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====Half of BT in for a long war ?==== ''December 12, 1006 by Thorson''
With Enweil joining up with Luz de Bia in the already large war, we can speak of situation. As far as Avalon concerns, we have to remain pretty much neutral to such violence as we are in the middle of the fighting realms. With the end of the year nearing we'll see some dark fights and some darker secret alliances come to live. Just wait and see...
====New realms popping up==== ''December 7, 1006 by Thorson''
====New realms popping up==== ''December 7, 1006 by Thorson''
Two new realms, Vlaanderen and the Kingdom of Alluran, were formed after seceding their city. It seems there are fewer large realms left. Is it me or does this island can't work together ? What are they gonne do when a next invasion hits ? You can't dream of surviving with such low number of regions and now real preparation. But hey the more the merry or better the more small realms the more we get after an invasion.
Two new realms, Vlaanderen and the Kingdom of Alluran, were formed after seceding their city. It seems there are fewer large realms left. Is it me or does this island can't work together ? What are they gonne do when a next invasion hits ? You can't dream of surviving with such low number of regions and now real preparation. But hey the more the merry or better the more small realms the more we get after an invasion.

Revision as of 23:34, 12 December 2006

Price: 2 silver coins In Memoriam † Grim-Reaper 20/11/1006 December Edition
Main editor: Thorson Jorvik

News of December

====Half of BT in for a long war ?==== December 12, 1006 by Thorson With Enweil joining up with Luz de Bia in the already large war, we can speak of situation. As far as Avalon concerns, we have to remain pretty much neutral to such violence as we are in the middle of the fighting realms. With the end of the year nearing we'll see some dark fights and some darker secret alliances come to live. Just wait and see... ====New realms popping up==== December 7, 1006 by Thorson Two new realms, Vlaanderen and the Kingdom of Alluran, were formed after seceding their city. It seems there are fewer large realms left. Is it me or does this island can't work together ? What are they gonne do when a next invasion hits ? You can't dream of surviving with such low number of regions and now real preparation. But hey the more the merry or better the more small realms the more we get after an invasion. ====Infiltrator Attacks all around==== November 30, 1006 by Thorson After the personal attack on myself, in wich I fought back to give my gaurds enough time to come to my aid, we have now two more infiltrator attacks. Earlier this week we heard of the new attack on Duke El Mariachi. Right after that healers rust in to announce that Judge Jelpot was the latest victim. It has been a long time since our realm was stured up by such acts of sneaky violence. It seems we are caught in a dark war, fortunately we have been dealt excellent cards. We are closing in on those few who dare to stand against us without any provocation on our part.
In unity we hold ground !! Hail Mighty Avalon !! ====General attacked !!==== November 27, 1006 by Thorry Our General, Sir Thorson, has been brutaly attacked by what seems to be an Old Grehk infiltrator named, Goliath Scorpion. It is a verry strange time to, luckily superficial, wound a Minister of Defense. Certainly strange because there was no direct military action at hand. Chancellor Allarion is still on a diplomatic tour concerning realm-relations. Avalon is not at war with anyone or is even concidering starting a war at this moment. What was that infiltrator thinking ? With no bounty placed on our General's head, the only reason would be training or boredom. A verry dumb move on the infil's account as he is now being hunt down by our own verry skilled infiltrators and Troop Leaders. A real piece of action and military movement, perfectly coordinated by our Chancellor. ====New Chancellor : Lord Allarion Skeene==== November 25, 1006 by Thorson We have a new Chancellor !! All hail Allarion !!
With 53 % of the valid votes, he became Ruler of Avalon. Second in place with 15% is grand Master Druide Hector and Lord Galvin, Duke of Cteduul closes in with 10%. With these elections Lord Allarion has stepped up as ruler to continue the hard work of our beloved Grim-Reaper, although in time Allarion hopefully will be seen as a new reign and not the next in line after Grim-Reaper. He has a great task at hand, but then again he is been chosen on his capabilities to handle dilomatics ad realm issues.
Hail Ruler of Avalon, Hail Lord Allarion !! ====New tides ahead...==== November 24, 1006 by Thorson Our Chancellor at interim Lord Kain, is stepping down this friday evening, everyone has presented his campaign and will do so till election day. For now Hector, Allarion, Demonte, Galvin and Strom are running for ruler, we'll now more on saterday morning. In the meanwhile we all seem to agree that we need to further reinforce us against the undead thread, that sooner then later is going to present itself. We only hope we'll survive without severe damage, that will entirely depend on our RC's and our militia. ====DARK TIMES==== November 20, 1006 by Thorson This is a black day for Avalon...We, Avalonians, commemorate a great Leader, a trustworthy Chancellor...a person who will be gravely missed for all his qualities. He was one of the founding member who initiated and thought through the birth of Avalon, as it is now. A realm that has grown to be part of the top 5 in number of nobles. I will not write on the birth of Avalon but on the loss of our beloved Chancellor.
It seems, as I've heared from few personal messages, that he gave his life for the survival of Avalon. That is also the way we will remember him. A qoute of Lord Kain who is Chancellor at interim : "You can believe what you want about grim, it's your free choice, but he did NOT betray us. He lowered all the relations to neutral in order to start again with our diplomatic relations. In other words: HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF IN ORDER TO GET US OUT OF THIS SITUATION. Those who believe he's a betrayer, can believe i am one too. To me, he is the f*cking hero of this realm, no matter which class he belongs to."

I ask you to keep a moment of silence, a moment to acknowledge the passing of a nations-ruler. He brought up the best in all people and protected that same group of friends, like he concidered every noble. A noble like you and me...

====Another weekend==== November 17, 1006 by Thorson Taxday has come and go, money is all out again, so as I said a normal week. Also normal, Iromobrozian slander, we seem to be boring because we tell the truth. Since they have lied their way trough almost everything they concider news, the free south times now got Fronen to restart their newspaper. I truelly hope Fronen stays with the facts and not go marching off in liar-land. So far a normal week, with plenty of monsters to kill in Lacint, Tey Gren and Henhower. Always fun to get free training, isn't it ?

====Priest activity: Super high==== November 13, 1006 by Thorson With 4 Druides in our realm, we get many region-reports of 100% followers. It seems they have found a way of preaching unseen to this Island. With our small army spread over the realm, we can react to any monsters immediately. It's also a good rehersal for our annual Maneuvers in 2-3 weeks. This Maneuvers will shet a light on the knowledge of different orders of our army. But more so on the availability to correctly react to orders. We don't want half the army moving to Wilwau if the order was a 2-turn move to Njorke. So you see "massive" army movements in two weeks, beginning in our Capital and ending in Wudenkin, with different types of excersizes...I hope to report you all that we had an enormous succes. It will make the upcomming undead invasion a lot easier.

====Level 5 Walls in Cteduul !!==== November 10, 1006 by Thorson With much pride : Fortifications in Cteduul have been raised to Fortress (5). Galvin, Duke of Cteduul, Marshal of the army of Cteduul carved his name into the final stone during a small ceremony today. Many Troop Leaders have donated to make this happen, The government of Avalon is full of grace for their efforts. We are still in the rebuilding fase and are carrying on while war is surrounding us. It's quite hallucinant to see that all our neighboors are caught up in wars. Avalon seems to be a peacefull place and we intend to keep it that way. It seems to be everyone is busy while we are looking forwards : The Undead Invasion. Hell is sturing heavily lately, it is bound to happen soon. Allthough I'm too young to tell about it, the stories make quite a grafic image. But let's think possitive and enjoy our peace. ====Druide Kara is getting better==== November 8, 1006 by Thorson Priest Kara is feeling better after angry followers of Qyrrvagism assaulted her. She says she's more determined then ever now that it's clear that the people needs the one true Faith. With that cheery note, I would remind all of you that the only good whores are to be find in Wudenkin. Don't spend all your new gold in one day, make it at least 3. I also want to ask your prayers for the fallen commrads on the battlefields of Luz de Bia. Our hands are tied but our minds aren't.
Let's commemorated their sacrifices for a free Beluaterra !! ====Meaningless words...==== November 7, 1006 by Thorson Meaningless words of a desperate Irombrozian... Since it's obvious clear to every self-thinking noble that the Free South Times isn't more than a dying outlet to vent their frustrations. Frustrations, because we already know that the've choosen the losing side, they just don't know it yet. Or more so they are blinded by hatred, while history has proven that hate always consumes itself. Calling us an oppresive realm is surely propaganda, in wich we don't believe. It's with merly facts that peasants and nobles can choose the right and true side. It seems their journalist has lost the meaning of oppresive, check your diplomatic relations and you'll see that not mighty Avalon is at war but Irombrozia. Get your facts right before printing lies!

====Horror..oh Horror, Priest attacked==== November 6, 1006 by Thorson While preaching in Wilwau, Druide Priest Kara Ascalon has been attacked and seriously wounded by Qyrrvagism-radicals. Qouting fellow Druide Priest and friend, Siobhan O'Ways :"After a few minutes a mob had formed who chased away the crowd and attacked her. She was severely beaten up by this mob and left for dead. One of the people who had been listening earlier managed to get her into a healer's tent, who dispatched a message to me as she mentioned my name before she passed out completely." Our new Priests have their work cut out for them. Our prayers go out to a speedy recovery of Priest Kara.

====A fresh start of the week==== November 6, 1006 With the beginning of the week we welcome a new Avalonien member, Corpus. It seems our Banner stands high in the ranking of Beluaterra. Undoubtfully it is our fair and noble view on things of live that make new nobles choose Avalon as their new banner.

--Article written by Thorson

====The Battle of the Faiths begins...==== November 5, 1006 With the revival of the Druides comes also a great challenge. Grand Masters Hector has encoutered resistance in his preaches in Wilwau, he even had to seek refuge. Druide Hector takes on this challenge with his new Priests, wich he believes to become a good teaching for the novices. In the far end of our beloved realm, the Duke of Wudenkin, El Mariachi has been told that a new shrine of the Valentic Order has been erected. It seems with the ending of the year, faith has found a new energy to well up in Beluaterra. With our new Druides we have a good change of guiding the faith-seeking people to our own realms believes.

--Article written by Thorson

====Some come and others go...==== November 4, 1006 The luzdebian hero and duke of Jiddington as well as marshall from the army of his city TVFD3 died in the battlefield fighting once more under his flag; Luz de Bia. To me, Kain Serra, this man was a really important figure inside and outside the battlefield. When we once got Luz de Bia to rebrith from that same region, who lately lost his duke, i got to know really good friends there. On of them was indeed TVFD3 and with such Tls at your side, the undead invasion gets easier to fight against. TVFD3 we won't forget you!

--Article written by Kain

====Family investement==== November 3, 1006 Lord Storm has issued a family investment in Cteduul, wich puts production sky-rocketing. It's another example of our Troop Leaders dedications to glorious Avalon. With those investments, we put our word into deeds. Because to dare is to do !! Because we are Avalon !!

--Article written by Thorson

====The Rebirth of the Druide Order==== November 3, 1006 Grand Master Hector has initiated a new wave of druides, standing up and taking their place into the once vast order. New priests are Kara and Jean, undoubtfully some will follow their footsteps. May they spread the knowledge of the Druides.

--Article written by Thorson

===Family investment=== November 2, 1006 Today a realm-wide call for gifts was issued from our Chancellor, Grim-Reaper. He hope to raise enough gold for the next stage of our rebuilding. So Avaloniens let the gifts pour in....
Jelpot, our Supreme Judge has initaited a family investment in Wudenkin, Production soars to unseen levels. Whores are feasting all over city, singing songs of how great and fair our Judge is.
Hector has just announced that he is taking up his rightfull place in the Order of the Druides, he is now preparing to spread the one true word of our Order. Good times to you Grand Master Druide Hector.

--Article written by Thorson

===Linesettings=== November 1, 1006 We are in the rebuilding fase of our realm and taxday would be more then welcome as much work has to be done.
It seems our monster hunters have reached perfect linesettings in Lacint. Congratulations, good job !

--Article written by Thorson