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[[Orlen RolePlay]]
Roleplay from Orlen Waroe  (3 days, 16 hours ago)
Message sent to all members of the Guards of the Republic (9 recipients)
Orlen tucks the letter into a pocket, and heads into the city. A few peasants, having seen him leading his troop around the walls earlier, keep away from him, but soon he's in an unfamiliar area of Alowca, and finds some local peasants to talk to.
Orlen: Hello, friend, how are you this fine morning?
Friend [eyeing up Orlen's fine clothing]: Eh? Have we met? Did you buy me a drink earlier?
Orlen: No, no, I do not think so.
Friend: Well then, that be the first of your errors this morning.
Orlen: Is it.. oh. Yes, hold on here for a moment, erm... remind me your name?
Friend: Samul.
Orlen disappears into a local inn, and comes back with an ale.
Samul [looking distinctly as if this isn't his first of the day]: Mmm. A fine ale indeed. Thank you. And who are you?
Orlen: I am Si- Sirlen.
Samul: Well, Sirlen, I figure with these pretty clothes that you ain't no local of this part of town.
Orlen: I'm from a little way away, just come here to consider setting up home, but I imagine it'll be hard to save money for clothes living here.
Samul: Oh yes. With a tax rate of 10%, we lose a fair bit to the Duke, and the rest, well. [Samul glances across to the Inn]
Orlen: Still, it seems like a pleasant place to live.
Samul: Yes, we're doing ok here, but not especially well.
Orlen: The government are improving the situation?
Samul: Goverrment? Pah, not really. Can't say so. Most people I know seem not to like the government very much. What do they do for us, eh, sat miles away in Oritolon? Do they buy me a drink? Not once!
Orlen [laughing encouraginly]: It's certainly a fair way away, isn't it?
Samul: Yes, there's always a group of people over on Mooch Street trying to get us to rise up against Oritolon.
Orlen: So the patriotism and independence groups get a small boost by being far from the capital?
Samul: I guess so. Dunno what they're like in other places though. But certainly some around here.
Orlen [seeing Samul's glass emptying and not encouraged to have to pay up for another]: Well, been nice chatting, Samul. Have a nice afternoon. Should be windy, they say?
Samul: Don't know about that, pretty average weather here at the moment. Hope it doesn't get any worse during the next few days - I have to help with the harvest in... [counts on fingers] ... six days' time, and it better not be too hot or too windy then. Last thing I want is a bloody sandstorm blowing in from the west.
Orlen grins and nods, and heads back into the inn, where he buys a drink for himself and takes a table next to an old man in the corner.
Man: You're new.
Orlen: Yes, I'm Sirlen. Just arrived in the city.
Man: Oh. I'm Wart. Been here forever.
Orlen: You like Alowca then?
Wart: Don't know nothing else to like. Where are you from, anyway.
Orlen: I have just arrived from Irdalni, but I grew up in the Duchy of Oritolon.
Wart [eyeing the stranger with a little more care]: Oritolon, eh. Not something to boast about, lad. Me, now I don't mind, but see them guys over there? Mention Oritolon to them and you'll probably feel it. Nothing wrong with the Duchy itself, mind, but as a realm, governing us as well? Most people here are a bit distrustful and wary of Oritolon. And with good reason, lad!
Orlen: You would prefer to be part of Lukon? Or Minas Thalion? Or independent?
Wart: Independance, well, that brings its own troubles, lad. I've seen all that before and it didn't bring us much more prosperity than now. Minas Thalion, well, probably a better bet than Oritolon, but I don't really care one way or another about them.
Orlen: And Lukon? Or elsewhere?
Wart: Don't think anyone cares about any of that lot. We know what we know, which is that no-one does a good job for us here in Alowca, but Oritolon don't do a good job worse than the rest.
Orlen: So everyone here feels pretty neutral to the other realms?
Wart: Yeah. Why you so bothered about politics though, young'un? You wanna be more bothered about the fact your drink ain't drinking itself, and then you wanna be more bothered about what you're gonna do to get enough money for more o'them fancy clothes what you have there. Say my name to Maggie down the road at the tailor's, and she might find someone like you useful.
Orlen [sensing it to be time to make a break, and happy for the opening opportunity]: Ah, a fine recommendation. Perhaps I should go now. You've been good company, Wart - do take command of my drink for me.
Roleplay from Malice Osha  (3 days, 15 hours ago)
Message sent to all members of the Guards of the Republic (9 recipients)
Malice read the report from Sir Orlen that had winged it's way with remarkable speed all the way to Irdalni. It was short and to the point, but the revelations within about Alowca's loyalties and sympathies were mind blowing. Malice couldn't help but punch the air with excitement before beginning a letter addressed to the Inner Council.
Scribe Note from Orlen, 3 turns old:
Mixing with the peasants of Alowca, you find out what their troubles are:
    The people are doing ok, but not especially well.
    Most people seem to not like the current government very much.
    The weather is average. The harvest is in 6 days.
    The local tax rate is 10 %.
    Distance to the realm capital gives local patriotism and independence groups a small boost.
And over a beer at the local inn, you can make a short checklist on the locals' opinion about other realms:
    Most people seem to be a bit distrustful and wary of Oritolon.
    They see Minas Thalion more or less apathetic, not caring one way or the other.
    The people here are pretty neutral to all other realms.
Roleplay from Orlen Waroe  (2 days, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (5 recipients)
Orlen walks to the nearest group of his archers, stationed on Alowca's north wall. One of them signals for him to stay low.
Orlen: What is it, Glem?
Glem: We are engaged in a standoff, sir.
Orlen: We are?
Glem: Yes, sir. You told us to keep check on the hostile vegetation, and shoot at anything that moved?
Orlen: Yes, indeed!
Glem: Well, sir, the shrubbery over there. All sorts of plans that move together. They may be using teamwork. So we're fighting back. But as yet, they still seem to move every bit as much as before. They've not dared make a move on us yet.
Orlen peeks over the battlements, his hair blowing gently in the breeze, and sees a shrubbery that has been peppered by arrows, with a great deal more ammunition lying around nearby. He stares at it for a short while and then ducks down behind the wall again.
Orlen: Excellent work, Glem. How long have you been firing at it?
Glem: On and off, sir? For around 10 hours now.
Orlen: Fine work - the city needs our assistance, and I am told by the records in the town that the work we do here is improving the city's morale.
Glem [sarcastically]: Mine too sir. It is enjoyable and engrossing work.
Orlen [missing it]: I hope all the troops are as pleased to be doing this important work.
Glem: I am sure they are just as pleased, sir. No less, and certainly no more, than am I.
Roleplay from Malice Osha  (1 day, 16 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)
Malice had arrived in Alowca before dawn that morning, but he reneged on the chance to get some extra sleep. Instead, he went straight to the study inside his Alowcan stately mansion and he simply waited, alone and in silence, until the first reports were delivered to his desk. Reports on Irdalni were first to arrive, but he ignored them. Then the realm reports, which again he ignored. Finally, scrolls arrived bearing the Oritolon seal. This is what he had been waiting for.
The first of the scrolls Malice rapidly unfurled contained the results of the Minister of Justice election. Ash had gained his largest share of the vote yet. Even in his distracted state, Malice managed a smile at the man's success. Just as he was about to move onto the next scroll, another herald arrived at his desk. One decked in the Oritolon Royal livery and who placed a small box and another letter bearing the Oritolon seal on the desk before saluting and leaving the room.
Now Malice didn't need to read the scroll. He knew. With shaking hands, he reached for the box and opened it up to find the signet ring of the Prime Minister of Oritolon.
"Well what do you know?" Malice murmured to himself, examining the signet ring with awe and wonder. "I actually did it."
Roleplay from Orlen Waroe  (1 day, 13 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
Orlen continues to move around between the three groups of his men placed around Alowca's walls.
Grem: Sir, are you sure these plants are a threat? I mean we spent 10 hours shooting at that shrubbery yesterday, and it looked no less dangerous afterwards than it did before.
Orlen [surprised by his chief archer's lack of motivation]: Oh. Er... well, did it look more dangerous after than it did before?
Grem [seeing where this is going and not liking it]: No, sir. No, we did somehow manage to prevent it from rising up, mobilising an army out of the thistles, and coming at us.
Orlen: Very good, then!
Grem: And are we to be doing this the whole of today also, sir?
Orlen: Of course! The army demands civil work, and the Duke expressed his concern at the plant life to me personally. This work we do enables us to please both at once! It is most fruitful.
Grem [under his breath]: Let's not start worrying about fruit as well.
Roleplay from May Ketchum  (1 day, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
Alowca. It has been sometime since I was here. Finally I reach the city wall.
She rubs dust off her priestess robe. The long weary travel has dirty and mudden her robe much.
Hmm, is that a noble? His men call him sir eh? Priestess May looking at a stranger who is addressing his men.
She moves forward and waves her hand.
"Hello there young sir. My name is May and I am a Path of Chivalry priestess arriving on a long travel from the western Oritolon region, Sovonoval. There is a task that the Inner Circle wish to be done by me, here's the order letter signed by Inner Circle council. I am sorry I cant open this letter for your reading as it is sealed with wax. There is a Judge Seal on it though for your inspection. Perhaps you know my brother Ash who is the current realm Judge? He is the one who given me this letter and ask me to make haste here."
Roleplay from Orlen Waroe  (1 day, 9 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
Orlen stops talking to one his archers about the likelihood of a climbing rose being able to climb fortress walls, and turns to the priestess.
Orlen: Hello, Priestess. Welcome to Alowca. I trust your long journey was not too taxing, and that you were not hassled by the beasties in Irdalni? I must say your task sounds most interesting and secretive. Sovonoval is a long way to have come.
Orlen peers at the seal on the letter.
Orlen: The judge's seal, indeed. So what can I do to help you, Priestess? Do you need my help with your task? Or do you require my support in finding your brother in the city?
Roleplay from May Ketchum  (1 day, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
"The beasties in Irdalni are alright, I happened to come across a few of them.
As I travel alone, I have to hide myself in bushes a couple of times to avoid them." May dusts off her priestess robe again. There is a slight torn on her robe due to the bushes sharp thorns.
May continues. "If you could direct me to my brother, it would be a pleasure. My task is to calm down the people of the city here. I doubt you can help me with the calm down part, perhaps you can do well to patrol the city and find out if they are indeed calm down as they appear so to priests? Oh, yes. Here's the letter."
May unseal the letter and read it for Orlen.
"Dear Sister,
I come to you with grim tidings indeed. The people of Alowca city has grown pretty restless lately. The idea of independence has been sown into their heads too deeply to be cured by mere Holding Court and throwing them into prison, then release them the next day.
The Inner Circle council requests your presence at Alowca city as soon as possible. Take my Judge Seal letter and show to the guards and those you passing through the regions.
They have been ordered to let you pass through without much hassle. I will be waiting at Alowca city for you. My sister, do have a safe journey.
Best regard,
Roleplay from Orlen Waroe  (10 hours, 23 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
Orlen is about to reply to the Priestess, when Harlen comes over hurriedly with a letter - a report of Irdalni.
Orlen: Priestess, it is with regret that I must move immediately to Irdalni, to protect its people and my estate from a horde of monsters. You must have passed through the jungle only just in time - had you been travelling now, you might have found yourself in difficulty.
Orlen: But allow me first, before we depart, to lead you in the direction of your brother. I am not sure of the exact building he is in, but I am fairly certain of the area of the city in which he lives.
Orlen gestures to May to follow him as he moves into the city streets, leaving behind Harlen and Grem to arrange the troops' readiness for marching west.
Roleplay from May Ketchum  (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
May walks alongside Orlen for awhile as Orlen leads her to her brother Ash.
She says to Orlen, "It has been awhile since I last saw him. He been busy in these lands."
Roleplay from May Ketchum  (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
Up ahead, Ash's Captain, Abelhelm calls out to May and Sir Orlen.
"Hi Priestess May and Sir Orlen. I am Ash's Captain, he orders me to protect you while you are here."
Roleplay from May Ketchum  (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
May sways her hair back from the wind blowing.
"Captain, I need no protection. Guards will frighten away the city people, which will cause my task to placate them to fail. Just lead me to the building where my brother stays will do just fine."
"Sir Orlen, you have been of most assistance to me while I first enter the city. Here's where we need part way. Be safe and I hope you manage to get the monsters in Irdalni there."
As she makes her way following the Captain who has been Ash's Captain for a long time.
Roleplay from Pyran Bas-Tyra  (10 hours, 5 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
With the dust of construction rising behind him, Pyran continued down the streets, recently repaved, when he caught a glimpse of a rich man's mansion, and what looked like a slightly downtrodden version of the Minister of Justice.
Pyran called to him, "Hey, Ash! What's wrong?"
Roleplay from Ash Ketchum  (26 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)
Ash looking disheartened by recent Diplomatic talk with the merchants in the city. Keep muttering to himself "I will do better next time."
Hearing someone calls out his name in the city, Ash turns around and notices Pyran walking towards him.
"Hello Pyran. Oh, it is those merchants again. Been talking to merchants for the past two days and yet they are not swayed by my diplomatic skill. I could use a bit of a drink to rest my tongue for today."

Latest revision as of 04:43, 30 December 2020

Starting from first oldest RolePlay to next newest RolePlay

Roleplay from Orlen Waroe (3 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to all members of the Guards of the Republic (9 recipients)

Orlen tucks the letter into a pocket, and heads into the city. A few peasants, having seen him leading his troop around the walls earlier, keep away from him, but soon he's in an unfamiliar area of Alowca, and finds some local peasants to talk to.

Orlen: Hello, friend, how are you this fine morning? Friend [eyeing up Orlen's fine clothing]: Eh? Have we met? Did you buy me a drink earlier? Orlen: No, no, I do not think so. Friend: Well then, that be the first of your errors this morning. Orlen: Is it.. oh. Yes, hold on here for a moment, erm... remind me your name? Friend: Samul.

Orlen disappears into a local inn, and comes back with an ale.

Samul [looking distinctly as if this isn't his first of the day]: Mmm. A fine ale indeed. Thank you. And who are you? Orlen: I am Si- Sirlen. Samul: Well, Sirlen, I figure with these pretty clothes that you ain't no local of this part of town. Orlen: I'm from a little way away, just come here to consider setting up home, but I imagine it'll be hard to save money for clothes living here. Samul: Oh yes. With a tax rate of 10%, we lose a fair bit to the Duke, and the rest, well. [Samul glances across to the Inn] Orlen: Still, it seems like a pleasant place to live. Samul: Yes, we're doing ok here, but not especially well. Orlen: The government are improving the situation? Samul: Goverrment? Pah, not really. Can't say so. Most people I know seem not to like the government very much. What do they do for us, eh, sat miles away in Oritolon? Do they buy me a drink? Not once! Orlen [laughing encouraginly]: It's certainly a fair way away, isn't it? Samul: Yes, there's always a group of people over on Mooch Street trying to get us to rise up against Oritolon. Orlen: So the patriotism and independence groups get a small boost by being far from the capital? Samul: I guess so. Dunno what they're like in other places though. But certainly some around here. Orlen [seeing Samul's glass emptying and not encouraged to have to pay up for another]: Well, been nice chatting, Samul. Have a nice afternoon. Should be windy, they say? Samul: Don't know about that, pretty average weather here at the moment. Hope it doesn't get any worse during the next few days - I have to help with the harvest in... [counts on fingers] ... six days' time, and it better not be too hot or too windy then. Last thing I want is a bloody sandstorm blowing in from the west.

Orlen grins and nods, and heads back into the inn, where he buys a drink for himself and takes a table next to an old man in the corner.

Man: You're new. Orlen: Yes, I'm Sirlen. Just arrived in the city. Man: Oh. I'm Wart. Been here forever. Orlen: You like Alowca then? Wart: Don't know nothing else to like. Where are you from, anyway. Orlen: I have just arrived from Irdalni, but I grew up in the Duchy of Oritolon. Wart [eyeing the stranger with a little more care]: Oritolon, eh. Not something to boast about, lad. Me, now I don't mind, but see them guys over there? Mention Oritolon to them and you'll probably feel it. Nothing wrong with the Duchy itself, mind, but as a realm, governing us as well? Most people here are a bit distrustful and wary of Oritolon. And with good reason, lad! Orlen: You would prefer to be part of Lukon? Or Minas Thalion? Or independent? Wart: Independance, well, that brings its own troubles, lad. I've seen all that before and it didn't bring us much more prosperity than now. Minas Thalion, well, probably a better bet than Oritolon, but I don't really care one way or another about them. Orlen: And Lukon? Or elsewhere? Wart: Don't think anyone cares about any of that lot. We know what we know, which is that no-one does a good job for us here in Alowca, but Oritolon don't do a good job worse than the rest. Orlen: So everyone here feels pretty neutral to the other realms? Wart: Yeah. Why you so bothered about politics though, young'un? You wanna be more bothered about the fact your drink ain't drinking itself, and then you wanna be more bothered about what you're gonna do to get enough money for more o'them fancy clothes what you have there. Say my name to Maggie down the road at the tailor's, and she might find someone like you useful. Orlen [sensing it to be time to make a break, and happy for the opening opportunity]: Ah, a fine recommendation. Perhaps I should go now. You've been good company, Wart - do take command of my drink for me.

Roleplay from Malice Osha (3 days, 15 hours ago) Message sent to all members of the Guards of the Republic (9 recipients) Malice read the report from Sir Orlen that had winged it's way with remarkable speed all the way to Irdalni. It was short and to the point, but the revelations within about Alowca's loyalties and sympathies were mind blowing. Malice couldn't help but punch the air with excitement before beginning a letter addressed to the Inner Council.

Scribe Note from Orlen, 3 turns old:

Mixing with the peasants of Alowca, you find out what their troubles are:

   The people are doing ok, but not especially well.
   Most people seem to not like the current government very much.
   The weather is average. The harvest is in 6 days.
   The local tax rate is 10 %.
   Distance to the realm capital gives local patriotism and independence groups a small boost.

And over a beer at the local inn, you can make a short checklist on the locals' opinion about other realms:

   Most people seem to be a bit distrustful and wary of Oritolon.
   They see Minas Thalion more or less apathetic, not caring one way or the other.
   The people here are pretty neutral to all other realms.

Roleplay from Orlen Waroe (2 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (5 recipients)

Orlen walks to the nearest group of his archers, stationed on Alowca's north wall. One of them signals for him to stay low.

Orlen: What is it, Glem? Glem: We are engaged in a standoff, sir. Orlen: We are? Glem: Yes, sir. You told us to keep check on the hostile vegetation, and shoot at anything that moved? Orlen: Yes, indeed! Glem: Well, sir, the shrubbery over there. All sorts of plans that move together. They may be using teamwork. So we're fighting back. But as yet, they still seem to move every bit as much as before. They've not dared make a move on us yet.

Orlen peeks over the battlements, his hair blowing gently in the breeze, and sees a shrubbery that has been peppered by arrows, with a great deal more ammunition lying around nearby. He stares at it for a short while and then ducks down behind the wall again.

Orlen: Excellent work, Glem. How long have you been firing at it? Glem: On and off, sir? For around 10 hours now. Orlen: Fine work - the city needs our assistance, and I am told by the records in the town that the work we do here is improving the city's morale. Glem [sarcastically]: Mine too sir. It is enjoyable and engrossing work. Orlen [missing it]: I hope all the troops are as pleased to be doing this important work. Glem: I am sure they are just as pleased, sir. No less, and certainly no more, than am I.

Roleplay from Malice Osha (1 day, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients) Malice had arrived in Alowca before dawn that morning, but he reneged on the chance to get some extra sleep. Instead, he went straight to the study inside his Alowcan stately mansion and he simply waited, alone and in silence, until the first reports were delivered to his desk. Reports on Irdalni were first to arrive, but he ignored them. Then the realm reports, which again he ignored. Finally, scrolls arrived bearing the Oritolon seal. This is what he had been waiting for.

The first of the scrolls Malice rapidly unfurled contained the results of the Minister of Justice election. Ash had gained his largest share of the vote yet. Even in his distracted state, Malice managed a smile at the man's success. Just as he was about to move onto the next scroll, another herald arrived at his desk. One decked in the Oritolon Royal livery and who placed a small box and another letter bearing the Oritolon seal on the desk before saluting and leaving the room.

Now Malice didn't need to read the scroll. He knew. With shaking hands, he reached for the box and opened it up to find the signet ring of the Prime Minister of Oritolon.

"Well what do you know?" Malice murmured to himself, examining the signet ring with awe and wonder. "I actually did it."

Roleplay from Orlen Waroe (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)

Orlen continues to move around between the three groups of his men placed around Alowca's walls.

Grem: Sir, are you sure these plants are a threat? I mean we spent 10 hours shooting at that shrubbery yesterday, and it looked no less dangerous afterwards than it did before. Orlen [surprised by his chief archer's lack of motivation]: Oh. Er... well, did it look more dangerous after than it did before? Grem [seeing where this is going and not liking it]: No, sir. No, we did somehow manage to prevent it from rising up, mobilising an army out of the thistles, and coming at us. Orlen: Very good, then! Grem: And are we to be doing this the whole of today also, sir? Orlen: Of course! The army demands civil work, and the Duke expressed his concern at the plant life to me personally. This work we do enables us to please both at once! It is most fruitful. Grem [under his breath]: Let's not start worrying about fruit as well.

Roleplay from May Ketchum (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) Alowca. It has been sometime since I was here. Finally I reach the city wall.

She rubs dust off her priestess robe. The long weary travel has dirty and mudden her robe much.

Hmm, is that a noble? His men call him sir eh? Priestess May looking at a stranger who is addressing his men.

She moves forward and waves her hand.

"Hello there young sir. My name is May and I am a Path of Chivalry priestess arriving on a long travel from the western Oritolon region, Sovonoval. There is a task that the Inner Circle wish to be done by me, here's the order letter signed by Inner Circle council. I am sorry I cant open this letter for your reading as it is sealed with wax. There is a Judge Seal on it though for your inspection. Perhaps you know my brother Ash who is the current realm Judge? He is the one who given me this letter and ask me to make haste here."

Roleplay from Orlen Waroe (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)

Orlen stops talking to one his archers about the likelihood of a climbing rose being able to climb fortress walls, and turns to the priestess.

Orlen: Hello, Priestess. Welcome to Alowca. I trust your long journey was not too taxing, and that you were not hassled by the beasties in Irdalni? I must say your task sounds most interesting and secretive. Sovonoval is a long way to have come.

Orlen peers at the seal on the letter.

Orlen: The judge's seal, indeed. So what can I do to help you, Priestess? Do you need my help with your task? Or do you require my support in finding your brother in the city?

Roleplay from May Ketchum (1 day, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) "The beasties in Irdalni are alright, I happened to come across a few of them. As I travel alone, I have to hide myself in bushes a couple of times to avoid them." May dusts off her priestess robe again. There is a slight torn on her robe due to the bushes sharp thorns.

May continues. "If you could direct me to my brother, it would be a pleasure. My task is to calm down the people of the city here. I doubt you can help me with the calm down part, perhaps you can do well to patrol the city and find out if they are indeed calm down as they appear so to priests? Oh, yes. Here's the letter."

May unseal the letter and read it for Orlen.

"Dear Sister,

I come to you with grim tidings indeed. The people of Alowca city has grown pretty restless lately. The idea of independence has been sown into their heads too deeply to be cured by mere Holding Court and throwing them into prison, then release them the next day. The Inner Circle council requests your presence at Alowca city as soon as possible. Take my Judge Seal letter and show to the guards and those you passing through the regions. They have been ordered to let you pass through without much hassle. I will be waiting at Alowca city for you. My sister, do have a safe journey.

Best regard, Ash"

Roleplay from Orlen Waroe (10 hours, 23 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients)

Orlen is about to reply to the Priestess, when Harlen comes over hurriedly with a letter - a report of Irdalni.

Orlen: Priestess, it is with regret that I must move immediately to Irdalni, to protect its people and my estate from a horde of monsters. You must have passed through the jungle only just in time - had you been travelling now, you might have found yourself in difficulty.

Orlen: But allow me first, before we depart, to lead you in the direction of your brother. I am not sure of the exact building he is in, but I am fairly certain of the area of the city in which he lives.

Orlen gestures to May to follow him as he moves into the city streets, leaving behind Harlen and Grem to arrange the troops' readiness for marching west.

Roleplay from May Ketchum (just in) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) May walks alongside Orlen for awhile as Orlen leads her to her brother Ash. She says to Orlen, "It has been awhile since I last saw him. He been busy in these lands."

Roleplay from May Ketchum (just in) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) Up ahead, Ash's Captain, Abelhelm calls out to May and Sir Orlen.

"Hi Priestess May and Sir Orlen. I am Ash's Captain, he orders me to protect you while you are here."

Roleplay from May Ketchum (just in) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) May sways her hair back from the wind blowing.

"Captain, I need no protection. Guards will frighten away the city people, which will cause my task to placate them to fail. Just lead me to the building where my brother stays will do just fine." "Sir Orlen, you have been of most assistance to me while I first enter the city. Here's where we need part way. Be safe and I hope you manage to get the monsters in Irdalni there."

As she makes her way following the Captain who has been Ash's Captain for a long time.

Roleplay from Pyran Bas-Tyra (10 hours, 5 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) With the dust of construction rising behind him, Pyran continued down the streets, recently repaved, when he caught a glimpse of a rich man's mansion, and what looked like a slightly downtrodden version of the Minister of Justice. Pyran called to him, "Hey, Ash! What's wrong?"

Roleplay from Ash Ketchum (26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (7 recipients) Ash looking disheartened by recent Diplomatic talk with the merchants in the city. Keep muttering to himself "I will do better next time."

Hearing someone calls out his name in the city, Ash turns around and notices Pyran walking towards him.

"Hello Pyran. Oh, it is those merchants again. Been talking to merchants for the past two days and yet they are not swayed by my diplomatic skill. I could use a bit of a drink to rest my tongue for today."