Sanguis Astroism/Structure: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Knight of the Temple: changed OOC to IC, no reason this cant be done IC especially on dwilight.)
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== Military Ranks ==
== Military Ranks ==
* Warden General - a member of the faith responsible for ensuring the physical protection of temples and priests.  There should be one in each realm where there are temples to the Faith
* Guardian General - a member of the faith responsible for ensuring the physical protection of temples and priests.  There should be one in each realm where there are temples to the Faith
* Warden of the Temple - noble members who have taken an oath to protect the temples and priests, answerable to the Warden General of their realm
* Guardian of the Temple - noble members who have taken an oath to protect the temples and priests, answerable to the Guardian General of their realm

== Lay Member Ranks ==
== Lay Member Ranks ==

Revision as of 23:55, 13 January 2009

Structure of the Church

Sanguis Astroism Orgchart.jpg


Most Holy Offices

The Council of Cardinals - the three senior priests of the Faith, appointed by the Prophet and the Council

  • Cardinal of The Maddening Star
  • Cardinal of The Auspicious Star - Constantine Meneldur
  • Cardinal of The Austere Star

Sacramental Ranks

  • Arch Bishop - a ducal priest
  • Bishop - a lordly priest (i.e. region lord)
  • Deacon - a priest in a realm where Sanguis Astroism is the state religion
  • Missionary - a priest in a realm where Sanguis Astroism is not the state religion

Extraordinary Ranks

  • High Inquisitor - the Judge in each Sanguis Astroism theocracy, the highest ranking official of both Church and State.
  • Special Envoy - an extraordinary agent going about specific church business

Military Ranks

  • Guardian General - a member of the faith responsible for ensuring the physical protection of temples and priests. There should be one in each realm where there are temples to the Faith
  • Guardian of the Temple - noble members who have taken an oath to protect the temples and priests, answerable to the Guardian General of their realm

Lay Member Ranks

  • Commander of the Temple - a Knight of the Temple who has been recognised for some exceptional service to the Faith
  • Knight of the Temple - normal noble member

Neophyte Ranks

  • Novice - someone who has been accepted for the faith, but not yet been initiated into full membership
  • Aspirant - someone who has applied for membership of the faith

Path through the Church

Joining the Faith, and gaining Full Membership

All worshipers join the Faith as an Aspirant, i.e. one who aspires to be a member. At the earliest opportunity, they will be promoted to Novice, to indicate their acceptance within the religion. The only exceptions to this are those whose application in some way contravenes the Serious Medieval Atmosphere. If in doubt, send an ooc message to Mathurin Hossenfeffer. Further promotions within the Church are subject to the requirements of roleplaying, or character position/status.

Knight of the Temple

Any Novice (who is of Noble birth) can be promoted to Knight of the Temple simply by sending an IC request message to Mathurin Hossenfeffer.

Knight of the Temple is rank for a normal, noble. This is for members who are believers, but not committed to serving the Faith beyond normal expectation.

Warden of the Temple

Wardens of the Temple swear an oath to protect the temples and priests of the Faith. Any Knight of the Temple can be promoted to Warden of the Temple by taking the IC oath.

The Oath of a Warden of the Temple

I, ..., of my own free will and accord, most solemnly and sincerely swear that I shall from this day forth bind myself to the safekeeping of the one, true Church of Sanguis Astroism. My sword shall be as the Maddening Star, driven by my conviction and strength in defense of the Temple. My shield shall be as the Auspicious Star, borne by my constancy and conscience in protection of the Priesthood. My helm shall be as the Austere Star, guided by my fidelity and judgement in preserving the Faith. [Personal Oath here.] All this I promise, in the name of the most Holy Bloodstars.

Other Ranks

All other posts are awarded either as a result of position or rank.