Perdan (Realm)/Constitution: Difference between revisions

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If it is found that any organized religion is operating to the detriment of the Realm, it may be declared Anathema to the Realm. The declaration of Anathema shall proceed by calling for a Senate Vote as described in Article V. The criteria for the declaration of Anathema must be Greater Majority.
If it is found that any organized religion is operating to the detriment of the Realm, it may be declared Anathema to the Realm. The declaration of Anathema shall proceed by calling for a Senate Vote as described in Article V. The criteria for the declaration of Anathema must be Greater Majority.
The Constitution of Perdan is solemn document. Changes to the Constitution should not be undertaken lightly. In the case that it becomes necessary to change this document, or add new Sections, the procedure shall be as follows:
# The Amendment process must be begun by a Senator or the Monarch, with the presentation of the issue and the nomination of five Seconds.
# A Vote shall be called in the Senate by the Arch Priest or Priestess in accordance with Section V. The criteria for the Vote must be the Greater Majority.

Revision as of 20:12, 13 September 2007

Constitution for the Kingdom of Perdan


We, the nobles of the Kingdom of Perdan, have gathered in the great city of Perdan on this day XX/XX/XXXX and hereby declare this document shall forever govern Perdan.


This Constitution shall hereby govern all facets and workings of the government of the Kingdom of Perdan. No noble shall be above this agreement, or be its equal, nor shall any law be above this agreement, or be its equal. All nobles of the Kingdom of Perdan are hereby granted, for us and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs.


It is recognized that the continuity of the government is necessary to ensure the continued stability of the realm. The fulfillment of this requirement is realized in the selection of a realm council that will hold their positions until they resign, or are removed due to wounding or imprisonment. The four primary council members shall be selected according to the following procedures:

  1. The Monarch, being the highest official of the Kingdom of Perdan, is to be elected by combined will of all Nobles of the Realm in a formal election.
  2. The Arch Priest/Priestess, being the primary check on the power on the Monarch, will also be elected by the combined will of the all Nobles of the Realm in a formal election.
  3. The High Marshal shall be appointed by the Monarch, at their sole discretion. The method used for the selection of the High Marshal is entirely within the purview of the Monarch.
  4. The Royal Treasurer shall be appointed by the Monarch, at their sole discretion. The method used for the selection of the Royal Treasurer is entirely within the purview of the Monarch.


Selection of the lordship of a region or city is held as within the purview of the liege lord to whom the vassal will owe fealty. In order to ensure the widest participation in the government of Perdan, it is forbidden for a member of the Council to also hold the lordship of a region. No Council members may be appointed to the lordship of any region. Should any Lord be elected or appointed to a Council position, the new Councilor must relinquish the lordship in a timely manner, as soon as a new Lord is selected. It is hereby acknowledged that the privilege and responsibility of selecting a new Lord lays with the following offices:

  1. It is within the rights of the Monarch of the Kingdom of Perdan to select a new Lord for any Imperial region, when said lordship is vacant. The method used for the selection of the Lord of an Imperial region is entirely within the purview of the Monarch.
  2. It is within the rights of the Monarch of the Kingdom of Perdan to select a new Lord for any city, when said lordship is vacant. The method used for the selection of the Lord of a city is entirely within the purview of the Monarch.
  3. It is within the rights of the cognizant Duke to select a new Lord for any region within that Duchy, when said lordship is vacant. The method used for the selection of the Lord of a ducal region is entirely within the purview of the cognizant Duke.

Once appointed, the Lord will hold their positions until they resign, or are removed due to wounding or imprisonment.


It is hereby acknowledged that no Assembly can truly represent the will of the nobility without it having first been selected by those very nobles. For this reason, the power of the selection of nobles to the Senate must, at least in part, be a power invested in the Nobility of Perdan. At the same time, the authority of the Monarchy and the Lords of the Realm cannot be discounted. To fulfill these two requirements, the composition of the Senate of Perdan is hereby set at the following membership and origination:

  1. All Realm Council Members. This is to include the King or Queen, High Marshal, Royal Treasurer, and Arch Priest or Priestess.
  2. All Holders of Region Titles. Along with the greater privilege and incomes of their noble titles and positions also comes the greater responsibility of partaking in the governance of the realm.
  3. Monarch’s Advisors. To aide the Monarchy in the conduct of their duties, the King or Queen may appoint up to two nobles to the position of Senator. The appointment of these positions is entirely within the purview of the Monarchy, and may be selected through any means desired by the Monarchy. The position may be revoked by the Monarch at any time.
  4. Ducal Advisors. The aide the duchies in the conduct of their duties and to further represent the interest of the duchies, each Duke may appoint a single noble to the position of Senator. The appointment of this position is entirely within the purview of the cognizant Duke, and may be selected through any means desired by the Duke. The position may be revoked by the cognizant Duke at any time.


When it is deemed necessary for a vote to be cast amongst the Senate, the procedure shall be as follows:

  1. Any Senator may call for a vote on any issue by presenting the issue to the Senate, along with two Seconds. The Monarch may cal for a vote on any issue, at any time, without requiring the presentation of Seconds.
  2. The issue shall be presented to the Senate by the Arch Priest or Priestess. The presentation shall include a description of the issue to be voted, a list of valid voting options, and the requirements for passage of the issue. Requirements for passage include the following criteria:
    1. Simple Selection. Whichever option receives the greatest number of votes shall be declared the victor. No minimum number of votes is required to be garnered by the victor.
    2. Majority. Whichever option receives 50% or more of the total possible number of ballots that could be cast shall be declared the winner. If no option receives 50% or more of the total possible number of ballots that could be cast, the vote shall be declared a draw. The ballots shall be discarded, and the issue declared Void.
    3. Greater Majority. Whichever option receives 66% or more of the total possible number of ballots that could be cast shall be declared the winner. If no option receives 66% or more of the total possible number of ballots that could be cast, the vote shall be declared a draw. The ballots shall be discarded, and the issue declared Void.
  3. Following a period of time necessary for adequate debate, but not less than two full days, the ArchPriest or Priestess shall call for a formal vote. All members of the Senate will supply their votes on the issue, with each Senator casting a single vote. Votes may be public to the Senate, or sent privately to the Arch Priest or Priestess.
  4. Voting will proceed for a minimum of two days. Voting may be called early only if votes are received from all Senators prior to the voting deadline. The Arch Priest or Priestess shall provide the count of votes for each of the voting options, along with a declaration of Pass, Fail, or the winning choice.
  5. Any issue declared Void may be brought to a second vote by any Senator, provided that they can provide 5 Seconds. If the second vote is also declared Void in accordance with the rules provided above, the issue may not be reintroduced in the Senate for a minimum of 30 days.


The Lords of the Realm are granted their lands in trust by the Realm. It is the sworn duty of the Lord to manage their lands in the best interests of the Realm.

  1. In recognition of the authority of the Lord, the Lords are granted the following powers:
    1. The formation and disbanding of Armies.
    2. The appointment and removal of Marshals and Second in Command of Armies which they sponsor.
    3. The assignment of their vassals to Armies at their discretion.
    4. The collection and distribution of regional taxes.
    5. The building and disbanding of Temples, in accordance with the rules outlined in Section VII of this Constitution.
  2. In exchange for the powers granted them, Lords are also endowed with the following responsibilities:
    1. Proper care and guardianship of their Regions.
    2. Employment of sufficient Knights to ensure continued estate support of the Region.
    3. Forwarding of sufficient gold, as the current financial system allows, and under the supervision of the Royal Treasurer, to allow the proper functioning of the Realm government.


Religious Freedom of the Noble

No Noble of Perdan shall ever be compelled to join any organized Religion against their will, through any means or requirements. Furthermore, Nobles may belong to any organized religion of their choice, so long as the religion has not been declared Anathema by the will of the Senate. Any Noble proven to be a member of a religion which has been declared Anathema to the Realm may be banned from the Realm by the will of the Monarch, or upon a vote of Simple Selection in the Senate.

Right to Self Determination of Religion for a Lord’s Region

A Lord of Perdan may build temples to his religion at his own discretion, provided the temple is not consecrated to any religion which has previously been decreed Anathema to the Realm.

A Lord of Perdan may remove any temples in their region following these guidelines

  1. If the temple is consecrated to a religion that has been declared Anathema to the Realm, the temple may be removed without notice.
  2. If the temple is consecrated to a religion that has not been declared Anathema to the Realm, two full day’s notice must be provided to the religion to allow the removal of any sacred artifacts or treasury funds. Following the expiration of the three day period, the temple may be removed at the discretion of the Lord.

Declaration of Anathema

If it is found that any organized religion is operating to the detriment of the Realm, it may be declared Anathema to the Realm. The declaration of Anathema shall proceed by calling for a Senate Vote as described in Article V. The criteria for the declaration of Anathema must be Greater Majority.


The Constitution of Perdan is solemn document. Changes to the Constitution should not be undertaken lightly. In the case that it becomes necessary to change this document, or add new Sections, the procedure shall be as follows:

  1. The Amendment process must be begun by a Senator or the Monarch, with the presentation of the issue and the nomination of five Seconds.
  2. A Vote shall be called in the Senate by the Arch Priest or Priestess in accordance with Section V. The criteria for the Vote must be the Greater Majority.