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banner =[[Image:Springdale_logo.png]]|
PoliticalMap =http://www.battlemaster.org/maps-8/Realm-Springdale.jpg|
RealmMotto =<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">The Kingdom of Springdale</span>|
Capital =[[Dwilight/Nifelhold|Nifelhold]]|
GovernmentType =[[Government_System|Monarchy]]|
RulerTitle =*[[Government Position#Ruler|Emperor]]|
JudgeTitle =*[[Government Position#Judge|Imperial Inquisitor]]|
|Caption=Royal Crest of Springdale}}
GeneralTitle =*[[Government Position#General|High Marshal]]|
BankerTitle =*[[Government Position#Banker|Royal Treasurer]]|
RulerName =*[[Arya_Family|Neel]]|
JudgeName =*[[Haine_Family|Sammael]]|
GeneralName =*[[Bellmon_Family/Malgar|Malgar]]|
BankerName =*[[Raiva_Family|Edward]]|
Population =ca. 140972|
Nobles =ca. 54|
regions ='''[[Dwilight/Springdale|Springdale]]''' - [[Dwilight/Cold Spring|Cold Spring]] - [[Dwilight/Rye|Rye]] - [[Dwilight/White Plains|White Plains]] - [[Dwilight/Yaren|Yaren]] - [[Dwilight/Cortlandt|Cortlandt]] - [[Dwilight/Stratford|Stratford]] - '''[[Dwilight/Nifelhold|Nifelhold]]''' - [[Dwilight/Mt. Black Nastrond|Mt. Black Nastrond]] -  '''[[Dwilight/Aegir|Aegir]]''' - [[Dwilight/Aegir's Deep|Aegir's Deep]] - [[dwilight/Nidhogg's Mark|Nidhogg's Mark]] - '''[[Dwilight/Muspelheim|Muspelheim]]''' - [[Dwilight/Muspel|Muspel]] - [[Dwilight/Croton|Croton]] |
|Left=<b>Former Capital<br>Government Type</b>
RealmDescription =Springdale is one of the four founding realms of the island of [[Dwilight]].
|Left=<b>Last Emperor</b>
|Right=[[Arya Family#Neel|Neel Arya]]}}
|Left=<b>High Marshal<br>Imperial Inquisitor<br>Royal Treasurer</b>
|Text=Last Region}}

Located in the fertile East, It is mostly grasslands and plains, with several large cities and impressive townslands. There are few forests and much coastline. Springdale is a monarchy and is refered to by the locals as [[Springdale|The Empire]].|}}
Springdale was one of the four founding realms of [[Dwilight]]. The realm was located in the fertile east and thus was mostly grasslands and plains with several large cities. The area had few forests and much coastline. Springdale was a monarchy and was formerly referred to by the locals as the Empire of Springdale until the secessions of [[Dwilight/Muspelheim|Muspelheim]] and [[Aegir]] formed [[Virovene]] and [[Raivan Empire]] respectively, and [[Dwilight/Springdale|Springdale Duchy]] leaving the realm to join [[Morek]]. The climate of the area is a temperate one, but being so large there are nuanced differences. As an example, the lands of the former [[Dwilight/Nifelhold|Nifelhold Duchy]] tend to be colder, rainier, and more mountainous.

Sprindale was destroyed when [[Virovene]], a realm created by secession from Springdale, took over her last region of [[Dwilight/Nifelhold|Nifelhold]] after multiple attempted takeovers, showing the strength of the realm even at the end.

==<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">D</span>iplomacy</center>==
Springdale Is at peace with [[Astrum|Astrum]], [[Caerwyn|Caerwyn]], [[Everguard|Everguard]] and [[Pian en Luries|Pian en Luries]].
We are in an alliance with [[Morek|Morek]].
We are neutral to all other realms.


==<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">D</span>ocuments</center>==
The Empire currently has a single newspaper, [[Springdale Stories|The Springdale Stories]]. It focuses on local events and is an in-depth guide to one of the most powerful kingdoms of Dwilight.


==<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">M</span>ilitary</center>==
<b>Springdale has 3 armies that serve The Empire. They are primarily ducal armies, but there are some exceptions. </b>
'''Historical Information Follows'''

In the Empire of Springdale's Library there are many documents for your research needs.

*[[Springdale Stories|The Springdale Stories]] - First and only newspaper of Springdale.

[[Springdale/The Sword and Shield|The Sword and Shield]] - Created by Duchess Zyrrin Fallan, this was the first army of The Empire. It was originally called "The Nobles army of Dalia" when it encompassed every noble of The Empire. The Duchess changed the name to its current state when other duchies were able to take care of themselves and found their own ducal armies. Nobles of the Duchy of Springdale, along with those of the Duchy of Aegir and the Imperial region of Stratford all proud members The Sword and Shield.
Springdale is a relatively new realm, but it has had a decent amount of historians chronicling its past.

The Sword and Shield is the largest army in terms of both the numbers of nobles it has serving it and the total combat strength of the soldiers that serve those knights and dames. The Sword and Shield has twice as many knights and dames as the other armies of The Empire combined. This ensures that if any battle is fought anywhere in the name of The Empire, a member of The Sword and Shield is sure to be there.
====Pre-Secessions War====
Springdale quickly gained Nifelhold before facing a rebellion soon after its creation. [[Arya Family#Neel|Neel Arya]] gained the support of the nobles against Attius Miriel. He promised to support Fisc Arylon's creation of [[Everguard]] and Cato, Duke of Nifelhold, for the city of Muspelheim. Springdale then expanded rapidly to gain Muspelheim and Aegir. They built up their regions over time before expanding to the north.

[[The Spire Guard]] - Originally created by the previous Duke of Nifelhold, Adjunct Alfred Osha. This army is the most recent addition to The Empire's forces. Much smaller than the other two armies of the realm. As the creator of this army is no longer with us, the future of this fighting force is open to question.
=====Acquiring Nifel=====
The northern expansion was quite botched from the beginning with Marshal Tye von Snipe of [[/Duchal Army of Muspelheims Elite|DAME]] and Marshal Joash Hamarson of the [[/The Sword and Shield|Sword and Shield]] competing to take the regions of [[Nifel]] and [[Torrents Breath]] respectively. When they rebelled, they became harder to regain. Eventually Marco Goodman of the Sword and Shield took Nifel again. However, there was a brief controversy as it had not been cleared with the military council. Vice Marshal [[Vita Family#Sejieda|Sejieda Vita]] had seen the poor condition of the region and decided it would be best to do a brutal takeover with looting, which was prohibited. All calmed down and Sejieda's effective takeover succeeded. The region was in poor condition, however, and took much work while Emperor Neel Arya delayed its lord's appointment.

[[Duchal Army of Muspelheims Elite]] - Short for DAME, created by the lord of Muspelheim, Duke Cato De La Fere. This army is smaller than The Sword and Shield but larger than The Spire Guard. The duchy of Muspelheim has been in need of repair since its being captured by The Empire, and the members of DAME work tirelessly to build up the duchy.
=====Acquiring Ymer's Fall=====
After much discussion in the military council between Marshal Sejieda of S&S and Vice Marshal Galdor Tezokian of DAME, Ymer's Fall, Sejieda's supported region, was chosen over Odenir, Galdor's supported region. Marshal Sejieda then supported Knight Kniva gothicus for the position of Baron of Ymer's Fall. At this same time, Duchess Zyrrin Fallan of Springdale City disappeared. However, Emperor Neel was away partying in Morek and both appointments were delayed. Once he returned, he took several days to appoint the lords. Imperial Inquisitor Sammael Haine became the new Duke of Springdale City, after losing honor and prestige for revoking his claim on [[Stratford]]. None of Stratford's knights wanted the lordship so the lordship went to a regional foreigner, Darken Dragon.

=====Emperor Neel's Insults=====
Due to apparent insults hurled by the Emperor on Duke Cato, Marshal Sejieda, and former Duchess Zyrrin, and the fact that the Emperor had taken control of the S&S from Springdale Duchy, Marshal Sejieda was removed and replaced with High Marshal and Viscount Malgar Bellmon. This broke the tradition of the Vice Marshal becoming the next marshal and now allowing government positions to hold the marshalship in addition to the army losing its ducal significance. Emperor Neel never followed Imperial Inquisitor and Duke Sammael's decisions regarding the outcome of his insults, choosing to keep the army instead of returning it to the duchy. Because of the long amount of time before a lord was replaced and the incompetence of the marshal Emperor Neel chose, Ymer's Fall soon rebelled. These events to the War of Secession.

Due to the reasons detailed in a [[Virovene/Secession|letter to the realm]], Duke Cato De La Fere seceded Muspelheim to form Virovene. The lords of [[Mt. Black Nastrond|Mt. Black Nastrond]] and Nifel soon joined him. Because of his separation and the promised neutrality if he left Springdale, Duke Edward Raiva seceded Aegir to form the Raivan Empire. High Marshal and Viscount Malgar Bellmon then changed White Plain's allegiance to Morek, cutting off Springdale Duchy from the capital. Next, Duke Sammael changed allegiance of Springdale Duchy to Morek, leaving the Empire with only a single region, [[Nifelhold]], which eventually fell to [[Virovene]] causing Springdale's final demise.

====Other Historical Documents====
*[[/Royal Line/]]

==<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">H</span>istory</center>==
Many proclaim these to be true, while some dismiss them as merely exaggerated stories. They vary from ancient times to more recent times.

==== The First Age: The birth and death of a Kingdom ====
*[[/Three Cavaliers/]]

The modern history of Springdale begins with the election of Attius Miriel as King of the small realm by near unanimous vote by all nobles within the realm at the time. Attius began his reign as a just king that listened, albeit with certain reservation, to the nobles that had elected him.
====Katrina Dragul's Legends====
[[Dragul Family/Katrina|Katrina Dragul]] often regaled the realm with many stories of times gone by. They were often related to events occurring as she spoke.

Under his reign the kingdom of Springdale expanded its borders, acquiring the regions of White Plains, Nifelhold and Yaren. However, the nobles of the realm grew restless, Attius has become more ruthless in his dealings with the nobles.
*[[/Before Springdale Was/]]
*[[/The Curse of Nidhogg's Mark/]]
*[[/The Tale of Two Brothers/]]
*[[/The Failed Marriage/]]

After sometime of what they believed was oppression, the lords of the Duchy of Springdale, the most powerful nobles of the kingdom at the time delivered an ultimatum to the king. The ultimatum stated the lords and nobles grievances, their reason for writing the letter and the demand that Attius step down from the throne.  
Numerous armies rose and fell throughout Springdale's history.

The king refused to step down and began to oppress the nobles even more. This lead to many nobles of the kingdom joining secretive groups that plotted to overthrow the throne. After a short period of time, the different groups rallied behind a man known as Neel Arya.  
====Active Armies====
After their defeat at the hands of Virovene all armies of Springdale became defunct.  

On the 15th of February 1008, Neel called for an uprising against the king. Although a few nobles spoke out against the rebellion, none were willing to side with the king against the rebel forces in open combat. As such, the battle that decided the fate of the new kingdom were very one sided, as hundreds of rebel soldiers attacked the personal guard of Attius.
====Defunct Armies====
Armies that have faded into history in chronological order of their disappearance. It is rumored that Springdale has had the largest number of armies defuncted in Dwilight while Springdale lived.

Three days after the call for open rebellion, Neel Arya was crowned the new king of Springdale. The strongest realm in the early history of the continent has been ravaged by the rebellion, and the long road to reclaiming the title of most powerful realm on the continent was begun.
=====[[/The Spire Guard/]]=====
Originally created by the former Duke of Nifelhold, Adjunct Alfred Osha. This army was designated as the defender of the capital. When the creator of this army left The Empire, The Emperor Neel Arya dissolved the army.

====The Nidhogg's Mark Rebellion====
=====[[/Aegiran Legion/]]=====
In May 1008 a rebellion arose within Nidhogg's Mark, a reigion in the west of Springdale.
The Aegiran Legion was created by the former Duke of Aegir, Terivus Enodscopia. Created by the Duke as an effort to safeguard the city from the constant swarm of monsters that freely roamed to the south of the city on the Mimer Peninsula. When the former Duke fell ill, and the city lost to the very swarm of monsters the army was created to repel, The Aegiran Legion was formally disbanded.
A few lesser nobles incited the peasants to revolt, taking advantage of the clerical mistake that temporarily ousted The Emperor and other top officials from their seats of power.
Apparently, the lesser nobles felt that the top rungs of The Empire being absent from power would give them enough time to return the region to their control. Roughly 1 day after the mistake that lead to the officials being temporarily ousted from power, the lesser nobles incited a riot in the small town on the outskirts of the region called Bartian. By the next day the revolt had spread to the region capital, and the peasants stormed the estate of the local lord, Joash Hammarson, and forcibly removed him from power.  

The lesser nobles of the region quickly began to fortify their power. Feeling safe that they had ousted the local lord, and that the top offices were vacant, they put the next part of their plan into action. Roughly 24 hours after the local lord was removed, the peasants of Nidhogg's, at the urging and design of a few lesser nobles, declared the region independent from The Empire.  
=====[[/Duchal Army of Muspelheims Elite/]]=====
DAME was once one of the premire fighting forces in the Empire. However, when its sponsor, Duke Cato left the empire, taking Muspelhim with him, the army followed, and became [[The Duchal Army of Virovenes Elite]].

For 7 days the region was under the control of the lesser nobles, until the army, The Sword and Shield, entered the region and began their bloody work of reclaiming the reigon. 10 lesser nobles and uncounted peasents were killed by the Springdale forces. By the 9th day the rebellion was over, the Empire had won. Viscount Joash Hammarson was reinstated as lord of the reigion and all rebals were caught and hanged. Then began the slow task of rebuilding the reigion. Today Nidhogg's Mark is again a valued member of The Empire.
=====[[/Wolves of Aegir/]]=====
After Aegir was recaptured from the monster invasion, the Duke decided to create a new army to protect Aegir from any further setbacks such as this. Rather then reserect the then defunct The Aegiran Legion, Duke Edward created the Wolves of Aegir. With Aegir leaving the empire this army was disbanded.

==Old History: The Founding of Springdale==
=====[[/Guardians of Springdale/]]=====
*Members ca: 13
*Sponsor: Sammael Haine
*Marshal: [[Vita Family#Sejieda|Sejieda Vita]]
*Based: [[Springdale|Springdale City]]
The true incarnation of [[/The Sword and Shield|The Sword and Shield]] after Marshal Sejieda's illegal removal. Founded and sponsored by Duke Sammael Haine. It's existence was ended when Springdale Duchy changed allegiance to Morek, but was refounded within Morek with the same structure.

The history of how Springdale came to be can be found here: [[Springdale/History|Springdale's History]]
=====[[/The Sword and Shield/]]=====
*Members ca: 4
*Sponsor: [[Arya Family#Neel|Neel Arya]]
*Marshal: Lucius Curs
*Based: [[Springdale|Springdale City]]
Originally known as "The Nobles army of Dalia", this army has since seen many changes over its long life. As the primary defense and assault force of The Empire, the S&S is often called in to take care of large numbers of entrenched enemies.

While the other armies of The Empire are primarily ducal armies, the Sword and Shield's base encompasses more than just the duchy of Springdale, recruiting from every region in the empire.

Although Springdale has no state religion, it does however contain the followers of two major faiths: [[Sanguis Astroism]] and [[Seven|The Order of the Seven]]. The official state stance is that as long as the religion does not effect the region or realm politically or economically, the decision is left up to the local lord.

==<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">R</span>eligion</center>==
===Sanguis Astroism===
Springdale has no state religion. Aside from a few small shrines and temples to [[Sanguis Astroism]] in the very south of The Empire, there are no shrines or temples at all.  
Sanguis Astroism's base in The Empire resided in the duchy of Muspelheim in the south of The Empire prior to it succession. The devout Duke of Muspelheim, [[De La Fere Family/Cato|Cato De La Fere]], founded the Springdale sect of Sanguis Astroism in the city of Muspelheim, capital of a duchy bordering Morek, before seceding his Dutchy and forming the realm of Virovene. Although followed by many peasants, no temples exist to Sanguis Astroism within Springdale.

Along with the small shack that lies in [[dwilight/Croton|Croton]] and a small temple that lies in [[dwilight/Muspelheim|Muspelheim]] a few peasants in the south of The Empire believe in Sanguis Astroism. A few nobles of The Empire also follow the faith. They primarily reside in the duchy of Muspelheim.
===The Order of the Seven===
The Order of the Seven was founded in the Springdale dutchy, in the region of [[Dwilight/Rye|Rye]] by Borric Tyr-Sog. Although much younger than Sanguis Astroism, the new religion was the second most powerful religion on Dwilight, and arguably the largest within The Empire. Practiced throughout the realm where the local lords allow, the religion's priests worked tirelessly to convert more followers. Three temples to the young religion existed although not within Springdale's borders anymore. However, with the secession of Springdale duchy to Morek, the Order of the Seven slowly faded away.

[[Category:Lost Realms of Dwilight]]
[[Category:Lost Realms]]
==<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 20pt;">G</span>uilds</center>==
None at preasent

Latest revision as of 19:56, 10 January 2021

Springdale logo.png
Royal Crest of Springdale
Former Capital
Government Type
Last Emperor Neel Arya
High Marshal
Imperial Inquisitor
Royal Treasurer
Last Region

Springdale was one of the four founding realms of Dwilight. The realm was located in the fertile east and thus was mostly grasslands and plains with several large cities. The area had few forests and much coastline. Springdale was a monarchy and was formerly referred to by the locals as the Empire of Springdale until the secessions of Muspelheim and Aegir formed Virovene and Raivan Empire respectively, and Springdale Duchy leaving the realm to join Morek. The climate of the area is a temperate one, but being so large there are nuanced differences. As an example, the lands of the former Nifelhold Duchy tend to be colder, rainier, and more mountainous.

Sprindale was destroyed when Virovene, a realm created by secession from Springdale, took over her last region of Nifelhold after multiple attempted takeovers, showing the strength of the realm even at the end.

Historical Information Follows


In the Empire of Springdale's Library there are many documents for your research needs.


Springdale is a relatively new realm, but it has had a decent amount of historians chronicling its past.

Pre-Secessions War

Springdale quickly gained Nifelhold before facing a rebellion soon after its creation. Neel Arya gained the support of the nobles against Attius Miriel. He promised to support Fisc Arylon's creation of Everguard and Cato, Duke of Nifelhold, for the city of Muspelheim. Springdale then expanded rapidly to gain Muspelheim and Aegir. They built up their regions over time before expanding to the north.

Acquiring Nifel

The northern expansion was quite botched from the beginning with Marshal Tye von Snipe of DAME and Marshal Joash Hamarson of the Sword and Shield competing to take the regions of Nifel and Torrents Breath respectively. When they rebelled, they became harder to regain. Eventually Marco Goodman of the Sword and Shield took Nifel again. However, there was a brief controversy as it had not been cleared with the military council. Vice Marshal Sejieda Vita had seen the poor condition of the region and decided it would be best to do a brutal takeover with looting, which was prohibited. All calmed down and Sejieda's effective takeover succeeded. The region was in poor condition, however, and took much work while Emperor Neel Arya delayed its lord's appointment.

Acquiring Ymer's Fall

After much discussion in the military council between Marshal Sejieda of S&S and Vice Marshal Galdor Tezokian of DAME, Ymer's Fall, Sejieda's supported region, was chosen over Odenir, Galdor's supported region. Marshal Sejieda then supported Knight Kniva gothicus for the position of Baron of Ymer's Fall. At this same time, Duchess Zyrrin Fallan of Springdale City disappeared. However, Emperor Neel was away partying in Morek and both appointments were delayed. Once he returned, he took several days to appoint the lords. Imperial Inquisitor Sammael Haine became the new Duke of Springdale City, after losing honor and prestige for revoking his claim on Stratford. None of Stratford's knights wanted the lordship so the lordship went to a regional foreigner, Darken Dragon.

Emperor Neel's Insults

Due to apparent insults hurled by the Emperor on Duke Cato, Marshal Sejieda, and former Duchess Zyrrin, and the fact that the Emperor had taken control of the S&S from Springdale Duchy, Marshal Sejieda was removed and replaced with High Marshal and Viscount Malgar Bellmon. This broke the tradition of the Vice Marshal becoming the next marshal and now allowing government positions to hold the marshalship in addition to the army losing its ducal significance. Emperor Neel never followed Imperial Inquisitor and Duke Sammael's decisions regarding the outcome of his insults, choosing to keep the army instead of returning it to the duchy. Because of the long amount of time before a lord was replaced and the incompetence of the marshal Emperor Neel chose, Ymer's Fall soon rebelled. These events to the War of Secession.


Due to the reasons detailed in a letter to the realm, Duke Cato De La Fere seceded Muspelheim to form Virovene. The lords of Mt. Black Nastrond and Nifel soon joined him. Because of his separation and the promised neutrality if he left Springdale, Duke Edward Raiva seceded Aegir to form the Raivan Empire. High Marshal and Viscount Malgar Bellmon then changed White Plain's allegiance to Morek, cutting off Springdale Duchy from the capital. Next, Duke Sammael changed allegiance of Springdale Duchy to Morek, leaving the Empire with only a single region, Nifelhold, which eventually fell to Virovene causing Springdale's final demise.

Other Historical Documents


Many proclaim these to be true, while some dismiss them as merely exaggerated stories. They vary from ancient times to more recent times.

Katrina Dragul's Legends

Katrina Dragul often regaled the realm with many stories of times gone by. They were often related to events occurring as she spoke.


Numerous armies rose and fell throughout Springdale's history.

Active Armies

After their defeat at the hands of Virovene all armies of Springdale became defunct.

Defunct Armies

Armies that have faded into history in chronological order of their disappearance. It is rumored that Springdale has had the largest number of armies defuncted in Dwilight while Springdale lived.

The Spire Guard

Originally created by the former Duke of Nifelhold, Adjunct Alfred Osha. This army was designated as the defender of the capital. When the creator of this army left The Empire, The Emperor Neel Arya dissolved the army.

Aegiran Legion

The Aegiran Legion was created by the former Duke of Aegir, Terivus Enodscopia. Created by the Duke as an effort to safeguard the city from the constant swarm of monsters that freely roamed to the south of the city on the Mimer Peninsula. When the former Duke fell ill, and the city lost to the very swarm of monsters the army was created to repel, The Aegiran Legion was formally disbanded.

Duchal Army of Muspelheims Elite

DAME was once one of the premire fighting forces in the Empire. However, when its sponsor, Duke Cato left the empire, taking Muspelhim with him, the army followed, and became The Duchal Army of Virovenes Elite.

Wolves of Aegir

After Aegir was recaptured from the monster invasion, the Duke decided to create a new army to protect Aegir from any further setbacks such as this. Rather then reserect the then defunct The Aegiran Legion, Duke Edward created the Wolves of Aegir. With Aegir leaving the empire this army was disbanded.

Guardians of Springdale

The true incarnation of The Sword and Shield after Marshal Sejieda's illegal removal. Founded and sponsored by Duke Sammael Haine. It's existence was ended when Springdale Duchy changed allegiance to Morek, but was refounded within Morek with the same structure.

The Sword and Shield

Originally known as "The Nobles army of Dalia", this army has since seen many changes over its long life. As the primary defense and assault force of The Empire, the S&S is often called in to take care of large numbers of entrenched enemies.

While the other armies of The Empire are primarily ducal armies, the Sword and Shield's base encompasses more than just the duchy of Springdale, recruiting from every region in the empire.


Although Springdale has no state religion, it does however contain the followers of two major faiths: Sanguis Astroism and The Order of the Seven. The official state stance is that as long as the religion does not effect the region or realm politically or economically, the decision is left up to the local lord.

Sanguis Astroism

Sanguis Astroism's base in The Empire resided in the duchy of Muspelheim in the south of The Empire prior to it succession. The devout Duke of Muspelheim, Cato De La Fere, founded the Springdale sect of Sanguis Astroism in the city of Muspelheim, capital of a duchy bordering Morek, before seceding his Dutchy and forming the realm of Virovene. Although followed by many peasants, no temples exist to Sanguis Astroism within Springdale.

The Order of the Seven

The Order of the Seven was founded in the Springdale dutchy, in the region of Rye by Borric Tyr-Sog. Although much younger than Sanguis Astroism, the new religion was the second most powerful religion on Dwilight, and arguably the largest within The Empire. Practiced throughout the realm where the local lords allow, the religion's priests worked tirelessly to convert more followers. Three temples to the young religion existed although not within Springdale's borders anymore. However, with the secession of Springdale duchy to Morek, the Order of the Seven slowly faded away.