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''"Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this paper do not reflect the opinions or views of Yssaria, its leaders, its nobles, or its sheep"''
Old comments/discussions removed to make future ones less confusing. --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 21:44, 17 July 2006 (CEST)

no disclaimer on the opinions or views of doughnuts? -- [[Bishamon Family|Aurum]] Bishamon Family 06:39, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
== Nice work! ==
I like it! But I do have one point I would like to question:

It is good to see Yssaria finally has a paper! Can the [[II]] take a bit of a break from noting Caligus' losses now? --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 08:00, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
"Perdan recouped some of its loses while the northern allies recouped"

Hello Alex, how goes Itorunt. Yes, I know its only been a day or so since I've left, but I miss the Itorunt Informer and even some people in Itorunt. Is TK out of jail yet? -- [[Bishamon Family|Aurum]] Bishamon Family 08:24, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
Maybe I just don't understand it, but I think that should be Perdan recovered and the north regrouped? --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 19:44, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

Well, the disclaimer on the main page is mainly in regards to the non-officialness of the paperThis editors biases as regards to doughnuts (I am fiercly pro-doughnut, I will admit) is more of an editorial bias that would be properly mentioned in an appropriate context, like say, an editorial as to the superior form of baked goodsOf course, doughnuts transcend the mere status of baked good to become a philsophical symbol...but still.<grins>
: Doh.  Thanks Alex.  I proofread that thing twice and that sentance still flew by.  Amazing.  Glad you liked it, I'm planning on making it a regular feature at the beggening of the monthSo what do you think of my editorial? <evil grin> --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 20:00, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

And my salutations to the editor of the [[II|Itorunt Informer]]!  You may, if you wish, take a break from noting the defeats of Caligus (I realize that this is a somewhat exhausting, no?), it will be within the Red Star Courier's editorial policy to make note of the results of our struggle against that realm part of our paper. -- Aeillien Mandraken 6:57, 20 June 2006 (EST)
::Seriosuly, it's great work, and you should keep it up. Mind if I offer a few suggestions though? It's vey minor, but there are things like you've linked to the [[II]] but written it like <nowiki>[[II|Itorunt Informer]]</nowiki> which isn't really neccessary; simply lnking to the [[Itorunt Informer]] by doing this: <nowiki>[[Itorunt Informer]]</nowiki> will work out fine and save you a bit of time.  

You make it sound like we always lose.. The war has been raging for over a year and if we lost every battle how come Domus isn't flying a Yssarian flag?? Why did you copy the CC and Rampant Lion. Couldn't you come up with your own format??
::Unless of course you are deliberateltly looking to beat the april edition of the II as one of the longest pages on the wiki, in which case, good luck with that. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 20:24, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

-It has, indeed, been a back and forth struggle lasting well over a yearBut I would not blame you if you were unhappy as to the recent results (of, say, the last three months).  I, personally, have only been present in my realm for that long.  Off the top of my head, whenever your realm and mine have met on the field of battle and the odds have been close, or significant forces have been involved, we have, by and large, won.  This is why we have succesfully completed three takeovers (with the third currently still being up in the air) over your realm, and attacked your capital recentlyBut it is not my intention to debate who is winning this war with you in this particular forumThe field of battle will demonstrate in the fullness of time who will be victorious, and our respective papers will write those stories as they see fit.   
::: I do silly things like that sometimes.  For some reasons pipe style links have become a hard to break habit of mine for no apparaent reason other than the fact that I use them over and over for links to region pages. <chuckles> As far as your april issue, that's pretty impressive, but in a mere two months I've gotten a page that's #51 on the longest page list (my july issue), and only 10k bytes smaller than your April page(granted 10k bytes is alot of text. :P)I think I'll beat you yet, and without the help of little things like that.--[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 20:56, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

As far as "copying" the CC and the Rampant Lion, as far as I can see, the layout of the CC and the Rampant Lion are not all that similar to each other, so it would be difficult for me to copy both.  Secondly, there are only so many ways to sensibly lay out a newspaper.  Thirdly, my layout was in part inspired by the Rampant Lion (which I attribute), however, a quick comparison of the two papers will make clear the fact that I have reformulated it according to my own prefrences.  There is nothing wrong with using someone else's layout for inspirition.  I looked at the Rampant Lion, as well as OR's paper, while creating my layout.  I did not look at the CC, as I do not like your layout a great deal. (You are free, of course, not to believe me.)  What matters most about a paper, in any case, is what is contained *within* the format.  As to the quality of that... well, we shall see, no? -- Aeillien Mandraken 8:53, 20 June 2006 (EST)
:::: Well,with the amount of coding that goes into the layout, I think if I put some hard work in I can get this one to beat the april edition.

:I don't mind anyone "borrowing" my layout. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, and all that. The wiki is a collaborative effort. The things that help one, help us all. I stole the [[Template:Fontan Regions]] idea when I created the [[Template:Perdan Regions]], then copied it again when I made the [[Template:Caligus Regions]]. It provides a nice feeling of consistency. Not that some realm couldn't do it differently, if they wanted. All this talk over who copied from who is pretty damn juvenile. ("We signed our articles first!" "No we did! And you stole our layout!"... Honestly, people, grow up.)
::::But I'm lazy... so probably not... I just wish people wouldn't put up these huge battle reprots which aren't really that useful but use 00's of KB. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 21:08, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

:As to [[The Red Star Courier]], I'm happy to see another paper get their start on the [[East Island]]. The more views we have of the events that occur, the better it is for all of us. I wish you guys the best of luck. It can be difficult to keep up with the continuous addition of new material. It can also be a very rewarding experience, too. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 16:09, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
I agree, a very nice article. I was going to post a rather long comment, but I think it turned out too well to waste it on a talk page. I'll post it a bit later as a commentary item on [[The Rampant Lion]]. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 21:51, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

:: Hardyharhar. Just to throw a wrench in all of your claims to fame, [[the Oligarchian Observer]] was the first paper to ever use the periodical format with any degree of success. We were the grandfather of all modern papers, even the ones that predate us, but became active after us. ;) [[User:Vellos|Vellos]] 19:30, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
P.S. - Your choice of words on the enemy army '''crash'''ing through Partora is quite accurate. While the troops of Sirion and Fontan did manage to sucessfully attack Partora, the capital city of Perdan, it was a rather Pyrrhic victory. Of the 88 attacking nobles, a mere 17 survived through the second attack and were able to loot in Partora. Of the 40,000 CS of enemy troops that attacked the city, nearly 30,000 are already dead, and many of the remaining troops will not live to return home. It was, indeed a '''crash''', of massive proportions. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 22:19, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

Speaking of formats, could somebody look at the layout of the page and explain to me why the sections and subsections don't show up as a table of contents anywhere?  There's little point to using that feature without the quicklinks at the top, after all, and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Email me at chilango2 at gmail dot com, or put it on my user talk page, or put it here, as you perfer.  Thanks!  --Aeillien Mandraken
:Yeah, attacking a well fortified city will do that.  I'm actually coming to the opinion that a variation of Sun Tzu's method of dealing with cities holds for battlemaster: ignore them and take control of the sorrounding area instead.--[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 22:47, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

The TOC will only count sections if they are marked using the appropriate wiki syntax, i.e. they have to be marked headers in <nowiki>==title here==</nowiki> rather than just bold using <nowiki><b> or ''text here''</nowiki>.
::That's actually the strategy that Tom advises when dealing with cities: Starve them out. Lay siege to the cities and take all the surrounding regions. The city will starve, and the enemy will eventually start to succumb to starvation, population loss, disease, etc. They did this rather effectively against Oligarch. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 23:00, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

Aurum, it is good to hear from you again. TK is out again, as promised, although he still doesn't talk even to the higher ups, and you will be glad to hear (well you won't, but the other members of Itorunt will) that we deported one of Perdans saboteurs that was captured. Thray is apparenmtly going to sign up and help write articles as well, although there is little match for the peaceful HR articles you could somehow write so well.
:::Some people have realms that are lucky enough to be immune to such tactics, and if you don't completely surround then then it is possible for the realm to get food through backdoors and traders. ubent, for example; every region of theirs fed itself and more. 200+ food was produced by the stringhold per week, but they only ate just over 20 a day. Ibladesh City, on the other hand, eats only 11 less bushels per day that the whole realm of Itorunt. Go figure how easy it would be to siege each of them. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 23:18, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

Aeillien, you have lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I am afraid that even with Caligus throwing fuel to the fire losing every huge battle bar one (which they drew), they take up a lot of my time that could be more profitably put to use, say, reporting that Perdans Menstrual Whiners are retreating, that Perdan failed their TO of Al Arab (thanks mostly to yours truly, Quake and the ineptitude of Waylander) and that Itorunt is retaking Zawr. Etc, Etc. You see there is a long to-do list, and I still need to get around designing the format for the II, which I have been meaning to do for a while. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 17:25, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
::::No argument there. Not all situations allow for the same tactics. You need to adapt and use whatever best fits the situation. As for Ibladesh, well, that's the price you pay for having the largest city on the island: It also has the highest food consumption. Taking the enemy's ancillary regions is a valid tactic in many situation, though. Deny them recruiting centers, gold, and food. Eventually, they may just realize that they can't win, and will offer to surrender. Which is exactly what happened to Ubent. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 23:35, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

''"The TOC will only count sections if they are marked using the appropriate wiki syntax, i.e. they have to be marked headers in ==title here== rather than just bold using <nowiki><b> or ''text here''."''</nowiki>''
== New article ==

I have been using equal signs, if you look, you'll event see the "edit" button next to each "section" there just isn't any table of contents. Go ahead and click open the edit page and see. <grins> 
Well, Aeillien, Perdan and Itorunt may have signedp eace, but reading some of Indiriks claims in TRL, I felt justified in writing my own response article in defense of my views and Yssarias. Please take a [[Itorunt Informer/August '06|look]] and feel free to [[Talk:Itorunt Informer/August '06|comment]]. AFter all, it's onl;y neutrality, and we're allowded to aid allies, right? --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 00:03, 2 August 2006 (CEST)

And Alex, I am happy to have lightened your load, that's what allies are for, after all, right? --Aeillien
== Comentary ==

Oh sorry, now I understand your problem. I thought you were asking why one which you put in before wasn't working. Take a look at the [[II]]'s articles and you will see that you have to put <nowiki>__TOC__</nowiki> at the top.
<i>As the days went on, Yssaria entered what can only be referred to as an odd dance with Caligus to confirm if they were in the process of going through the peace agreement. First we pretended to move towards Domus, presumably to see if they would withdraw, and then moved into Aestus to see if they would withdraw from that province in preparation for handing the region over. Seeing as two battles occurred there, the ceasefire already had its first drops of bloodshed on its promise of peace.</i>

And I don't see the edit buttons. I have it disabled or something in options. Instead I can rightclick. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 18:55, 20 June 2006 (CEST)
Ok, this is just simple lies...<br>
Yssria never agreed with Region exchanges, they wished to TO it in the brutal ways they are used too.
Vlad proposed giving Aestus as part of the peace terms, and Eleran rejected because he thought it was 'allready his' .<br>
You can taunt or tease any realm in your news paper, as long as your not twisiting the complete story around.
I request you to edit that part of your article for I think it will only lead to a new paper battle again, wich will only lead to false news from both sides...

Thanks, that fixed it.  The layout is now in a semi-final stageThoughts and suggestions are, as always welcome. --Aeillien
Ok? --[[User:Vlad|Nosferatus]]
:He's right Aeillien... Yssaria actually wanted to TO Aestus, rather than have it handed over. I believe this is a valid tactic to be able to have a large unit on hand to do repairs and have an intimidation factor. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 02:03, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
:: I'll mark it as a correction if I'm convinced.  Which I'm open to, but please explain this: The ceasfire/peace agreement *did* state that "Aestus will be returned to Yssaria."  I assumed that meant the region would be handed over, and right now, that's still, to me, the plain meaning of that particular term.  Was this not, in fact, a part of the peace agreement, according to you, Vlad?  I am asking this honestly.  I will also confirm with Eleran.  Any conflict between the two stories will be noted appropriatly. Thank you. --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 02:33, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
<i>Nobles of Yssaria,
I am pleased to announce that we have an agreement with Caligus. Enclosed below is the details.
Sordidus will go to LoF
Aestus will be '''taken''' by us,
No attacking Domus for two weeks.
Perdan will give Caligus Patora, city, and other connecting regions,
Scio and Domus will be handed to us
We will withdraw from the war with them.
This is to happen over 1.5-2 weeks. That is the time limit that I've given Vlad. Things are already being put into place. Hopefully, all will go as planned.
If anyone has any questions, please ask.
Sir Eleran
King of Yssaria</i>
It wsays it will be taken, not handed over. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 02:41, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
:: Hmm. Damn.  It does seem as though I messed up when I was cleaning up that message into article form, "taken" does lend itself to a TO. I allready sent the message to Eleran, assuming he confirms I've made a mistake, I will mark it.  It's a side issue to the editorial, so it doesn't change its conclusions.  My response to the TRL won't be till tomorrow, just so everyone knows. --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 03:13, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
The incorrect section has been corrected.  Please feel free to comment further if there is still a problem.  It is my goal and intention to be accurate about facts and be clear what is my interpretation and opinion.  The above mistake was, in fact, unintentional, and I apologize for it.  What occured was that I took Eleran's original statement (which Alex quotes above), and edited it for flow (and possibily also misinterpreted it, I don't remember precisly how I understood "Aestus will be taken by us" at the moment).  When I wrote my editorial I based my arguments off my reworded version in my previous article, rather than the original.  I hope this explains matters. Thank you for your input. --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 22:42, 3 August 2006 (CEST)
:: How about this: <i>Later Update: Caligan troops are in Supra, in clear violation of the ceasefire.</i> The Ceasefire was allreayd been declared invalid a few days ago, your news paper is clearly not aware of the on goings of this island, And I dont wnat to be corecting you guys all the time. Your doing the smame as the II, playing with propaganda, and I am simply not going to waste more inkt on that...<br>Pfff... facts... -[[User:Vlad|Nosferatus]]
<dryly> Glad my policy of correcting in light of facts I learn has earned your vote of confidence Vlad.  I'm also amused by your seeming habit to respond to arguments by this paper by picking *one* sentance and correcting me on it, ignoring everything else, and condeming the entire article, if not the entire paper, based on that.  Ah well. My paper's quality speaks for itself, I think
As for propaganda, you don't need to go so far to find propganda, you can find it just find at your own nations newspaper.  Except, in yours, instead of arguments backed up by reasons, you will find insults, backed up by bad grammar.  Instead of corrections when errors are pointed out, you will find silence, at best, or at worst, more insults.  Ah well.  My arguments stand on their own.  You offered this agreement.  You didn't abide by it.  I'll delete the controversial section since its entirly unecessary to prove that. --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 13:58, 4 August 2006 (CEST)
::Your right about the CC there, indeed, Especialy Talles articles wherent really good if i have to be honest...<br> At first i took this news paper more serious then the CC, But now it seems to be heading the excat same way.<br> The cease fire was allreayd declared invalid by your ruler first, then me, I Just don't like to read lies in <i>Every</i> news paper, how does a foreigner know whats going on if two diferent news paper say a diferent thing. <br>The most of your atricles are indeed very very good, but latley your seeming to be heading the same way as the II and CC once was.<br> Please keep writing like the Red start Courier once did, it makes it more fun for others and especialy outstanders to read.<br> Thank You, [[User:Vlad|Nosferatus]]
::: I do try to hold myself to a high standard, and am not *trying* to get worse <chuckles>.  The hurly burly of EC makes fools of us all, from time to time, it seems. I promise that I'm sitll comitted to keeping the RSC to the high standards of its inception, as it were..  I also appreciate your complements, coming from the ruler of a realm my realm is at war with, that means alot. <chuckles>
::: I didn't know that the ceasfire had ''per se'' been declared officially defunct.  I know it was ''going'' to happen, but not that it ''had''.  Granted, maybe I'm imaging the process as more formal than it is.  In any case, the situation being what it was, I knew that the accusation was not entirly accurate and it should have been beneath me.  For which I apologize. --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 18:19, 4 August 2006 (CEST)
= Articles =
Where'd they go? -- Atticus.
:What exactly do you mean? And Aeillien, you may want to write a short tribute to Alex and his death. --Ichigo, [[Kurosaki Family]] 08:02, 23 August 2006 (CEST)
There hasn't been an update in like a million years. - Atticus
::26 days without an update... That's quite a while--[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 01:19, 31 August 2006 (CEST)
Aeillien appears to be paused indefinitely, feel free to move this paper to the defunct category. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 11:00, 31 August 2006 (CEST)
:Ahh... Did he actually pause his character? I suppose we should leave the page where it is for a while longer. It's not as out of date as some of the pages on the wiki... --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 21:38, 31 August 2006 (CEST)
::Dunno if he actually paused, or just auto paused... maybe he lost interest in the game, maybe he lost internet acess... either way, you can look up Aeillien on the character list and he's not there, but his player page indicates he is, so he is paused and not deleted. I won't move it too defucnt especially considering all the veterans of the EC journalism have been killed off to give way to the second (maybe third if you put II over in the second starting with the dawn of TRL and end of OO [we sound like empires]) generation of TRL and thats it.--[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 22:13, 31 August 2006 (CEST)
== Back in Action? ==
So are you guys back for the long haul? It will be interesting to hear the news from the Yssarian lands again. Welcome back! --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 15:22, 23 May 2007 (CEST)
I plan to be back in action for as long as possible.  Well we now have a different Editor and im still trying to find more journalists but we will get there although our previous editors efforts will be hard to live up to i hope to meet that standard again.  
--Blade Donivan

Latest revision as of 14:17, 23 May 2007

Old comments/discussions removed to make future ones less confusing. --Aeillien 21:44, 17 July 2006 (CEST)

Nice work!

I like it! But I do have one point I would like to question:

"Perdan recouped some of its loses while the northern allies recouped"

Maybe I just don't understand it, but I think that should be Perdan recovered and the north regrouped? --The1exile 19:44, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

Doh. Thanks Alex. I proofread that thing twice and that sentance still flew by. Amazing. Glad you liked it, I'm planning on making it a regular feature at the beggening of the month. So what do you think of my editorial? <evil grin> --Aeillien 20:00, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
Seriosuly, it's great work, and you should keep it up. Mind if I offer a few suggestions though? It's vey minor, but there are things like you've linked to the II but written it like [[II|Itorunt Informer]] which isn't really neccessary; simply lnking to the Itorunt Informer by doing this: [[Itorunt Informer]] will work out fine and save you a bit of time.
Unless of course you are deliberateltly looking to beat the april edition of the II as one of the longest pages on the wiki, in which case, good luck with that. --The1exile 20:24, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
I do silly things like that sometimes. For some reasons pipe style links have become a hard to break habit of mine for no apparaent reason other than the fact that I use them over and over for links to region pages. <chuckles> As far as your april issue, that's pretty impressive, but in a mere two months I've gotten a page that's #51 on the longest page list (my july issue), and only 10k bytes smaller than your April page. (granted 10k bytes is alot of text. :P). I think I'll beat you yet, and without the help of little things like that.--Aeillien 20:56, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
Well,with the amount of coding that goes into the layout, I think if I put some hard work in I can get this one to beat the april edition.
But I'm lazy... so probably not... I just wish people wouldn't put up these huge battle reprots which aren't really that useful but use 00's of KB. --The1exile 21:08, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

I agree, a very nice article. I was going to post a rather long comment, but I think it turned out too well to waste it on a talk page. I'll post it a bit later as a commentary item on The Rampant Lion. --Indirik 21:51, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

P.S. - Your choice of words on the enemy army crashing through Partora is quite accurate. While the troops of Sirion and Fontan did manage to sucessfully attack Partora, the capital city of Perdan, it was a rather Pyrrhic victory. Of the 88 attacking nobles, a mere 17 survived through the second attack and were able to loot in Partora. Of the 40,000 CS of enemy troops that attacked the city, nearly 30,000 are already dead, and many of the remaining troops will not live to return home. It was, indeed a crash, of massive proportions. --Indirik 22:19, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

Yeah, attacking a well fortified city will do that. I'm actually coming to the opinion that a variation of Sun Tzu's method of dealing with cities holds for battlemaster: ignore them and take control of the sorrounding area instead.--Aeillien 22:47, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
That's actually the strategy that Tom advises when dealing with cities: Starve them out. Lay siege to the cities and take all the surrounding regions. The city will starve, and the enemy will eventually start to succumb to starvation, population loss, disease, etc. They did this rather effectively against Oligarch. --Indirik 23:00, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
Some people have realms that are lucky enough to be immune to such tactics, and if you don't completely surround then then it is possible for the realm to get food through backdoors and traders. ubent, for example; every region of theirs fed itself and more. 200+ food was produced by the stringhold per week, but they only ate just over 20 a day. Ibladesh City, on the other hand, eats only 11 less bushels per day that the whole realm of Itorunt. Go figure how easy it would be to siege each of them. --The1exile 23:18, 1 August 2006 (CEST)
No argument there. Not all situations allow for the same tactics. You need to adapt and use whatever best fits the situation. As for Ibladesh, well, that's the price you pay for having the largest city on the island: It also has the highest food consumption. Taking the enemy's ancillary regions is a valid tactic in many situation, though. Deny them recruiting centers, gold, and food. Eventually, they may just realize that they can't win, and will offer to surrender. Which is exactly what happened to Ubent. --Indirik 23:35, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

New article

Well, Aeillien, Perdan and Itorunt may have signedp eace, but reading some of Indiriks claims in TRL, I felt justified in writing my own response article in defense of my views and Yssarias. Please take a look and feel free to comment. AFter all, it's onl;y neutrality, and we're allowded to aid allies, right? --The1exile 00:03, 2 August 2006 (CEST)


As the days went on, Yssaria entered what can only be referred to as an odd dance with Caligus to confirm if they were in the process of going through the peace agreement. First we pretended to move towards Domus, presumably to see if they would withdraw, and then moved into Aestus to see if they would withdraw from that province in preparation for handing the region over. Seeing as two battles occurred there, the ceasefire already had its first drops of bloodshed on its promise of peace.

Ok, this is just simple lies...
Yssria never agreed with Region exchanges, they wished to TO it in the brutal ways they are used too. Vlad proposed giving Aestus as part of the peace terms, and Eleran rejected because he thought it was 'allready his' .
You can taunt or tease any realm in your news paper, as long as your not twisiting the complete story around. I request you to edit that part of your article for I think it will only lead to a new paper battle again, wich will only lead to false news from both sides...

Ok? --Nosferatus

He's right Aeillien... Yssaria actually wanted to TO Aestus, rather than have it handed over. I believe this is a valid tactic to be able to have a large unit on hand to do repairs and have an intimidation factor. --The1exile 02:03, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
I'll mark it as a correction if I'm convinced. Which I'm open to, but please explain this: The ceasfire/peace agreement *did* state that "Aestus will be returned to Yssaria." I assumed that meant the region would be handed over, and right now, that's still, to me, the plain meaning of that particular term. Was this not, in fact, a part of the peace agreement, according to you, Vlad? I am asking this honestly. I will also confirm with Eleran. Any conflict between the two stories will be noted appropriatly. Thank you. --Aeillien 02:33, 2 August 2006 (CEST)

Nobles of Yssaria,

I am pleased to announce that we have an agreement with Caligus. Enclosed below is the details.

Sordidus will go to LoF Aestus will be taken by us, No attacking Domus for two weeks. Perdan will give Caligus Patora, city, and other connecting regions, Scio and Domus will be handed to us We will withdraw from the war with them.

This is to happen over 1.5-2 weeks. That is the time limit that I've given Vlad. Things are already being put into place. Hopefully, all will go as planned.

If anyone has any questions, please ask.


Sir Eleran King of Yssaria

It wsays it will be taken, not handed over. --The1exile 02:41, 2 August 2006 (CEST)

Hmm. Damn. It does seem as though I messed up when I was cleaning up that message into article form, "taken" does lend itself to a TO. I allready sent the message to Eleran, assuming he confirms I've made a mistake, I will mark it. It's a side issue to the editorial, so it doesn't change its conclusions. My response to the TRL won't be till tomorrow, just so everyone knows. --Aeillien 03:13, 2 August 2006 (CEST)

The incorrect section has been corrected. Please feel free to comment further if there is still a problem. It is my goal and intention to be accurate about facts and be clear what is my interpretation and opinion. The above mistake was, in fact, unintentional, and I apologize for it. What occured was that I took Eleran's original statement (which Alex quotes above), and edited it for flow (and possibily also misinterpreted it, I don't remember precisly how I understood "Aestus will be taken by us" at the moment). When I wrote my editorial I based my arguments off my reworded version in my previous article, rather than the original. I hope this explains matters. Thank you for your input. --Aeillien 22:42, 3 August 2006 (CEST)

How about this: Later Update: Caligan troops are in Supra, in clear violation of the ceasefire. The Ceasefire was allreayd been declared invalid a few days ago, your news paper is clearly not aware of the on goings of this island, And I dont wnat to be corecting you guys all the time. Your doing the smame as the II, playing with propaganda, and I am simply not going to waste more inkt on that...
Pfff... facts... -Nosferatus

<dryly> Glad my policy of correcting in light of facts I learn has earned your vote of confidence Vlad. I'm also amused by your seeming habit to respond to arguments by this paper by picking *one* sentance and correcting me on it, ignoring everything else, and condeming the entire article, if not the entire paper, based on that. Ah well. My paper's quality speaks for itself, I think

As for propaganda, you don't need to go so far to find propganda, you can find it just find at your own nations newspaper. Except, in yours, instead of arguments backed up by reasons, you will find insults, backed up by bad grammar. Instead of corrections when errors are pointed out, you will find silence, at best, or at worst, more insults. Ah well. My arguments stand on their own. You offered this agreement. You didn't abide by it. I'll delete the controversial section since its entirly unecessary to prove that. --Aeillien 13:58, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Your right about the CC there, indeed, Especialy Talles articles wherent really good if i have to be honest...
At first i took this news paper more serious then the CC, But now it seems to be heading the excat same way.
The cease fire was allreayd declared invalid by your ruler first, then me, I Just don't like to read lies in Every news paper, how does a foreigner know whats going on if two diferent news paper say a diferent thing.
The most of your atricles are indeed very very good, but latley your seeming to be heading the same way as the II and CC once was.
Please keep writing like the Red start Courier once did, it makes it more fun for others and especialy outstanders to read.
Thank You, Nosferatus
I do try to hold myself to a high standard, and am not *trying* to get worse <chuckles>. The hurly burly of EC makes fools of us all, from time to time, it seems. I promise that I'm sitll comitted to keeping the RSC to the high standards of its inception, as it were.. I also appreciate your complements, coming from the ruler of a realm my realm is at war with, that means alot. <chuckles>
I didn't know that the ceasfire had per se been declared officially defunct. I know it was going to happen, but not that it had. Granted, maybe I'm imaging the process as more formal than it is. In any case, the situation being what it was, I knew that the accusation was not entirly accurate and it should have been beneath me. For which I apologize. --Aeillien 18:19, 4 August 2006 (CEST)


Where'd they go? -- Atticus.

What exactly do you mean? And Aeillien, you may want to write a short tribute to Alex and his death. --Ichigo, Kurosaki Family 08:02, 23 August 2006 (CEST)

There hasn't been an update in like a million years. - Atticus

26 days without an update... That's quite a while. --Indirik 01:19, 31 August 2006 (CEST)

Aeillien appears to be paused indefinitely, feel free to move this paper to the defunct category. --The1exile 11:00, 31 August 2006 (CEST)

Ahh... Did he actually pause his character? I suppose we should leave the page where it is for a while longer. It's not as out of date as some of the pages on the wiki... --Indirik 21:38, 31 August 2006 (CEST)
Dunno if he actually paused, or just auto paused... maybe he lost interest in the game, maybe he lost internet acess... either way, you can look up Aeillien on the character list and he's not there, but his player page indicates he is, so he is paused and not deleted. I won't move it too defucnt especially considering all the veterans of the EC journalism have been killed off to give way to the second (maybe third if you put II over in the second starting with the dawn of TRL and end of OO [we sound like empires]) generation of TRL and thats it.--The1exile 22:13, 31 August 2006 (CEST)

Back in Action?

So are you guys back for the long haul? It will be interesting to hear the news from the Yssarian lands again. Welcome back! --Indirik 15:22, 23 May 2007 (CEST) I plan to be back in action for as long as possible. Well we now have a different Editor and im still trying to find more journalists but we will get there although our previous editors efforts will be hard to live up to i hope to meet that standard again. --Blade Donivan