Template:RealmBox: Difference between revisions

From BattleMaster Wiki
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(81 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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|use xpath
|TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|{{{3|Black}}}}}}
|BackColor = {{{TitleColor|{{{4|{{#external_value:TitleBackColor}}}}}}}}
|Text = {{#external_value:FullName}}
{{#if: {{{Flag|}}}|<br>[[File:{{{Flag}}}|{{{FlagSize|blank caption}}}]]
{{#if: {{{FlagCaption|}}} | <br><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 75%; color: {{{TitleTextColor
|Black}}}; font-weight:normal; font-style: oblique;">{{{FlagCaption}}}</div>|}}|}}<br><img src="https://battlemaster.org/experimental/RealmMap.php?shownames=regions&onlyRealm=yes&World={{{World|{{{1}}}}}}&Realm={{{RealmID|{{{2}}}}}}" height="{{{MapHeight|237}}}" width="{{{MapWidth|313}}}"> |}}
|TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|black}}}
|TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|{{{3|Black}}}}}}
|BackColor = {{{TitleBackColor|#aabbcc}}}
|BackColor = {{{TitleColor|{{{4|{{#external_value:TitleBackColor}}}}}}}}
|Text = {{PAGENAME}}}}
|Text = Overview}}
{{#if: {{{Flag}}} | {{RBImage|Image = {{{Flag}}}|TextStyle = normal|Caption ={{{FlagCaption|}}}}}|}}
{{Template:RBDouble |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |Left = <b>Island</b> |Right = [[Located on::{{{Island|{{c|red|You must specify an "Island"!}}}}}]]}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
{{RBDouble|BorderBottomStyle = hidden|Left = <b>Capital</b>|Right = {{#ask: [[capital of::{{PAGENAME}}]]| default=Unknown}} }}
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
{{RBDouble|BorderBottomStyle = hidden|Left = <b>Largest City</b>|Right = {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] [[is regiontype::Stronghold||City]] | limit = 1 | sort = population | order = desc | searchlabel= | default=Unknown}}}}
|Left = Island
{{#if: {{{Government}}} | {{RBDouble | BorderBottomStyle = hidden | Left = <b>Government</b> |Right = [[government type is::{{{Government}}}]]}} | }}
|Right = [[Located on::{{#external_value:Island}}]]
{{#if: {{{StateReligion}}} | {{RBDouble|BorderBottomStyle = hidden|Left = <b>State Religion</b>|Right = [[has state religion::{{{StateReligion}}}]]}} | }}
{{RBDouble|BorderBottomStyle = hidden|Left = <b>Duchies</b>|Right = {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] [[is regiontype::Stronghold||City]] | format = count | default=Unknown}}}}
{{RBDouble|BorderBottomStyle = hidden|Left = <b>Regions</b>|Right = {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] [[is regiontype::+]] | format = count | default=Unknown}}}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
{{RBDouble|BorderBottomStyle = hidden|Left = <b>Nobles</b>|Right = {{#ask: [[member of::{{PAGENAME}}]] | format = count | default=Unknown}}}}
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
{{RBDouble|Left = <b>Population</b>|Right = {{{Population|{{#expr: {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] | ?population= | mainlabel=- | format = list | sep=+}}}}}}}}}
|Left = Capital
{{RBDouble|Left = <b>Food Production</b>|Right = {{{Food|{{#expr: {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] | ?produces food= | mainlabel=- | format = list | sep=+}}}}}}}}}
|Right = [[{{#external_value:Capital}}]]
{{RBDouble|Left = <b>Gold Production</b>|Right = {{{Gold|{{#expr: {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] | ?produces gold= | mainlabel=- | format = list | sep=+}}}}}}}}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Largest City
|Right = {{#ask: [[part of::{{#external_value:Realm}}]] [[is regiontype::Stronghold||City]] | limit = 1 | sort = population | order = desc | searchlabel= | default=Unknown}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Government
|Right = [[government type is::{{#external_value:Government}}]]
{{#if: {{{StateReligion|}}} | {{RBDouble
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = State Religion
|Right = [[has state religion::{{{StateReligion}}}]]
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Duchies
|Right = {{#external_value:Duchies}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Regions
|Right = {{#ask: [[part of::{{#external_value:Realm}}]] [[is regiontype::+]] | format = count | default=Unknown}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Population
|Right = [[population::{{#ask: [[part of::{{#external_value:Realm}}]] | ?population | format = sum | default = 0}}]]
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Gold
|Right = [[gold::{{#external_value:Gold}}]]
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = Food
|Right = [[food::{{#external_value:Food}}]]
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|Left = Nobles
|Right = [[nobles::{{#external_value:Nobles}}]]
|TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|black}}}
|TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|{{{3|Black}}}}}}
|BackColor = {{{TitleBackColor|#aabbcc}}}
|BackColor = {{{TitleColor|{{{4|{{#external_value:TitleBackColor}}}}}}}}
|Text = Council}}
|Text = Council}}
|BackColor = #CCCCCC
|BackColor = #CCCCCC
|Left = {{{RulerTitle|King}}}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|Right = {{{RulerName}}}}}
|Left = {{#external_value:RulerTitle}}
|Right = [[has ruler::{{FamilyName|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:RulerName}}}}| ]] {{FamilyLink|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:RulerName}}}} }}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
|Left = {{#external_value:GeneralTitle}}
|Right = {{FamilyLink|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:GeneralName}}}} {{#set: has general={{FamilyName|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:GeneralName}}}} }}
|Left = <b>{{{GeneralTitle|General}}}<br>{{{BankerTitle|Banker}}}<br>{{{JudgeTitle|Judge}}}</b>
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|Right = {{{GeneralName}}}<br>{{{BankerName}}}<br>{{{JudgeName}}}}}
|BorderBottomStyle = hidden
{{RBTitle |BackColor = {{{TitleBackColor|#aabbcc}}} |TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|black}}} |Text = Regions }}
|Left = {{#external_value:JudgeTitle}}
{{RBSingle|CellAlign=center|Text = {{#ask: [[part of::{{PAGENAME}}]] | mainlabel=region | ?has lord=Lord | format = table | headers = hide | default=Unknown}} }}
|Right = {{FamilyLink|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:JudgeName}}}} {{#set: has judge={{FamilyName|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:JudgeName}}}} }}
|LeftTextWeight = bold
|Left = {{#external_value:BankerTitle}}
|Right = {{FamilyLink|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:BankerName}}}} {{#set: has banker={{FamilyName|{{{World|{{{1}}}}}}|{{#external_value:BankerName}}}} }}
{{RBTitle |BackColor = {{{TitleColor|{{{4|{{#external_value:TitleBackColor}}}}}}}} |TextColor = {{{TitleTextColor|{{{3|Black}}}}}} |Text = Regions }}
{{RBSingle|CellAlign=center|BackColor=#DDDDDD|Text = <table style="margin: 0px; border-collapse:collapse; width:95%; border: hidden;"><tr style="padding: 1px 0.5em; text-align: left; font-size: 100%; color: black; font-weight:normal; border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF; background: #DDDDDD; width: 50%;"><td>'''Region'''</td><td>'''Lord'''</td></tr>{{#ask: [[part of::{{#external_value:Realm}}]] | mainlabel=region | ?has lord=Lord | format = template | template = RegionListFormat | headers = hide | default=Unknown}}</table>}}
'''This is an experimental template for exploring the [[Semantic Wiki]] project.''' You should not use this for your realm. ''(Yet...)''
This template is part of the [[RealmBox Project]]. It is enabled for semantic coding of the included data.
* Certain parameters in this template are automatically tagged for the [[Semantic Wiki]]. These properties are noted in their descriptions below.
* The Island parameter '''must''' have a value. If you fail to supply the required information, then you will get a nasty-gram on your page telling you about it.
* '''All parameter names must be listed on your page.''' If you do not wish a particular piece of information to appear, then leave that parameter blank and it will not be shown at all. i.e.:
:<pre>|StateReligion = </pre>
:If you leave the parameter out, the template will not function properly, and you'll see something like <nowiki>{{{Government}}}</nowiki> on your page.
* Several pieces of information will be automatically determined and added to the page. This includes the realm name, number of duchies, number of regions, region names, region lords, etc. You cannot manually specify this information. We are working on autogenerating population, food, and gold, but we're not there yet.
All parameters, vertical format:
* Island - The name of the island on which the realm is located. {{C|red|Required}}
* Flag - The name of the image file to use at the top of the RealmBox. Must be an image uploaded to the wiki. Do not include the "Image:" part of the name. Leave blank if you don't want a flag displayed.
* FlagCaption - A caption to go under the image. Ignored if "Flag" is blank.
* RulerTitle - Ruler's custom title.
* RulerName - Ruler's name.
* GeneralTitle - General's custom title.
* GeneralName - General's name.
* JudgeTitle - Judge's custom title.
* JudgeName - Judge's name.
* BankerTitle - Banker's custom title.
* BankerName - Banker's name.
* Government - The government type: Monarchy, Theocracy, etc.
* StateReligion - The official state religion of the realm. Leave blank if there is none. ''(Do '''not''' enter "None" or anything lie that.)''
* Nobles - The number of nobles in the realm. If you leave this blank the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in family pages. If this happens, it will almost certainly be very low, if not zero.
* Population - The approximate population of the realm. If you leave this blank the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in the region pages. '''This will cause errors if the region population values uses the thousands separator.'''
* Food - The approximate food production of the realm. If you leave this blank, the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in the region pages. It should work fine.
* Gold - Gold production of the realm. If you leave this blank, the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in the region pages. '''This will cause errors if the gold production values use the thousands separator.'''
* TitleBackColor - The color code for the title bar backgrounds. Optional. Defaults to a light blue/gray color. ''(#aabbcc)''
* TitleTextColor - The color code of the title bar text. Defaults to black.
You can copy/paste the following guide into your page, then add the values.
|TitleBackColor =
|TitleTextColor =
|Flag =
|FlagCaption =
|RulerTitle =
|RulerName =
|GeneralTitle =
|GeneralName =
|JudgeTitle =
|JudgeName =
|BankerTitle =
|BankerName =
|Island =
|Nobles =
|Population =
|Government =
|Nobles =
|Population =
|Food =

Latest revision as of 23:29, 26 January 2022

Template-info.svg Semantic Coded Template
This template contains semantic coding. Do not use this template for anything other than its intended purpose.
Template-info.svg Template Documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:RealmBox/doc.



This template is part of the RealmBox Project. It is enabled for importing of the game's external data feed, and for semantic coding of the included data. This template uses all available semantic coding at the realm level, with the exception of the realm founding date and realm founder.

  • There are a few parameters that are required to be included. These are identified in the parameter list below.
  • Nearly all data in this infobox is pulled directly from the game. You cannot manually specify this information.

NOTE: The template includes the realm category, Category:Realms, and the appropriate island category. If you use this template, you do not need to manually add these categories to your page.

Using the Template

Copy one of the blank templates provided at the bottom of this page.

Special Considerations

  • If you want a map in your RealmBox, then you will need to specify a "MapName = " parameter. Due to the way the wiki handles off-site image links, the spaces in the realm map names will cause problems. If your realm name has spaces in it you need to encode them as "%20". This will allow the wiki to show the map. For example, if you are putting a map in the RealmBox for "Pian en Luries", you need to include the parameter "MapName = Pian%20en%20Luries".


This section lists all the available parameters for use with the template. It is split into two sections; "Required" and "Optional".


This is a listing of the required parameters.

  • World = Required. The world number the realm is on. EC=1, AT=2, BT=4, Col=6, FEI=7, DW=8.
  • RealmID = Required. The ID number of the realm. You can get this from the island realm list. The URL of the "Details" link provides this number. Examples: "https://battlemaster.org/testing/RealmDetails.php?ID=12" shows 12 as the RealmID for Astrum on Dwilight.


  • TitleTextColor - The color code of the title bar text. Defaults to black. (#000000)
  • TitleColor - The color code of the background of the title bars. Defaults to the realm color set by the realm's ruler. This is the color used for the realm of the diplomacy chart and stats graphs.
  • Flag - The name of the image file to use at the top of the RealmBox. Must be an image uploaded to the wiki. Do not include the "Image:" part of the name. Leave blank if you don't want a flag displayed.
  • FlagSize - An image format or size parameter.
  • FlagCaption - A caption to go under the flag image. Ignored if Flag is is not specified.
  • MapName - If you want a map in your RealmBox, then enter the realm name here. You must replace all spaces with "%20", This is because of the way the wiki handles off-site image links. For example, to include a map for "Pian en Luries", you would enter "Pian%20en%20Luries". If your realm is very wide, this will make your RealmBox very wide, too.
  • MapHeight - Height of map. Numbers only.
  • MapWidth - Width of map. Numbers only.
  • StateReligion - The official state religion of the realm.
  • Nobles - The number of nobles in the realm.
  • Food - The approximate food production of the realm.
  • Gold - Gold production of the realm.


You can copy/paste the following guide into your page, then add the values.

Minimal RealmBox

This provides the minimum parameters needed to add a RealmBox to your realm page.

|World = 
|RealmID = 

Full RealmBox

This provides the complete list of parameters that can be used with RealmBox. You can pick and choose which one you want, so long as you provide the two required parameters.

|World = 
|RealmID = 
|TitleColor = 
|TitleTextColor = 
|MapName = 
|Flag = 
|FlagCaption = 
|Nobles = 
|Food = 
|Gold = 

Alternate Method

RealmBox supports inline parameters for basic usage, like this:


Just replace the items in parentheses with the actual values. For example, the RealmBox for Astrum could be specified as:


Note that with this method, you can only provide the Four listed parameters.

Known Issues

  • The SUM output format for semantic queries inserts a line break before the value. This seems the be a "feature" of the semantic output formats extension. The means the Population figure is about a half-line below where it should be. I don't know how to force it back to where it should be. Maybe some HTML/CSS guru can fix it.