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|Countess of Demyansk
|style="text-align:right"|'''Former Titles:'''
|Viscountess of Mozyr
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|Baroness of Shuberstone
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* [[/Friendly Dinner/]]
* [[/Friendly Dinner/]]
* [[/Two Ladies and a Brothel/]]
* [[/Signs of the Tidemother/]]

Latest revision as of 20:11, 9 June 2021

Edelyn Luitolf
Personal Information
Status: Alive
Titles: Tidesepeaker(Primary)
Ambassador of Tol Goldora
Countess of Demyansk
Former Titles: Viscountess of Mozyr
Baroness of Shuberstone
Baroness of Mech Derris
Religion: Church of the Tidemother
Weapons: Paramerion
True Age: 25
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Blonde
Character Portrait
Continent Dwilight
Family Luitolf Family
Class Warrior / Diplomat
Age 54 years
Honour 52
Prestige 19
Rank Knight
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]
Realm Tol Goldora
Character Description
Edelyn stands roughly 5'7" tall, is fair-skinned, and typically has a resilient feel about her. She has a triangular face, defined cheekbones, and angled lips. She has green eyes that are slightly on the smaller side, and blonde hair with a bit of light brown mixed in that is usually worn down or tied up with ribbons. There are a number of scars on her body, most of which are claw or bite marks from monsters, but one particular one stands out as a burn below her right shoulder blade. 

Edelyn's Wiki


Edelyn Luitolf

Edelyn stands roughly 5'7" tall, is fair-skinned, and typically has a resilient feel about her. She has a triangular face, defined cheekbones, and angled lips. She has green eyes that are slightly on the smaller side, and blonde hair with a bit of light brown mixed in that is usually worn down or tied up with ribbons. There are a number of scars on her body, most of which are claw or bite marks from monsters, but one particular one stands out as a burn below her right shoulder blade There are also several deep arrow wound scars around her left shoulder and chest she received during the Siege of Golden Farrow by D'hara during the Gold Coast War.

Edelyn entered her noble career in the service of Tol Goldora when her father, Ansil, sent a unit of men that served as his honor guard during his time as Suzerain King of Luria Ferrata known as the Akratai along with her signature weapon, the paramerion. At first, she was a simple infantry commander who led the Akritai in combat in various important battles against Westgard during the Gold Coast war, a war her father helped to proclaim while he was the Praetor of Luria Ferrata. Soon she formalized her training in stealth and shadows at the Golden Farrow academy and became a certified infiltrator, but this did not last long as she soon found herself being chosen by the Stormsage Council to be the next Tidespeaker of the Church of the Tidemother, which Edelyn believes was personally confirmed by the Tidemother herself, which is the role she continues to serve today.

Early life

The birth of Edelyn Luitolf happened in the Luitolf family home in Avengmil, which was then part of Obia'Seyla, to Ansil Luitolf and his first wife Katla Arkone. Her life up until her fifth year was largely uneventful, mostly her parents marching off to fight monsters and undead while she stayed home with Ansil's younger sisters and parents. It was then that her Aunt Svava asked the fateful question to the realm that would change the entire Luitolf family's life forever; "Who is Obeah?"

This was a huge mistake. The realm, a theocracy to the said goddess, took this as an insult. Some of the more zealous even took it as her denouncing the goddess, so that night a group of inquisitors marched on the Luitolf family home and burnt the manor to the ground in the name of 'rooting out heresy'. The manor was set aflame with the family still inside and as such a lot of the family died in the flames. Those that did not either fled, or were killed by the inquisition themselves, including Edelyn's mother Katla. Edelyn's sleeping gown caught fire during the event, and she still bears a fire scar on her back from the event.

Childhood in the Lurias

After the events of that disaster, Edelyn traveled with her father to Dwilight where they settled in a realm known as Luria Nova where her father immediately went into service marching with one of the local armies. Edelyn would go many nights, sometimes weeks at a time, in the care of a hired governess name Korinna without seeing her father. This was not all bad as it happened that one Tyra Bluelake had taken her father under her wing to teach him the ways of the Lurians, and as such, Edelyn came to know quite well.

Even though Ansil would be gone for long stretches of time, he still left a curriculum for Edelyn to learn. Most of it had to do with combat skills as where they were from that was of paramount importance. From the age of six, Ansil had her training with declawed and defanged monsters within a pit at their home. Despite the apparent harmlessness, Edelyn still would receive injuries from such bouts, but this is what he knew. It was how his father raised him, and his father before that, and so on. Luckily for her, Korinna was from a local minor noble family, and when Ansil was gone as he often was, she would also have Edelyn taught in the ways of Lurian courtly manners and delights.

About halfway to her ninth birthday, her father returned from the western reaches of the Lurian Empire with gifts, a small dagger, and an amulet. They were mere trinkets, but Ansil was not known for many gifts so they meant the world to her. Soon, she also learned that they were to entertain Ansil's mentor, Tyra, for dinner. Unbeknownst to Edelyn, this dinner had an ulterior motive. He was going to have her sent off with Tyra on her journeys across Dwilight. He knew she was too young to take with the army itself, but he also knew that Tyra was well adept at fighting and would not shy away from fighting or teaching Edelyn the same. It was felt that she would be better off learning these things in Tyra's care than staying at home with Korinna and learning courtly manners with only occasional bouts with monsters.

Life as Tyra's Ward

It was agreed between Tyra and Ansil that Edelyn would travel with her as her second ward along with Dame Alya. Her father's intent was to have Tyra teach Edelyn the more combat-focused parts of life so that she may defend herself as an adult, Tyra taught her much more than just that. It was with Tyra and Alya that Edelyn first learned of her true love of monster anatomy. The three would often hunt monsters, with Edelyn dissecting the beasts to see what was inside. There were even times that the young Luitolf girl learned how to mummify their heads for later use. All this, before the age of ten, proving she had a knack for such research.

However, Edelyn's courtly training did not end when put into Tyra's care. Thanks to the courtship between Tyra and Goriad Gabanus, there was plenty of lessons in the more refined areas of court. Upon their first meeting, Edelyn greeted the elderly lord with a deep, almost perfect, curtsy. Something she had learned thanks to Korinna's lessons. The only thing that made it lacking was the large bug in her hands she had gathered just moments before. Later that night, right before a stately dinner, Lord Goriad presented the three ladies each with personalized gifts. After seeing her penchant for hunting for rare creatures and beasts, to Edelyn he presented a small glass bug cage. He warned her that it could hold only one such creature, so she should only keep the best she finds. This prompted the young girl to promise to find "the biggest and best bug for this gilded cage". Edelyn still has this small cage as a keepsake to this day.

Emergence in Tol Goldroa

It wasn't until many years later when a mysterious woman came to Tyra's home in Tol Goldora where Edelyn still lived, that the woman emerged as a noble in her own right in service of Tol Goldora itself. The woman delivered a new sword from now Propraetor Ansil, her father, for her 17th birthday. The next day his old Praetorian Guard known as the Akritai, the very unit he led in defense of Tol Goldora himself during its early years while Marshaling the Silver Hammers, arrived at the home. The intent was clear, Edelyn was old enough to be noble in her own right, and it was time she emerged.

The Gold Coat War was in its final stretches, but Edelyn led the Akritai into many battles in the name of Tol Goldora anyway. Unlike the rest of the units, they were never dressed in Tol Goldoran or Family colors, they only wore the purple and white of Luria Ferrata. The men of the Akritai viewed themselves as the last remnants of that noble realm and refused to march under any other colors. Edelyn respected the men's devotion and considered it an honor to her father, the Last Suzerain King of Luria Ferrata, to allow them to do so. They fought valiantly in many battles together against Westgard, vile invaders from the north who dared to claim they owned all the west. Soon, for her efforts, Edelyn was given the Barony of Mech Derris. Edelyn was practicing her riding when she heard the news shouted at her from a runner, and she was so shocked that she fell from her horse. Luckily she was able to slow it before, so she only took minor scraps. It was her pride that was bruised through embarrassment more than anything. Sadly, it was not meant to be long lasting as Westgard rogued the region only a week later, and she was forced to take an estate in the Barony of Shuberstone.

It was as a Dame of Shubertone that Edelyn served Tol Goldora in her early days in the realm. Where most nobles would just go to a city and take the best estate, Edelyn's courtly training required her to search for a Lord that would accept her personally. It took three days for the Baron Shuberstone to accept Edelyn, and only then after they fought a training match in Via. Edelyn lost, handily, even with picking a fighting style that was usually advantageous to the Barons. Still, the Baron offered an estate after realizing the young woman's natural talent for tricks and stealth.

Soon, the army was ordered to do a winter march on Eidulb Outskirts, a townsland surrounding the Westgard capital. It took forty-eight long hours to get from the harbor to the towns, but eventually, they made it and laid waste to the town. Their paltry motte and bailey defenses did little to slow down Edelyn and her Akritai, must less the rest of the army. The anger of years of being mistreated by the Westgardians came out that day upon the town, and little was left when they were done. Sadly, the Baron Shuberstone also disappeared that day. A long search was conducted, but he was never found. As the only serving dame of the region, Edelyn was then promoted to Baroness of Shuberstone in her own right. This was an honor that she took to heart as it was the first real region that had been entrusted to her.

After her appointment as Baroness, the army was ordered to return to Via, the capital at the time. The Stratarch had plans for their biggest assault yet, a battle to be the crowning achievement in the war, a grand siege on Golden Farrow. All infantry units were ordered to carry with them massive siege engines, and Edelyn's Akritai carried five such behemoths on their own. This slowed the army considerably, and it took several days for the Golden Host to reach the daunting walls of the city. This was not the first time the walls had been assaulted, the city had flipped hands between Westgard and Tol Goldora many times before, but with Westgard weakened this was finally their chance to take it once and for all. The battle lasted a day as many soldiers and militiamen rained arrows down upon the Tol Goldorans, but in the end, they were successful. Most of the units took heavy losses, the Akritai was taken down to just above half strength themselves, but the won and a takeover of the city ensued.

Many days passed while the city was being liberated from the vile Westgardians, and the D'harans sat just out of reach pelting poor Tyra Bluelake with dark magics which eventually led to the magical slumber that she finds herself in today. This was the first taste of the "necromantic power" Edelyn is convinced the fools of the Tomb Isles babble in. Sadly, this was not the only unfortunate event as when the rest of Westgard's allies arrived, they counter assaulted the city. They had summoned so many men to that battle that Tol Goldora was outnumbered two to one, and without the wall's protections, they were easily overrun. The Akritai were wiped out almost to the man, and Edelyn was severely wounded taking several arrows to the chest, one coming dangerously close to piecing her heart. The five men of the Akritai that actually survived the battle helped patch up their Lady to the best of their ability, at least to the point she could ride, and the group of them hobbled back to Via while Edelyn lamented the loss of this fine and distinguished unit of me.

Once back in Via, there came word that the Navarch was in discussions to end the war. Westgard was to give Golden Farrow to Tol Goldora, and the Navarch was to give them a sum of 60,000 gold and allow the lord of the city to be a Westgardian woman he was to marry to seal the treaty, among other things. This darkened Edelyn's mood even more as it seemed that the lives of her men were made moot, and the vile atrocities visited upon her foster mother by D'hara were not even mentioned. The young baroness had word sent back to Shuberstone, the families of the Akritai were to be given land and homes in the region, including those of the surviving men. The wives and daughters of the men would be allowed service within the Baroness's Manor itself if they so chose, while Edelyn herself entered into a program in the Golden Farrow Academy to certify the infiltration skills she had honed after years of stalking monsters. She also officially joined the Church of the Tidemother now that she actually had a chance to get to a region with a temple. The young lady had been following the faith for quite some time before then but had never had the time to seek out a priest or true temple.

Chosen by the Storm

Service as the Tidespeaker

Important NPCs

Korinna Rhoxan

Korinna was a governess hired by Edelyn's father Ansil to care for her while he was away leading his army as Marshal of the Silver Hammers. While technically ordered to teach her more combat-related tasks by having her continue the Southern Beluaterran tradition of having young children fight weakened monsters, she also took it upon herself to teach Edelyn the ways of the Lurian Courts. Eventually, Edelyn was transferred from the care of Korinna to his mentor Tyra Bluelake, but unbeknownst to Ansil at the time, the lessens in courtly manners she taught Edelyn has served her well in her adult life.

Alya Renodin

Alya was the first of Tyra's wards and became somewhat of a foster sister to Edelyn as she was growing up. It was seeing Tyra's raising of the teenage Alya that first brought Ansil the thought of sending his daughter with Trya rather than leaving her home with Korinna. It was not revealed until later that Alya's true identity was Alya Renodin, daughter of Aldrakar Renodin, whom more than a few consider being the last true Emporer before the start of the Lurian Decline. Edelyn has not heard from her foster sister Alya since Tyra was placed into her magical slumber by D'hara, and Edelyn took over Tyra's duties as Tidespeaker.

Ahlmet and Zoisme

Ahlmet Enver is a doctor that tended to Edelyn's wounds while within the prisons of Astrum, and Zoisme Stravos was a jailor that she befriended. The two worked together to help Edelyn escape after the Judge of Astrum assaulted her and stole all her gold despite the agreement between Tol Goldora and Astrum not to commit such actions. The two fled with Edelyn and have since been rewarded by being recognized as minor nobility within Mozyr for their efforts. ((See Jailers' Rising))

Important Roleplays