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==Marriage to Luna DawnStar==
==Marriage to Luna DawnStar==
[[image:Luna.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Luna Dawnstar, betrothed of Fisc Arylon descending the mountains as she comes to Toren Stronghold for their impending marriage]]
{{main|Wedding of Fisc and Luna}}
[[image:Luna.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Luna Dawnstar, betrothed of Fisc Arylon descending the mountains as she comes to Toren Stronghold for their impending marriage.  She had changed out of her battle armor to an elegant dress as a surprise to Fisc when she arrived.]]
In the time after the rebellion, Fisc and Luna spent a great deal of time together.  As the days passed, they grew closer, Luna often finding time to walk amongst the city with the High Marshal, or visiting him late at night in Toren Stronghold or Arylon Manor.  Whispers began to circle around Toren that the two were intimate.   
In the time after the rebellion, Fisc and Luna spent a great deal of time together.  As the days passed, they grew closer, Luna often finding time to walk amongst the city with the High Marshal, or visiting him late at night in Toren Stronghold or Arylon Manor.  Whispers began to circle around Toren that the two were intimate.   

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Luna, however seemed to be distant from Fisc, she seemed hesitant to get close.  Fisc became increasingly frustrated with this behavior and began to openly wonder if Luna was truly interested in him or not.  In her, she had seen somebody he felt he had a future with, but she seemed to be perhaps having second thoughts about their relationship.
Luna, however seemed to be distant from Fisc, she seemed hesitant to get close.  Fisc became increasingly frustrated with this behavior and began to openly wonder if Luna was truly interested in him or not.  In her, she had seen somebody he felt he had a future with, but she seemed to be perhaps having second thoughts about their relationship.

That was when Fisc met [[de Nada Family|Saccharine de Nada]]
That was when Fisc met [[de Nada Family|Saccharine de Nada]].  She was a new noble to the shores of South-East Island, was extremely young and strikingly beautiful.  Immediately Fisc's eyes began to wander to the beauty of Saccharine, and he began something of a courtship of her as well.  This was troublesome in some ways, because he and Luna never officially broke off the relationship they had began, but Fisc believed it was over, and decided to move on.
In the next month, Fisc and Saccharine became extremely close - openly flaunting their lustful relationship in the open.  They were spotted walking through the Toren gardens during a refit at the Stronghold, and there are rumors Fisc ordered a blacksmith (apparently working for the esteemed noble Tyrion) beheaded because he made a lewd comment to her as they walked through the capital.
Word got back to Luna that Fisc and Saccharine had become close, possibly intimate - and she flew into a jealous rage.  Unbeknownst to Fisc, Luna had retreated from his company not out of disinterest, but out of fear.  She was a hardened warrior, fresh off leading a rebellion against Queen Gheros, being crowned Queen, and abdicating the throne to allow free elections to take place - she needed time to rest and consider what had become of her life, and what her true feelings for Fisc were.  Feeling so strongly - truly being in love - was something new to her, and she was not equipped to deal with those feelings.
Things came to a head one night when Luna went to Fisc's Mansion in Toren Stronghold to meet with him and talk about their lives together.  As she approached, his personal guards recognized Luna as a consort of their master and let her pass.  She silently slid into his bedchamber and found the young Saccharine nude, laying in his silk sheets.  Fisc was nowhere to be found, but clearly he had been with her that night.  Enraged, she stormed out of his Mansion, swearing to herself to never be played by him again.
For some time the relationship between Fisc and Luna remained cold - she seethed about his relationship with Saccharine, and he continued to feel shut out from her life, driving him further away.  Fisc, however, was still in love with Luna - even despite his strong feelings for the young Saccharine.  He missed her, and regretted not treating her properly.  He sent her an invitation to dinner, hoping that Luna and he could mend their relationship. 
Initially she refused, but as time went by her heart softened.  She loved Fisc, even despite his brutish behavior.  On top of that, Fisc was planning a massive joint assault against Ikalak City with thousands of troops from Taselak joining in, possibly breaking Ikalak City once and for all.  The battle had the potential to kill Fisc, and the more she thought of that, the more she longed to work things out.  Finally, she accepted his invitation, telling him that she would meet him at [[Arylon Manor]] in Dakan the night before the assault.
Luna, however, could not wait that long.  She rode ahead of her men to meet Fisc at his war tent as he prepared the final orders before the assault was to begin.  Passing through his personal guard again, he approached him as he wrote at his table.  Surprised and please, he stood up to greet her.  Luna walked toward him, but before he could get a word out, she grabbed him by the collar and hauled him in close, kissing him passionately.  Then, she pulled back, looked at him as he smiled - and reached back, striking him as hard as she could on the face.  The slap took him off guard and completely disoriented him.
What bothered him seemed to be more than the physical pain of being hit, but what was behind it as well. Looking at Luna's sullen face, it appeared to him that perhaps he had really hurt her - perhaps her hardened and polished personality was a cover for being vulnerable inside.  Suddenly he felt extremely guilty, and very ashamed.
She was still looking down at the ground, and he felt a great wave of affection for her. Only somebody who was truly in love would be this affected. It was clear Fisc had not treated her as he should have. Quietly, he stepped toward her, but his hand on her chin and raided it up so he could peer into her eyes.  Fisc was a good foot taller than Luna, so his gaze was particularly intense. At first she felt should couldn't look at him, and turned her head, but before she could, Fisc leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. It was the only way he knew to say "I'm sorry".
Overcome with a sense of relief and happiness, the two embraced and held each other close. The nearness of death and battle was striking, and perhaps they both feared it could be the last time they saw each other.  They then retreated to Arylon Manor for the night, and spent the night together.
It was that night, after a lot of talking, and the truth of their feelings finally being revealed, that the two decided to officially marry.
After the ''Great Battle of Ikalak City'', Fisc announced the impending wedding to not only the nobles of Toren, but the nobles of Ikalak and Taselak as well, inviting the entire island to witness their vows.
The ceremony was held the following Wednesday, in front of the Royal Palace in Toren Stronghold.  Prior to the ceremony, Luna sent Fisc a gift - a necklace containing a small peice of the crown of the last ruler of Sandalak.  It was meant to signify an accomplishment that no one thought was possible, as a symbol for the union of their two houses.

That afternoon, an official [[Toren Wedding]] was held, and nobles from all over the South-East Island were in attendance.  Fisc and Luna gave their vows and were officially married.  Afterward they retreated back to Fisc's mansion, to enjoy each other's company before returning to active duty.


Revision as of 08:23, 12 December 2007


Fisc Arylon, also known as The Emerald Knight and Fisc Silvertongue, is the older of the famous Arylon twins, born just minutes before his brother Taran. He is currently the Lord of Dakan, a region in the northeast of Toren. Additionally, Fisc currently serves as the High Marshal of Toren, and has in the past been a long-serving Fiduciary, as well as the Marshal of the Phoenix Guard. After his brother Taran's defection from their ancestral home of the Cagilian Empire to Abington, the brothers relationship has been somewhat cool, until their collaboration on the creation of the Aristoi Academy. He has recently married Luna DawnStar, and the two are beginning to plan a family of their own.

Fisc Arylon
Status: Alive
Continent: South-East
Realm: Toren
Titles Held: High Marshal of Toren (current), Count of Dakan (current), Marshal - Phoenix Guard (former), Paladin Primus (former), Fiduciary (former)
Class: Cavalier
Honor: 83
Prestige: 28
Age: 24
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 230 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown, Short


Fisc's personality is extremely volatile. He can equally be aggressive, as well as sullen. Since an extremely young age, Fisc has been haunted by a horrific and powerful anger that consumes him often. This rage stems from his realization, more than his brothers, that the world is by its very nature a drastically dangerous place, and that no one can truly be trusted - Fisc has been betrayed himself a number of times, only cementing his feelings. But more than anything, the fact that so often things have gone wrong in his life has allowed this rashness and anger to grow.

He has an extremely deep commitment to loyalty, justice and action above talk. Fisc has an aggressive nature and seldom hesitates to throw the first punch. His personality can be alternately fierce, sarcastic, and full of angst. This has often caused him to act quickly (sometimes too quickly), as he feels too often people jabber, position and play politics when action is required. This has been especially evident when leaders lose sight of what he calls, "the big picture" and haggle over ancillary details and things that matter little. His frustration with this has allowed his anger to jeopardize his friendship with many people over the years.

He is generally the most likely of the Arylon brothers to experience extremes of emotion. Fisc is the most violent of them and had a tendency for going berserk either in battle or when his uncontrollable temper flared up. This can make him truly terrifying to face in battle, but is also a severe problem when he over-commits and forgets to use his head.

This fierceness has allowed him to become clearly the most dangerous and powerful of the Arylon clan. While Jaden is the most technically proficient warrior, Nexis is the most physically athletic and gifted and Taran is the most tactically proficient, Fisc is considered extremely talented in all areas, and his rage and physical power has allowed him to truly set himself apart. That is not to say he is infallible - for all the advantages his passion gives him, it also has its drawbacks that have been known to mineralize Fisc's natural ability as well. This has been simultaneously his gift, and his curse.

Fisc also has a somewhat cynical and sarcastic sense of humor, and can be quite subdued. At a pub, he tends to be the man quietly drinking at a table in the corner, smoking a pipe and looking around the room, evaluating everyone he sees. He can go un-noticed when he wishes, and while other troop leaders are drawing too much attention to themselves, Fisc is smiling in the corner - confident.

He is also quite adept at the clandestine arts. Fisc values the gathering of key intelligence in all respects, for proper intelligence leads to better decision-making, foreknowledge of coming problems, and generally staying ahead of the curve in all respects. Because of this, it would not be uncommon for Fisc to disappear and infiltrate an organization just to gain a greater understanding of the political underpinnings currently facing him, and effectively use that information to prosecute his conflicts with deadly efficiency.

Fisc has an extremely cavalier view of life, believing that it can only truly be lived if one does so in the moment, and attempts to extract as much from each moment as possible. This attitude has caused him to take a great number of risks, prosecute his beliefs without a second thought, and take pleasure in much of mundane details of life others take for granted - such as the sweet smell of the air on a crisp autumn day, the bitter bite of a dark brew, or the soft touch of a woman.

Early History

Fisc's early life mirrored his brother Taran's. Those who knew the twins at this point in their lives have often said that Taran was a popular, outgoing extravert, and Fisc was a more reserved, less scholastic person. Nonetheless, both boys did well in school, up until they were 7 years old, and Mannix made the decision to set off for the colonies and attempt to carve out an estate in the expansive lands.

Since both Taran and Fisc were too young to take part in their father's expedition, they remained in Nardil to continue their education, while their brothers Jaden and Nexis went with Mannix. This separation effected Fisc a great deal more than Taran, causing him to lose interest in his studies, and retreat away from friends, classes, and sports. He began to grow bitter at his father's absence, acting out and continually getting himself suspended from the Academy. He seemed to be on track to burn out early, despite Taran's efforts to include him and temper his behavior.

All of that changed when the twins received word from their father stating that he was now in the south-east island, fighting for the nation of Toren. He was informed of the death of his mother and brothers, and his own indentured servitude to the noble in Toren.

Enraged, Fisc immediately left Cagilian Empire and set off for the south-east island. So consumed with anger and vengeance aimed at his father for causing his family to be destroyed, he vowed to go to Toren and find Mannix. He arrived in Toren Stronghold shortly thereafter and began to investigate his father's whereabouts. The trail got hot nearly a month later, when he got word from a local trader that Mannix was seen in Lesthem, on the front lines in Toren's struggle against the nation of Taselek. Fisc immediately set after him.


Sword of Mannix Arylon - taken by Fisc after his father's death.

Fisc tracked Mannix to the region of Lesthem, where a great battle was about to be fought between the forces of Toren and the nation of Taselak. He found the armies of Toren camped on the field the night before the battle and stealthily observed the troop movements, looking anxiously for his father.

Hate burned in his mind for Mannix - Fisc blamed him for the death of his mother and two older brothers, Jaden and Nexis. It was Mannix's own irrational need for power, land and title that had lead him to the colonies, and caused his family to go with him. Fisc had always believed that his mother never really wanted to go, and that it was only her love for Mannix that convinced her to follow him to the new world.

Deep into the night, Fisc approached the tent he had identified as Mannix's. Quietly he slipped by the night watch guards and opened the canvas of the tent, dagger in hand.

"I've been expecting you." The deep crackled voice sounded all too familiar to Fisc. His father was now pointing an arrow between his eyes - obviously he had been aware of Fisc's tracking.

Fisc decided to risk it and dove for his father, only to be repelled, disarmed and thrown across the room - knocking the wind out of him as he hit the ground. As he lay gasping for air on the ground, Mannix continued. "Your brother Taran sent me word of your arrival here in Toren. You should not be here son."

Enraged, Fisc tore into Mannix, blaming him for everything that had happened to his family. He had been waiting for this moment for quite some time, and was not going to simply let his father get away with what he had done.

Mannix let his son finish, waiting until he was out of breath to speak.

"Fisc - your mother asked me to go to Giblot."

Stunned, Fisc initially did not believe his father, but he let him speak none the less. For over an hour, Mannix told his son the true story of his life in the colonies. It was actually Genesis who had asked Mannix to go to the colonies - he believed he could restore his name by staying in the Cagilan Empire, and eventually reconciling with his father Alexis. She did not agree, and threatened to leave him unless he was able to restore his family name, carve out an estate for himself, and bring honor to the name Mannix Arylon once again.

He continued, telling Fisc how he had forced his wife and sons to stay behind in Giblot while he was out on the frontier expanding his territory - so as to protect them from harm. Mannix explained that their deaths were the result of a great coalition of honorless nobles, and that the only reason his family was threatened at all was because the coalition was able to get to his Manor in Giblot before he could get his family out to sea.

He also made it clear to Fisc that in one year, he was to be released from his servitude to the Toren lord who had bought his freedom, and that he planned to return to Giblot and exact his revenge for the death of his family.

Fisc was stunned - it was apparent now that he had completely misjudged his father. A sneaking admiration crept into his heart, washing away the raging hate he had felt only hours before. "Father," he began, "I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"I know, son."

"I am 17 now, and have come of age. I am a free man, a minor noble in Nardil where your father still reigns. I wish to join you here in Toren, and when your service has expired, I will go with you to Giblot and kill Istar myself." Mannix smiled at Fisc, and nodded his head.

The Death of Mannix Arylon

The next day, the reunited father and son marched on Lesthem - little did they know the tragedy that would befall them there.

The forces of Taselak were more extensive than originally thought, and Toren's General was killed at the outset of the fighting. In disarray, confused and outnumbered, Toren's armies were quickly cut through. Mannix and Fisc were holding the third hill to the west of the fighting, but as Taselak advanced they were surrounded.

Faced with capture, Mannix threw down his sword and ordered Fisc to do the same. This was supposed to be honorable combat, so the forces of Taselak would take them prisoner, and they would be able to buy their way out in the future - living to fight another day. As a unit captain approached him, Mannix called out his name, rank and informed him of his surrender.

The captain, a bloodthirsty maniac named Rahvin said nothing, approached Mannix, withdrew his sword and sliced his head off in one foul swoop. Rahvin laughed, mounted his horse and ordered his men to leave Fisc where he was.

Horrified at what he had witnessed, Fisc dove to the ground and wailed. He had just learned his father was a truly honorable man, and now he had been stolen from him. "MURDERER!!" he screamed, "HE SURRENDERED TO YOU!!! HAVE YOU NO HONOR?"

Fisc was unable to contain his anger. He bent down and withdrew Mannix's sword from the ground, rose to the first riderless horse he could find, and charged after Rahvin and his men with bloodlust in his eyes. It wasn't long until he was on the heels of Rahvin, who by this time had realized he was being pursued, and had set himself for a fight.

As Fisc rode for him, Rahvin dismounted and waited. Fisc approached, and Rahvin dove on the ground, rolling and slicing the legs of the horse, throwing Fisc from it. He quickly recovered and wildly hacked at Rahvin, desperately trying to score a killing blow. The experienced captain easily blocked his attempts. Finally, as Fisc raised his sword and left himself open, Rahvin drew a dagger and stabbed Fisc in the thigh, then he kicked him over to the ground.

"I respect your courage boy, but you are no warrior. Go home and tend to the women, they need you more than the army of Tor does." Rahvin cackled wildly and mounted his steed again, leaving Fisc bleeding on the ground.

His blood loss was profound, and he lost consciousness.

Dedication to Toren

Fisc Arylon alone - surveying the route to Toren Stronghold to pledge his life to Toren.

When Fisc awoke, he found himself among a deserted battlefield littered with dead bodies. Rage consumed Fisc, and he had nowhere to direct it as he was alone. On his knees and covered in blood, he grabbed his hair and let out a great scream of agony.

Collecting himself, he found that Mannix's sword was still there - he picked it up and placed it in his back holster. He resolved at that moment that he would never touch another sword as long as he drew breath. He then began walking toward the city of Toren Stronghold - he had business there now.

Along the way to the Stronghold, Fisc stopped at a number of small towns to rest. At each stop, he would spend time at a local tavern and drink heavy amounts of beer. Locals would hear his story and learn he was traveling to Toren Stronghold, and many would ask to join him. By the time he arrived at the city he commanded 25 eager young men, all of whom felt a rush of bloodlust.

Once he arrived, Fisc directed one of his men to carry a letter to Phear, Pontifex. The letter told the story of how he arrived to Toren, and pledged his life and his sword to the realm. He then spent a day in the city, entertaining his men and resting, then set out for the front lines where he has been ever since.

Upon his first encounter with enemy forces after beginning his career in Toren, Fisc's unit was severely damaged, and he needed to withdraw from the front and return to Toren Stronghold to refit his unit. In his naiveté, he turned his back on the enemy as he retreated. He had been wounded and his usual acute senses did not see a Taselek soldier approaching him from the rear. Just as the enemy soldier drew his blade to strike Fisc, he felt a wind blow past his face and heard the zing of an arrow. At first, he thought the arrow was intended to kill him, and so he drew his weapon to attack the archer - whom he identified as a woman 10 meters from him.

However, he heard a body drop behind him, turned around to look and saw a soldier now laying face first on the ground - sword in hand, arrow in chest. Fisc understood what had just happened, the female archer had saved his life because he had been negligent with his own life.

The woman walked up to Fisc, nodded in his direction and uttered, "Averyll." He understood this to be her name, and had heard of her before. She was the countess of the region of Jerelin, the Fiduciary of Toren. Embarrassed, Fisc hung his head and softly muttered his own name in introduction.

Averyll smiled, and clapped her hand on the young soldiers back. "You're young - don't spend too much time thinking about it. I myself have had my life saved a dozen times over. This is one mistake you won't make again."

Her words gave comfort to Fisc, who cracked a smile. "Thank you," he replied, "I appreciate somebody watching my back."

Fisc and Averyll would meet on the battlefield a number of times. Fisc was even able to repay the favor at a fateful battle in Falens. When Averyll had been knocked to the ground and was vulnerable to attack, Fisc placed himself between Averyll and a group of 10 Taselek soldier, managing to hold them long enough for a group of Toren nobles to arrive and help drive their enemies away.

This proved Fisc's worth as a soldier, and as a friend. After Falens, Averyll invited Fisc to come to Jerelin to her personal estate. The two became great friends, sharing drinks and war stories. They forged what can be considered an informal alliance between their two great houses, to the benefit of each. Indeed, one can see the benefit with the forging of the great Aristoi Academy, a major project that proved to be a joint venture of both the Arylon and Arete families.

After roughly six months in the field, constantly fighting in the borderlands, others began to take note of Fisc's warrior heart. His loyalty to the realm, and adherence to the chain of command earned him the reputation of being a reliable and stout warrior who could always be counted on for contributions to the war effort.

Elevation to Region Lord of Dakan

Manor of Fisc Arylon - assumed upon his grant of landed nobility.

Fisc has become somewhat famous for his worth as a soldier. Each time the Army of Tor is ordered to the front, Fisc is there, regardless of the number of soldiers under his command. He has fielded a unit at every major engagement between Toren and Taselek for the course of the conflict between the two nations.

He was instrumental in victories at Falens, Seggelin and Lesthem - including 5 separate assaults on Lesthem, as well as the following takeovers of the regions. Fisc is ever the dependable troop leader, following orders to the letter and ensuring that the will of the General of Toren is carried out effectively.

His ascent to region lord began with an incredible tragedy. The great Pontifex of Toren, Sir Phear Fantom was present at a great battle in Lesthem. At this battle, the heroic leader was slain - ending the most effective rulership Toren had ever seen. This vacated the office of Pontifex and began a series of events that would lead to Fisc's advancement within the realm of Toren.

The ensuing election to replace Phear saw the elevation of Fisc's greatest friend, Averyll in a narrow victory. A stroke of luck for Fisc, for due to their friendship, Averyll had seen first hand Fisc's leadership and battle skills, and new that he had immense potential to lead.

Initially, Averyll refused to grant Fisc a lordship - understandable given the close relationship between the two. Averyll had no desire to appear to favor nepotism in any way. As time wore on however, and the region of Dakan needing a lord, Averyll arrived at the decision that regardless of how it might look, Fisc was really the only choice for a new lord that made sense. After much thought, Averyll dispatched a courier to the front in Lesthem to order Fisc to travel to Dakan with her, to take command of the region.

Fisc narrowly survived the battle before he left the front lines - his unit was smashed as the Taselak forces overran Lesthem. Luckily, he, his captain and 3 of his men made it out alive, and began the long journey to the other side of the kingdom in the region of Dakan. Fisc was immediately appointed as region lord of Dakan, and began to run the affairs of the local peasantry.

Election to Fiduciary of Toren

As Averyll was the previous Fiduciary of Toren, upon her ascension to Pontifex she was forced to abdicate the duties of Fiduciary and a replacement was needed. At the Nardil Academy as a boy, Fisc had an aggressive scholastic education in finance, trade and tax policy. Certainly no expert - but more than competent enough to serve the realm in financial matters.

Initially though, Fisc did not seek the position. He felt that in the realm there was likely others with a higher level of understanding of financial matters, and that a noble would step forward and become the consensus choice as Averyll's replacement. As time went on however, it became apparent that the field of candidates was inadequate, and the realm needed a strong presence to lead the financial matters that were at the time in transition.

Once Fisc made the decision to run, he began a ruthlessly efficient campaign to gain the position. Pledging a transparent and open administration of finances, Fisc made direct appeals to each individual noble in Toren, informing them of his detailed plans for the position while speaking individually to each. The grassroots campaign struck a cord with a great deal of Toren nobles, who have increasingly felt distanced from their rulers and responded positively to being spoken to on an individual level.

The ground level work paid off, with Fisc winning the election with 47.7% of the vote, despite facing 14 separate candidates. His victory was by more than 32%, giving him a clear mandate and vote of support from the people of Toren.

Since his ascension to Fiduciary of Toren, Fisc has begun a systematic evaluation process to fully root out the dynamics of the new tax system to ensure that the nobles of Toren do not suffer by the transition, and that the war effort goes forward.

Re-election as Fiduciary of Toren

Fisc had instituted a number of reforms in Toren after he was elected. Initially he attempted to create a usable war chest to use once Toren finished off Taselak. Later, he established the Toren Commission, which while it was not a financial matter, helped to restore faith in Toren's government by stressing accountability and open government.

None the less, there were certain nobles in Toren that felt Fisc had not shown sufficient progress as Fiduciary to warrant his re-election. Early on, the brother of Toren's great and respected Pontifex Phear - Phettish, declared that he wished to ascend to the position of Fiduciary, declaring that he wished to make the position more aggressive and "nasty" than it had been previously. At the same time, the notable discontent Sianon also declared that he wished to become Fiduciary, decrying Fisc as ineffective and too young to serve in the position.

As the days went on, debate raged in Toren as to Fisc's merit, accomplishments and fitness to be Fiduciary. Just two days before the election, Fisc fought on the front lines in a battle in Kail against Taselak - and in that battle he was severely injured, which made rendered him unable to campaign or ask for support. At this point, Fisc became worried that his name would fall into the background of the realm, and he would not have an opportunity to continue serving the realm.

As Election Day came and the results were announced, Fisc was extremely pleased to see how the election had turned out. He had received over 120 votes, amounting to 57% of the vote, giving him a clear 40% victory over Phettish, his next closest opponent. The people of Toren had apparently reaffirmed their trust in Fisc, and after his wounds had healed, he traveled to Toren Stronghold to begin focusing on fiscal policy once more.

Establishment of the Aristoi Academy

Aristoi Academy, located on the coast of Suville.

After a long blackout of communications between Taran and Fisc, Taran reached out to his brother by writing him a rather conciliatory letter to Fisc, apologizing for dishonoring the family by abandoning the Cagilan Empire in favor of Abington. His letter told of his spiritual dedication to Aristoi Atamarism, and wish to reconcile with Fisc, to return to a firm connection of brotherhood. Fisc was impressed by the maturity shown by his brother, and while he could not forgive him for his betrayal, he could move past it. Fisc then sent word to Taran and suggested the two meet at his estate in Dakan and try to start over.

Once Taran arrived, the two brothers began the process of healing their relationship. During their conversation, an interesting parallel began to show itself. Fisc learned that it was Aeryn Arete, the sister of Averyll Arete that was the conduit for Taran's religious conversion. While Fisc did not share Taran's religious philosophy, Aeryn's involvement legitimized it in his mind and he accepted Taran's life as having worth again.

As the talks progressed further, they each spoke of their evolving understanding of their fields - military and religious. The information each of them had accumulated was extensive, and they began to talk of spreading that understanding to other nobles in both Toren and Abington - and even beyond. It was then that the brothers started the process of creating the Aristoi Academy.

After Taran left Dakan, the members of the Arylon and Arete clans began preliminary negotiations on the creation of a center of learning, with the stated purpose of identifying nobles who have the potential for greatness, and helping to elevate those nobles to places they could not have reached alone, by educating them to be truly influential.

As the basis of the knowledge that would be taught came from the collected works of the Aristoi, it was decided that a loose affiliation with the Aristoi was wise, and thus it was named the Aristoi Academy. Work began in the early spring on the central facility, which is now completed and located in Suville, near the main temple of the Aristoi.

Fisc was named the primary professor of military affairs, teaching nobles effective understanding of all things relating to the militaristic nature of their lives.

Rebellion in Toren

In the spring, Toren faced rebellion. At a time deep in the night, the underground movement that had been systematically planning their revolt finally acted. A noble named Hiddukel had originally planned on calling the rebellion, but circumstances prevented him from doing so - instead Zellion stepped up and while standing near the seat of government in Toren Stronghold, gave an impassioned speech, attempting to rally as many nobles as possible to the cause of the rebellion.

Leading the Loyalist Forces

Loyalist forces overrunning the rebel positions in Toren Stronghold.

Fisc had inserted himself into the underground movement, using the pseudonym The Emerald Knight for nearly a month before the rebellion began. As such, he had been kept abreast of the activities of the rebels for some time, and was well aware of their intentions to call a rebellion when they did. He had warned the Advisory Council, and was standing by with several nobles just outside of Toren Stronghold, ready to respond when the rebellion was called.

After Zellion's speech, a few nobles openly declared themselves rebels while others declared loyal to the realm. Averyll was unavailable to rally the Loyalists at the time, and so Fisc, deeply familiar with the rebellions plans, took up the mantle of leading the Loyalists against the rebels. Gaius Julius was the first and most vocally supportive Marshall of the Loyalists, and Fisc instructed him to make preparations for the upcoming military campaign in Toren Stronghold to put down the rebellion.

Orders soon went out to all loyal nobles of Toren instructing them to return to Toren Stronghold to destroy the rebellion. Flocks of nobles, even those who were not pleased with the government, declared themselves loyalists and responded to the orders, moving to Toren Stronghold.

The rebels found themselves vastly outnumbered, and in only one day, their military effectiveness was cut off, effectively ending the threat they posed to the government.

Rebellion Ends

Though Zellion called the rebellion, Hiddukel was the driving force behind it. After it became clear that the revolt had failed, Hiddukel offered himself to the Loyalist forces, calling for his own sacrifice as penance for the rebellion.

Fisc rejected Hiddukel's original offer, instead demanding that Hiddukel be executed for his crimes, that all rebels be exiled from South East Island, and that a direct contact be established between the Toren nobles and their government be appointed. Though Hiddukel agreed to these terms, Averyll gave a public call for healing, and asked that Hiddukel be exiled, not executed. Fisc agreed to these terms, as did Hiddukel.

Fisc and Hiddukel then jointly ordered the rebels to disband their units, ending the rebellion.

Diplomatic Mission

In the ashes of the Toren Rebellion, despite the ease in which the rebels were defeated, Toren was forced to retreat from her claims in many border territories. Previously able to fight Taselak to a stalemate, Toren was now facing the possibility of defeat. More than 20 nobles, disgusted with the activities of the rebels (or rebels themselves) left Toren for the more peaceful shores of other continents, further weakening the realm. Additionally, the realm of Ikalak pulled its troops back, seemingly abandoning the treaty with Toren. In the wake of this, several leaders of Toren expressed internal doubt as to if Toren would even survive for the next few weeks.

In response, Pontifex Averyll Arete dispatched Fisc to negotiate with Maximus, Prime Minister of Ikalak for the re-engagement of Ikalak forces to the south-east of Taselak. To secure this, the government of Toren decided to take the agreement a step further to not only return to the status quo (stalemate) but take steps to end the conflict with Taselak once and for all.

To that effect, Fisc negotiated to allow Ikalak to invade and take over the borderland regions between Ikalak and Taselak, with the stated justification being to end the stalemate and speed the process of Toren pushing back Taselak, and ultimately defeating them.

After days of negotiations, a final agreement was hammered out, and both Maximus and Averyll gave it their seal of approval. After its announcement, both Ikalak and Toren went on the offensive immediately against Taselak, and the amendment immediately paid dividends. Quickly, with Taselak seeing their financial base being destroyed and its recruitable units being stolen away it became apparent that the tide had turned on Taselak.

Toren immediately pressed its rights, and retook the regions of Lesthem and Seggelin. Additionally they expanded into Falens, and even Endelee. In the south, Ikalak devastated several of Taselak's regions, further weakening the realm and setting it up for the final fall at the hands of Toren.

Conflict with Phettish

A major defining point in Fisc's life came several days after his re-election as Fiduciary of Toren. After his victory, he ordered his men to stay in Kail and provide civil defense, while he traveled to his home region of Dakan. Toren was in desperate need of new recruitment centers - after the rebellion and the subsequent defenses against the Taselak onslaught, Toren recruitment centers were near the breaking point. Fisc traveled to Dakan and immediately invested his own family's money in the creation of a new recruitment center, to take the stress off the rest of the realm. The Dakan Omega Force Special Forces center was erected quickly, and it began recruiting men right away.


After its construction, Fisc immediately headed back to Toren Stronghold to recruit a new group of soldiers. What he did not know was that the Taselak army had somehow obtained intelligence stating that the Fiduciary of Toren was traveling from the northern regions to Toren Stronghold, and had no unit to protect him. They immediately set out to intercept him, cornering him in Kail.

Fisc was taken prisoner immediately and brought to Taselak. His absence from the realm necessitated an election for a replacement Fiduciary. Phettish, who Fisc had handily defeated by over 40% of the vote just days before won the election, and controversially announced that he would not abdicate the position of Fiduciary after Fisc returned from prison.

Phettish Consolidates Power

The announcement infuriated Fisc, as well as a great deal of other nobles in Toren. Fisc had bribed the guards in his prison cell, and had received word of Phettish's decision and immediately spoke out about his belief that Phettish was acting dishonorably. He accused him of opportunism and blind ambition, using a brief incarceration to usurp authority that he had been denied by a wide margin only days prior. Phettish responded by accusing Fisc of cavalier and reckless diplomacy on Toren's behalf, as well as questionable financial management.

After an aggressive public debate, Fisc pledged that he would not put the realm through a power war with Phettish, and would instead concede to his power grab, and spare the realm of a public argument over the position. He then further announced he would not seek re-election as Fiduciary, being completely disillusioned with the democratic process in the realm of Toren, no longer wanting to be any part of it.

The Final Insult

All seemed to have calmed - but it was an illusion. In his first week in office, Phettish had stumbled, collecting a paltry tax and doing little more than making an announcement that Toren needed more regions to collect more gold. Fisc was continually disgusted with Phettish's behavior and now his performance, and decided to privately write him to prod him into acting more appropriately.

Unfortunately, Phettish was in no mood to be questioned, and wrote an insulting letter back to Fisc. Making one last attempt to plead with Phettish for reason, Fisc wrote yet another letter to him, calling him to task and demanding he modify his behavior. In a final insult to Fisc, Phettish did not even open his letter, rather crumbling it and ordering it sent back.

Duel for Honor

Fisc duels with Phettish to regain his honor.

When the unopened letter arrived Fisc had been insulted for the last time. Phettish did not even have the honor to converse in a peaceful manner any more.

It was clear that he was determined to warp the truth to fit whatever ambitious agenda he had. It was becoming more and more obvious to Fisc that Phettish was wholly concerned with his own rise to power, and not about the good of the realm, or the honor of the nobles in the realm.

It was at that time that Fisc decided he would not stand for it anymore. He would not let some Charlton come to the country he loved, and rise to power based on false pretenses. He would no longer promise silence in the name of realm stability - not when Phettish was intent on lying his way to power. He had been slighted enough. He had been lied about enough. He had witnessed enough slippery political maneuvering.

Fisc no longer cared about his own power, or even his own life. Despite his frail body, still throbbing from the multiple injuries he suffered in a Taselak prison, he was going to satisfy his own personal honor, and challenge Phettish to a duel.

As the duel approached, Fisc found that he was still extremely tired, and his wounds were no better. He took his time strapping on his leather gauntlets. He also decided to put on his onyx ring, a symbol of his family that was traced back at least 6 generations. He hoped that it would guide him to victory, but he also wanted it on his body in case he succumbed to the duel.

Phettish was an excellent swordsman, this much he knew. His youth and inexperience meant he was aggressive, powerful and he didn't know any better. This was going to be a major challenge, but Fisc had to do it - he had simply had enough of his own personal honor being trampled on.

The battle began, and initially it was going well. He had Phettish on the defensive, and each strike he made pushed his opponent back further. Despite the weakened state he was in, the adrenaline had temporarily nullified the disadvantage, and he was winning the battle.

But, arrogance began to creep into his mind - belief that his victory was assured; he became sloppy, and too aggressive. He wanted a quick deathblow to Phettish, and began neglecting proper sword technique. It was then that his opponent saw his opportunity, and began using highly technical swordplay that rivaled his own, to push Fisc back. Startled at the turn of events, Fisc made an attempt to save himself - but it was too late, Phettish's blade had run him through. Fisc's youthful arrogance had cost him the battle for his honor.

He had the tactical advantage. He had the size advantage. He had the skill advantage. He had Phettish where he wanted him, and he had squandered his chance at regaining his honor, because once again, his emotions and rashness took over.

His last memory was collapsing to the ground, and hearing Phettish order his revival at his tent. Fisc did not understand - he had challenged Phettish, he had not attempted to show him any mercy, he had decried his actions as disloyal, dishonorable and underhanded.

He couldn't help but soften his heart, and let go of the hate. He did not fully trust Phettish, nor did he like him - but for the first time in a long time, he respected him. In a way, he owed Phettish his life - and could not let that debt remain unpaid.


Once Fisc was healed, he returned to the capital and recruited a new unit of men ready to fight. Embarrassed by the entire situation with Phettish, Fisc decided to retreat from public view for a time, focusing on learning the intricacies of Marshaling soldiers and devoting himself to a purely militaristic life. It would seem, however, that even in disgrace Fisc would be called on to serve the people of Toren.

Only a week after his return to the Stronghold, a battle in Toren's southern lands saw Phettish captured, and the position of Fiduciary once more vacant. Fisc was uninterested in seeking the position once again, and actively stated to the realm that he had no desire to serve in that capacity again. However, when the election came to pass, Fisc learned that he was yet again chosen to manage the realms finances, despite his own objections. He took it as a sign that the realm desired his leadership, and he pledged to fulfill the role.

He immediately began going to work for the realm, and given their support for him, he felt as though they had forgiven him for his duel of honor with Phettish.

Ascension to Marshal

The Army of Tor swarms around an enemy force.

Shortly after being elevated to Fiduciary once more, the Army of Tor saw her sponsor leave the island, never to be seen of again. Authority of that force transferred to its Marshal, who decided to withdraw from that role, leaving a vacancy in the Marshalship of the Army of Tor.

It was decided that Fisc was an ideal choice to fill that empty seat, given his military studies, and participation in the leadership councils of the realm. An announcement was formally made, and he quickly took command of over 20 units, Marshaling them on the battlefield.

Soon after taking command, Fisc unofficially dubbed the army under his command the "Phoenix Guard" - a nickname intended to subtly indicate the army's rebirth from the ashes of the civil war, and its mission as the guardians of Toren holdings on the island. The Phoenix Guard henceforth became known for being fierce defenders in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Betrayal of Ikalak

The amended agreement with Ikalak had paid extreme dividends for Toren. It had freed them to focus on their southern border, retaking stolen lands, and expanding their realm right up to the borders of Taselak City.

Toren had made a fatal error, however. While they were taking regions from Taselak, they had given Ikalak free unfettered access to the south-east of Taselak, not reconquoring the lands that were to be given to Toren by treaty. That gave Ikalak a tremendous amount of land, money and people to command, and it became too much of a temptation for them to give up.

Ikalak pressed on into Belus, and then into Taselak City, initiating a takeover of their foes capital. Toren ordered them to retreat, but they did not comply. The Prime Minister of Ikalak, Maximus the Betrayer, informed the ruler of Toren that they intended to break the treaty.

Dakan Invaded

After the betrayal of the oathbreakers began, Ikalak decided to move north, and attack the northern territories of Toren, as a path to the Stronghold itself. Dakan, being Toren's northernmost region, bordering Ikalak City itself, was the newest target of the oathbreakers. Immediately, Ikalak hordes began pouring into Dakan, attempting to take the region by force.

Fisc's long rule in the region, and its staunch, pius loyalty to the realm of Toren proved to be the greatest obsticle to the Ikalakian hegemon. Initial takeover attempts were immediately rebuked. Fisc, far from his homeland was unable to return to defend it, but he was not needed - the peasants of Dakan threw off the shackles of the invders quickly - rejecting those who lie and betray their word.

And so Ikalak pressed on, determined to take Dakan. With outstanding brutality, Ikalak again tried to take Dakan by force. They killed, raped, pillaged tax gold, and even desecrated Arylon Manor to show the people of Dakan that they intended to take the region, regardless of the sentiments of her people.

Once again, the brave peasants, showing loyalty to Fisc and to Toren, threw off their invaders once more. Ikalak had twice failed to take the humble rural land of Dakan - and the anger of the mighty realm became increasingly dangerous to Dakan. For a third time, Ikalak began a political takeover of Dakan.

Fearing for his peasants safety, and knowing that it was only a matter of time until Ikalak was able to hold the region - Fisc sent word to the leaders of the resistance in Dakan to lay down their arms. In a letter to the council, Fisc asked that resistance change, to no longer be that of active physical resistance, but instead changed itself to that of subterfuge, spying, undermining their new masters at every turn. He ordered Dakan to surrender to the invaders, so that countless peasants would be saved, and to ensure that if Toren was ever able to push north again, it would have a base of loyal subjects willing to do anything to see Toren achieve victory again.

So, with a heavy heart, the long held region of Dakan fell to Ikalak, and Fisc's title of Lordship was gone. He would not forget his home, however - and Ikalak would soon hear from him again.

Paladin Primus of Toren

Fisc's soldiers ravage the southern countryside of Ikalak.

Fisc had long stated that he did not desire to General the armies of Toren - he only wanted to Marshal a small force and turn them into an elite fighting force that Toren could depend on. His aspirations for higher office did not include Paladin Primus, even though it was becoming increasingly obvious that he was well suited for the position.

However, as is often the case - leadership was thrust upon him. Gaius Julius, then Paladin Primus of Toren, was captured during an ill advised sally of Toren Stronghold into Kail, and a replacement was needed. Fisc reluctantly realized that if he did not step forward, Toren would suffer from a lack of strong leadership, in a time when she needed it most. The next morning the voice of the people was heard, and Fisc was elected the next Paladin Primus in a landslide.

He inherited a tragically dangerous situation. Ikalak had pressed into and taken over most of northern Toren - including Dakan, Barakor and Riakond while attempting a takeover of Jerelin. In the south they had taken the crucial territory of Cave of Guilt, and the resurgent Taselak had pressed into Neralle, smelling weakness in Toren. Toren was losing ground quickly, and something had to be done, or the realm would not survive.

With the help of a small braintrust of Toren elite, Fisc initiated a bold new plan. Faced with a military that was unable to take on anyone in the open field, Fisc decided to change tactics.

Immediately he ordered nobles who had small units to drop their men as militia in critical areas, and move both into the deep north, and the deep south, to provide advance scoutings - giving a window into the enemies plans DAYS in advance. Additionally he ordered the Army of Tor and Tor's Retribution south through Falens into Ikalak territory. Both of these armies were converted into mobile marauding units, whose sole purpose now was to do as much critical damage to Ikalak as possible.

This new strategy paid massive dividens. The Army of Tor pressed into the deep south, causing three regions to be so hurt that they went rogue and defected from Ikalak. At the same time, the tax cofers of southern regions began to dry up as more and more gold went into the hands of Toren nobles, significantly hurting Ikalak's war effort. Given the scoutings being provided in deep areas in the south, the armies were able to stay one step ahead of Ikalak, and had free reign over the area.

In the north, Fisc ordered the Black Knights to defend Toren Stronghold - providing some measure of protection against a thirsty enemy wanting to stretch itself too far. The Black Knights valiantly were able to not only protect the stronghold, but keep the invaders from taking over Kail, which was their next step. Though it eventually did fall, Fisc and the fine soldiers of Toren were able to hold it off for quite some time.

Given his promise that he was not interested in serving as Paladin Primus for his own personal gain, Fisc abdicated the position at the end of the month - allowing a new general to be elected to lead the armies of the realm. His southern slash and burn campaign had been a wild success, and had sown some seeds that would see rewards just weeks later - but had also earned him a rather dubious nickname - "The Slayer of Ikalak". Fisc welcomed the name, as he felt that slaying oathbreakers was not anything to be ashamed of, but rather a public service to the South-East Island.


The men of Toren defend the shining walls of Toren Stronghold.

Ikalak's arrogance had grown beyond control. Kail had fallen, and they were on the doorstep to Toren Stronghold. Drunk with power, the hordes of mighty Ikalak set their sights on the walls of Toren Stronghold, convinced that all that was needed was a desire to conquor - and that would be enough to overcome Toren's defenses. Alas, overconfidence was their greatest weakness, and Ikalak marched on the Stronghold.

After retiring from the position of Paladin Primus, Fisc had gone south to join in the marauding with the rest of the Army of Tor. After a great deal of time personally overseeing the rape of many of the southern regions, Fisc was forced to withdraw to repair his equipment, pay his men and take care of several other affairs. His return to Toren Stronghold, as luck would have it, coincided with the oathbreakers foolheardy assault.

He arrived just in time. As he raced up the mountains into the Toren Valley, he could see Ikalak marching. He couldn't help but laugh to himself as he surveyed the attacking army - they were the superior force, but only on an open field. They didn't have the necessary strength to take the stronghold - they had too few seige engines, and far too much cavalry. This battle, it would seem, would actually be fun to fight.

Fisc positioned himself in the very front of the defending army - insistant that he kill as many Ikalakians as possible. It was he afterall who had negotiated the treaty amendment with Maximus on Averyll's orders. It was he, more than most nobles that burned with that betrayal. He was consumed with hatred, and a desire to exact his revenge on Ikalak.

That revenge came swiftly. The battle of Toren Stronghold ended quickly and decisively. Ikalak's entire northern army was smashed - annihilated to the point that send what soldiers they had screaming back to Ikalak City. The defenders on the walls roared and howled with delight as they saw the cowards retreat.

And then, only a day afterward, word was sent to Toren Stronghold that the Duke of Sandalak City, formerly the capital of Ikalak, was defecting to Taselak. He cited the breaking of the agreement, the arrogant and foolish attack on Toren Stronghold, as well as his southern regions being burnt to the ground with no help from the north as the major reasons for his abandonment of the formerly dominant realm. Fisc couldn't help but smile at the only honorable men in Ikalak now leaving it, and how he had a small part in that action.

As the days wore on, and Ikalak panicked, Toren pressed north, pursuing the cowards, and retaking the former territories along the way. One by one, Toren recaptured what had been stolen from them. Kail, Neralle and Riakond all fell to Toren within a matter of days, and Ikalak ran home, unable to defend themselves. All the while, Fisc was on the front, helping retake the lands, and slicing through any Ikalakian soldier he could find.

The resurgent Toren then pressed to the doorstep to Barakor and Dakan, and Fisc has sent word to the leaders in his former home that he would be among them soon.

Fortunes Change

In the weeks that followed, Toren indeed regained all of its lost territory, maintaining an unspoken truce with Taselak. The more time that passed, the more solidly Toren entrenched itself into its territories and maintained the control of all the regions it had retaken from Ikalak.

At the same time, Taselak pressed forward in the north-west, pressing into Ikalak territory and maintaining the regions it had recently gained from the defection of Moonglum. Both realms, who not so long ago were both beaten back to their capital by the hordes of Ikalak, were prospering and threatening the remnants of the former hegemon.

Political change for Toren came as well. A puppet rebellion against Averyll's rule was engineered and the Lady Gheros ascended to power, changing the government of Toren from its traditional Theocracy into a Monarchy. She then began to negotiate formally with Taselak in an attempt to forge an alliance with them to finish off Ikalak together.

A problem began to arise, however. Fisc was hated in Taselak, blamed largely for being a defender of the Toren-Ikalak treaty when Taselak had previously requested an alliance so long ago. They viewed him as an obstructionist to Taselak desires, and requested that Fisc not hold any positions of power in order to cement the agreement.

Gheros was able to hammer out an agreement without that caveat - however, out of a desire to help smooth relations with the new allies, Fisc retired from the public life and decided to simply rejoin his comrades on the front lines without any title.


But all was not right with Toren, and Fisc would soon be called into prominence once again. Queen Gheros, and her appointed General Sianon both seemed distant, inactive - even absent at times. As more time went by, the nobles of Toren cried out more and more for action, and strong leadership. Those cries went unanswered, with both Gheros and Sianon seemingly ignoring the problems they faced.

At the same time, Toren's military struggled mightily. The lack of leadership and cohesion lead to poor movement, undisciplined armies, and poorly coordinated attacks. Time after time, Toren's armies would be slaughtered on the walls of Ikalak City, due to terrible planning and incompetent leadership.

These issues finally came to a head when the Arch Priest of Toren, Gaius Julius Danlawer issued a public call for Queen Gheros to step down. More nobles followed, and Fisc added his voice to the dissenters. He had simply had enough of Toren being embarrassed by the seemingly incompetent leadership that was making the entire realm look bad, and publicly protested the Queen.

The protests came to a head when Luna DawnStar took it a step further and called for an open rebellion. Fisc had previously called for a rebellion to not be called, but secretly he informed Luna that he did in fact support her action. In the next several days, he had regular contact with Luna, and began to take notice of her intelligence and dedication to Toren - not to mention her immense beauty. Those dark times cemented a strong bond between them that some on the island considered the beginning of a romantic relationship - though no such relationship was confirmed by either for some time.

Soon, Gheros crumbled and abdicated the throne, giving Toren an opportunity to set right the problems that had plagued it for months. Fisc decided at that time that his time of isolation and removal from the public eye were over.

Campaign for King of Toren

Fisc Arylon stands on the hills of Berakor, surveying his route home to Toren Stronghold to campaign for the vacant throne of Toren.

The vacancy in the throne of Toren left a vacuume of power that had to be filled. In the time following Gheros stepping down, only two legitimate candidates emerged as viable options to ascend to the crystal throne of Toren - Fisc Arylon and Cyperus Sarracenia. Fisc was the man of the people, popular with the everyday noble fighting in the trenches and dying for Toren. Cyperus was the old guard, popular amongst the powerful elite of the country - the entrenched nobles who held great power and sway.

The campaign shaped up interestingly, with Fisc commanding a huge amount of support from the nobles of Toren, and campaigning hard for the empty throne. Cyperus consolidated support amongst his base of powerful nobles, and the two prepared for the vote. Fisc had expected a strong showing due to his overwhelming support from the nobles of the realm, but had made a critical error - the voting system in a monarchical realm are weighted such that much of Fisc's base did not have a significant number of votes.

When the election came, Cyperus was elected the next King of Toren. Fisc had a much higher number of nobles voting for him, however due to the weighted voting and the power of the supporters of Cyperus, he was crowned King. Though the weighted system cost him the throne, and troubled him deeply, he respected the system and knew that it was Tor's will that he not become King of Toren yet. There was a different calling that Tor wished Fisc to follow.

After the election, Fisc sent word to Cyperus that he would support his rule, and pledged to serve the realm wherever he saw fit. The two former adversaries dined together the night the election results were announced, and spoke of how to bring the realm together and move forward as a cohesive strong, but most importantly unified Toren. It was then that King Cyperus surprised Fisc, and asked him to serve in a role he had not expected.

Ascention to High Marshal of Toren

The new King of Toren felt that to bring the country together, and to solve the problems in the military heirarchy that an active, strong military leader should be appointed, and for that role he chose Fisc. Humbled by the request, he decided to agree to become Cyperus' General, and lead the armies of Toren.

Immediately he set to reforming the way the military conducted its business. His first order of business was to officially disband the Military Council. In his time in the realm, Fisc had sat on that council for a great deal of time, and it was clear to him that it was useless. It was bloated with too many members, and the members it had weren't very active in their advisement or very insightful in their analysis. It needed to be reformed, and quickly.

In its place, Fisc instituted what he called the Martial Assembly, which was to be what the Military Council should have been all this time - a very active, responsive and insightful body of military advisors for the Toren General. He instituted seven "seats" for the Assembly - one for the King and High Marshal, one for each Marshal, and two seats for military advisors. Each of these seats would be occupied at all times, and would be active, or be replaced.

Additionally, Fisc decided that communication was the major thing that was missing in the past from the Toren Generals. The nobles were confused, they were uninformed, they didn't understand the goals or the strategy - and as a result morale suffered, and army cohesion was non existant. So Fisc instituted an "early and often" policy of communication with the nobles of Toren - informing them of their orders early in the day, and making certain they were aware of what they were doing and why.

But most importantly - Fisc came to the realization that the basic fundamental strategy of the Toren army needed to be changed. He immediately began to communicate with the High Marshal of Taselak, working on a strategy to end the conflict with Ikalak. After a short time weighing their options - Cronos and Fisc arrived at a detailed and bold strategy that they believe could end the war within the month. The exact details of that plan are still classified - however it appears clear that the Toren military will be doing "something big" quite soon.

Heading into the Future, Fisc's entire focus is on obtaining Toren an additional city, and expanding their territory into everything that is today Ikalak.

Marriage to Luna DawnStar


Luna Dawnstar, betrothed of Fisc Arylon descending the mountains as she comes to Toren Stronghold for their impending marriage. She had changed out of her battle armor to an elegant dress as a surprise to Fisc when she arrived.

In the time after the rebellion, Fisc and Luna spent a great deal of time together. As the days passed, they grew closer, Luna often finding time to walk amongst the city with the High Marshal, or visiting him late at night in Toren Stronghold or Arylon Manor. Whispers began to circle around Toren that the two were intimate.

Prior to a major assault, Fisc went to Culture Square in Toren Stronghold to purchase Luna a gift to signify his feelings for her. He chose an elegant emerald green cape for her - emerald was the color Fisc had adopted for the standard of his banners, and had long since been associated with him. Indeed, he was once known as "The Emerald Knight" when he was an undercover agent inside the rebellion. The gift was a subtle way for Fisc and Luna to declare their pairing to the world - she would be wearing his colors, and people would recognize that.

Luna, however seemed to be distant from Fisc, she seemed hesitant to get close. Fisc became increasingly frustrated with this behavior and began to openly wonder if Luna was truly interested in him or not. In her, she had seen somebody he felt he had a future with, but she seemed to be perhaps having second thoughts about their relationship.

That was when Fisc met Saccharine de Nada. She was a new noble to the shores of South-East Island, was extremely young and strikingly beautiful. Immediately Fisc's eyes began to wander to the beauty of Saccharine, and he began something of a courtship of her as well. This was troublesome in some ways, because he and Luna never officially broke off the relationship they had began, but Fisc believed it was over, and decided to move on.

In the next month, Fisc and Saccharine became extremely close - openly flaunting their lustful relationship in the open. They were spotted walking through the Toren gardens during a refit at the Stronghold, and there are rumors Fisc ordered a blacksmith (apparently working for the esteemed noble Tyrion) beheaded because he made a lewd comment to her as they walked through the capital.

Word got back to Luna that Fisc and Saccharine had become close, possibly intimate - and she flew into a jealous rage. Unbeknownst to Fisc, Luna had retreated from his company not out of disinterest, but out of fear. She was a hardened warrior, fresh off leading a rebellion against Queen Gheros, being crowned Queen, and abdicating the throne to allow free elections to take place - she needed time to rest and consider what had become of her life, and what her true feelings for Fisc were. Feeling so strongly - truly being in love - was something new to her, and she was not equipped to deal with those feelings.

Things came to a head one night when Luna went to Fisc's Mansion in Toren Stronghold to meet with him and talk about their lives together. As she approached, his personal guards recognized Luna as a consort of their master and let her pass. She silently slid into his bedchamber and found the young Saccharine nude, laying in his silk sheets. Fisc was nowhere to be found, but clearly he had been with her that night. Enraged, she stormed out of his Mansion, swearing to herself to never be played by him again.

For some time the relationship between Fisc and Luna remained cold - she seethed about his relationship with Saccharine, and he continued to feel shut out from her life, driving him further away. Fisc, however, was still in love with Luna - even despite his strong feelings for the young Saccharine. He missed her, and regretted not treating her properly. He sent her an invitation to dinner, hoping that Luna and he could mend their relationship.

Initially she refused, but as time went by her heart softened. She loved Fisc, even despite his brutish behavior. On top of that, Fisc was planning a massive joint assault against Ikalak City with thousands of troops from Taselak joining in, possibly breaking Ikalak City once and for all. The battle had the potential to kill Fisc, and the more she thought of that, the more she longed to work things out. Finally, she accepted his invitation, telling him that she would meet him at Arylon Manor in Dakan the night before the assault.

Luna, however, could not wait that long. She rode ahead of her men to meet Fisc at his war tent as he prepared the final orders before the assault was to begin. Passing through his personal guard again, he approached him as he wrote at his table. Surprised and please, he stood up to greet her. Luna walked toward him, but before he could get a word out, she grabbed him by the collar and hauled him in close, kissing him passionately. Then, she pulled back, looked at him as he smiled - and reached back, striking him as hard as she could on the face. The slap took him off guard and completely disoriented him.

What bothered him seemed to be more than the physical pain of being hit, but what was behind it as well. Looking at Luna's sullen face, it appeared to him that perhaps he had really hurt her - perhaps her hardened and polished personality was a cover for being vulnerable inside. Suddenly he felt extremely guilty, and very ashamed.

She was still looking down at the ground, and he felt a great wave of affection for her. Only somebody who was truly in love would be this affected. It was clear Fisc had not treated her as he should have. Quietly, he stepped toward her, but his hand on her chin and raided it up so he could peer into her eyes. Fisc was a good foot taller than Luna, so his gaze was particularly intense. At first she felt should couldn't look at him, and turned her head, but before she could, Fisc leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. It was the only way he knew to say "I'm sorry".

Overcome with a sense of relief and happiness, the two embraced and held each other close. The nearness of death and battle was striking, and perhaps they both feared it could be the last time they saw each other. They then retreated to Arylon Manor for the night, and spent the night together.

It was that night, after a lot of talking, and the truth of their feelings finally being revealed, that the two decided to officially marry.

After the Great Battle of Ikalak City, Fisc announced the impending wedding to not only the nobles of Toren, but the nobles of Ikalak and Taselak as well, inviting the entire island to witness their vows.

The ceremony was held the following Wednesday, in front of the Royal Palace in Toren Stronghold. Prior to the ceremony, Luna sent Fisc a gift - a necklace containing a small peice of the crown of the last ruler of Sandalak. It was meant to signify an accomplishment that no one thought was possible, as a symbol for the union of their two houses.

That afternoon, an official Toren Wedding was held, and nobles from all over the South-East Island were in attendance. Fisc and Luna gave their vows and were officially married. Afterward they retreated back to Fisc's mansion, to enjoy each other's company before returning to active duty.


  • The Emerald Knight
  • Fisc Silvertongue
  • The Slayer of Ikalak


Fisc is a noted author. In his time observing the world, he has published a number of works that delve into subject he feels are essential to nobles attempting to live a good life. To date, he has written four such publications, each dealing with key philisophical epiphanies he has faced in his life.

Additionally, he has spent a great deal of time working on technical manuals devoted to training nobles of the world the art of warfare. His two greatest manuscripts of this kind deal with imparting knowledge about the world, and conflict management, while another deals with how to Marshal armies of a realm.

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