McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/paislyreturn: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' Hexic stood on the prow of one of his vessels Rathan had given him, recently modified for war. The <i>Enterprise</i> was sister to the <i>Guardian</i> and...)
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'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Hexic stood on the prow of one of his vessels Rathan had given him, recently modified for war. The <i>Enterprise</i> was sister to the <i>Guardian</i> and the <i>Valiant,</i> which were the other two vessels Rathan had given him. All three had been retrofitted to be vessels of war, to the highest standard. It had taken months for Hexic's men in the Lighthouse to reinforce the hulls, increase the speed, and to enhance the boarding capabilities. They had finally been ready when Hexic had been in Paisly about a week ago, so he had them sent to Port Raviel for when he returned. This time, he would arrive in style.
The Guardian and Valiant flanked the Enterprise, in a wedge formation. He had loaned them to other troop leaders for the purpose of ferrying troops, as they were faster than most vessels in D'Hara's navy, and could carry more troops than the average vessel. He wished he could see the looks on the Terran and D'Haran forces in Paisly as the three ships came into viewing distance. Hexic was predicting there would be much cursing among the allied forces, thinking the vessels belonged to Madina, and that the D'Haran reinforcements had been intercepted. Of course as soon as someone noticed they flew D'Haran colours, and bore Duke Hexic's insignia, the effect would be dispelled. Hexic hoped no one would think to check right away.
It was fitting that Marshal Sorsha joined him on the Enterprise. Hexic was the commander of the largest D'Haran army, and Sorsha the commander of the most loyal, and hand picked by the Dragon King himself. Together they represented the strongest of D'Hara. Hence why it was fitting that they were both aboard the strongest D'Haran vessel, leading the fleet to Paisly.
Sorsha had been ill recently, and was not taking visitors except for official matters that she could not have someone else deal with. One would assume she didn't have any sea legs, but Hexic knew better. Any noble that had been in on the Tomb Islands as long as her didn't get sea sick. There was another explanation, one which Hexic needed no medical evidence to reach. He knew how much she loved Duke Mathias, and how passionate a women she was. It wasn't hard to put two and two together.
Hexic rested his hands in the railings, taking comfort in the cold feel of the polished wood and the wind in his hair. It reminded him of Qubel Lighthouse. It even eased the pain in his arm that Mathias had caused when they had dueled. From now on, he would use this vessel for all his sailing needs. Good thing he didn't plan on giving it away.
Hexic was now well within viewing distance of Paisly, his three warships had already sent troops ashore. He wouldn't disembark for another two hours however. He wasn't close enough to see if the sight of the Enterprise, Valiant, and Guardian had caused panic in the allied forces, but he suspected Marshal Sorsha would inform him when he docked the vessels in port.
For now, he was content in the knowledge that the allied forces would at least be in awe of the three vessels, and the Terrans would possibly even be intimidated by them. He had much desire to be the first one ashore to see the faces of the troops as they discovered the vessels did not in fact belong to Madina, but to D'Hara, but his captain had suggested he personally oversee the ships into port. Madina was renowned for speaking as if they were pirates, and his captain felt it was entirely possible that they were indeed pirates. The crew had been hand picked, and were very capable sailors. He left the logistics in the hands of the ship's captain, and resigned himself to standing on the prow, thinking. Thinking of strategy, and of battle. Being so close to the shores of Paisly, there was nothing else worth thinking about.
'''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth'''
"Nonsense!" said Eleanor, her voice was full of disdain, and she was clearly mocking the tall and strong man close to her
"But my lady three warships are..."
"Do you want me to repeat myself idiot ? I am telling you no Madinan ships would be foolish enough to do this, they must be allied ships somehow"
"But..." the man seemed desperate and was losing hope of convincing her
"No more buts Captain Ulfred! I am telling you, and you know what else? You're going to offer whoever brought that fleet a bottle of the finest wine we found here, and remember to do so in my name Captain"
The man became more pale than he already was and seeing his reaction, the contrary happened to Eleanor and she seemed to gain some color, smiling satisfied
"Go now captain, I shall eagerly await your return"
The man hesitated for a moment but then nodded and left
Eleanor herself wasn't sure of what to think of the incoming ships, but there was the chance they were allied somehow, they seemed too confident, in any case she was no fool and had the men ready in case she was wrong, it wouldn't be enough to repel a invasion force but it should be enough for her safety and Ulfred was a poor captain, and if she was correct than she expected to impress the nobility with her cunning, and disposition to take risks for it.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had spent most of the voyage to Paisly locked in her cabin. It wasn’t that she didn’t wish for the company, but she had a lot on her mind, not to mention her sickness. Which she now understood as morning sickness, well there was also afternoon and evening, it seemed the child she carried had no love for the sea, well that would change.
She had a large unit of men with her this time, some were still green, others nervous, and to have them witness her losing her midday meal over the edge would only serve to put them on edge. They would either mistake it as fear or something along the lines of nervousness. In fact she was neither of these things, but she wasn’t about to start listing her past accomplishments to prove herself, they would see soon enough.
When her Captain knocked on the cabin door, to announce their arrival, she set her belongings in her pack and prepared to go up on deck. It took her two tries, to settle herself but she made it out in the open. When she did, the cold breeze hit her and whipping her black fur cloak, of course her leathers always provided sufficient warmth. The chill she felt on the other hand was a combination of trepidation and nerves.
A short while later her feet touched land and she sighed, closing her eyes with relief. It was over, for now. She gave orders to Captain Johann to make camp immediately and to have the men prepare to assist the local populace.
As she approached many men were on guard, but when they recognized her black leathers, and her long dark brown braid, they lowered their stance and seemed to relax. She heard whispered words, and glad praises, for the arrival of both Marshal Sorsha and soon Marshal Hexic put them at ease. She gave nods to nobles who saluted her, and returned smiles, today though she didn’t much feel like smiling but she forced herself to.
Having made sure everything was in order she waited for her camp to be set up and entered her command tent, and began to order about reports, parchment, quills… and food. “Inform Duke Mathias of my arrival…and…” she said, her Captain waiting for the rest of her command. She had been about to say something else but she dropped it. “While you’re at it, inform Marshal Hexic that should he wish to discuss battle plans, I will be here.”
As he left, she then sat in her chair and began to look at the most recent reports.
'''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius'''
The bow of the ship lifted up before crashing down onto the waves. Fierce wind and rain battered the sails and the crew. Around them the winter storms were raging, waves as tall as houses surrounded them. And this was only one of the milder storms.
Asriel stood by the captain at the stern. His legs were braced to keep him upright as the deck rolled underneath him. His heavy winter cloak flapped out behind him whilst he smiled into the teeth of the weather.
"Captain!" he yelled. "Can we put up more sails!"
The captain looked at him in astonishment "Can't you see the storm! If we put up any more I've no idea if the ship can take it!"
"Nonsense! Put up more canvas, the Allfather will see that we come to know harm!"
The captain still looked as if he was going to disobey so Asriel said "There is a Madinan fleet heading this way! The longer we take to get to Paisly the greater the chance of you having to fight your way home past the Madinan Navy!"
The captain swallowed and went off to issue the orders. Asriel smiled. They were only two hours away from Paisly and soon he would be leading his forces into battle once again. He bellowed a command over the sound of the storm for his men to gather on deck. Within a few moments they had assembled and stood there as best they could while the crew worked around them.
"Soldiers!" Asriel bellowed "Soon we will be in Paisly, shortly after that you will be in the greatest battle of your lives! Some of you have never seen battle before, some of you will die on the field! But you will do your duty, you will fight as one body and you will win this day! We will drive the Madinans away from the city that they despoiled, we will drive them back to their pitiful little island! I am Asriel Octavius, you know my legend, you know that I am one of the great heroes of my generation! And I promise you, fight well, do your best and, live or die, you will be remembered long after your deaths for what you do here today! I have faith in you! You are well trained and well equipped! You fight with a mighty host and together WE WILL BREAK MADINA HERE!"
A ragged cheer went up from his men. Asriel bowed to them "Soldiers, I salute you! Now, go! Go and prepare to meet your destiny!"
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl'''
The Duke was wearing his black armour, with his claymore slung on his back. As Hexic disembarked the Enterprise, a crowd had formed to see just who was in command of the vessels. He could see their tensions ease when the majority of them either recognized him, or at least his crest. A D'Haran Captain was the first to officially greet him.
"I am Ulfred, Captain to the Lady Eleanor. My lady offers you this bottle of wine, the finest Paisly has to offer." Ulfred presented the bottle to the Marshal. Hexic accepted the bottle and took a moment to inspect the vintage. "Indeed this is a fine wine, last time I was here I heard rumours that Nightling stockpiled it. Tell Lady Eleanor I accept her gift, and I wish to share it with her over dinner. I will be dining on the Enterprise, should she accept." Ulfred acknowledged he would relay the message, saluted the Duke, and departed.
Hexic's own captain, Andric, was immediately behind the Marshal. Hexic turned to him and instructed Andric to deliver the bottle to his quarters. Andric had been looking forward to finally seeing Paisly under D'Haran rule, so he passed the bottle off the first soldier behind him, giving him the same instructions. That soldier equally so wanted to be among the first to see Paisly, and he was tempted to pass the bottle off the the next soldier behind him. He was the newest to the unit however, and everyone else out ranked him. The soldier resigned himself to going back aboard the ship, and passing the bottle off to the first sailor he found, giving him the same instructions he had been given. As soon as the bottle traded hands for the fourth time within a matter of minutes, the soldier entered formation once again. When he was within earshot of the Duke, he heard him already involved in another conversation.
The man was a scribe or messenger, it mattered little. Having been sent from Marshal Sorsha was the only verification Hexic required. No one else that was already in Paisly knew which ship Hexic would be arriving on. ".... Marshal Sorsha invites you discuss battle tactics with her at your convenience. Since the city is so large and foreign in architecture, I will show you where she is camped." Hexic needed no time to consider the offer. "Take me to her then. The sooner the tactics are discussed; the sooner orders may be issued." Before departing with the messenger, Hexic turned once again to Andric. "Captain, I want the men training for the next eight hours. I want them perfectly cohesive by the time Madina arrives. Oh, but let them spend three hours in the pubs after wards." "Aye Sir!"
Hexic departed with the messenger, being led to Marshal Sorsha.
'''Roleplay from Thers Lewinn'''
The heavy feel of a taunt longbow string was beginning to feel good in Thers’ hands.  He admired the cause and effect nature of the thing, which he considered a tool as much as a weapon.  It was loaded, pointed and unloaded.  That the tool’s payload could rip a man’s arm off or puncture a breastplate was good for the business of war.  It was not flashy like a long sword, but the cheap and reliable bow would be providing cover long after the infantry types had discovered new ways to abuse each other.
It was a day after the return trip from Port Raviel to Paisly.  The Black Arrows had hit the shores running – they had arrived late and signals from shore indicated that the takeover of Paisly would be successful.
Surprising news had reached Thers soon after his return.  His liege, Lord Mathias, had resigned his lordship over Port Nebel, effective immediately.  Mathias’ intention to reclaim his former territory would create a new count or marquis within D’Haran society.  Perhaps even a duke. <i>Who will be chosen to lead Port Nebel to its full blossom?</i> Thers pondered. He had no idea who would become his new lord or lady, and for the moment, the knights of Port Nebel were without direct command. Thankfully, the Dragon King’s authority was everlasting and eternal. <i> At least some things are not subject to change.</i>
The sight of friendly war camps positioned around the fortress walls was a welcome one.  It seemed the whole of D’Haran military strength, and some (all?) of the Terran army was assembling together.  The renewed fighting at Paisly was shaping into something that would be talked about for generations.  <i>But what nation’s children will be speaking ill of the days ahead? </i>The young knight had read all of the limited information offered by the leadership.  Reports and gossip spoke of massed Madinan soldiers making the slow winter voyage towards the embattled province.
As night crept upon the camps, Thers bedded down in his tent (a recent, tasteful thing acquired in Paisly’s newly re-opened bazaars).  As he listened to the men of his company bandying over dice and rum, Thers considered their ages – he was younger than every man under his control.  Perhaps it was his age that troubled the men?  Their cohesion was lacking despite his (and his sergeant’s) best effort to the contrary.
The clear night’s blaze of stars peeked in through the tent flap. They glittered like the memorials of honored D’Haran dead at the Grove on Honor.  Later that evening, the sergeant of the Black Arrow Guard came with late reports.  He found Thers twisted asleep in his regalia, clutching his sword and looking seventeen years young.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s elbows were on her desk and she was massaging her temples with her fingers. Someone then entered the room and she opened her eyes slowly. “Ah… Marshal,” she greeted Hexic and stood from her chair. She didn’t waste time and got right to the point, “take a look at the reports I have only just received,” she pointed and walked away to the next area of her tent as he took a look.
She waved one of her men forward. “Please bring Hexic some wine and for myself…” she paused, not really knowing what to ask for. “I’ll take some tea… please make it as weak as possible.” He nodded and she watched him leave. When she returned to stand by the other Marshal, she reached into a small pouch on the desk and started to chew leaves to settle her stomach.
“Now that Mathias is properly appointed…” she paused, thinking of her husband and how long it had been since she’d seen him last, hopefully she would find him well. Diverting her thoughts back to the maps, and the sea charts, she continued to talk. Together they offered up ideas, and suggestions, until both came to an agreement on how they would organize their defenses.

Latest revision as of 14:21, 17 December 2012

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