurriedly left, making Ilya smile. So Khaludh would be there too! It had been a while since they last had so many people to dinner, ever since Gavin got sick... Putting those thoughts aside, she decided to ask for wine, ale and grape juice. Chi would prefer the wine, maybe the former general would like to have some ale instead, and the children would want to be like the grown ups, so the juice would be perfect.

- I wonder if apple juice would look enough like ale? - Lady Ilya? - Oh, I'm sorry, Priest Johann, I was just wondering about drinks. And about that, are Warrior Saint's priests allowed to drink alcohol, Sir?

Lady Chi arrives to the dining room

As she proceeded to slip into her dinner attire, She thought about what topic would be brought up during tonight’s dinner, such as future political and military actions of the realm, her becoming the Marchioness of Elroth and of course talks about the children; But in her mind she knew that tonight would be different. Tonight there would be a Priest and another person that happened to be Ilyas cousin attending the dinner. She knew that Willem was a believer of The Way of the Warrior Saints and this would most likely be the main topic of the evening, which to her would be a most unpleasant topic. She never really gave much thought to the idea of a higher being or for any other related thoughts about religion.

“Even if religion isn’t my favorite topic, I am sure that I can deal with it for just one night”

Letting out a sigh of grief she, walk to the door and proceeded out the door and down the long flight of stairs that would lead her back into the main Hall on the first floor of the manor. Turing to her left once she reached the bottom of the stairs she was in stopped by one of the young servants.

“Lady Chi, It is a pleasure to have you joining us to night. It will be another hour before dinner will be served so if you would please join Queen Ilya and Priest Johann in the guest room for now while you wait for us to inform you that the dinner is ready.”

Taking the young maids advice, she then made her way in to the guest room where Ilya and Johann were residing. Chi was greeted with friendly smiles from those wining the room. She could see the children playing on the floor next to Ilya who was resting in a chair next to them. Towards the back of the room next to a window she could see a man staring out it in the direction of the garden that is located in the back of the manor.

Stepping in to the room chi gave in quick bow to both Ilya and the priest.

“My Queen, I thank you for inviting me to your dinner tonight, and I would like to give my greetings to the quest of honor tonight. You must be Johann; my name is Chi Motosuwa Marchioness of Elroth it is truly a pleasure meeting you.”

Turning her attention to Ilya who was letting out a soft laugh, chi quickly corrected her posture thinking that she must have said something foolish, but no other words came from Ilya so Chi eased herself from her tense stance and slowly made her way to the chair that was sitting across from Ilya’s.

Lord Khaludh is announced

When the Guard returned from the Palace, he was met with the exact same scene as when he left. Khaludh was standing there, waiting patiently, while the other Guards had resumed their positions, all with their eyes on Khaludh. None had spoken and none had desired to start any kind of conversation and so nothing had changed.

The Guard informed Khaludh that his request was accepted and that he was invited for dinner. Khaludh nodded. A few Guards now escorted him through the garden to the doors of the Manor, where a servant was awaiting him.

"Welcome milord."

Khaludh nodded again. The servant hesitated a bit.

"Milord, my apologies, but your swords."

The servant pointed to Khaludh's swords with her head. Khaludh took off his swords and handed them to one of the other servants who had approached to take care of it.

"My apologies. I should have left them in my room. It's such a habit of me to take them wherever I go."

"There is no need to apologize, milord. Do you wish to prepare yourself for dinner?"

"There is no need for that. Thank you."

"Then please follow me to the guest room where the other guests are waiting. Dinner will be within the hour. Ah, my apologies for not catching it earlier, but how can I introduce you?"

"My name is Khaludh Telrunya. I'm probably best known as one of the former Generals of the Cagilan Empire."

The servant hesitated a bit as she figured out who was standing in front of her. She started walking towards the guest room, a bit confused realizing that an apparent important Noble from the Empire was now following her. Khaludh noticed the confusion and, interested in what she had said earlier, decided to change the subject.

"I see I've come at a bit of an uncomfortable time. I wasn't aware there would be other guests. Who will be attending dinner?"

"Queen Ilya of course and her husband King Willem Tinsley. A cousin of Lady Ilya, Marcus, the Marchioness of Elroth, Chi Motosuwa, and a Priest of The Way of the Warrior Saints, Johann de Bardt will also attend. And the children will be there too."

"I see. Thank you."

So there wouldn't be much private time. Khaludh had hoped to be able to speak to Lady Ilya in a more private way, but that was not going to happen tonight. At least he got to see her again. That was already something.

They soon arrived at the guest room, where several of the guests had already arrived. The servant went in first, followed by Khaludh, and she introduced the new arrival to the others:

"Khaludh Telrunya, um, one of the former Generals of the Cagilan Empire."

The servant quickly left again and Khaludh greeted everyone:

"Greetings. It is a pleasure to meet everyone. My apologies for coming at such a short notice and changing tonight's plans like this. Ah, Queen Ilya, I'm glad to see you again. I hope all is well?"

Before dinner is served

Ilya presents the guests to each other

Seeing the former General coming into the room, Alice jumped to her feet and stared as the man approached. Ilya smiled. The girl knew a warrior when she saw one and she was fascinated by them. Signalling for Gavin, Ilya stood up to greet Khaludh.

"Greetings. It is a pleasure to meet everyone. My apologies for coming at such a short notice and changing tonight's plans like this. Ah, Queen Ilya, I'm glad to see you again. I hope all is well?"

"All is very well, my lord." As she offered her hand for the usual kiss, Ilya continued. "Do not worry about the plans, it was a simple dinner with friends, and now it is even more so. King Willem and my cousin Marcus should arrive at any moment. Have you met Priest Johann before?"

After the men greeted, Ilya turned to introduce Chi.

"And this is Lady Chi, Marchioness of Elroth. You might have seen her on the battlefield before... Ah, and her family is from Nazia. You haven't been there lately by any chance, have you?"

Chi questions the former General

Chi could slowly feel the angers that she was bottling up inside her. Trying with all of her might, Chi slowly put a forced smile on her face, never taking her eyes off the man that now stood in between Ilya and herself. It would seem that thoughts of the recent war had not yet left her mind. Along with many other events such as the recent occupation of Elrtoh by troops of the empire, but to her, the most significant was that the empire was an alley of Tara "Chi's most hated enemy".

She knew that if she were to lash out at Khaludh in anger it would only ruin the night and also cause Ilya problems down the road. Slowly Chi started to speak, trying to hold back the uneasiness in her voice.

"It seems that tonight we are greeted with a Former General tonight. To what do we owe this visit may I ask, Barad Gardor seem a little out of the way from your Cities in the Empire. Usualy people from the empire stomp around our country side and hardly visit the city."

Chi stoped after the last part of her sentnece because she knew that she was begining to slip. Her voice started to become more hostile when she spoke. Trying to calm down, she lowered herself back in to her chair and try to speak again.

"I am also sure that we all would like to know how both you and Queen Ilya are affiliated."

Khaludh makes a speech

"I'm glad my arrival is not causing any trouble, Lady Ilya."

Khaludh greeted Priest Johann, whom he had never seen before, and Lady Ilya introduced the Marchioness of Elroth. After hearing her speak, Khaludh face became serious and some sadness appeared on it, as he thought about his answer:

"I see. I understand you dislike the Empire and I cannot say much against that. Marchioness, all I can ask you is that you give each Noble from the Empire a chance to show their true colours. There are those that, through being young and still innocent or through being now old and wise, still hold true to the Empire's true values. I ask you to please not condemn those Nobles just because they are part of the Empire. They will one day make sure the Empire will regain it's former glance."

Khaludh waited a bit and then continued. Having difficulty coming out his words, he repeated himself several times:

"As for the reason that I'm here, that can be explained through answering your second question. I met Lady Ilya, by then still Baroness of Nazia, when I personally led the Eaglin Eagles in an attack on her region during the beginning of the War with Falasan. Lady Ilya invited the invading Nobles in Nazia to dinner. She did what I've requested of you just now and gave us a chance. I responded to the invite and met her for dinner, where we talked about the War and those kind of things. It was then that I found my same ideals being held by the Baroness of Nazia. We became friends. While those ideals also forced us on different sides of the War, we became friends, respected each other and did not hate each other for just being on the other side of the conflict. That is the kind of Honour I seek and hope to uphold. Nobles can be on different sides of a conflict due events, but that does not make them dishonourable. True Honour requires a Noble to be able to see past that and realize that just how one fights for his own Realm, the one he meets on the battlefield is doing the exactly the same thing as he. That enemy must also be given a chance. Of course there are those enemies that are dishonourable, but that does not mean all of them are, just like there also those within your own Realm that can be dishonourable. Just because those Nobles fight does not mean they are dishonourable. It are there other actions that make them that. Protecting your honest ideals, even if that means that Noble is fighting against you, is a honourable thing to do. That is the kind of honour I found in Lady Ilya. Lady Ilya was capable of looking past my status as 'enemy' and saw who I really was, just like I looked past her status as 'enemy' and saw who she really was. Lady Ilya and I have been friends ever since that dinner and I had the pleasure to have several more very uplifting conversations throughout the War, albeit we were forced to do it by letter. In those conversations I promised her that we would have dinner once more, just like the first time I met. That is why I'm here. I had some trouble getting it done, but I don't give up and now I've been finally given then opportunity to hopefully once more have the same kind of relieving conversation we always have had."

Noticing what he all said, Khaludh added after a while:

"My apologies for rambling like that. One seems to do that once a person gets older. I hope you understand what I've been trying to say though."

Willem and Marcus arrive

Willem arrived with Marcus in the middle of Khaludh's speech. Ilya walked to his side, gave Marcus a quick hug, and stood by her husband's side. She was smiling. There was also a tear she rushed to hide, then Willem took her hand and gripped it tightly. Those had been hard times, but they had lived it through. When it ended, the King stepped forward and shook Khaludh's hand.

- I do. I couldn't ask for more beautiful words about my wife or about noble friendship. - he smiled despite the obvious tiredness of a long day - You're most welcome to my table, General.

He then greeted the others and directed all to the table on the garden.

Chi sits by Marcus' side

Standing up from her chair, Chi returned the greetings to the two new quests and followed slowly out the door with the rest of the group. After entering two other rooms, Chi could see the servants in front opening the rear doors that lead to the Garden. The sun still hadn’t set so the scenery of the backyard had a soft haze to it along with blooming flowers that surrounded a small table that was placed in the middle of a stone platform.

Three of the servants were setting up the outside table by placing cups and wine pitchers for the party. One by one the servants pulled out the chairs and everyone was seated. The table was small but able to comfortable fit the party of eight. Ilya and Willem sat on opposite ends of the table with the children on both sides of Ilya. Then following Chi and Johann on the left of her and to her right Khaludh and Marcus.

As the group was situated the servants started to pour each member a glass of wine and the groups slowly started to converse among themselves. To the left of Chi, she could hear Willem and Johann talking among themes self’s about the Saints and Ilya's name would be brought up in their conversation ever so often. After there conversation started to become more and more about preaching, Chi turned her attention to Ilya.

"My Queen, How has your family and menedor been fairing during this time of peace?"

Ilya only smiled at chi's question and asked her if it wouldn’t be better to ask Marcus about Menrdor. Taking her advice Chi Asked Ilya's cousin about his home region.

With a smile on his face he started to speak.

"Marchioness Chi, Menedor is doing very well. Marquis Silverio is keeping the people happy and the crops abundant. Trading has also increased in the past few weeks, it’s been hard to keep our current stock of horses in our stalls because they have been selling so quickly. It would seem that nobles from all over Atamara are seeking our Menedorian steed. If her Marchioness isn't to busy with her work in Elroth I would be most honored if you would allow me to show you our fine stables sometime, It would also give you a chance to meet the rest of Ilya's family."

After Marcus was done with his explanation of menedor, Chi noticed that Khaludh's attention was drawn towards them. Chi let out a sigh, she knew that she should at least try and hold a pleasant conversation with the empires former general.

"Khaludh, I am sure that we all would like to know what aggressive plans that the empire has for Atamara."

The General's insight

Khaludh was sitting at the dinner table. He was slowly sipping his wine He didn't really feel at place here. He didn't know much about the company with exception of Lady Ilya. Khaludh was thus just following the various conversations, while not involving himself too much. He would have to talk with Lady Ilya later in a more private way.

Lady Ilya's husband and the Priest were talking. Khaludh remembered that the Priest followed the Way of the Warrior Saints, so figured that that was what they were talking about. It sounded like the conversation was about Religion any way, but he wasn't really following it closely. He followed the Path of Light and knew that that was the truth after all.

He heard that the Marchioness of Elroth stroke up another conversation with the man named Marcus. Finding it more interesting then the religious conversation, he shifted his attention to it. When Marcus was done talking, Khaludh saw that the Marchioness noticed him listening. She then stroke up a conversation with him:

"Khaludh, I am sure that we all would like to know what aggressive plans that the empire has for Atamara."

An empty smile appeared on Khaludh's face. To be honest, he found the Marchioness interesting. She had not hidden her hatred for the Cagilan Empire very well. Many Nobles like her occupied Atamara and he had met some of them already. He was forced to admit that the Empire herself had caused this. This were the kind of Nobles that they had to convince one day. He thought a bit and slowly constructed his answer:

"I'm afraid that an old man like me isn't really that much into politics at the moment. I'm afraid I don't know what's going on at the moment. I can only pray for the best. And fear for it at the moment. I doubt there is much I can do now any way. I hope that one day I don't need to, as the lost shine of the Empire is returned to her and Nobles all around Atamara will see the Empire as the example of Honour, as it should be."

Khaludh sipped his wine again. He was still not sure about the company and was afraid he had said too much. He should've save such things when he had time to talk with Lady Ilya really, but he couldn't take back his words now.

Ilya waits

Ilya had been telling Gavin and Alice about her dream, discretely paying attention to the other guests. Willem and Johann were certainly talking about the Way of the Warrior Saints, not only because of Willem's studies, but also because of her. Chi and Marcus seemed to be getting along, and Khaludh seemed somewhat misplaced. Maybe Ilya should sit by his side when the children went to bed.

Then, Chi turned to him again. The King's wife just hoped Khaludh wouldn't be too bothered by her friend's animosity. She couldn't tell if he was, or not. Alice was fascinated by that conversation, and Ilya also wanted to hear more from Chi. At some point she would have to mention wedding and such to her in private, but right now she wanted to hear what the Marchioness thought would take to make the Empire an example of Honour.