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==Active Nobility==
==Active Nobility==

===Emperor and his Disciples===
===The Emperor and his Disciples===

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Revision as of 02:09, 21 February 2020

Grim Republic of Reven

Vordul Sanguinis Banner.png

Island Beluaterra
Capital Vozzessdor
Largest City Vozzessdor
Government Republic

Duchies 3
Regions 1
Population 24,400
Gold 4476
Food 1506
Nobles 7
Depraved Prince Hendrick Armsworth
Harbinger of Strife Hendrick Armsworth
Ruin Inquisitor Maximus Shepherd
Imperial Seneschal Hendrick Armsworth
VozzessdorSol Tempest


A Heavy RP Lawful Evil Empire, focused on role play and status gained through the Blood Oath and Favor with the Disciples and Emperor. We look to bring continent wide role play through regional RP and inclusion of Nobles & Adventurers regardless of their patron realm.


  • Thalmarkin - Unoffical Allies
    • Vordul Sanguinis peacefully seceded from Thalmarkin leaving them with a strong bond.
  • Gotland - Friendly
    • As allies of Thalmarkin Vordul Sanguinis has a friendly relation with Gotland.
  • Ar Agyr - Peace
    • The first neutral realm to sign peace with the Empire.
  • All others - Neutral
    • Currently negotiating and/or no hostilities.

Controlled Regions

Claimed Regions

Active Nobility

The Emperor and his Disciples

Xlair Square Crop.jpg
Xlair Silverblade
Xlair Silverblade stands 7'2" tall, with a slender but muscular frame. His skin is a pale alabaster and stretched taught over high cheekbones, a firm square jaw, and a narrow nose. His eyes are black, and the fury within them makes them resemble burning coals that lock on anything he finds worth his attention. He wears his long thick raven black hair down, where it reaches to the middle of his back.
Azizah Daris Square.jpg
Azizah Daris
Duchess of Vordul Sanguinis,
Magravine of Verdomite
Copper Gronholt Square.jpg
Copper Gronholt
Crimison Judge,
Count of Vale
A mountainous man covered in black metal, with a pigfaced bascinet. He carries a large bladed, two handed Axe in one hand. This menacing giant is Emperor Xlair Silverblade's personal guard, butcher and is seldom seen very far from the Emperor's side.
Svari Storme Square.jpg
Svari Storme
Duchess of Agros Aurea
Tall for a woman, she's never allowed anyone to measure her but she is very near six feet tall and admittedly lanky because of it. In her gambeson and plate she appears around the same size as the men on the field. Her hair is plain and brown, usually forgotten in a careless bun to fit under her helm.
Rasil Grimblade Square.png
Rasil Grimblade
Count of Ircymbar

Blood Sworn

Sol Tempest.jpg
Sol Tempest
Baroness of Ippetimbal
Sol, the Eldest child of the Tempest family hails from the province of Yipinalke. Born with the gift of fire magic Sol was trained to harness the power of her namesake with complimented knight training. Upon coming of age to be a lady she was quite skilled with a single blade and modest magic skills. On her 17th birthday Sol could be described as a slender women standing around 5ft7 with skin as pale as snow and blonde hair to match. Her eyes normally are a faint golden color however glimmer like topaz while spell casting. This is off putting to some common folk who often refer to her as the tempest witch.
Seiðr Scribbler Square.jpg
Seiðr Scribbler
Marshal of the Crimson Legion,
Margrave of Verdomite
ð = alt + 0240 Ok.jpg
Craglan Square.png
Craglan the Cold Mejor
Knight of Wudenkin
Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor is as pale as snow. His hair a wave of white and silver and his eyes like gently lit ice. His features are sharp; predatory, including sharp teeth and strong fingertips with a bit of a claw. He wears a leather robe that is lined with a lush fur, and carries a Crystal Staff. He wears a bejeweled sword at his waist and is often seen looking into The Crystal Skull, which people had seen him talk to. A jeweled haversack is worn across the shoulder beneath the robe and pouches of many sizes can be seen around his belt. A white snake with a blue pattern is often seen draping and slithering on his person; Scycle, Craglan's familiar from another age when Magic yet survived in its truest form.
Eriol Blackdagger square.jpg
Eriol Blackdagger
Steward of Ircymbar
Eriol is a young man, at only 17 years of age. He has pale white skin with a splotch of black, messy hair. He stands 6 feet tall, but has a muscular build; a testament to the farming life of his youth. Eriol is a kind and brave man. Despite his kindness, he is fiercely loyal to the rather bloodthirsty Emperor, and has dedicated his life to his service, despite their different views. Although he is an honorable young man, he always has a snide comment at the ready, and views himself as more important than he truly is. An able commander and warrior, he has taken his assignment to the ambassadorial corps with frustration, although he seems to have a talent for it.
Gunhilda Gildre square.png
Gunhilda Gildre
Dame of Ircymbar
Standing at just a smidge over 4 feet tall, Gunhilda is an axe bearing warrior hailing from the icy northern reaches of Thalmarkin. Bulging muscles pressing against restrictive armour, she is stout and brawny. Devoted to finding glory in battle, she seeks adventure and war to test her mettle.
Lupo Gabber square.jpg
Lupo Gabber
Knight of Ircymbar
Zurias Ujim square.jpg
Zurias Ujim
Knight of Vale
This man stands at 6'4" weighing close to two-hundred and fifty pounds. He carries a large two handed sword and speaks like a scholar. He met Xlair almost a lifetime ago, and speaks of their relationship and his loyalty as if Xlair gave him a new life.
Cedric Rhysling square.png
Cedric Rhysling
Knight of Xerus
Woelfen Guile
Margrave of Xerus
Gustav Kuriga
Knight of Verdomite


Ambrose Peregrine Square.jpg
Ambrose Peregrine
Knight of Wudenkin
Sullen face, shaven head, clad in ragged leathers and steel. Ambrose is a hedge knight by name and an opportunistic mercenary by trade.
Englebert Schwarzherzig Square.jpg
Englebert Schwarzherzig
Knight of Xerus
Zarianna Heartseeker
Dame of Ircymbar