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The army went back via [[Grazne]], where they were joined by [[Jimenez Family|Sonya Jimenez]], who helped clear out the area.
The army went back via [[Grazne]], where they were joined by [[Jimenez Family|Sonya Jimenez]], who helped clear out the area.

==Northern Spring Campaign of 63 (Spring 13th – 24th)==
==Northern Campaign of 63 (Spring 13th – 24th)==
The last inhabitants of [[Aquitain]] had sought refuge in the old motte. They had sent a cry for help to Westgard and an army was dispatched. The strike force consisted of 240 men, led by Sparticus II, who was supported by Aelius, Meginhard, Klaus and Agatha. Fearing the people would not survive the night, Aelius' mn insisted on rushing ahead and arrived the night before. Due to their courageous defense the motte survived the savage night and in the morning the army arrived and made short work of the attacking monsters.
The last inhabitants of [[Aquitain]] had sought refuge in the old motte. They had sent a cry for help to Westgard and an army was dispatched. The strike force consisted of 240 men, led by Sparticus II, who was supported by Aelius, Meginhard, Klaus and Agatha. Fearing the people would not survive the night, Aelius' mn insisted on rushing ahead and arrived the night before. Due to their courageous defense the motte survived the savage night and in the morning the army arrived and made short work of the attacking monsters.

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=Year 64 (2022-10-24 to 2023-01-15)=
=Year 64 (2022-10-24 to 2023-01-15)=
==Northern Summer Campaign of 64 (Summer 3rd – 14th)==
==Northern Campaign of 64 (Summer 3rd – 14th)==
Meginhard spotted a new pack in [[Aquitain]] from his estate in [[Sabadell]]. Sparticus II ordered him to attack and together they finished off 11 monsters. Sparticus II then moved to [[Zereth]], where he hunted down 20 monsters. Meginhard arrived in the evening and help finish of the last ones. Then on to [[Forguthrie]], where they slew 16 monsters. They waited a day for Aelius to arrive and then went on to [[Jorradith]]. There they found 39 monsters, but they were quickly taken down by force which now consisted of 180 men.
Meginhard spotted a new pack in [[Aquitain]] from his estate in [[Sabadell]]. Sparticus II ordered him to attack and together they finished off 11 monsters. Sparticus II then moved to [[Zereth]], where he hunted down 20 monsters. Meginhard arrived in the evening and help finish of the last ones. Then on to [[Forguthrie]], where they slew 16 monsters. They waited a day for Aelius to arrive and then went on to [[Jorradith]]. There they found 39 monsters, but they were quickly taken down by force which now consisted of 180 men.

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The army could then return to [[Sabadell]], where they were celebrated by people from all over the province, but Klaus did not return. A few of his men returned three days later. They brought sad news: they were pinned down by a particular ferocious pack of monsters and could not leave. On the 11th [[Raphin Family|Klaus Raphin]] died heroically in battle. His men then decided to run for it, but only five of them managed to escape the monsters that were hunting them.
The army could then return to [[Sabadell]], where they were celebrated by people from all over the province, but Klaus did not return. A few of his men returned three days later. They brought sad news: they were pinned down by a particular ferocious pack of monsters and could not leave. On the 11th [[Raphin Family|Klaus Raphin]] died heroically in battle. His men then decided to run for it, but only five of them managed to escape the monsters that were hunting them.

==Great Fall Expansion of 64 (Fall 1st - 20th)==
==Seiferic Expansion (Fall 1st - 20th)==
Things looked bleak after the death of Klaus, the population questioned Westgard's ability to continue to defend them and another assassin was sent by Luria. But the death of arch enemy Seifer Tideweaver, brought renewed faith in the realm. Rebels were pardoned and people from the north started sending tribute to Westgard.
Things looked bleak after the death of Klaus, the population questioned Westgard's ability to continue to defend them and another assassin was sent by Luria. But the death of arch enemy Seifer Tideweaver, brought renewed faith in the realm. Rebels were pardoned and people from the north started sending tribute to Westgard.

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[[Ygg d'Razhuul]] was also under constant attacks. Although Hengist stood his ground, Sparticus decided to deal with the source at [[Yggdramir]] and fought a fierce battle against 20 monsters on the 18th. Although he was victorious, he was wounded and it was decided to await further expansion.
[[Ygg d'Razhuul]] was also under constant attacks. Although Hengist stood his ground, Sparticus decided to deal with the source at [[Yggdramir]] and fought a fierce battle against 20 monsters on the 18th. Although he was victorious, he was wounded and it was decided to await further expansion.
==Mimer Incident (Spring 3rd - 11th)==
On the first day of Spring a delegation from Mimer arrived at Eidulb, while the High King was holding court. They told the King a large Lurian army was annexing their city and requested aid to fight back. The King deliberated with his council and the decision was made to attack out of fear the Lurians might use Mimer as a base for operations against Westgard. Sparticus had little experience in fighting humans and decided to give up his command in favor Vincenzo.
On the 3rd the army received orders to assemble in Eidulb and would sail out two days later. On the 6th Lord Commander Vincenzo was the first to arrive at the Well of Mimer. His 100 men were initally pushed back into the seas by a force of 440 Lurians, but the Lurians pulled back when the King and Iulia arrived - realizing that the beach would soon be filled with Westgardians.
Despite being outnumbered, Vincenzo ordered the march on Mimer on the 8th, because representatives from the city informed him they were about to break. Luria had 530 men at Mimer, while Westgard only had 420, of which 50 citizens. Although the battle was fierce and the Westgardians managed to wound three Lurian commanders (Jan of Arescod, Richard Shepherd and Baelric Aboolio), Westgard was defeated.
With both current Lord Commander Vincenzo and former Lord Commander Sparticus wounded, Meginhard led the retreat via Libidizedd. The city was controlled by undead, but thanks the fierce fighting of the 7 feet tall [[Gigantus Family|Mucho Gigantus]] gained a foothold in the harbor. The next day the King arrived together with the Dragon King of D'Hara, who cleaned the city. Once Sparticus and his men arrived, the army moved home to Eidulb.
Meanwhile Aelius guided a group back to the Well of Mimer. He was chased Moria Igelfield, but managed to defeat the Lurian in battle, after which the ships could safely be boarded.
==Completing the Great Western Wall (Spring 13th - 21st)==
[[Eidulb Outskirts]] - [[Shrine of Seeklander]] - [[Mountain of Woe]] is known to the Westgardians as the Great Western Wall due to its defensibility. On the 13th of Spring the annexation of the [[Mountain of Woe]] was ordered by the High King in order to complete the Wall.
While Louisa defended the [[Eidulb Outskirts]] against an invasion of 130 undead, the High King departed on the 16th from the [[Shrine of Seeklander]] with a strike force consisting of Iulia, Meginhard, Sonya and Sparticus. Carlos came from the other side of the mountains.
The expedition started unfavorable. When the High King announced that the Westgard Sun Swords were to be replaced with the Shield of the West, Lord Commander Vincenzo was wroth for not being involved in this decision. When the expedition arrived at the mountain, they encountered Carlos' men without their commander. They explained that Senator received a letter while on the road to Woe and then suddenly dashed off with his horse. It was believed that he finally received word of his wife and left to get her back. The exact reason is unknown, for he was not heard of again. Meanwhile Senator Hengist had to move to Gelene for repairs. In his absence [[Ygg d'Razhuul]] was invaded by monsters.
Despite these setbacks, the annexation was continued. Only 7 monsters were found and killed on the mountain. On the 20th the mountain was declared safe and strategic posts were manned. [[Adiyanto Family|Endog Asin Adiyanto]] was made responsible for setting up a mining corporation. He was a renowned trader who had provided logistical support to many expeditions, including the ships for the Mimer Incident.
While Meginhard was elected as the new Lord Commander, Hengist returned to [[Ygg d'Razhuul]] to hunt down the monsters, which vexed his people.
=Year 65 (2023-01-16 to 2023-04-10)=
==Western Campaign of 65 (Summer 2nd – 11th)==
On the 2nd of Summer Lord Commander Meginhard reveals his plan to clean the western border and orders the army to assemble at [[Duil]]. He wants to leave after taxes arrive, but due to an incorrect calculation, he orders the army to depart a day to early towards the [[Mountain of Remorse]]. When the mistake is discovered, he orders the army to return to Duil, but his messenger to Lowry falls into a ravine on the treacherous mountain passes. Lowry arrives at Remorse alone and finds himself face to face with 30 large monsters. The former King does not flinch and uses the small mountain passes in his favor, routing the creatures. The following day the King arrives with Iulia and Vincenzo. Together they hunt down the remaining monsters.
Once Sparticus, Meginhard and Arceo arrive, the army moves south towards [[Duil]]. A large battle is expected with 160 undead and 30 monsters. Although only part of the army reaches the foothill, Meginhard orders the assault and attacks together with Iulia, Vincenzo and Sparticus. While Sparticus and Meginhard focus on the monsters, Iulia and Vincenzo keep the undead at bay. As the monsters clash into the ranged units, Vincenzo orders Iulia to support the others. With the help of Iulia the monsters are forced to flee, while Vincenzo holds on long enough until the others arrive and relieve him.
The following day Gheric, Sonya and Arceo arrive. Together they hunt down the monsters and then return home, while Dames Sonya and Iulia remain behind to hunt down 20 incoming monsters and 90 undead from [[Grazne]].
Meanwhile Hengist ventures on the 6th to [[Yggdramir]] to hunt down 30 small monsters. The next day he slays 20. When 60 undead and 45 monsters from [[Valkyrja]] come his way, he decides to return to [[Ygg d'Razhuul]]. The undead follow him, but he lays a trap and makes quick work of them.
==Conquest of Libidizedd (Summer 12th – Fall 3rd)==
After the defeat at [[Mimer]] the army had retreated via [[Libidizedd]]. High King Gheric was intrigued by the city, which lay so close to his [[Eidulb]]. On the 12th of Summer 65 he ordered the Lord Commander to annex the city. While most of the army was ordered to gather at [[Eidulb]], three commanders were ordered to stay behind to protect the borders: Hengist at [[Ygg d'Razhuul]], Endog Asin at the [[Mountain of Woe]] and Mucho at [[Duil]]. Senator Louisa sent one of her elite militia with the Lord Commander to free Hengist for joining the operation.
With the army gathering at [[Eidulb]], the High King crossed the strait to perform reconnaissance. Although his landing force was defeated by the undead, the High King was able to hide with the locals, who provided him with intelligence of the island, which he forwarded to the army at [[Eidulb]]. On the 17th the army set out: Sparticus, Vincenzo, Aelius, Hengist, Iulia, Arceo and Sonya.
The battle at [[Libidizedd]] against the undead lasted two days, but in the end the city was cleansed and on the 21st representatives of the city officially recognized Gheric as their King in an eloborate ceremony. Vincenzo was awarded governorship, Meginhard received the Shrine and Arceo received the [[Gaston Farms]]. The order was then given to clean the island. Aelius attacked [[Dizeddo]], slaying 90 undead by himself. The army then moved to [[Libiddo]] to hunt the remaining undead.
Although the mission was a great success, the army had to return quickly. Mucho was overwhelmed at [[Duil]]: only two of his men returned alive to the [[Eidulb Outskirts]]. Endog Asin saw his defences                collapsing due to the continuous assaults from Remorse and a large host assembling in [[Yggdramir]] threatened to overrun the eastern defences.
==Valkyrjan Fall Campaign of 65 (Fall 8th - 17th)==
While Arceo moved to the [[Gaston Farms]] to slay 40 undead, Meginhard moved to [[Yggdramir]] to obtain intelligence of the surroundings. He found himself overwhelmed by 70 monsters, but held on until Sparticus and Hengist arrived, who made quick work of them. When Lowry arrived, he brought news that a large pack was moving towards the [[Mountain of Woe]]. Meginhard decided to continue the expedition and sent a request for aid to the King.
The expedition went on to [[Hvergelmir]] to slay 60 monsters, hoping to prevent an attack in their back - this is, however, exactly what happened when a large force from [[Valkyrja]] moved into [[Yggdramir]]. The seasoned commanders kept their cool and fought their way back trough the horde. Meanwhile the King supported Endog Asin against a force of 120 undead.
With most of the monsters on the island slain, Meginhard decided to return in order to relieve the King, while Sparticus lead the others against [[Valkyrja]]. Reaching an easy victory, it was decided to leave Lowry behind in [[Valkyrja]], while Jakoth guarded Yggdramir. But as Lowry was scouring the city, his men discovered an abandoned house with a cave, which housed 30 monsters. Loosing many of his men, Lowry saw himself forced to retreat.
==Winter of 65 (Winter 1st - 21st)==
It was considered colder than normal. This caused the Westgardians no to go on campaign, but instead focus on stabilizing their conquests. Sparticus, Iulia and Hengist protected the [[Mountain of Woe]], while Endog Asin organized the mining operations. Meginhard was attending to [[Forguthrie]], where he heard rumors of an inpending rebellion. He asked for backup and Sparticus arrived together with Hengist, Arceo and Lowry.
The large army encouraged the rebels to reconsider their position and their leader, [[Ravencroft Family|Alisae Ravencroft]], traveled to [[Eidulb]] to negotiate with the High King. Gheric willingly listened to her plea and actually liked her ideas. He ordered them to be implemented and the rest of the Winter Westgardian noble men were occupied with reforming the governance of the poor northern regions.
The increased loyalty was translated into more volunteers for the military. Gheric wanted to reward Alisae with land, but she wanted no reward. She was satisfied with Westgard willing to alter its rule in accordance with the need of her people.
The silence of Winter was, however, disturbed by grave news: [[Luria Nova]] declared war on [[D'Hara]]. And in order to discourage Westgardian involvement, [[Wicrose]] vocalized a claim for [[Libidizedd]] and even sent a force across the sea, although it did not escalate into a conflict. In the end Westgard chose not to join the war against [[Luria Nova]], but decided to send an expedition to the south to protect [[D'Hara|D'Haran]] lands against monsters.
==D'Haran Spring Campaign of 65 (Spring 1st - 11th)==
The preparations for the [[D'Hara|D'Haran]] campaign were disturbed by an infiltrator stealing from the treasury at the [[Mountain of Woe]]. Some believed that [[Luria Nova]] had broken the peace treaty and demanded war to be declared. But the King wanted proof first and the experience Dame Sonya was sent to the Mountain to assist Senator Endog Asin in capturing the culprit.
On the 3rd the expedition departed from the harbor of Eidulb despite the tensions. While at sea, peculiar news spread through Westgard: the culprit had been caught - however, it was none other than Senator Endog Asin himself! Experienced noble men were called back from their retirement to help decide how to deal with this strange situation: [[Harte Family|Lucky Harte]] and [[Vyanthi Family|Shirivina Vyanthi]].
On the 6th, Lord Commander Meginhard was the first to land in [[Vashgew]] and scout the surroundings. Once the land was cleared, High King Gheric led the expedition into the woods of [[Mistight]]. It is here that Westgardians encountered ents for the first time. Panic caused the men to rout and flee the forest. Gheric spoke to the men about what it means to be Westgardian and re-entered the woods. The men regained their courage and followed their King. Despite being outnumbered a victory was achieved.
The army then marched towards [[Saffalore]]. Again they were outnumbered - it is even estimated the combat strength of the undead was about 2½ times as high as the Westgardian army. But the men held their ground with their newfound courage and a surprising victory was achieved. The Westgardian army then split: the King would cleanse the Chateau, while Meginhard led another part of the army to make sure [[Mistight]] was clear. After this the expedition returned home.
==Valkyrjan Spring Campaign of 65 (Fall 18th - 21st)==
In order to end the continual attacks on [[Ygg d'Razhuul]], Lowry sets out to find the nests on [[Valkyrja]]. Hiding in the abandoned buildings, his men manage to sneak through the city and map the different monsters. Once Meginhard arrives, the commanders together start attacking the creatures by setting up ambushes. Once the monsters are slain, Meginhard returns home, while Lowry remains behind to make sure no eggs are left behind.
=Year 66 (2023-04-11 to 2023-07-03)=
==D'Haran Summer Campaign of 66 (Summer 3rd - 14th)==
With order restored to the [[Mountain of Woe]], Viyanti and Lucky went back into retirement. The [[Sanguis_Astroism|Astroist]] prophetess Severina als departed to support persecuted [[Sanguis_Astroism|Astroists]] in [[Luria Nova]]. Vincenzo became the new High Adjudicator.
[[D'Hara]] had lost its eastern farms to [[Luria Nova]] and wanted to secure new farmlands on the [[Dwilight#Occidens|Occidens]]. Gheric and Meginhard sailed out to support this endeavor. While at sea, Gheric received reports about an infiltrator from [[Wicrose]] ([[Wilde Family|Eiric Wilde]]) wreaking havoc, so he sent a letter to the [[Wicrose|Wiccan]] Queen, [[Fate Family|Lyfe Fate]].
They arrived on the 8th and cleansed [[Saffalore]]. Then they joined the [[D'Hara|D'Haran]] army on their march to [[Mistight]]. Meginhard got cocky and wanted to test the limits of his Seeklander Ballistas. He rushed forward with [[Finch Family|Antoon Finch]] and together they fought 150 ents. The battle was fierce, but when Meginhard was knocked down, Antoon was forced to flee.
The next day Gheric arrived and together with Antoon, he managed to defeat the ents on the edges of the forest. When the [[D'Hara|D'Harans]] [[Rundsted Family|Flint Rundsted]], [[Drakhen Family|Kite Drakhen]] and [[Zingari Family|Rasputin Zingari]] arrived, the party entered the woods to hunt down the remaining ents and recovered Meginhard.
Meanwhile the attacks of the infiltrator Eiric continued, so Gheric declared war and the expedition returned home.

Latest revision as of 07:31, 7 May 2023

Westgard takes pride in its continuous war against the infestation from the Netherworld. However, most Westgardians prefer showing it by hanging trophies on a wall instead of writing letters in a book. Nevertheless, records started to be kept during the second reign of Gheric Arylon.

Year 63 (2022-08-01 to 2022-10-23)

Lowry Cameron had abdicated a week earlier – voluntarily. Westgard had to define itself again, but a campaign to the north stranded in Forguthrie, costing the lives of many men. Lord Commander Sparticus II Bathgate decided that the Shield of the West should be reduced to an honorary guard and that, while the Westgard Sun Swords would become the realm's main force.

Southern Campaign of 63 (Winter 13th – Spring 7th)

Sparticus II led a force of 340 men against a large pack of 76 monsters monsters in Duil. He was accompanied by Aelius Rousselor, Klaus Raphin, Agatha Poe, Marcus D Luffy and Meginhard Brennaborg. Aelius took a Vanguard position and lost half of his men, but the monsters were routed and hunted to oblivion.

Another large force was spotted further down south in Knyazes. Sparticus II considered going back to recover, but when he asked his commanders for their opinion, they expressed their desire to continue. In order to surprise the pack in Knyazes, Sparticus II wanted to use the cover of the woods and first led his men to Dunnbrook. On their way Klaus was ambushed by a pack and his men routed. Although Klaus was rescued by his peers, he was wounded and could not join the fight in Knyazes.

In Knyazes Westgard had 260 men, while facing 41 monsters and 73 undead. When the beasts threatened to clash into the Westgardian lines, Aelius leapt forward and his men took the full brunt of the foul beasts’ charge. Nevertheless, this earned the archers one more shot to take down the last monsters. After this hand-to-hand combat with the outnumbered undead commenced, bringing a smooth victory to Westgard.

The army went back via Grazne, where they were joined by Sonya Jimenez, who helped clear out the area.

Northern Campaign of 63 (Spring 13th – 24th)

The last inhabitants of Aquitain had sought refuge in the old motte. They had sent a cry for help to Westgard and an army was dispatched. The strike force consisted of 240 men, led by Sparticus II, who was supported by Aelius, Meginhard, Klaus and Agatha. Fearing the people would not survive the night, Aelius' mn insisted on rushing ahead and arrived the night before. Due to their courageous defense the motte survived the savage night and in the morning the army arrived and made short work of the attacking monsters.

On the way to Ygg D’Razhuul the rear, led by Meginhard, was attacked by 38 monsters. Agatha was close by and came to the rescue, after which the two could continue their journey and join the others in Ygg D’Razhuul. There they met mainly undead, which proved no match for the battle hardened Westgardians.

While High Adjudicator Agatha returned to Gelene to arbitrate in a complex case, the army moved back to Aquitain to deal with the pack which had attacked their rear. The men were, however, worn out by the constant marching, so despite there only being 22 monsters and 32 undead, the battle resulted in relatively many casualties.

After a rest at the Brennaborg in northern Sabadell, where Agatha rejoined, the army moved on to Forguthrie (36 monsters and 68 undead). The battle went smooth and there were no casualties. The army then went through Zereth, Aquitain and Ygg D’Razhuul, before returning to Gelene to repair and recruit.

Year 64 (2022-10-24 to 2023-01-15)

Northern Campaign of 64 (Summer 3rd – 14th)

Meginhard spotted a new pack in Aquitain from his estate in Sabadell. Sparticus II ordered him to attack and together they finished off 11 monsters. Sparticus II then moved to Zereth, where he hunted down 20 monsters. Meginhard arrived in the evening and help finish of the last ones. Then on to Forguthrie, where they slew 16 monsters. They waited a day for Aelius to arrive and then went on to Jorradith. There they found 39 monsters, but they were quickly taken down by force which now consisted of 180 men.

On the way to Ienith, Sparticus II rode ahead to scout the area, but suddenly found himself surrounded by 40 monsters. Half of his men were wounded, yet he stood his ground. So when Aelius and Meginhard arrived, Sparticus II had already chased away his attackers. While Sparticus II was allowed to rest, his two commanders hunted his assailants down. Meanwhile Klaus had arrived at Jorradith as requested by the Lord Commander to keep a corridor open in case the expedition went sour. Lowry would arrive a day later in Forguthrie for that very same reason. Meanwhile Klaus immediately had to fight 20 monsters by himself – and also reported a fight the following day.

The army went on to Kaigen, were their scouts had spotted 40 monsters and 81 undead. While they attacked the pack from the east, they were surprised by other flags coming from the south: Avenor! Avenor consisted of Northon Agawolf, Nicoli Rasthaven, Jorge de Zueww, Halvard Gunhild with 220 men. Despite a fierce hand-to-hand fight and 50 casualties, the allied forced crushed the horde. After the battle High King Northon Agawolf hosted a feast for the Westgardian expedition and shared scout reports.

Sparticus II returned home via Asurbanipal, where Bramble Ramses, Clive Burep and Bardock Hall helped clean the way to Gaston Farms At the farms another great force was faced: 71 monsters . Westgard was again aided by Avenor: Bardock, Nicoli and Enlaw Lawson with 170 men. Together they rained down arrow after arrow, until Enlaw rushed forward to slay the last ones.

The army could then return to Sabadell, where they were celebrated by people from all over the province, but Klaus did not return. A few of his men returned three days later. They brought sad news: they were pinned down by a particular ferocious pack of monsters and could not leave. On the 11th Klaus Raphin died heroically in battle. His men then decided to run for it, but only five of them managed to escape the monsters that were hunting them.

Seiferic Expansion (Fall 1st - 20th)

Things looked bleak after the death of Klaus, the population questioned Westgard's ability to continue to defend them and another assassin was sent by Luria. But the death of arch enemy Seifer Tideweaver, brought renewed faith in the realm. Rebels were pardoned and people from the north started sending tribute to Westgard.

Sparticus was had left for Aquitain on the 1st and decided to continue. On the 3rd he killed 20 monsters in Ygg D'Razhuul and on the 5th he was welcomed by the people of Zereth. Noticing the people's willingness to submit to Westgard, he gave orders on the 6th to start the annexation of the region. He was quickly joined by Aelius and Meginhard and on the 8th all villages of Zereth had pledged their allegiance to Westgard.

A discussion amongst the nobility ensued: senator Lowry Cameron proposing to rush for the farms of Gaston, while the king adviced caution. Sparticus, being the Master of the Mint and considering the need for food, decided in favor of going west. In Forguthrie Iulia Baceolus and Lowry joined the expedition and on the 12th Sparticus received the last oaths of fealthy from the region.

On the 14th Sparticus ordered a move to Gaston. Aelius rushed eagerly forward and with only 45 men managed to scatter 10 monsters and 63 undead. At sunset the Lord Commander arrived with Iulia and Meginhard to help hunt down the last remaining monsters. On the 18th Westgard was in control of the farms around Gaston. After two days, Sparticus decided to ignore the city and commanded his men to return home.

Great Astrumese Expansion (Winter 5th - 18th)

As the noble lines in both Westgard and Astrum were growing thin, High King Gheric reached out to Astrum, offering them land in exchange for their loyalty. Astrumese still remembered how they once held these lands and the proposition was well received, after which many decided to cross the strait to the west: Vincenzo Falconi, Hengist deLacy, Carlos Snodaert, Jakoth Zahnbalotia and Arceo Pandorium.

On the 5th Lord Commander Sparticus ordered the army to start the annexation of Ygg d'Razhuul. He arrived the next day and singlehandedly slew 50 monsters with only 90 men. The next day the king arrived with Iulia, Meginhard and Vincenzo to officially announce claim the land for Westgard. With 460 men they hunted down the last remaining 27 monsters.

While Iulia was left in charge of negotations with local leaders, the king and general left to Aquitain, where they slew 10 monsters and the king promised the people a lord and the restoration of the motte if they swore fealthy to him.

On the 9th Hengist arrived at Ygg d'Razhuul. He used to be their lord before he was banned by Raud Crownguard. As soon as the locals saw Hengist, they knelt before him and swore allegiance to Westgard.

On the 12th Aquitain pledged their allegiance when their promised lord Jakoth took residence in the old motte. Meanwhile Aelius, Meginhard and Vincenzo arrived at the Shrine of Seeklander. It would pledge its allegiance 5 days later.

On the 13th the Eidulb Outskirts were overrun by monsters. The king assembled a response and together with Sonya and Aelius liberated the people two days later: slaying 60 monsters with only 160 men. Carlos moved to the distant Gaston Farms to keep the northwestern border safe and slew 10 monsters.

Ygg d'Razhuul was also under constant attacks. Although Hengist stood his ground, Sparticus decided to deal with the source at Yggdramir and fought a fierce battle against 20 monsters on the 18th. Although he was victorious, he was wounded and it was decided to await further expansion.

Mimer Incident (Spring 3rd - 11th)

On the first day of Spring a delegation from Mimer arrived at Eidulb, while the High King was holding court. They told the King a large Lurian army was annexing their city and requested aid to fight back. The King deliberated with his council and the decision was made to attack out of fear the Lurians might use Mimer as a base for operations against Westgard. Sparticus had little experience in fighting humans and decided to give up his command in favor Vincenzo.

On the 3rd the army received orders to assemble in Eidulb and would sail out two days later. On the 6th Lord Commander Vincenzo was the first to arrive at the Well of Mimer. His 100 men were initally pushed back into the seas by a force of 440 Lurians, but the Lurians pulled back when the King and Iulia arrived - realizing that the beach would soon be filled with Westgardians.

Despite being outnumbered, Vincenzo ordered the march on Mimer on the 8th, because representatives from the city informed him they were about to break. Luria had 530 men at Mimer, while Westgard only had 420, of which 50 citizens. Although the battle was fierce and the Westgardians managed to wound three Lurian commanders (Jan of Arescod, Richard Shepherd and Baelric Aboolio), Westgard was defeated.

With both current Lord Commander Vincenzo and former Lord Commander Sparticus wounded, Meginhard led the retreat via Libidizedd. The city was controlled by undead, but thanks the fierce fighting of the 7 feet tall Mucho Gigantus gained a foothold in the harbor. The next day the King arrived together with the Dragon King of D'Hara, who cleaned the city. Once Sparticus and his men arrived, the army moved home to Eidulb.

Meanwhile Aelius guided a group back to the Well of Mimer. He was chased Moria Igelfield, but managed to defeat the Lurian in battle, after which the ships could safely be boarded.

Completing the Great Western Wall (Spring 13th - 21st)

Eidulb Outskirts - Shrine of Seeklander - Mountain of Woe is known to the Westgardians as the Great Western Wall due to its defensibility. On the 13th of Spring the annexation of the Mountain of Woe was ordered by the High King in order to complete the Wall.

While Louisa defended the Eidulb Outskirts against an invasion of 130 undead, the High King departed on the 16th from the Shrine of Seeklander with a strike force consisting of Iulia, Meginhard, Sonya and Sparticus. Carlos came from the other side of the mountains.

The expedition started unfavorable. When the High King announced that the Westgard Sun Swords were to be replaced with the Shield of the West, Lord Commander Vincenzo was wroth for not being involved in this decision. When the expedition arrived at the mountain, they encountered Carlos' men without their commander. They explained that Senator received a letter while on the road to Woe and then suddenly dashed off with his horse. It was believed that he finally received word of his wife and left to get her back. The exact reason is unknown, for he was not heard of again. Meanwhile Senator Hengist had to move to Gelene for repairs. In his absence Ygg d'Razhuul was invaded by monsters.

Despite these setbacks, the annexation was continued. Only 7 monsters were found and killed on the mountain. On the 20th the mountain was declared safe and strategic posts were manned. Endog Asin Adiyanto was made responsible for setting up a mining corporation. He was a renowned trader who had provided logistical support to many expeditions, including the ships for the Mimer Incident.

While Meginhard was elected as the new Lord Commander, Hengist returned to Ygg d'Razhuul to hunt down the monsters, which vexed his people.

Year 65 (2023-01-16 to 2023-04-10)

Western Campaign of 65 (Summer 2nd – 11th)

On the 2nd of Summer Lord Commander Meginhard reveals his plan to clean the western border and orders the army to assemble at Duil. He wants to leave after taxes arrive, but due to an incorrect calculation, he orders the army to depart a day to early towards the Mountain of Remorse. When the mistake is discovered, he orders the army to return to Duil, but his messenger to Lowry falls into a ravine on the treacherous mountain passes. Lowry arrives at Remorse alone and finds himself face to face with 30 large monsters. The former King does not flinch and uses the small mountain passes in his favor, routing the creatures. The following day the King arrives with Iulia and Vincenzo. Together they hunt down the remaining monsters.

Once Sparticus, Meginhard and Arceo arrive, the army moves south towards Duil. A large battle is expected with 160 undead and 30 monsters. Although only part of the army reaches the foothill, Meginhard orders the assault and attacks together with Iulia, Vincenzo and Sparticus. While Sparticus and Meginhard focus on the monsters, Iulia and Vincenzo keep the undead at bay. As the monsters clash into the ranged units, Vincenzo orders Iulia to support the others. With the help of Iulia the monsters are forced to flee, while Vincenzo holds on long enough until the others arrive and relieve him.

The following day Gheric, Sonya and Arceo arrive. Together they hunt down the monsters and then return home, while Dames Sonya and Iulia remain behind to hunt down 20 incoming monsters and 90 undead from Grazne.

Meanwhile Hengist ventures on the 6th to Yggdramir to hunt down 30 small monsters. The next day he slays 20. When 60 undead and 45 monsters from Valkyrja come his way, he decides to return to Ygg d'Razhuul. The undead follow him, but he lays a trap and makes quick work of them.

Conquest of Libidizedd (Summer 12th – Fall 3rd)

After the defeat at Mimer the army had retreated via Libidizedd. High King Gheric was intrigued by the city, which lay so close to his Eidulb. On the 12th of Summer 65 he ordered the Lord Commander to annex the city. While most of the army was ordered to gather at Eidulb, three commanders were ordered to stay behind to protect the borders: Hengist at Ygg d'Razhuul, Endog Asin at the Mountain of Woe and Mucho at Duil. Senator Louisa sent one of her elite militia with the Lord Commander to free Hengist for joining the operation.

With the army gathering at Eidulb, the High King crossed the strait to perform reconnaissance. Although his landing force was defeated by the undead, the High King was able to hide with the locals, who provided him with intelligence of the island, which he forwarded to the army at Eidulb. On the 17th the army set out: Sparticus, Vincenzo, Aelius, Hengist, Iulia, Arceo and Sonya.

The battle at Libidizedd against the undead lasted two days, but in the end the city was cleansed and on the 21st representatives of the city officially recognized Gheric as their King in an eloborate ceremony. Vincenzo was awarded governorship, Meginhard received the Shrine and Arceo received the Gaston Farms. The order was then given to clean the island. Aelius attacked Dizeddo, slaying 90 undead by himself. The army then moved to Libiddo to hunt the remaining undead.

Although the mission was a great success, the army had to return quickly. Mucho was overwhelmed at Duil: only two of his men returned alive to the Eidulb Outskirts. Endog Asin saw his defences collapsing due to the continuous assaults from Remorse and a large host assembling in Yggdramir threatened to overrun the eastern defences.

Valkyrjan Fall Campaign of 65 (Fall 8th - 17th)

While Arceo moved to the Gaston Farms to slay 40 undead, Meginhard moved to Yggdramir to obtain intelligence of the surroundings. He found himself overwhelmed by 70 monsters, but held on until Sparticus and Hengist arrived, who made quick work of them. When Lowry arrived, he brought news that a large pack was moving towards the Mountain of Woe. Meginhard decided to continue the expedition and sent a request for aid to the King.

The expedition went on to Hvergelmir to slay 60 monsters, hoping to prevent an attack in their back - this is, however, exactly what happened when a large force from Valkyrja moved into Yggdramir. The seasoned commanders kept their cool and fought their way back trough the horde. Meanwhile the King supported Endog Asin against a force of 120 undead.

With most of the monsters on the island slain, Meginhard decided to return in order to relieve the King, while Sparticus lead the others against Valkyrja. Reaching an easy victory, it was decided to leave Lowry behind in Valkyrja, while Jakoth guarded Yggdramir. But as Lowry was scouring the city, his men discovered an abandoned house with a cave, which housed 30 monsters. Loosing many of his men, Lowry saw himself forced to retreat.

Winter of 65 (Winter 1st - 21st)

It was considered colder than normal. This caused the Westgardians no to go on campaign, but instead focus on stabilizing their conquests. Sparticus, Iulia and Hengist protected the Mountain of Woe, while Endog Asin organized the mining operations. Meginhard was attending to Forguthrie, where he heard rumors of an inpending rebellion. He asked for backup and Sparticus arrived together with Hengist, Arceo and Lowry.

The large army encouraged the rebels to reconsider their position and their leader, Alisae Ravencroft, traveled to Eidulb to negotiate with the High King. Gheric willingly listened to her plea and actually liked her ideas. He ordered them to be implemented and the rest of the Winter Westgardian noble men were occupied with reforming the governance of the poor northern regions.

The increased loyalty was translated into more volunteers for the military. Gheric wanted to reward Alisae with land, but she wanted no reward. She was satisfied with Westgard willing to alter its rule in accordance with the need of her people.

The silence of Winter was, however, disturbed by grave news: Luria Nova declared war on D'Hara. And in order to discourage Westgardian involvement, Wicrose vocalized a claim for Libidizedd and even sent a force across the sea, although it did not escalate into a conflict. In the end Westgard chose not to join the war against Luria Nova, but decided to send an expedition to the south to protect D'Haran lands against monsters.

D'Haran Spring Campaign of 65 (Spring 1st - 11th)

The preparations for the D'Haran campaign were disturbed by an infiltrator stealing from the treasury at the Mountain of Woe. Some believed that Luria Nova had broken the peace treaty and demanded war to be declared. But the King wanted proof first and the experience Dame Sonya was sent to the Mountain to assist Senator Endog Asin in capturing the culprit.

On the 3rd the expedition departed from the harbor of Eidulb despite the tensions. While at sea, peculiar news spread through Westgard: the culprit had been caught - however, it was none other than Senator Endog Asin himself! Experienced noble men were called back from their retirement to help decide how to deal with this strange situation: Lucky Harte and Shirivina Vyanthi.

On the 6th, Lord Commander Meginhard was the first to land in Vashgew and scout the surroundings. Once the land was cleared, High King Gheric led the expedition into the woods of Mistight. It is here that Westgardians encountered ents for the first time. Panic caused the men to rout and flee the forest. Gheric spoke to the men about what it means to be Westgardian and re-entered the woods. The men regained their courage and followed their King. Despite being outnumbered a victory was achieved.

The army then marched towards Saffalore. Again they were outnumbered - it is even estimated the combat strength of the undead was about 2½ times as high as the Westgardian army. But the men held their ground with their newfound courage and a surprising victory was achieved. The Westgardian army then split: the King would cleanse the Chateau, while Meginhard led another part of the army to make sure Mistight was clear. After this the expedition returned home.

Valkyrjan Spring Campaign of 65 (Fall 18th - 21st)

In order to end the continual attacks on Ygg d'Razhuul, Lowry sets out to find the nests on Valkyrja. Hiding in the abandoned buildings, his men manage to sneak through the city and map the different monsters. Once Meginhard arrives, the commanders together start attacking the creatures by setting up ambushes. Once the monsters are slain, Meginhard returns home, while Lowry remains behind to make sure no eggs are left behind.

Year 66 (2023-04-11 to 2023-07-03)

D'Haran Summer Campaign of 66 (Summer 3rd - 14th)

With order restored to the Mountain of Woe, Viyanti and Lucky went back into retirement. The Astroist prophetess Severina als departed to support persecuted Astroists in Luria Nova. Vincenzo became the new High Adjudicator.

D'Hara had lost its eastern farms to Luria Nova and wanted to secure new farmlands on the Occidens. Gheric and Meginhard sailed out to support this endeavor. While at sea, Gheric received reports about an infiltrator from Wicrose (Eiric Wilde) wreaking havoc, so he sent a letter to the Wiccan Queen, Lyfe Fate.

They arrived on the 8th and cleansed Saffalore. Then they joined the D'Haran army on their march to Mistight. Meginhard got cocky and wanted to test the limits of his Seeklander Ballistas. He rushed forward with Antoon Finch and together they fought 150 ents. The battle was fierce, but when Meginhard was knocked down, Antoon was forced to flee.

The next day Gheric arrived and together with Antoon, he managed to defeat the ents on the edges of the forest. When the D'Harans Flint Rundsted, Kite Drakhen and Rasputin Zingari arrived, the party entered the woods to hunt down the remaining ents and recovered Meginhard.

Meanwhile the attacks of the infiltrator Eiric continued, so Gheric declared war and the expedition returned home.