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Monster teeth (some lords offer bounties for monsters - these could be use to collect bounties from monsters in other regions. Would have a chance to be caught as falsifying kills - possible jail, but lucrative for cash)


Revision as of 15:15, 20 March 2007

This is where you can add new ideas for items for adventurers to gather.

All items should be one of the following:

  • gems
  • animal parts
  • rare materials
  • misc. items

We are not talking magic items here. Nor are we talking about useful items. No horses, weapons, etc. As of now, the only (known) use for these items is as material for repairing or creating Unique Items by the Sage.

Stuff that I've removed was removed either because it didn't fit or because it was added to the game. No, I won't say which one in each case. Sorry. --Tom 09:47, 16 December 2006 (CET)


During the time period that BM takes place in, people recognized only two types of gems: Precious (ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond) and Semi-Precious (everything else). A good example reference would be al-Biruni, who wrote about the causes of gemstone market fluctuations in the 11th century. Anyway, the four precious stones have probably already been implemented into the game, so here is short list of semi-precious stones that I recommend for implementation.

  • Aquamarine
  • Golden Beryl
  • Onyx
  • Amythest
  • Agate
  • Nephrite (i.e. Jade)
  • Garnet
  • Tourmaline

I did not include Quartz or Beryl because they are more like species of gem instead of actual gems, but some of their varieties are included above. It might also be nice to include the quality of the gem in its name, or perhaps the sage could "appraise" the gem. (Precious vs semi-precious is a distinction of type, not quality.) If quality is something we want to work into the game, here are the basic measures of quality.

  • Color
  • Clarity
  • Carat

I left out "Cut" because I doubt an adventurer is going to stumble across a gem that has already been cut for him. If it has been cut, it is probably set in a ring or something and therefore it belongs to a different category of item. Or perhaps "cutting" is another task the sage could perform. Anyway, we could implement gem quality into BM by describing one of these features in the name of the item. For example, "Large Garnet" for greater carats, or "Smokey Amythest" for poor clarity. And just in case it was not clear (no pun intended), "Golden Beryl" is a variety of beryl, not a measure of the gem's color quality.

Cheever 19:39, 7 January 2007 (CET)

Animal Parts

~Hoary Marmot Leather

Alligator (Or some other reptile) skin/scales (submitted by JF)

Bag of Dried out Frogs (intact) (submitted by JF)

Rabbit's foot (submitted by JF)

Long sharp horn, probably coming from some terrifying monster

Deer skull

Troll's tooth

Bear claw, symbol of strength

Rhino hide, could be made into a fine leather armour

Eagle's feather, Albatros' feather, Phoenix' feather? (fake?)

Rattlesnake rattle

Mountain lion skull

Petrified bone

Moose antlers

Live ferret (in a cage)

Salmon dorsal fin


Monster teeth (some lords offer bounties for monsters - these could be use to collect bounties from monsters in other regions. Would have a chance to be caught as falsifying kills - possible jail, but lucrative for cash)


Dragon's eye
Zombie parts
Incantations of bliss
Ogre hairs
Pixie Blossom
Elfin bone
Essence of newt
A Mana crystal

Black powder (XK) Quality metals for weaponry (XK)

Miscellaneous Items

(Hope you are still accepting ideas: Joshua Ferguson)

Bottle of Wine (Submitted by JF)

Small Pouch of Tools (Submitted by JF)

Bag of Unknown Powder (Submitted by JF)

Painting of an Ancient Noble (Submitted by JF)

Map of the Continent from 100 years ago (no real value) (Submitted by JF)

Saddle (XK)

Dutch oven (XK)

Stuff not sumitted by JF

Tobacco Leaves (#)

Snake Venom

Coca Leaves



Looking Glass


Potato Moonshine (#)

Bottle of Wine

Bird Cage

Music Box

Salt and Pepper

Hammock (could be used like a bedroll)

Tinder Box with flint and steel


Deck of Cards

Fang necklace ("Some hunters add fangs of their prey to a piece of string, as testimony of their skill. This time a hunter has fallen prey himself and this necklace is all that's left.")

Wooden leg

old birdsnest

Spy Glass (by Valast)

Mandrake (Recluse)

Belladonna (")

Truffles (")

A big set of antlers

A piece of flintstone

(#) - Tobacco, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Chili Peppers, Maize and Squash were unknown in Europe until Columbus. (And therefore unknown in Asia as well.) Amazing how cuisine has changed, isn't it? So how much influence is there from 'the Americas' on BM? (Recluse)