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Giovanni's Achievements

Feat Realm Date
BG Commander Cagilan Empire Unknown
Member Sigrid's Flame Darka Unkown
Baron of Xultec Darka 05/07/05
Marquis of Rantire Darka 10/15/05

Although the youngest of the three siblings, Giovanni was the first to embark on his career. He made his was down from his mountain home to the city of Cagil, captial of the Cagilan Empire. After the long journey, he immediatly joined the army and recruited some light infantry. While a member of the Empire, he made several advances in his career. First he was set to be second in command for Battlegroup Hammer under Zadar Nargath. But for whatever reason, that fell through. But soon after that the Gods smiled upon him and he was offered the command of Battlegroup Brawlers. It was then that Giovanni decided to take the path of a hero and all the glory that comes with a death in battle. During his tenure he made friends with several other Cagilans. Koradji, the Minister of Defense of the Empire took Giovanni under his wing and taught him about the art of war. Shaun, a fellow battle group commander always kept Giovanni entertained with his stories of bravery and valor. And of course, Bethany, who always put Giovanni on his toes with her sharpe wit. But the Cagilan Empire became filled with petty bickering and arguing. He needed a new place to call home. That's when Shaun told him about a realm on the South-East Island named Taselak. Shaun's brother Seumus was the High Marshal there, so it seemed as good a place as any.

But when he got to Taselak, he found that it wasn't for him. Not enough fighting for a realm supposedly dedicated to constant warfare. So once again, Giovanni boarded a ship. This time, to the East Continent where he joined the elves of Sirion. He enjoyed his stay in Sirion and made friends with a few elves such as the Grand Justicar, Graf. He also maintained a friendly relationship with the legendary Doc, however, sadly, he was not in Sirion long enough to be of any real importance. It was hard for Giovanni to be constantly surrounded by elves. So yet again, Giovanni boarded a boat, this time back to his homeland of Atamara.

Darka has proven to be a very good fit for Giovanni. As a mercenary realm, there is no lack of gold and Giovanni has become a very wealthy man. When he arrived in Azzal, he immediatly befriended a man named Murat Orim. Little did he know that Murat would be crowned King very shortly. As King Murat had great trust in Giovanni and rewarded him for his suppor by granting him the title of Baron of Xultec. Later on, Giovanni was further rewarded by being granted domain over Rantire, a townsland region with a large gold income. Loving his life in Darka, Giovanni decided to move the family mansion to Azzal. He is currently working as a mercenary in the Darkan army and being paid hansomely.