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Realms:Arcaea, Ethiala
Positions:None Currently:Retired Troop Leader, Merchant in Topenah.

Forever Changed

After he heard the city was revolting, Celegam immediatedly left the tournament and began to make his way to the city. He was between Remton and Lantaz when the news came, the city had declared independence from Arcaea, no longer wanting to be ruled by the failing government. During the same few days Talex and her bordering regions had also left the realm. Blinded by his emotions, the ones that an infiltrator arent supposed to carry, Celegam made a rash decision. He would leave Arcaea and all this behind, return to what he thought he was an apprentice to, the art of trade. In his heart Celegam still wanted to reclaim the city of Topenah but he knew the people of the city wouldnt accept rule under an Arcaea banner. If this new realm is to survive it would need nobles to serve under its flag and a perfect oppurtunity for Celegam to rule over Topenah once again. Celegam hastily wrote two brief letters one to the Patriach and the other to Cebre. Perhaps the Patriach would understand but he was not asking for approval. For Celegam this would be a monumental change, he had only knew life under the service of the Patriach and had never served under another lord. Though he had knew Cebre as Duke of Talex, he did not actually know the man, he could only hope that he would be able operate as a trader under the Ethiala banner without interference.

Celegam and Ellewen

Though he may of lost his arm, Celegams eyes were as keen as always and even in the twilight he instantly recognized the man before him. It was a man he hand not seen for a great many years. There was another beside him whom Celegam did not know, perhaps a new apprentice. What Celegam did know was that he missed the days of travelling with his master and not having so much on his mind.

"You've been standing there along time Celegam, a lot has changed since I saw you last. I am disappointed that you decided to leave the blades, but I have always known that your various skills would lead you to more then just a mere assassin. I have some things to pack up here would you mind showing my apprentice to the tavern, Il meet you there shortly there is much that I would like to hear from you."

Celegam smiled, "I can certainly try to find the tavern with your apprentice, though Ive been wandering around this market for hours." Celegam helped load the barrels onto the old wooden cart. "I believe the tavern is this way, I can find my way much better at night without the locals bustling around me", Celegam said. The apprentice nodded and grabbed the handles of the cart. Celegam noticed the hands which clasped the handles, they seemed like they have never known a days work but yet they were scarred and bruised. Celegam tried to get a look at the apprentices complexion but a hood drew shadows over most of his face. "How long have you been an apprentice to my master Aravenel?" Celegam asked as they made their way to the tavern. "It has been a full two days now m'lord, you see Ara paid my ransom to free me from my captors. The rest of the captives on my ship are being sold as slaves around various ports." Celegam instantly noticed the apprentices fair gentle voice, he was either not yet of age or he was not a he at all.

"What is your name?" Celegam inquired. "Allen m'lord." Celegam smirked, "Allen, now thats no name for lady such as yourself, now what is your real name?" Celegam said in a calm tone. "Araven has informed me it may be dangerous to let others know I am a lady, but I can see that Aravenel has taught you very well. My name is Ellewen, but you must not let others know of it."

"I give you my word Allen" replied Celegam. Ellewen smiled. Following the sound of laughter and music they had finally found the tavern. Celegam took a dagger out from under his cloak and handed it to Ellewen, "Be careful this is a city of rogues but you should be alright, Il have a talk with the barkeep to see if hes interested in purchasing our ale."

The tavern had hired its own small mercenary force to take care of trouble makers which there certainly wasnt a shortage of. Celegam found his men sitting in a corner talking amongst themselves. After a few minutes of negotiation Celegam had convinced the tavern to send out someone to pick up the barrels of ale outside. Celegam introduced Ellewen to his men and waited for Araven. As the tavern was emptying, Aravenel still had not arrived. the two men who had been sent out to search for him came back empty handed. "Take Allen back to the inn", instructed Celegam to him men, "and give him my room, I will be out looking for my master."

Celegam enjoyed the tranquility of the empty streets at night, but his urgency grew as he could not find Araven anywhere. As he arrived at the barren market place he noticed the stall was still standing but Araven was nowhere to be seen. The tracks in the dirt were muffled but it seemed that Araven had left on his own. Celegam concluded that Araven must have had some urgent business which he need to attend to and decided to return to the inn. Upon arrival at the local inn Celegam saw his men packing their gear and suiting up in their armour. One soldier approached, "We are at war, orders from the Patriach are all Arcaeans in the region are to report to Larodais immediately." Celegam whispered to Ellewen, "That dagger I gave you has the seal of the Patriach of Arcaea engraved on it, it was given to me by the Patriach himself, take it and ride to Topenah. I will see you there after the war."

"You", Celegam said pointing to one of his men,"Take my horse and ride with Allen to Topenah. The rest of you we move to Larodais now." And so Celegam and his twenty nine Hospitaller FootKnights made there way to the barren lands of Larodais.