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Latest revision as of 04:55, 9 June 2013

Above The Fold

The Regent of ſA was Booted out of Niselur June 9, 2013
In ſtunning news, ſA Regent Mordaunt Lefanis was booted out of Niselur. He was accused of instigating conflict with Phantaria, personally leading an aßault on Mistight. Mordaunt defended his craß actions, claiming that Niselur was a puppet of The Church and therefore bound to its will. Others in Niselur disagreed, leading to Mordaunt's shameful exile. Mordaunt was last ſeen hiding in Farronite Republic. Counteß Kwa ſpeculates that his influence may lead to a more zealous and ſervile Farepublic tomorrow.
Comment on this story. by Viscounteß Kwa Comacho 
Koshtlom Komeback June 9, 2013
The West Hills city of Koshtlom has been beset by weather and plagued by hunger in recent months, but Valaraukar Valorian, Margrave of Koshtlom believes that better times are in the offing. "The city is expanding everyday, its still a long road till we reach capacity but things are back to normal again," wrote Margrave Valaraukar in a mißive to Asylon nobility. "I thank all who took part in the Koshtlom campaign. The city is back to where it was." Many West Hills regions have suffered due to perennial droughts, monster invasions, and the war against the theocrats. Significant progreß has been noted thanks to the concerted efforts by many of the Asylon nobility and it is hoped that the coming winter will not erase all of the good work that has been done.
Comment on this story. by Earl Willhelm Buffalkill 
Gonophor Not Forgotten June 9, 2013
The woodland region of Gonophor has returned to its rightful place as a vaßal region of Asylon. His Majesty Grimrog Bjarnson travelled to the region, which is to be handed over to him by the enigmatic Daimon Haktoo of the Zuma Coalition. Glaumring Apasurain, Viscount of Vakreno Heaps, Royal of Asylon said he was "ready to reunite the Kingdom of Asylon and bring our ancestral lands of Gonophor back under the banner of our king." The region will be ruled by the precocious Lord Axylia Dundrave. One condition placed on the the handover agreement by Zuma was that once the region was handed over to Asylon, it could not be handed back.
Comment on this story. by Earl Willhelm Buffalkill 
Referenda Results June 9, 2013
Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, High Magistrate of Asylon, Duke of Carrion Corvidæ, Margrave of Itau, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon has been confirmed in the office of High Magistrate with 47 votes. A simple majority was required. High Magistrate Henrich defeated Maron, who received 27 votes. There were 32 abstentions and 72 votes not cast. In another referendum, Wulfric Lucifer, Treasury Logothete of Asylon, Earl of Itaufield has been confirmed in the office of Treasury Logothete. Earl Wulfric, who ran unopposed, received 56 votes. There were 32 abstentions and 80 votes not cast.
Comment on this story. by Earl Willhelm Buffalkill 
In Winter Enjoy June 9, 2013
As winter casts its frigid pall over Dwilight, Asylonians will have to make due with leß food. Food production in winter is about one-quarter what it is in ſummer and even ſurplus-producing regions like Aspar and Tofino will need to draw from reserves to keep their people fed. If the reserves are insufficient, there will be fewer peasants come ſpring.
Comment on this story. by Earl Willhelm Buffalkill 
June 16, 2013
Thesaurum Venari Guild
Blank.png Treasure hunters guild founded!
Recently appointed Lord Axylia Dundrave has founded a treasure hunters guild in Asylon, Thesaurum Venari Guild will provide a place for commoners to sell their goods to nobles and a nobles to hire commoners for services.
June 15, 2013
Diplomatic News
DDWar.png The realms of Phantaria and Asylon have joined into an alliance.
June 11, 2013
Huge Battle Fought
DDWar.png Rumours ſpread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Chesland.
ſaffalore vs. D'Hara, Farronite Republic
Estimated ſtrengths: 330 men vs. 310 men
The Royal Army of ſaffalore, ſponsored by Gillian Wader, Queen of ſaffalore, Ducheß of the Lowlands, Margravine of Chesney, were led into battle by Marshal Erasmus La Pointe.
Gillian Wader, Queen of ſaffalore, is ſpotted wearing the ſacred Belt of Ice.

Defender Victory!
June 10, 2013
New Ruler
Blank.png Græth Geg, Ambaßador of Asylon, Duke of Berserk Bear, Margrave of Echiur, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon has appointed Axylia to the vacant lordship position in Gonophor.

New Knight
Blank.png A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Asylon nobles. Brynden Tully is ſtarting his career today.
June 9, 2013
Region Exchange
Blank.png Haktoo has handed over the region of Gonophor to Asylon. The people are not very happy.

New Ambaßador
Blank.png Grimrog Bjarnson, King of Asylon, Royal of Asylon, Duke of Bloodmoon, Earl of Via has promoted Græth Geg, Ambaßador of Asylon, Duke of Berserk Bear, Margrave of Echiur, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon to ambaßador of the realm.

Huge Battle Fought
Blank.png Rumours ſpread and tales are ſung about a huge battle in Madina. Grand Duchy of Fißoa, Luria Nova vs. The Falkirkian Freestate. Estimated ſtrengths: 1160 men vs. 210 men. The Fißoa Privateers (Grand Duchy of Fißoa), ſponsored by ſir Eldrond Nabarl, Royal of Grand Duchy of Fißoa, Earl of Fißoa Fields, were led into battle by Marshal Edward Blackmane. Loathin Fantom, Duke of Fißoa, Margrave of Fißoa is ſpotted wielding the Brilliant Axe of Bloodletting. Attacker Victory!

New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of Terran has elected Alaster Kabrinski as its new Grandmaster.

New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of D'Hara has elected Pierre von Genf as its new Prime Minister.

Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Libero Empire has reconfirmed Veles ſobczek in the position of King.

Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Barca has reconfirmed Julius Galvez in the position of ſuffete.
Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Farronite Republic has reconfirmed Khari Kye in the position of Governor General.
New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of ſwordfell has elected ſilas Kain as its new Lord Imperator.